Beargrass Creek Kentucky

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Eleven Jones Cave
    As a child in Kentucky I remember Beargrass Creek and mostly I remember this cave. Water flowed from it and to enter you had to wade.
     I always told people that you could go in and it had a T shape; you'd walk in for a bit and then find that there were right and left passages that you could choose to take or continue straight on. Perhaps someone told me this. I never went in very far. I was only four or five years old.
     Thanks to the miracle of the internet, I found a picture of it. I recognize it.
     It is called Eleven Jones Cave.

15. Bear Grass Creek
      "Eeek! A freak! From Beargrass Creek!" Siempre decía mi hermana Wendy.
     De este lugar en Kentucky no recuerdo más que una cueva con un riachuelo que salía de ella. Me acuerdo de que yo entraba en ella caminando por el agua y de que informaba a la gente que dentro se podía ir derecho o elegir tomar los pasillos a la derecha o a la izquierda. Sin embargo, ya que yo nunca me había adentrado en la cueva, sé que no había visto los pasillos a la derecha y a la izquierda. Puede ser que inventara la historia de los corredores. Era demasiado joven y pequeño para entrar muy lejos. Tal vez, haya oído a alguien decir que estos corredores estaban por dentro.
Por la autopista de la información logré encontrar una foto de la cueva y es como la recuerdo aunque hoy no parece que mucha agua salga de la cueva por el riachuelo.
      Entiendo que la cueva se llama Eleven Jones Cave por los once hermanos Jones que se rumoreaba haberla usado como un escondrijo.
 Es el único hábitat del escarabajo de cueva Louisville.
Tal vez fuera bueno que no entrara muy profundamente en la cueva porque el artículo (de Wikipedia) informa que hay dentro niveles muy peligrosos de dióxido de carbono. Entiendo también que el pasillo de la cueva es de cuarenta pies de largo.
     No hay informes sobre otros pasillos en la cueva.

15. Bear Grass Creek

     "Eeek! A freak! From Beargrass Creek!" my sister Wendy always said.
     All I remember of the place in Kentucky was a cave with a stream flowing from it. I remember wading into the cave and I remember informing people that a ways in you could opt to walk forward or take the two left and right passages. However, since I never went in very far and since I had never seen the passages left and right I might have simply been making up the story of those corridors. I was too small and young to go very far in by myself. Perhaps I had overheard someone say that they were there.
     Through the Information Super Highway I was able to find a picture of the cave and it is as  I remember it, though the stream flowing from it is now but a trickle.
I find that the cave is named Eleven Jones Cave after eleven Jones brothers who were rumored to have used it as a hideout.
 It is the sole habitat of the Louisville cave beetle.
     It might be well that I didn't go far into the cave as its Wikipedia article tells of very dangerous levels of carbon dioxide inside. I also understand the passageway is forty feet long.
     There is no mention of left and right tunnels.