1984-1985 Photo Album

a. Phyllis Cole Mom Dad camel 1984.jpg
b. Dad and Mom and Friends Sedona 1984.jpg
c. Dad at the Estuary 1984.jpg
d. Dad and friends Puerto Penasco 1984.jpg
Dodge Shadow Lien Holder Record.jpg
e. Mom and Dad at the beach 1984.jpg
f. Tom Dad Wendy Lacy Steve and his Fairmont.jpg
g. Wendy Fred Wood Lacy Flagstaff 1984.jpg
h. Dad Lacey 1984.jpg
i. Bill Wood Wendy Dad Lacey.jpg
j. Bill and Betsy Dad Wendy Lacey Mom at the Grand Canyon.jpg
k. Lacey and Mom at the Grand Canyon.jpg
l. Lacey and Mom Grand Canyon 1984.jpg
m. Lacey Wendy Dad Mike and Clover Howeth and their airplane.jpg
Mom's Wasp Wings are they 1944.jpg
My Western Song Inspired by I Was Born Under a Wandering Star.jpg
n. Dad Clover and Mike Howeth and their boat.jpg
o. Clover Howeth and boat Lake Havasu.jpg
p. Dad and Howeths in a boat.jpg
q. Mom and Clover Howeth Lake Havasu London Bridge.jpg
r. Howeths and their boat.jpg
s. Lacey at home in Dallas.jpg
t. Lacey and Don.jpg
Title and Registration Application for My Ford Frontier.jpg
Tom's Letter to Rasmussens Sept 30 2016a.jpg
Tom's Letter to Rasmussens Sept 30 2016b.jpg
u. Tom Steve Dad Jan VW El Sapo Thanksgiving Mexico.jpg
v. VW el Sapo Tom Jan.jpg
w. Steve Dad Mom Jan Tom Steve's Fairmont.jpg
x. Mom and Dad Golden Gate December 1984.jpg
y. Mom and Dad December 1984.jpg
z. Mom and Dad December 1984.jpg
za. Mom and Dad December 1984 Golden Gate.jpg
zb. Dad December 1984 Alcatraz.jpg
zc. Mom and Dad 1984.jpg
zd. Dad Margorie Mole Mom 1984.jpg
ze. flag pictures.jpg
zf. Mom and Cooper Carothers Xmas 1984.jpg
zg. Tom Trish and Dan Daggat others 1984.jpg
zh. Dad Ambler trish and dan daggat Mike and Clover Howeth.jpg
zi. Steve Carothers tom Dan and Trish Daggat.jpg
zj. Jeff flagstaff Dad tom mike and clover steve.jpg
zk. Jeff and Tom Contemplate Dad Steve.jpg
zl. Dad Steve Tom 1984.jpg
zm. Jeff Steve Tom 1984.jpg
zn. Steve skiing.jpg
zo. Mom and Steve Skiing 1984.jpg
zp. Jeff dad stome mom boyer 1984.jpg
zq. Tom boyer steve dad mom jeff 1984.jpg
zr. New Year's Eve 1984 Ruben Fred Yerger Hilda Dad Helga Mott.jpg
zs. New Year's Eve 1984 Hilda Helga Dad.jpg
zt. Harry Mottek Helga Fred Yerger Dad.jpg
zu. Mom Fred Yerger Duff Smith Tom Steve Jeff Jeannie and Maryann Davis.jpg
zv. tom steve jeff bill holmes dad January 1985.jpg
zw. Jeff VW el sapo tercel gulls 1985 january.jpg
zx. Lacey and Wendy Late Jan 1985.jpg
zy. Lacey and Wendy Late Jan 1985.jpg
zz. Sally Christopher Davy Dad February 1985.jpg
zza Sally Dad Davy Feb 1985.jpg
zzb. Dad Christopher Davy Feb 1985.jpg
zzc. Christopher Davy Rocky the Dog Feb 1985.jpg
zzd. Christopher Rocky the Dog Feb 1985.jpg
zze. What is this palm scene.jpg
zzf. Heron Florida Feb 1985.jpg
zzg. Dad edna mom florida Feb 1985.jpg
zzh. Dad edna mom florida Feb 1985 bud perhaps.jpg
zzi. Dad edna mom florida Feb 1985.jpg