The precursor of modern internet trolling and Obama
bashing. It's right here in another comment on my 1972 TS Eliot
paper--written by my professor in the margin. Get a load of this:
Some may recognize the
similarity between my professor's snotty remark and my trollful quip,
"'The Great Communicator' couldn't put two sentences together without
making a muck of them."
One sound
from another? Rubbish. Consider, Muttering retreats, restless streets,
one-night cheap hotels, oyster shells...seaweed red and brown, human
voices, we drown.
Now dig this one in a paper the public
took to calling "Fun with Herrick." The snotty comment is directed at
ME! If this ain't an early form of bad netiquette, I don't know what is.
Finally, I should like to
say that the professor who wrote these kind comments on my piece on
Descartes had nonetheless better hope our paths don't cross anytime in
the future. I got my reasons, friends.
Tom Hascall Cole Gosh, I was the same atheist then as now.