1. Great Horned Owl
11/22/2001 Wendy's Neighborhood in
2. Great Horned Owl
Superstitions Saw this one on the
dirt road there. Big owl.
3. Great Horned Owl
06/19/2005 Pima
Canyon He seemed HUGE. Up on a rock.
4. Great Horned Owl
10/15/2005 Pima Canyon
5. Great Horned Owl
08/06/2007 Tucson Arizona
6. Great Horned Owl
01/21/2008 Elliot and Cooper
TRIP!!! In a tree. Good view. *********** * * *
7. Great Horned Owl
07/27/2008 Pima Canyon
8. Great Horned Owl
Superstitions WELL we only heard it.
I'm GUESSING it was a great horned.
9. Great Horned Owl
Superstitions WELL we only heard it.
I'm GUESSING it was a great horned. This is the same
note I put in last year.
10. Great Horned Owl
10/30/2011 Generic Place
11. Great Horned Owl
12/15/2013 Sun
Lakes Heard up in the trees.
Hooting.Hoo! Hoo! ....... Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!...... In the
tree on the golf course right next to me. Later he
moved out front.
12. Great Horned Owl
12/23/2013 Sun
Lakes Hooting owl at 5:30 Am.
13. Great Horned Owl
3/13/2014 Sun
Lakes Hoot Owl
14. Great Horned Owl
3/17/2014 Sun
Lakes IN a tree while I was fishing
at night around 9:35 or so.
15. Great Horned Owl
8/24/2014 Sun
Lakes Hoot hooting in the eucalyptus
trees across the street in the evening
16. Great Horned Owl
9/23/2014 Sun
Lakes 3:300 AM Hooring out in the
tree across the street.
17. Great Horned Owl
10/10/2014 Sun
Lakes hooting earling in the morning
across the street in the trees 8922
18. Great Horned Owl
11/8/2014 Sun
Lakes Heard one in the morning/
19. Great Horned Owl
11/18/2014 Sun
Lakes Heard him in the morning
20. Great Horned Owl
1/1/2015 Sun Lakes
One hooting. I think it was the morning of the first.
21. Great Horned Owl
2/1/2015 Sun Lakes
22. Great Horned Owl
2/2/2015 Sun Lakes
Hooting in the morning.
23. Great Horned Owl
2/21/2015 Sun
Lakes I think it was this morning or
perhaps before midnight yesterday. He wa Hooting.
Hoots a lot out there.
24. Great Horned Owl
4/22/2015 Sun
Lakes Heard him this morning and I
think yesterday too.
25. Great Horned Owl
4/27/2015 Sun
Lakes Hooting
26. Great Horned Owl
5/8/2015 Sun Lakes
Hooting. Always hooting out there.
27. Great Horned Owl
5/13/2015 Sun
Lakes Hooting out there this morning
28. Great Horned Owl
10/7/2015 Sun
Lakes This owl is hooting at the dog
area. Loudly.
29. Great Horned Owl
11/12/2015 Sun Lakes
30. Great Horned Owl
12/2/2015 Sun
31. Great Horned Owl
1/2/2016 Sun Lakes
Hooting in the morning. Sally is here.
32. Great Horned Owl
1/20/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside this morning
before sunup.
33. Great Horned Owl
1/22/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting as usual!
34. Great Horned Owl
1/26/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting at oh nine at night or
35. Great Horned Owl
1/31/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside as we speak.
6:24 AM. I'm going to fly to LA in a little while.
Steve picks me up at eight. Then I take that Mexican
36. Great Horned Owl
2/13/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting in late afternoon.
Wayne was out tinkering and he might have heard this
animal too.
37. Great Horned Owl
2/14/2016 Sun
Lakes I SAW him flying over the golf
course and up in a tree. There were other people
walking there at five-thirtish and one said "Yeah a
38. Great Horned Owl
3/9/2016 Sun Lakes
hooting at four thirty in the morning
39. Great Horned Owl
3/20/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside at 4:30 and
5:55 in the morning as usual.
40. Great Horned Owl
7/26/2016 Sun
Lakes I thought it was an owl on the
shore of Little Pond. Then I said it must be a cat. I
looked and said Hi Kitty. It spread its wings and flew
into a tree.
41. Great Horned Owl
7/29/2016 Sun
Lakes Over by Little Pond. He flew
out of the north tree and went south to another tree.
When I got there he had given me the slip and was back
in the north tree hooting.
42. Great Horned Owl
8/3/2016 Sun Lakes
Big. By little pond. Flew. Fat. Daylight.
43. Great Horned Owl
8/27/2016 Sun
Lakes Heard Only hooting at Little
44. Great Horned Owl
9/5/2016 Sun Lakes
He's hooting in the tree across the street and its
five o'clock in the morning.
45. Great Horned Owl
9/13/2016 Sun
Lakes little pond I
heard him and hooted back as I walked under and the
giant bird flew out.
46. Great Horned Owl
9/24/2016 Sun
Lakes Jeff and I heard him hooting
by Little Pond. We were running.
47. Great Horned Owl
10/15/2016 Sun
Lakes In the trees hooting in front
of my house
48. Great Horned Owl
12/10/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside at 6:34:44 AM.
It's still DARK!
49. Great Horned Owl
12/19/2016 Sun
Lakes Hooting early this morning.
50. Great Horned Owl
1/16/2017 Sun
Lakes hooting this morning
51. Great Horned Owl
2/6/2017 Sun Lakes
Hooting outside. I guess in the tree across the
52. Great Horned Owl
3/10/2017 Sun
Lakes Out there hooting as usual.
53. Great Horned Owl
3/15/2017 Sun Lakes
54. Great Horned Owl
4/30/2017 Sun
Lakes He flew out of my half-skinned
palm tree in back then he flew to the ground on the
golf course
55. Great Horned Owl
5/19/2017 Sun
Lakes Hear him out there. I have to
see if he is responsible for the guano under my
56. Great Horned Owl
5/22/2017 Sun
Lakes in the morining hooting
57. Great Horned Owl
6/17/2017 Veterans Oasis
58. Great Horned Owl
10/11/2017 Sun
Lakes A Mysterious Puddle. Tame. In
a Tree on a low limb.
59. Great Horned Owl
11/4/2017 Sun
Lakes In the tree behind my house.
60. Great Horned Owl
11/13/2017 Sun
Lakes Behind my house. He hoots in
the daytime.
61. Great Horned Owl
11/24/2017 Sun
Lakes He's hooting up in the tree
all the time.
62. Great Horned Owl
11/25/2017 Sun
Lakes He's hooting up in the tree
all the time.
63. Great Horned Owl
12/13/2017 Sun
Lakes Hooting at seven thirty at
night out my bedroom window.
64. Great Horned Owl
1/17/2018 Sun
Lakes Squawking at night
65. Great Horned Owl
1/18/2018 Sun
Lakes squawking in the morning
66. Great Horned Owl
1/21/2018 Sun
Lakes He was hooting outside this
morning well before sunup.
67. Great Horned Owl
2/2/2018 Sun Lakes
Hooting in the morning as usual
68. Great Horned Owl
4/1/2018 Sun Lakes
Mysterious Puddle TAME on a limb
69. Great Horned Owl
4/2/2018 Sun Lakes
Mysterious Puddle He was back
70. Great Horned Owl
4/15/2018 Sun
Lakes Mysterious Puddle
71. Great Horned Owl
04/17/2018 Sun
Lakes Mysterious Puddle
72. Great Horned Owl
5/4/2018 Sun Lakes
I took its picture. It was a nestling but big in the
tree near Big Pond.
73. Great Horned Owl
5/13/2018 Sun
Lakes Mysterious Puddle
74. Great Horned Owl
10/23/2018 Sun
Lakes Hooting as he so often does in
the morning.
75. Great Horned Owl
11/22/2018 Sun
Lakes Hooting out there in the
morning. Thanksgiving
76. Great Horned Owl
11/28/2018 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside
77. Great Horned Owl
12/3/2018 Sun
Lakes Hooting in the morning outside
as usual.
78. Great Horned Owl
12/23/2018 Sun
Lakes Hooting later in the day
79. Great Horned Owl
2/6/2019 Sun Lakes
Outside hooting this morning.
80. Great Horned Owl
2/8/2019 Sun Lakes
Two of them up by a tree near My Pond hooting at 5:40
81. Great Horned Owl
2/13/2019 Sun
Lakes hooting as I type
82. Great Horned Owl
2/21/2019 Sun
Lakes Hooting in the morning.
83. Great Horned Owl
3/12/2019 Sun
Lakes It's March 12 and Mom would
have been 97 years old today.
84. Great Horned Owl
4/15/2019 Sun
Lakes He's always hooting.
85. Great Horned Owl
4/20/2019 Sun
Lakes hoot hoot
86. Great Horned Owl
10/5/2019 Sun
Lakes Hooting outside before dawn. I
hear him sometimes and fall asleep and forget to
record him.
87. Great Horned Owl
7/6/2020 Sun Lakes
hooting from the tree out front
88. Great Horned Owl
8/25/2020 Sun
Lakes Right inside Mysterious
Puddle. I got a couple of shots of him. Maybe the same
owl as before whose picture I took.
89. Great Horned Owl
10/16/2020 Sun
Lakes Walked under his branch at
Mysterious Puddle and he flew away.
90. Great Horned Owl
11/6/2020 Sun
Lakes hooting in the morning
91. Great Horned Owl
11/25/2020 Sun
Lakes hooting
92. Great Horned Owl
12/10/2020 Sun
Lakes hooting
93. Great Horned Owl
1/1/2021 Sun Lakes
FIRST BIRD OF 2021 hooting in the predawn darkness.
What does this portend?
94. Great Horned Owl
1/13/2021 Sun
95. Great Horned Owl
1/30/2021 Sun
Lakes A owl at night doing a mou
rning dove's call.
96. Great Horned Owl
2/22/2021 Sun
Lakes Hooting a bit before seven PM
in the left eucalyptus tree out back
97. Great Horned Owl
2/23/2021 Sun
Lakes Out back 6:40 PM hooting in
the left eucalyptus tree.
98. Great Horned Owl
2/26/2021 Sun
Lakes hooting left eucalyptus
99. Great Horned Owl
7/22/2021 Sun
Lakes Hooting at 4:45 AM THE
100. Great Horned Owl
12/6/2021 Sun
Lakes My house hooting
101. Great Horned Owl
12/12/2021 Sun
102. Great Horned Owl
12/15/2021 Sun
Lakes out there hooting
103. Great Horned Owl
1/19/2022 Sun
Lakes hootin'
104. Great Horned Owl
2/19/2022 Sun
Lakes Honkin' out back.
105. Great Horned Owl
2/20/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting out there
106. Great Horned Owl
3/6/2022 Sun Lakes
107. Great Horned Owl
3/14/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting
108. Great Horned Owl
4/4/2022 Sun Lakes
flew across the golf course to the trees out back
109. Great Horned Owl
4/11/2022 Sun
Lakes Flying dusk golf course
110. Great Horned Owl
4/15/2022 Sun
111. Great Horned Owl
4/25/2022 Sun
112. Great Horned Owl
4/27/2022 Sun
Lakes Flying out back at dusk
113. Great Horned Owl
5/17/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting
114. Great Horned Owl
8/7/2022 Sun Lakes
115. Great Horned Owl
8/11/2022 Sun
Lakes At night honking.
116. Great Horned Owl
8/29/2022 Sun
Lakes Heard Only
117. Great Horned Owl
9/14/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting 4:30AM
118. Great Horned Owl
9/24/2022 Sun
Lakes Second walk in the evening to
little pond. At little pond he flew out of the far end
and into a tree. Maybe he had a fish.
119. Great Horned Owl
10/10/2022 Sun
120. Great Horned Owl
10/11/2022 Sun
121. Great Horned Owl
10/19/2022 Sun
Lakes out back early evening hoot
122. Great Horned Owl
10/27/2022 Sun
Lakes I went out to the golf course
hooting tree
123. Great Horned Owl
10/28/2022 Sun
Lakes the hooting tree on the golf
course during the day
124. Great Horned Owl
10/29/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting tree
125. Great Horned Owl
10/31/2022 Sun
126. Great Horned Owl
11/19/2022 Sun
127. Great Horned Owl
11/26/2022 Sun
128. Great Horned Owl
11/27/2022 Sun
Lakes hooting
129. Great Horned Owl
11/30/2022 Sun
130. Great Horned Owl
1/5/2023 Sun Lakes
131. Great Horned Owl
1/14/2023 Sun
132. Great Horned Owl
1/21/2023 Sun
Lakes Morning 36°Fahrenhot
133. Great Horned Owl
2/8/2023 Sun Lakes
134. Great Horned Owl
2/24/2023 Sun
Lakes hooting
135. Great Horned Owl
3/4/2023 Sun Lakes
136. Great Horned Owl
7/26/2023 Sun
Lakes Woody said there were some in
the trees.
137. Great Horned Owl
8/9/2023 Sun Lakes
In my pond pond 7 at the edge of the water.
138. Great Horned Owl
10/9/2023 Sun
Lakes hooting on my pond and I took
its picture
139. Great Horned Owl
10/31/2023 Sun
Lakes hooting
140. Great Horned Owl
11/3/2023 Sun
Lakes Out back with Sally and Wendy

Great Horned Owl.jpg

Dave Pratt's Great Horned Owl.jpg

Great-horned Owl Oct 11_17 Mysterious Puddle.jpg


Owl Scat.jpg

The Owl.jpg

Steve Ramos and Steve Water Ranch.jpg
Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads 2/3/2023
Saw Steve Ramos there and Dits, Rita, Dole, Nancy,
Nov 5, 2023

Steve Ramos Owl Water Ranch.jpg