Quarantine Page


Main Covid Page Here

Actually, this is flagged on Snopes and a made-up quote. Unreal. Never said it.

Here's my essay on COVID from my new book Only in Dreams at Night
Sally's Essay on Covid
Quarantine Purchases March 2020 Onward

Quarantine Purchases
 Xrays of My Teeth
Highlights from my notes.

1. March 15, 2020 went on shopping trip to find all the bread and meat gone. No tortillas. Actually there was one pork roast left so I bought it. And a lot of food and stuff. I wrote in the bird database:

Sun Lakes 3/15/2020 I went to the store and there was no meat or toilet paper and only one pack of tortillas. Everyone is scared of the Corona Virus.

2. I think it was the 18th that I decided to get some beer. Went to the drugstore and got some. Six-foot markers for lines but no masks yet. No one was in the store. Drank all this beer pretty fast.

Generic Place Anywhere 5/11/2020 Well, I've made my last trip to Rez Pond, Mysterious Stock Tank, and possibly Mysterious Puddle. I was driving on the dirt road on the side of the rez behind a factory and a rez cop stopped me and threatened to take all my birding equipment for getting near the eagles and take my car as well for trespassing. He wasn't even native American but he had the Gila River Indian Community cop car. Apparently that dirt road is on the rez and it's trespassing to be there. How would I know? It's not posted. Half of Arizona is a rez and you drive across the reservations all the time. His bearing was frightening but somehow I made friends with him and he got nice and told me about birding opportunities on the rez. Then he finally let me go. Glad I'm not black. Christ. But I know if he catches me on the rez again it will not go well for me. He was only about four feet away. I hope he didn't give me the pox! Doggone it! It was a bad day. Farewell Mysterious Pond and Mysterious Stock Tank. Long have we been friends! A NATIVE AMERICAN FRIEND says I should call the tribe and get a special vistor's pass. She said they'd like me to be there--especially since I'm doing a citizen science project in three places on the rez.

Jeff Quarantine Before and After.jpg

quarantine then and again again.jpg

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