b. Jeanie Conner Pat's House Sept 1988.jpg

c. Mom and Edna Martha's Vineyard 1988.jpg

d. Mom and Edna 1988.jpg

e. Edna 1988.jpg

f. Mom and Fred Vansickles 1988.jpg

g. Barb and Fred Van Sickles 1988.jpg

h. Mom and Edna 1988 New London Ferry.jpg

i. Mom 1988 New London Ferry.jpg

j. Ronnie Ryan Portsmouth, New Hampshire Mom and Ronnie
Drakes Island Maine 1988.jpg

k. Mom and Edna Drake's Island Leo Ryan's place and Sunset
Lake, Vermont 1988.jpg

l. Mom and Margaret Cole Vermont 1988.jpg

M. Buddy Conner Julie Sharon Edna 1988.jpg

N. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

O. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

P. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

Q. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

R. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

t. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

u. Wasp Reunion Charleston, South Carolina Sept and Oct

v. Jeff Austin, Texas 1988.jpg

w. Wendy Don Lacey Kate 1988.jpg

x. Wendy Don Lacey 1988.jpg

y. Wendy Don Lacey Kate 1988.jpg

z. Molly and Joan Walnut Canyon 1988.jpg

za. Molly and Joan Wupatki Blow Hole 1988.jpg

zb. Dad and Sue and Mike Hendershot Flagstaff house

zc. Mom Dad and Sue and Mike Hendershot Marian Carothers
Flagstaff house 1988.jpg

zd. People at Marian Carothers' shower 1988.jpg

ze. Marian Carothers' shower 1988.jpg

zf. Dad Steve Mom Jan Bradbury Estero Morua 1988

zg. fish and bird footprints estero morua 1988.jpg

zh. Tom Mom Dad Jan Bradbury Sherry Steve Estero Morua
Thanksgiving 1988.jpg

zi. Dad Steve Jan Bradbury Estero Morua Thanksgiving

zj. Green Van Tom Steve Mom Jan Bradbury Estero Morua
Thanksgiving 1988.jpg

zk. Dad David and Mary Shelton Mom San Diego December

zl. Dad 1988.jpg

zm. Mole and Dad in Palo Alto December 1988.jpg

zn. Margorie Mom Dad Mole Sadie Hawkins 1988 Cookies in

zo. Mom and Dad dinner party at the Nunns' xmas 1988.jpg

zp. Clover Mike Tricia and Dan Daggett Coles' Flagstaff
House xmas party 1988.jpg

zq. Jeanie Summer and Susie Martinez Villas Lane 1988
chandler arizona.jpg

zr. Tom Steve Sherry xmas 1988 Mariposa Cr.jpg

zs. Helga Mottek I think Dad and Chuck's Boat Estero Morua

zs. Xmas Chander Mariposa T and Wendy Lacey Amy Don xmas
Dallas 1988.jpg

zt. Tom Mariposa Cr. Tom's Turkey xmas 1988 New Year's Eve
Estero Morua 1988.jpg

zt. Wendy Don Amy Lacey Lacey Snowbird Utah 1989 Dad's
Driver's License.jpg

zu. Dad's Driver's License.jpg

zv. Lacey Amy Cliff Lodge 1989.jpg

zw. Lacey on the Chickadee Lift 1989.jpg

zx. Tom Lacey Wendy Dad Steve Villas Lane 1989.jpg

zy. Wendy Lacey Phoenix Zoo 1989.jpg

zz. Lacey Phoenix Zoo Steve 1989.jpg

zza. Dad Edna Sarasota Florida March 1989.jpg

zzb. Edna Mom Dad Florida 1989.jpg

zzc. Dad Mom Lacey 1989.jpg

zzd. Lacey 1989.jpg

zze. Lacey 1989.jpg

zzf. Mom Wendy Longview Texas Wendy's Airplane 1989.jpg

zzg. Dad Dead Porpoise Estero Morua Mexico March 1989.jpg

zzh. Flagstaff 1989 and Perhaps Jeff's house somewhere.jpg

zzi. People sink house dog somewhere 1989.jpg

zzj. Dad Mom Wendy somewhere 1989.jpg

zzk. Dad somewhere 1989.jpg

zzzzg. Lacey Dad Dallas Texas Late May 1989 b.jpg

zzzzg. Lacey Dad Dallas Texas Late May 1989.jpg