73. Golden-fronted
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
74. Great Egret
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
75. Groove-billed Ani
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
76. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
77. Northern Cardinal
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
78. Plain Chachalaca
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
79. Red-vented Woodpecker
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
80. Roadside Hawk
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
81. Scrub Euphonia
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
82. Social Flycatcher
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
83. Squirrel Cuckoo
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
84. Turkey Vulture
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
85. Turquoise-browed Motmot
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
86. Vaux's Swift
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
87. Wedge-tailed Sabrewing
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
88. White-collared Seedeater
7/20/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
89. Northern Cardinal
7/21/1999 Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
90. Black-necked Stilt
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
91. Brown Pelican
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
92. Greater Flamingo
7/21/1999 Yucatan
Progreso These were there in the
hundreds -- perhaps 400 600 or more. They are huge
when they fly very long indeed with hugely long
necks. The workmen were building a place there that
will soon block the view. I guess the idea is to
have this amazing sight vis ible only to those who
have a room.
93. Greater Yellowlegs
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
94. Laughing Gull
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
95. Least Sandpiper
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
96. Least Tern
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
97. Magnificent Frigatebird
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
98. Mangrove Swallow
7/21/1999 Yucatan
Progreso This one I spotted from
the car the bright white rump clearly visible. We
had taken the wrong road and were heading through a
mangrove lined area and we saw this bird and turned
99. Rock Dove
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
100. Royal Tern
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
101. Snowy Egret
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
102. Tricolored Heron
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
103. Tropical Mockingbird
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
104. Western Sandpiper
7/21/1999 Yucatan Progreso
105. Yucatan Bobwhite
7/21/1999 Yucatan
Progreso well I'm typing in
Yucatan Bobwhite and I will find out if such a thing
exists. Larry and I saw it fly across the road and
we saw many more later.
106. Altamira Oriole
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
107. Brown-crested Flycatcher
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
108. Cave Swallow
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
109. Clay-colored Robin
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
110. Golden-fronted Woodpecker
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
111. Gray-breasted Martin
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
112. Great-tailed Grackle
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
113. Green-backed Sparrow
7/21/1999 Yucatan
Uxmal I spotted this one myself
though Larry had to identify it for me. (I also note
that I saw one earlier and spotted it myself too.)
114. Melodious Blackbird
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
115. Ruddy Ground-Dove
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
116. Rufous-browed Peppershrike
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
117. Tropical Gnatcatcher
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
118. Turkey Vulture
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
119. Turquoise-browed Motmot
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
120. Vaux's Swift
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
121. Wedge-tailed Sabrewing
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
122. White-winged Dove
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
123. Yellow-faced Grassquit
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
124. Yellow-green Vireo
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
125. Yucatan Flycatcher
7/21/1999 Yucatan Uxmal
126. Black Vulture
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
127. Carolina Wren
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
128. Collared Aracari
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen
Itza Right at the hotel. Good
birds in the trees there. A toucan man.
129. Lesser Goldfinch
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen
Itza on a vine
130. Masked Tityra
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
131. Red-vented Woodpecker
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
132. Rock Dove
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
133. Social Flycatcher
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
134. Tropical Mockingbird
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
135. Vaux's Swift
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
136. Yucatan Jay
7/22/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
137. Black Skimmer
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Progreso Out of season but I
spotted him. Good life lister.
138. Black-necked Stilt
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
139. Brown Pelican
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
140. Great Blue Heron
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
141. Great Egret
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
142. Great-tailed Grackle
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
143. Herring Gull
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
144. Laughing Gull
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
145. Least Tern
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
146. Neotropic Cormorant
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
147. Royal Tern
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
148. Ruddy Ground-Dove
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
149. Snowy Egret
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
150. Tricolored Heron
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
151. Turkey Vulture
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
152. Whimbrel
7/22/1999 Yucatan Progreso
153. Wilson's Plover
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Progreso Off on the side of the
road by kind of mangrovish swamps all white and icky
and trucks rumbling by and construction on the side
of the road I said "Look Larry! A Wilson's plover!"
and he was very pleased indeed to see it as he
didn't get the chance to see them often. He asked if
they were down at my beach house and I said "yes!!"
154. Altamira Oriole
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
155. Blue-crowned Motmot
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
156. Clay-colored Robin
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
157. Golden-fronted Woodpecker
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
158. Grayish Saltator
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Unknown a new one
159. Great Kiskadee
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
160. Green Jay
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Unknown I remember very clearly
seeing this bird from the ruins of ookiedookie and
looking into the jungle.
161. Green Parakeet
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Unknown Shoot This parakeet was
supposed to be the Aztec Parakeet but he isn't on
the list so I've got the wrong name. We saw him in
the jungle in a ruin called.....????
162. Groove-billed Ani
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
163. Melodious Blackbird
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
164. Plain Chachalaca
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
165. Red-billed Pigeon
7/22/1999 Yucatan
Unknown Where was this ruin? I
remember walking there and seeing the pigeon.
166. Scrub Euphonia
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
167. White-winged Dove
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
168. Yucatan Flycatcher
7/22/1999 Yucatan Unknown
169. Altamira Oriole
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
170. Blue-crowned Motmot
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
171. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
172. Cave Swallow
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
173. Clay-colored Robin
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
174. Collared Aracari
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen
Itza Right up in the trees at the
fancy schmanzy hotel with the tiny menu.
175. Golden-fronted Woodpecker
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
176. Great Kiskadee
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
177. Great-tailed Grackle
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
178. Groove-billed Ani
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
179. Masked Tityra
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
180. Plain Chachalaca
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
181. Ruddy Ground-Dove
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
182. Social Flycatcher
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
183. Turkey Vulture
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
184. Vaux's Swift
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
185. Yellow-faced Grassquit
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
186. Yellow-green Vireo
7/23/1999 Yucatan Chichen Itza
187. Black Vulture
7/23/1999 Yucatan Puerto Morelos
188. Brown Pelican
7/23/1999 Yucatan Puerto Morelos
189. Magnificent Frigatebird
7/23/1999 Yucatan Puerto Morelos
190. Royal Tern
7/23/1999 Yucatan Puerto
Morelos black cap bright
yellow-orange bill
Superstitions 04/25/1990 Just a quick update. Last
week, Bill Williams came to Tempe from Australia. I
lost my keys but had already planned to meet Dad and
Bill Williams, so I got a ride with them from Bill
William’s talk. I went to the Superstition Mountains
on Saturday to play guitar at
Larry’s wedding.
They videotaped me. Steve didn’t play. It was a very
short little ceremony with some Baptist minister
near the parking lot and after I played there was no
move for new music.
Larry invited us to have
breakfast at Village Inn and Steve and I overshot
the place and turned around.
Larry tried to
get us, but we had already turned back. He was back
in a few minutes. Then, I left early taking the van
and went to ASU to see the presentations in honor of
Dad. Kubly, Minckley, and several others gave
presentations on limnology. They had IBM screen
dump-type slides. Minck showed pictures of
Cuatrocienegas twenty years ago and today. Bill
Williams gave the final comments, saying “I’ve known
this bastar... I mean this gentleman for ....” He
confessed that in his own country and for his own
classes Dad’s texbook had replaced his. It was a
funny talk. They all gave Dad a standing ovation. It
was something else.
Baseline and Power 2/7/1998 With Larry Simkins
Boyce Thompson Arboretum 2/7/1998 With Larry
Simkins. We drank beer on the way back. Corona.
Generic Place in Mesa 02/07/1998 With Larry
Simkins. This place was down power road from the
Power and Guadalupe site/ power and baseline site.
It was a desert area right off the road. Maybe
it's Gilbert and not Mesa. Doesn't matter.
Superstitions 2/25/2013 John Dole, Steve Cole,
Tom Cole, Larry Simkins, Nancy Gallagher, Tom
Ditsworth, Phillip. Dutchman Trail. Saw a very
large rock squirrel. Walked off trail. Horses with
cowboys with their six shooters. One girl all
alone. More horses. More horses. Nice and crisp
and cool. Dole and Phillip stayed overnight.
Walked from 10 to about four.
Sun Lakes 4/19/2014 This was the day I had the
party and here are the guests who showed. 21
Wendy--Steve--Sidney--Cuca--Hudnall Jeff slept out
back and coyotes and birds were very noisy. Steve
wore his lobster shirt.