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Skunk Hognosed August 7, 2022.jpeg                Skunks Two of Them Oct 28, 2022.jpeg

I think I may wind up with a skunk problem. There are two. The cat runs away when he sees a skunk. I open my front door and there is usually a skunk about 6 feet away. I had to sneak past a skunk yesterday in broad daylight to get in my house. I was trapped outside after the cat saw him and high-tailed it. If only the cat food were placed farther from my door, but what's a fellah to do?
Matthew Alderson
You are right where you put yourself. Feeding wild or feral animals often turns out badly, especially for the animal. The one you wanted to show kindness to suffers in the end. I’m sorry. Stop putting out food, the skunks will move on eventually. The cat will have to figure out how to get by without your help.
Well, I didn't invite the skunks and everybody feeds cats.
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Skunk Unafraid

I just discovered that the Honey Badger made famous in the viral YouTube video looks just like my neighborhood skunk. Here is a picture for compare/contrast purposes. AND the famous YouTube video, which is worth watching.


Nastyass Honey Badger.jpg

Skunk 2014 in my back yard.jpg