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Places Funny; I don't have much on Rhode Island. Even my immense bird database has no birds sighted there. I remember Leo's house there by Moonstone Bay. THE PRATTS LIVED IN RHODE ISLAND FOR A LONG TIME I BELIEVE James Pratt.html Dave and Ginny Pratt.html 3. Mom with Beer Rhode Island 1971.jpg\ From Home Movie Somewhere CHAPTER 14 OF MY BOOK THE RED HOT ROOSTER IS A CHAPTER ON PEBBLES AND HAS RHODE ISLAND PEBBLES ON IT, REPEATS ON THIS PAGE I THINK. I THINK SOME OF THIS IS IN RHODE ISLAND 1971 |
STORY FROM CHAPTER 8 OF THE MYSTERIOUS NIGHTS OF YESTERYEAR CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE BOOK! 1 The delivery Bird Bath Story.jpg 2. The delivery Bird Bath StorySpanish.jpg 4. HAS RHODE ISLAND IN IT. CALIFORNIA TRIP. 08/06/2008 Fort Bragg California My host and hostess told me that their B&B was called the Glass Beach because the ocean used to be used as a dump and all of the millions of bottles in the trash got sanded and polished and now washed up on the beach for people to collect. Before my trip ended, I made sure to spend some time finding the prettiest of these nature-made cabochons: clear, coke bottle, beer bottle, and green. I'd done much the same thing thirty- seven summers before at Moonstone Beach in Rhode Island, where stones washed up perfectly shaped for rings or bolo slides. I never was lucky enough to find a real moonstone, though. But I have kept what I found for all of these years. And I'll keep my Glass Beach stones as well.the end |
6. Moonstone Bay Rocks 3 (1).jpg 7. Moonstone Bay Rocks 3.jpg 8. Moonstone Bay Rocks 5.jpg 9. Moonstone Beach moonstone bay leo's house RI.jpeg google earth LEO LIVED ON ONE OF THOSE LONG NORTH-SOUTH STREETS Moonstone Bay Rocks 1.jpg 5. Moonstone Bay Rocks 2.jpg |