Bird Links

flying caracara.JPG.jpg

Crested Caracara 01/17/2009 Generic Highway Sally and I saw him on top of a saguaro. I stopped the car and took many pictures. This was the highway from Tucson to Why


Generic Highway 04/03/1972 Date Approximate. "Some weird tern. Easter vacation before nogales: Audubon's warbler+coots+grebe. On the train down: Parrots a flock..glossy ibis
Sally and I went to Mexico

flying caracara.JPG.jpg

caracara saguaro.JPG.jpg

Here are the rest of the birds on the trip.

American Oystercatcher 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Black-bellied Plover 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Brown Booby 01/17/2009 Estero Morua DEAD

Brown Pelican 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Forster's Tern 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Great Blue Heron 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Heermann's Gull 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Herring Gull 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

House Finch 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Loggerhead Shrike 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Long-billed Curlew 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Long-billed Dowitcher 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Marbled Godwit 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Osprey 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Rock Dove 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Rock Wren 01/17/2009 Estero Morua He was behind the house.

Say's Phoebe 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Snowy Plover 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Turkey Vulture 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Willet 01/17/2009 Estero Morua

Common Raven 01/17/2009 Generic Highway

Crested Caracara 01/17/2009 Generic Highway Sally and I saw him on top of a saguaro. I stopped the car and took many pictures. This was the highway from Tucson to Why.

Phainopepla 01/17/2009 Generic Highway

Red-tailed Hawk 01/17/2009 Generic Highway

estero morua sign sally Jan 17 2009.JPG.jpg


Crested Caracara 04/03/1972 Generic Highway We go lots of good views of this bird from the train window on the way down.

That was the Mazatlán trip and here is a picture

Jeff and Tom Matzatlan Mexico 1972.jpg

Tom and Jeff Mazatlan 1972 b.jpg

Jeff and Steve Mazatlan 1972.jpg

Generic Highway 04/03/1972 Date Approximate. "Some weird tern. Easter vacation before nogales: Audubon's warbler+coots+grebe. On the train down: Parrots a flock..glossy ibis "

Common Ground-Dove 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Date Approximate I now kind of doubt this identification but I've seen the bird in Dad's back yard. Jeff said he saw a snowy egret this was that Mazatlan trip we took. I saw this bird from the train window down. Remember I wore the short hair wig?

Crested Caracara 04/03/1972 Generic Highway We go lots of good views of this bird from the train window on the way down.

Magnificent Frigatebird 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Actually this was in Mazatlán México but I didn't want to make a place card for one bird.

White-faced Ibis 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Date Approximate Easter vacation before nogales: Audubon's warbler+coots+grebe. On the train down: Parrots a flock..glossy ibis

caracara saguaro 2009b.jpg