Double-Crested Mostly if not All
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Double-Crested Cormorant 11/1/2017 Gilbert and Riggs Roads Zillions on the pond well north of Riggs. They had NESTS. One was carrying a stick. I took pictures of the nests. Lots of nests.

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Nesting Cormorants Gilbert and Riggs Roads Oct 12, 2019.jpg

Cormorants sun lakes.jpg

egrets and cormorants1.jpeg

Houses cormorants 11_24_04.jpg

Cormorant houses sketch 6_04 with English note.jpg

Cormorants Gilbert and Riggs 2017.jpg

comorant destination sw 2.jpg
I flipped that saguaro insert. They're going back to wherever NORTHEAST. I cheated.

Cormorant Pond 7 Sun Lakes Walk with Jeff, Steve, Eddie, and Me Dec 20, 2023.jpg