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"Donde hay zopilote, hay vaca muerta."
black vulture sonoyta mexico.jpg
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Below TV's at the Arboretum Aug 31, 2022




First Bird Notebook Page with First Turkey Vulture Record.jpg

Read the story in (now) in chapter 17 (The number may change.) of by book Only in Dreams . Anyway its name is "A Life Lister in My Dad's Childhood Diary and More."

Dad's 1930 Turkey Vulture Sighting.jpg

Life Lister.jpg                                            Un Primer Avistamiento.jpg

Read it in Only in Dreams

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buzzards on a cliff June 10, 2016.jpg

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Some Interesting Information About The Turkey Vulture
by Bill Kohlmoos, President
The Turkey Vulture Society

          When I ask for a description of the California Condor what does a person tell me? Big, graceful, beautiful flyer - a bird to be respected. We have spent many millions of dollars studying this bird and protecting it from extinction.
          When I ask for a description of the Turkey Vulture, what does a person say? Usually they reply that the vulture is not nearly so glamorous. However, they are both vultures, look the same, act the same, and do the same. And they are closely related cousins.
          In the United States there are three different vultures: the California Condor found mostly in Southern California; the Black Vulture found in the east and deep south, and almost never in the west; and the Turkey Vulture which ranges from Canada to the tip of Cape Horn and from the West Coast to the East Coast.
          The Turkey Vulture (and also the California Condor) are classified by the Ornithological Union in the same order as storks and flamingos (Ciconiiformes). The basis for this classification includes genetic, anatomical, and behavioral. An interesting fact - they both eat meat, the same as human beings do, and also up to 80% of their diet consists of vegetation
          The Turkey Vulture is lacking strength in its tiny grasping claw and does not and cannot kill. Also, the Turkey Vulture's beak has neither the shape nor strength to tear into a fresh carcass.
          The Black Vulture is often aggressive, can kill small animals, and will even attack horses, cows, and people. Raptors, including hawks and eagles, have a much larger and stronger grasping claw. Sometimes the Turkey Vulture takes the blame for the Black Vulture's actions.
          The Turkey Vulture's scientific name, Cathartes aura, means "pacifier" or "cleanser." The Cherokee Nation of the U.S. gave the bird the honorific "peace eagle," because, unlike the eagle which it resembles from a distance, the Turkey Vulture does not kill.
          Turkey Vultures are a daytime bird and are not accustomed to flying at night. They have very keen senses of sight, smell and hearing. They find food by sight and also by an extremely acute sense of smell which is capable of detecting parts per trillion and discerning from which direction they came.
          The Turkey Vulture's digestive system has the unique ability to kill any virus and bacteria in the food the bird eats. His diet includes as much as 50% vegetative matter according to a recent doctoral study. The vulture's droppings and dry pellets (bolus) are clean and do not carry disease. This was proven by the United States Department of Agriculture in tests performed during a hog cholera epidemic in the deep south.
          The pellets, which are smaller than a chicken egg, are regurgitated. They consist of dried hair, bone material, and vegetation, and have no odor. Turkey Vultures eat carrion when available, and also eat various plant foods, including grass, leaves, pumpkin, and seeds. A recent study of almost 400 pellets collected in the Castro Valley and Livermore areas in California showed that plant material was the single most common ingredient of the Turkey Vulture's diet. It occurred to some amount in more than 80% of the pellets examined and represented a mean of 25% of the total dried weight. The material consisted primarily of grass and leaves. Animal food items in the pellets included the: shrew, mole, squirrel, gopher, mouse, rat, rabbit, bird, reptile, insect, muskrat, opossum, racoon, skunk, badger, and coyote. If not consumed and sterilized by the TV's , these carcasses would have rotted on the ground and could have spread disease.
          The Turkey Vulture has somehow acquired a false reputation for vomiting. Actually, the Turkey Vulture very seldom regurgitates. However, if it is cornered by a person who gets too close and is threatening, the vulture may roll over and play dead, or it may project vomit in a defensive manner and this has an offensive odor. Skunks are similar in this defensive maneuver.
          The Turkey Vulture is found all across the entire United States and into Canada. Some, in the warmer areas, are year-round residents, but many migrate to Central and South America for the winter. Of those that migrate, many will head south with the Autumnal Equinox and return in the spring on the Vernal Equinox, quite often on the exact day. On one occasion in the spring, a returning roost of 75 birds was observed flying for two days into a strong storm with rain, snow, and 40 mph head-winds. They arrived at their roost on the exact day of the Vernal Equinox.
          How many people can identify a Turkey Vulture flying at altitude and some distance away? Many people don't recognize or even see the Turkey Vulture. Vultures are found in the middle of many cities, such as Miami, Pensacola, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, and Reno. And in the country they are found from coast to coast and from Canada to South America.
          So, the Turkey Vultures are out there. They are interesting. And they're fun to watch. The Turkey Vulture is THE MOST GRACEFUL SOARING BIRD IN THE WORLD. He follows the thermals and updrafts with an instinct admired by experienced glider pilots. He can "feel" the air as he plays updrafts and minor variations with his wing-tip fingers, much as a pianist plays classical music on a Steinway. They're easy to identify because when soaring they hold their wings in a dihedral or "V" shape and they seldom flap. Most other large birds hold their wings straight out and flap frequently.
          The Turkey Vulture is family oriented. A roost is a group of vultures living together and sleeping at night in a tall tree. This is different from a nest where a mating pair will go off by themselves and lay two eggs and raise their young. Vultures do not build a nest as such, but simply lay two eggs on the bare ground. Nests are located on a rock ledge on the face of a cliff, in a cave, a hollow tree, or even in an abandoned shed or barn.
          Some roosts are known to be 100 years or more old. That is, the same family of vultures has used the same tree or trees for home for many generations. They may move for the season (for some unknown reason) to a different tree in the immediate neighborhood. The following year they may adopt the new tree, or they may decide to go back to the original tree.
          Individual birds will live in the same communal roost most of their life, and will usually sleep in the same roost in the same tree on their selected branch every night. However, some vultures may wander up to 200 miles away, visiting different roosts each night, and then return to their home roost a week or two later.
          In a roost the birds have a pecking order and use body language and eye contact in a manner which is clearly comprehensible to people who have learned to observe them.
          Many of the roosts are located near human habitation. There can be the same kind of trees a half mile away in a field, but for their home the birds will pick a tree near people. They seem to like the warmth of human company.
          Turkey Vultures live and work together, in cooperation and friendliness. They communicate with friends and neighbors when they find something to eat. They let the others know where the food is. And when there is a big feast they communicate with neighboring flocks in distant roosts. Also, when they find food they will go to the California Condors and lead them to it. One roost was observed when they had a dead cow in their neighborhood. They somehow contacted a roost of 100 vultures about 30 miles away to come join them. Several days later, before they finished their feast, two more cows died. Within a day the vultures had contacted another roost to join them. At night all the birds visited together in the same or neighboring trees. There were now three different roosts living together. When the cows had been cleaned up the several visiting roosts went home.
          Now, if there had only been a dead jack rabbit, there would have been no neighboring roost joining our home roost. Somehow, our TV's communicated that they had a big one, so come and join us.
          The Turkey Vulture is a clean bird. Lengthy observations of the vultures in a roost have shown that each bird spends from two to three hours a day preening itself. Also, they will bathe in water whenever they can. Entire flocks of 75 birds have been observed going into a pond of water for a bath. They preen their feathers, submerse, shake, and scrub for half an hour. Then they walk up on the bank and hold their wings out to the sun to dry. When ready, they soar off into the sky and play an exuberant game of tag, because they feel so good.
          They enjoy playing games. Almost every evening when they return to the roost there will be about half an hour of follow-the-leader, tag, and speed soaring, if the winds are favorable. On the speed soaring they will come down to the level of the roost and then soar straight up into the sky until they can no longer be seen. In five minutes they return and do it again.
          One the our observers in Indiana watched three separate roosts by a lake one calm, windless evening. Each roost of about one hundred birds was settled in for the night. It was approaching dusk. Suddenly a strong breeze from a passing thunderstorm hit the area and that was a signal for all three hundred birds, one hundred in each of the three roosts, to rise straight up in the air in spirals like three distinct and separate whirlwinds. When they were almost out of sight they began diving and chasing each other in follow-the-leader. After 45 minutes, as the evening was turning darker, they all returned to their roosts and settled in. They had definitely been playing, justfor the fun of it.
          In the wild or open country a Turkey Vulture will sometimes become attached to a person. A lady in Southern California wrote that she and her husband would drive their car five miles from town and take a daily walk in the country with their dog. A Turkey Vulture would join them, soaring above and watching them. And then one day at home she broke a leg and the walks were not possible for a while. One day she was in her back yard on crutches and there was her Turkey Vulture sitting on the fence, waiting to say hello. He had found her in a town of 12,000 people!
          Some people react to an act like this as frightful, thinking that the vulture is looking for a potential meal. Not so. They're not that dumb. No, this was an act of friendliness and association, and we have had dozens of such incidents reported to us.
          In another case it was reported by a person who had studied Turkey Vultures for many years that one would wait every morning for his son, a young school boy, to come out of his house. The vulture would follow the boy several blocks to the school bus stop and then wait on top of a telephone pole until the boy got on the bus. In the afternoon the bird would be back on the pole waiting for the boy's return, and then follow him home.
          We have received many reports about the intelligence of the Turkey Vulture. One lady wrote us that she has built a small wooden tower-like feeder in her back yard and puts out food for her friends each day. One day she noticed that after eating their breakfast, the vultures had gone down to the lawn in her yard and six of them were in a circle around a soccer-size ball left on the lawn by her grandchildren. The vultures were hitting the ball back and forth to each other by butting it with their head and beak. Each day thereafter they played this game. And although there were four balls of different colors, they always picked the orange one.
          Turkey Vultures are affectionate and often make good pets. When a bird is injured and taken into rehab he will become emotionally attached to his handler and follow him around and watch him, much like a pet dog. They love to bring an object to a person and then play tug-of-war.
          An experienced caretaker at a nature park in Florida wrote that she worked with a Turkey Vulture which had lost a wing and a toe. She said that in two months she taught the vulture more than she had been able to teach a red-tailed hawk in eight months. This person contacted a caretaker at another park in Florida and learned that she had exactly the same experience in training vultures and hawks. She wrote, "We both find the vultures to be gentle, inquisitive, and very intelligent."
          The turkey vulture is easy to recognize when it's flying low or is on the ground and the bald red head is clearly visible. But when it's soaring at a high altitude a positive identification may be difficult. Another distinguishing feature is the vulture's ability to soar for hours with very little movement of the wings. The wings are held in a dihedral. When viewed from the front the wings are in a V-shape, as shown in the following sketches:
          The Turkey Vulture Society is a new approach to the study of this mysterious and unique master of soaring in the blue skies above. The Society was organized in 1994 for an in-depth study of the Turkey Vulture and for distribution of new information to interested individuals and educators. Also we are building a central library for books, papers, and reports on the Turkey Vulture, where all written material can be found in one location.
          One of our more important studies concerns the proven ability of the vulture's digestive system to kill bacteria or virus in infected meat. The ability to disinfect rodent carcasses carrying Hantavirus will be tested. This work could be of great significance to human medical research. There may also be vital information to be discovered for use in the event of biological warfare, acts of terrorism, or world wide epidemics.
          Ornithologists and scientists throughout the United States have been helping our studies. Support has been received from the Fish & Game Departments of several western states. The Nevada Division of Wildlife is cooperating with the Society in its work. 



Turkey Vulture

Turkey vulture ( Cathartes aura )
also called TURKEY BUZZARD (Cathartes aura), long-winged, long-tailed vulture (family Cathartidae, the New World vultures) that has dark plumage, a whitish beak, white legs, and a bare red head (black in immature birds) that is covered with whitish bumps. Its wingspread is about 1.8 m (6 feet), and its length is about 75 cm (30 inches). The turkey vulture has an elaborate olfactory canal and uses its keen sense of smell in finding food. The bird subsists predominantly on carrion. The species occurs throughout the Americas except northern Canada; northerly and southernmost populations are migratory. The one to three eggs, which are white with brown spots, are laid in a crude nest; the sexes share incubation. Hatching takes place in five or six weeks.

End of Scrolling Field

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This was a Nov 2021 video from the Turkey Vulture Society. You see, they LOVE squash, so Halloween is a happy holiday for them. These are two different TVs I think.


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17. Un poquito de conflicto en la Sociedad del Buitre Pavo
Donde hay zopilote, hay vaca muerta.

No sé exactamente hace cuántos años oí hablar por primera vez de la Sociedad del Buitre Pavo (el buitre americano cabecirrojo). ¿Más de veinte años? Puede que sí, porque se estableció en 1994. Era para mí un buen club ya que ¿A quién no le gustan los buitres pavo? He tomado muchas fotos y filmado muchos videos del pájaro. Por supuesto, tengo en mi sitio web una página que trata de estos buitres. 

En el capítulo número once "El ictiosaurio" de mi libro The Grass on the Hill Grows Green/El pasto en la colina crece verde, yo escribí lo siguiente:

Mi ejemplo predilecto de evolución convergente es el buitre americano cabecirrojo del mundo nuevo y los buitres del mundo antiguo. No son parientes cercanos en absoluto 49, pero son muy parecidos. Las variedades del mundo antiguo, a propósito, no tienen el increíble sentido del olfato que posee el buitre americano cabecirrojo.Pero divago. Permítame retomar el tema. Hace años lo que más me interesaban de la sociedad eran los hechos fascinantes sobre el pájaro que publicaban. Para ahorrar espacio, simplemente voy a hacer una lista corta de siete.
49  Ellos están relacionados con cigüeñas y flamencos.
1. Los buitres pavo son cariñosos y pueden ser buenas mascotas. Siguen a sus dueños como perros y les gusta traerles objetos para jugar de tira y afloja con ellos. Muchas personas han dicho que un buitre salvaje les ha adoptado y que al ir al campo el mismo animal siempre se presenta y les sigue su coche volando hasta su casa.
2. No pueden matar a ningún otro animal ya que sus garras y picos no son suficientemente duros y fuertes. Comen solamente animales recién muertos; no les gusta carne podrida—pero ¡les gustan las calabazas!
3. Mantienen limpia la tierra. No hay bacteria ni virus en las heces de un buitre pavo.
4. Pueden comunicarse a largas distancias con otros zopilotes cuando, por ejemplo, un rebaño de ganado se muere. Dicen:
—¿Nos pueden ayudar? ¡Tenemos más de lo que podemos comer aquí!
5. Se posan cada noche en sus "nidos"51 sobre los árboles y una población puede usar el  mismo sitio así por más de cien años. Por otra parte, a ellos les gusta estar de vacaciones un par de semanas al año y se posan en otro lugar.
6. Se bañan tan a menudo como pueden y después les gusta volar a alta velocidad y jugar a la lleva con sus compañeros.
7. Se dice que el buitre pavo es el mejor ave planeadora en la faz de la tierra.
  51 En realidad no tienen nidos; ponen los huevos en la tierra.
Recuerdo que para ser un socio de la Sociedad de los Buitres Pavo en aquel entonces, usted tenía que pagar una cuota anual de veinticinco dólares y por eso por décadas yo no era socio, pero hace poco me topé con su página de Facebook y me uní al club gratis. Entonces hubo conflicto.

No se preocupe; todo salió bien para sorpresa mía. De hecho considero lo que pasó uno de mis infrecuentes éxitos—así que decidí escribir sobre esto en este capítulo.

Un día, apareció en la página de la sociedad un cuento por una aficionada de buitres que trataba de la muerte de su padre y una experiencia que tenía con un buitre pavo. Era fuera de tema. No me mal entienda—creo que divagar y contar historias sobre los buitres pavo está bien—incluso cuando las historias no tratan de lo científico. Lo que yo, ni los administradores de tales grupos no toleran, en estos grupos es el proselitismo. Y por eso, una persona que quiere publicar tal cosa no tiene más remedio que hacerlo con artimañas. Eso es lo que había hecho esa mujer. Había vestido un sermón religioso con la lanosa piel de un buitre pavo.

Su historia, entre otras cosas, declara que los pájaros pueden comunicarse con los familiares de un difunto durante tiempos difíciles ya que "son los animales que están más cerca de los cielos." ¡Puaj! Junto con este cliché nauseabundo—esa mala literatura—ella atestigua que los que han muerto no nos han abandonado y nos amonesta que veamos nuestros mensajeros. Escribe: "Nada más usted tiene que abrir los ojos y el corazón...para ver."

Se dice, Donde hay zopilote, hay vaca muerta—y algo olía a carne de res podrida aquí.

Por supuesto, no podría haber atrevedio a escribir "para ver al Señor. Nada ni siquiera semejante. Los administradores del grupo le echarían de inmediato y ella bien lo sabía. Me consta que eso es lo que verdaderamente quería decir. Es una lástima, pero si uno tiene ganas irresistibles de hacer el proselitismo, uno tiene que hacer la trampa necesaria para salirse con la suya—incluso si tiene que usar a su propio querido papá muerto para ponerse a cubierto.
¿Qué iba a decir? ¡Ella estaba contando sobre su pobre padre muerto! Era muy astuto,un buen truco. Yo fui totalmente desarmado junto con los otros del grupo que de otra manera podrían haber dicho algo.

Créame que no me equivoco respecto a esta persona y yo no la juzgo injustamente: visité su página de Facebook y debajo de su propia foto del perfil ella había escrito: Fanática de Jesucristo.
Fue entonces cuando supe que yo iba a comentar—bueno, no iba a comentar en realidad. Solamente iba a pegar cinco cosas en el campo debajo de su comentario: la descripción oficial del grupo y cuatro citaciones de la historia que ella había publicado. ¿Quién estaba siendo astuto ahora? ¡Este humilde servidor!

La descripción oficial del grupo
"La Sociedad del Buitre de Pavo es una corporación científica sin fines de lucro. Su propósito es promover el estudio científico de los hábitos de vida y las necesidades del buitre pavo, proteger al buitre y su hábitat e informar al público sobre los servicios valiosos y esenciales  que esta ave nos proporciona y al medio ambiente".

Las cuatro citaciones de la "Fanática de Jesucristo"
"Las aves a menudo se asocian con la conexión con la otra vida, ya que son las más cercanas a los cielos".

"Un pájaro o cualquier animal puede presentarse ante usted mientras recuerde a un ser querido fallecido...y una asociación puede surgir y comenzar a representarle los mensajes de sus seres queridos en momentos de necesidad".

"Nuestros seres queridos no nos dejan ..."

"Mire a sus mensajeros ya que están a su alrededor si presta atención. No es complicado si simplemente abre los ojos y el corazón...y ve".

Publiqué lo de arriba y esperé. Una persona hizo clic en el botón LIKE debajo de mi comentario. Ella había hecho lo mismo con la historia original y por eso era obvio que no entendía lo que yo quería decir. Luego, la autora misma hizo clic en "like."
Pobrecita inocentona. Falló a ver los marcados contrastes entre la descripción oficial y su anécdota religiosa. Ella estaba tan confiada que había engañado a todos que tomó por un cumplido lo que yo había copiado y pegado.
Ella estaba a punto de tener una sorpresa desagradable.
Sencillamente yo escribí:

Lo que quería decir tan amablemente como podía era que es una lástima que esta clase de evangelización pueda ser permitida en el grupo.

No tenía que esperar mucho tiempo. Ella supo instantáneamente que la conversación había entrado en un camino por el cual no podía conducir. Escribió:

OK. Es usted un administrador? Sencillamente lo borraré. No quiero violar las reglas del grupo.

Ella se rindió muy pero muy rápidamente. En realidad, solamente no quería ser pillada al violar las reglas.
Contesté que no era uno de los administradores del grupo, pero ya era demasiado tarde; ella ya había borrado la historia.
Ella no tenía más remedio. Bien sabía que había sido delatada y sin hacer algo inmediatamente, las cosas iban a ir de mal en peor.

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Hey, don't blame me; I didn't use the words Jesus Freak. The words were chosen by the poster as their own AKA.

17. A Little Bit of Strife in the Turkey Vulture Society
Where there's a buzzard, there's a dead cow.

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Immature turkey vultures (with black heads) near the Verde River June 10, 2016—Buitres pavo inmaduros (con cabezas negras) cerca del río Verde, Arizona el 10 de junio de 2016

  I don't know exactly how many years ago I first heard about the Turkey Vulture Society—more than twenty years? It well could be since the society was established in 1994. It looked like a good club for me. After all, who doesn't like turkey vultures? I've shot photos and made many videos of the birds and, of course, I have a page on my website about them.
In the eleventh chapter, "The Ichthyosaur" of my book The Grass on the Hill Grows Green /El pasto en la colina crece verde, I wrote the following:

My favorite example of convergent evolution involves the New World's turkey vulture and the vultures of the Old World. They are not at all closely related,50 but are very similar in appearance. The Old World varieties, by the way, do not possess the turkey vulture's amazing sense of smell.
50 They're related to storks and flamingoes.

But I digress. Let me get back to the topic. Years ago, what most interested me in the Society were the fascinating facts about the bird that they published. To save space, I'm just going to make a short list of seven.

1. Turkey vultures are affectionate and can make good pets. They follow their owners around like dogs and they like to bring them objects to play tug-of-war with. Many people have recounted that a wild vulture has adopted them and that when they go out in nature the same one shows up and follows their car home.
2. They can't kill any other animal as their claws and beaks aren't strong enough. And they eat only freshly dead animals; they don't like rotten meat—but they do like squash!
3. They keep the land clean. There are no bacteria or viruses in the droppings of a turkey vulture.
4. They can communicate over long distances with other buzzards. When, for example, a herd of cattle dies. They ask others far away, "Can you help us out? We've got more than we can eat here!"
5. They perch each night in their roosts in trees and a population may use the same site that way for over a hundred years. On the other hand, they like to be on vacation for a couple of weeks a year and roost elsewhere.
6. They bathe as often as they can and afterwards they like to do high-speed soaring and play tag on the wing with their fellow vultures.
7. They say that the turkey vulture is the greatest soaring bird on the face of the earth.


I remember that to be a member of the Turkey Vulture Society way back when, you had to pay an annual fee of twenty-five dollars, so for years I never became a member, but a while ago I came across its Facebook page and joined for free.
Then there was a bit of strife.
Now, don't worry; everything turned out well to my surprise. In fact, I consider what happened one of my infrequent successes—that's why I decided to write about it in this chapter.
One day, a story by a TV fan appeared on the society's page about the death of her father and an experience she had with a turkey vulture. It was off topic. Don't misunderstand me—I'm all for digressing and telling stories about turkey vultures; that's just fine—even when the stories aren't all about science. What I or any administrator of such a group will not stand for is proselytism.
And for that reason, a person who wants to publish such things has no choice but to do so on the sly. That's exactly what that woman had done. She had dressed a religious sermon in the wooly coat of a turkey vulture.
Her story, among other things, states that birds can communicate to relatives of a deceased loved one during difficult times as "they are the animals closest to heaven." Oh, barf. Along with this nauseating cliché—this bad literature—she asserts that those who have died have not abandoned us and admonishes us to see our messengers. She writes: "You just have to open your eyes and your heart ... to see."
As they say, Donde hay zopilote, hay vaca muerta. And oh, I could smell a big ole dead cow!
Of course, she wouldn't have dared to write "to see the Lord." Nothing even close to that. The group administrators would kick her out immediately, which of course she  knew darned well. And I'm sure that's what she really meant. It's a shame, but if one has the irresistible urge to proselytize, one has to do what one must to get away with it—even if you have to use your own dear dead dad as cover. So what was I supposed to say? She was talking about her poor ole deceased father! It was crafty, a good trick. I was totally disarmed along with the others in the group who might otherwise have said something.
Now, believe me, I'm not wrong about this person and I don't judge her unfairly: I visited her Facebook page and under her own photo on her profile she had written: Jesus Freak.
That's when I knew that I was going to comment—well, I wasn't really going to comment. I was only going to paste five things into the field below her post: the official description of the group and four quotes from her story. Who was being crafty now? Yours truly—wuddle ole me!

The official description of the group
"The Turkey Vulture Society is a non-profit scientific corporation. Its purpose is to promote scientific study of the life habits and needs of the Turkey Vulture, to protect the vulture and its habitat, and to inform the public of the valuable and essential services this bird provides to us and to the environment."

The four quotes of the "Jesus Freak"
"Birds are often associated with the connection to the afterlife as they are the closest to the Heavens." 

"A bird or any animal may present itself to you as you reminisce of a passed loved one....and an association may develop and begin to represent your loved ones messages to you in times of need."

"Our loved ones don't leave us..."

"Look to your messengers as they are all around you if you pay attention. It’s not complicated if you just open your eyes and your heart…and see."

I posted the above and waited. One person clicked the LIKE button below my comment. She had done the same with the original story and so it was obvious that she didn't get what I meant. Then the author herself clicked "like."
The poor thing. She failed to see the stark contrasts between the official description and her religious anecdote. She was so confident that she had fooled everyone that she took what I wrote for a compliment.
She was about to have a nasty surprise.
I simply wrote:

"The point I was trying to make as kindly as I could is that it's a shame that this sort of off-topic evangelizing could ever be allowed in the group."

This time I didn't have to wait long. She knew instantly that the conversation had just begun its way down a road that she was ill-prepared to travel upon. She wrote:

OK. Are you the administration? I'll just delete it. I don't want to transgress group norms.

Gosh, she threw in the towel awfully fast! Actually, she just didn't want to be caught "transgessing group norms."
I replied that I was not one of the group administrators, but it was too late; she had already deleted the story.
Well, she had no choice. She knew darned well that she had been outed and without immediate and decisive action on her part, all was to go from bad to worse.

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Turkey Vulture Sculpture by Dits March 19, 2023.jpg

1. Turkey Vulture    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
2. Turkey Vulture    5/16/1971    Verde River
3. Turkey Vulture    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
4. Turkey Vulture    7/29/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
5. Turkey Vulture    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
6. Turkey Vulture    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
7. Turkey Vulture    5/27/1973    Southern Arizona Trip 1973
8. Turkey Vulture    09/02/1973    Generic Highway
9. Turkey Vulture    09/23/1973    Walnut Canyon
10. Turkey Vulture    5/25/1997    Elliot and Cooper Roads
11. Turkey Vulture    3/21/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
12. Turkey Vulture    4/3/1998    Superstitions
13. Turkey Vulture    4/3/1998    Verde River
14. Turkey Vulture    4/25/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
15. Turkey Vulture    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
16. Turkey Vulture    5/3/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
17. Turkey Vulture    5/9/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
18. Turkey Vulture    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
19. Turkey Vulture    5/19/1998    Estero Morua    One landed on the beach with a gull. Lots of these on the way. One flew low around the houses a lot.
20. Turkey Vulture    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
21. Turkey Vulture    6/20/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
22. Turkey Vulture    7/25/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
23. Turkey Vulture    8/3/1998    Estero Morua
24. Turkey Vulture    8/9/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
25. Turkey Vulture    8/15/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
26. Turkey Vulture    8/16/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
27. Turkey Vulture    8/29/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
28. Turkey Vulture    9/5/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
29. Turkey Vulture    9/7/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
30. Turkey Vulture    11/01/1998    Generic Place Anywhere    At the Pump
31. Turkey Vulture    12/29/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
32. Turkey Vulture    1/23/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
33. Turkey Vulture    3/7/1999    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
34. Turkey Vulture    3/28/1999    Verde River
35. Turkey Vulture    04/11/1999    Generic Place Anywhere
36. Turkey Vulture    04/24/1999    Gilbert and Riggs Roads
37. Turkey Vulture    6/19/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
38. Turkey Vulture    6/20/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
39. Turkey Vulture    7/11/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
40. Turkey Vulture    7/18/1999    Yucatan Tulum
41. Turkey Vulture    7/19/1999    Yucatan Coba
42. Turkey Vulture    7/20/1999    Yucatan Felipe Carrillo
43. Turkey Vulture    7/21/1999    Yucatan Uxmal
44. Turkey Vulture    7/22/1999    Yucatan Progreso
45. Turkey Vulture    7/23/1999    Yucatan Chichen Itza
46. Turkey Vulture    08/02/1999    Flagstaff House
47. Turkey Vulture    8/14/1999    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
48. Turkey Vulture    8/28/1999    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
49. Turkey Vulture    9/18/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
50. Turkey Vulture    9/25/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
51. Turkey Vulture    10/9/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
52. Turkey Vulture    10/9/1999    Gilbert and Riggs Roads
53. Turkey Vulture    10/24/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
54. Turkey Vulture    11/6/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
55. Turkey Vulture    11/13/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
56. Turkey Vulture    11/27/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
57. Turkey Vulture    01/01/2000    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Five of them eating dead sheep.
58. Turkey Vulture    02/14/2000    McQueen and Elliot Roads
59. Turkey Vulture    2/26/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
60. Turkey Vulture    4/22/2000    2125 North Villas Lane    big
61. Turkey Vulture    5/15/2000    Estero Morua    This one soared over the houses. There were zillions on the trip.
62. Turkey Vulture    5/20/2000    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
63. Turkey Vulture    6/18/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
64. Turkey Vulture    7/14/2000    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
65. Turkey Vulture    7/30/2000    Patagonia
66. Turkey Vulture    8/5/2000    Flagstaff Area
67. Turkey Vulture    08/12/2000    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
68. Turkey Vulture    08/13/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Three of them.
69. Turkey Vulture    8/19/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
70. Turkey Vulture    9/10/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
71. Turkey Vulture    9/24/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
72. Turkey Vulture    9/30/2000    Phoenix Zoo
73. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
74. Turkey Vulture    10/07/2000    El Mirage Pond
75. Turkey Vulture    10/16/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
76. Turkey Vulture    10/21/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
77. Turkey Vulture    11/5/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
78. Turkey Vulture    11/19/2000    McQueen and Elliot Roads
79. Turkey Vulture    11/25/2000    McQueen and Elliot Roads
80. Turkey Vulture    12/3/2000    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
81. Turkey Vulture    12/16/2000    McQueen and Elliot Roads
82. Turkey Vulture    03/17/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
83. Turkey Vulture    03/24/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
84. Turkey Vulture    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
85. Turkey Vulture    04/21/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
86. Turkey Vulture    5/17/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
87. Turkey Vulture    5/18/2001    Salton Sea
88. Turkey Vulture    06/02/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
89. Turkey Vulture    06/23/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
90. Turkey Vulture    06/30/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads
91. Turkey Vulture    07/02/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    TV's flying fantastically close at the field.
92. Turkey Vulture    07/03/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Snuck upon a TV. Zillions of hares.
93. Turkey Vulture    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
94. Turkey Vulture    07/29/2001    Gilbert and Riggs Roads    Some TV's on the ground
95. Turkey Vulture    07/29/2001    Ocotillo and Gilbert Roads
96. Turkey Vulture    08/04/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Dead. Shot? Later perhaps during another visit Sonny came and we took the TV's head back as a souvenir.
97. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
98. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Dead. Still there.
99. Turkey Vulture    08/26/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Dead. Sonny collected its head.
100. Turkey Vulture    08/31/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads    I love these TV's.
101. Turkey Vulture    09/03/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
102. Turkey Vulture    09/09/2001    Generic Place in Chandler    Germaine Road Dump.
103. Turkey Vulture    09/16/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Steve and Noodles.
104. Turkey Vulture    10/06/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads    FORTY OF THEM! FLYING HIGH.
105. Turkey Vulture    10/20/2001    McQueen and Elliot Roads
106. Turkey Vulture    11/03/2001    El Mirage Pond
107. Turkey Vulture    11/04/2001    2125 North Villas Lane
108. Turkey Vulture    11/22/2001    Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
109. Turkey Vulture    01/26/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
110. Turkey Vulture    02/16/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
111. Turkey Vulture    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
112. Turkey Vulture    03/03/2002    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
113. Turkey Vulture    03/29/2002    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
114. Turkey Vulture    04/07/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
115. Turkey Vulture    04/20/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads    22
116. Turkey Vulture    04/22/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
117. Turkey Vulture    05/11/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
118. Turkey Vulture    05/16/2002    Tonto Natural Bridge
119. Turkey Vulture    05/16/2002    Verde River at Ft. McDowell
120. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2002    East Verde River
121. Turkey Vulture    05/27/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
122. Turkey Vulture    06/08/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
123. Turkey Vulture    06/22/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Saw him soaring as Noodles and I drove up.
124. Turkey Vulture    06/22/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads    He was over at the canal there where Noodles once swam. He flew away and soared low over the dirt field.
125. Turkey Vulture    06/24/2002    Generic Highway
126. Turkey Vulture    06/26/2002    Estero Morua
127. Turkey Vulture    06/28/2002    Apache Lake
128. Turkey Vulture    06/28/2002    Canyon Lake
129. Turkey Vulture    07/14/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Two GIANT turkey vultures. One landed in the field.
130. Turkey Vulture    07/20/2002    Patagonia
131. Turkey Vulture    07/21/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Big TV
132. Turkey Vulture    07/21/2002    Pima Canyon    yes I saw him
133. Turkey Vulture    07/22/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
134. Turkey Vulture    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Just one.
135. Turkey Vulture    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
136. Turkey Vulture    08/3/2002    Flagstaff House
137. Turkey Vulture    08/03/2002    Generic Highway    This was on I-17 as I drove up to see Sally and Davy and Kate and Chris.
138. Turkey Vulture    08/24/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
139. Turkey Vulture    08/25/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He was in the left pond eating a dead black-necked stilt! I was going to film him but I didn't feel like it. One circled far overhead and seemed to be coming down.
140. Turkey Vulture    08/31/2002    McQueen and Elliot Roads
141. Turkey Vulture    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
142. Turkey Vulture    09/29/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flying around like a marsh hawk. Two of them!
143. Turkey Vulture    10/14/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
144. Turkey Vulture    12/29/2002    Estero Morua
145. Turkey Vulture    03/17/2003    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
146. Turkey Vulture    03/23/2003    Generic Place Anywhere    At the dump.
147. Turkey Vulture    04/05/2003    Generic Place Anywhere
148. Turkey Vulture    04/21/2003    Generic Place Anywhere    Nope not a zone-tailed. Sorry.
149. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2003    Mount Lemmon
150. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
151. Turkey Vulture    07/10/2003    Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
152. Turkey Vulture    07/19/2003    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
153. Turkey Vulture    07/26/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
154. Turkey Vulture    08/03/2003    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
155. Turkey Vulture    08/16/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads    four in the air and at least one on the ground eating a dead duck. Spectack!
156. Turkey Vulture    08/17/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
157. Turkey Vulture    08/31/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
158. Turkey Vulture    08/31/2003    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    He was in the water at the front lake as brass-balled as you please!
159. Turkey Vulture    09/07/2003    Usery Mountain Park
160. Turkey Vulture    09/14/2003    Superstitions
161. Turkey Vulture    09/20/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Right on a fencepost by the standpipe out back.
162. Turkey Vulture    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon    Up above the parking lot when I arrived. Soaring.
163. Turkey Vulture    10/10/2003    Superstitions
164. Turkey Vulture    10/26/2003    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
165. Turkey Vulture    11/28/2003    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
166. Turkey Vulture    02/21/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
167. Turkey Vulture    02/29/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
168. Turkey Vulture    03/21/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    soaring in the wind over the ponds
169. Turkey Vulture    03/27/2004    McQueen and Elliot Roads    I saw this bird coming in for a landing in what's left of the field there and I pulled in and watched him eat a dead red bloody jackrabbit. I took his picture.
170. Turkey Vulture    04/24/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
171. Turkey Vulture    05/02/2004    Usery Mountain Park
172. Turkey Vulture    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon    He appeared suddenly while we were walking back on the dirt road.
173. Turkey Vulture    05/29/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    An avocet was harrassing him as he flew overhead. He darted to one side when the avocet came at him.
174. Turkey Vulture    05/29/2004    McQueen and Elliot Roads    He was out in the parking lot eating something. Nearby I saw a dead mourning dove in the parking lot also. I picked it up and drove to the field and tossed it out there for the vulture. I got blood on my window.
175. Turkey Vulture    05/30/2004    Generic Place Anywhere
176. Turkey Vulture    5/30/2004    Mount Ord
177. Turkey Vulture    06/12/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
178. Turkey Vulture    06/19/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Nice one flying over pond 11.
179. Turkey Vulture    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
180. Turkey Vulture    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
181. Turkey Vulture    07/03/2004    Generic Place Anywhere    Price and McQueen pump and dump and mysterious pond area.
182. Turkey Vulture    07/04/2004    Generic Highway    On the way to the Arboretum.
183. Turkey Vulture    07/05/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
184. Turkey Vulture    07/11/2004    Park City
185. Turkey Vulture    07/16/2004    Usery Mountain Park
186. Turkey Vulture    07/18/2004    Usery Mountain Park
187. Turkey Vulture    07/24/2004    Usery Mountain Park
188. Turkey Vulture    07/26/2004    Generic Place in Chandler    This was down chan'ler boulevard and out to an area with fields and there were TV's in the field and eating a dead grackle or something. Three of them. Two right on the ground in front of me.
189. Turkey Vulture    07/29/2004    Verde River
190. Turkey Vulture    07/31/2004    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
191. Turkey Vulture    08/08/2004    Pine Arizona
192. Turkey Vulture    08/09/2004    Generic Place in Mesa    This was on the way back on the bike to PICK UP the pick-up. He was at the end of the canal on Guadalupe.
193. Turkey Vulture    08/10/2004    Canyon Lake    Close-up views and one on the road. Intrepid.
194. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
195. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2004    Gilbert and Riggs Roads
196. Turkey Vulture    08/13/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
197. Turkey Vulture    08/14/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
198. Turkey Vulture    08/15/2004    Usery Mountain Park
199. Turkey Vulture    08/28/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
200. Turkey Vulture    08/29/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
201. Turkey Vulture    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
202. Turkey Vulture    09/23/2004    Peace Park
203. Turkey Vulture    09/26/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
204. Turkey Vulture    10/02/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
205. Turkey Vulture    10/23/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    flying up by the railroad tracks
206. Turkey Vulture    11/25/2004    Estero Morua
207. Turkey Vulture    12/23/2004    Estero Morua
208. Turkey Vulture    01/01/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
209. Turkey Vulture    02/27/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Oh God he was big.
210. Turkey Vulture    03/12/2005    Superstitions
211. Turkey Vulture    03/15/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    very fine soarer
212. Turkey Vulture    03/18/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
213. Turkey Vulture    03/20/2005    Generic Place Anywhere    On a telephone pole right in front of the ponds with the American white pelicans and I stopped 'cause I thought he was an eagle. I drove off the highway and down a dirt road and had to back out.
214. Turkey Vulture    03/27/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    A pair soaring.
215. Turkey Vulture    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
216. Turkey Vulture    04/24/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Oh how he soared in the wind.
217. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2005    Patagonia
218. Turkey Vulture    05/19/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
219. Turkey Vulture    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
220. Turkey Vulture    05/23/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
221. Turkey Vulture    05/24/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
222. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
223. Turkey Vulture    05/28/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
224. Turkey Vulture    05/29/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
225. Turkey Vulture    05/30/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
226. Turkey Vulture    06/05/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
227. Turkey Vulture    06/11/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
228. Turkey Vulture    06/12/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
229. Turkey Vulture    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
230. Turkey Vulture    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
231. Turkey Vulture    07/08/2005    Sedona
232. Turkey Vulture    08/01/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
233. Turkey Vulture    08/03/2005    New Orleans Louisiana
234. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
235. Turkey Vulture    08/14/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    SOARING OVER THE PONDS LOW IN THE POWERFUL BREEZE. LOOKED LIKE AN EAGLE.
236. Turkey Vulture    08/20/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
237. Turkey Vulture    08/27/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
238. Turkey Vulture    09/04/2005    Generic Highway    fine bird
239. Turkey Vulture    09/04/2005    Tucson Arizona
240. Turkey Vulture    09/10/2005    Usery Mountain Park
241. Turkey Vulture    09/18/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Huge out front. Then two huge ones on the canal road.
242. Turkey Vulture    09/25/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
243. Turkey Vulture    10/02/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
244. Turkey Vulture    11/06/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
245. Turkey Vulture    11/12/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
246. Turkey Vulture    11/13/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
247. Turkey Vulture    11/19/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
248. Turkey Vulture    11/20/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
249. Turkey Vulture    11/24/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
250. Turkey Vulture    11/25/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
251. Turkey Vulture    12/10/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
252. Turkey Vulture    12/17/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    Lots of them swirling in the sky. The Liberty Wildlife people had one too. His name was Bailey and he was 20 years old. He bites and has sent many people to the hospital.
253. Turkey Vulture    12/25/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Soaring over the site.
254. Turkey Vulture    12/30/2005    Estero Morua    On the way out in 2006 on the sandy roads.
255. Turkey Vulture    01/07/2006    Gilbert and Riggs Roads    I saw several on this trip though not necessarily at this intersection.
256. Turkey Vulture    01/15/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
257. Turkey Vulture    02/19/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
258. Turkey Vulture    02/25/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
259. Turkey Vulture    03/17/2006    Apache Lake
260. Turkey Vulture    03/18/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
261. Turkey Vulture    04/08/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Oh how wonderful he was!
262. Turkey Vulture    04/22/2006    Usery Mountain Park
263. Turkey Vulture    04/29/2006    Generic Place Anywhere    Mysterious Pond OH MY GOSH ON THE GROUND AND EVERYTHING
264. Turkey Vulture    04/29/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
265. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
266. Turkey Vulture    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
267. Turkey Vulture    07/15/2006    Usery Mountain Park
268. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
269. Turkey Vulture    09/02/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
270. Turkey Vulture    09/16/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
271. Turkey Vulture    10/01/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
272. Turkey Vulture    12/29/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    nice ones
273. Turkey Vulture    03/16/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
274. Turkey Vulture    03/18/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two flying low behind the firestation. What a sight!
275. Turkey Vulture    04/13/2007    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
276. Turkey Vulture    04/13/2007    Canyon Lake
277. Turkey Vulture    04/22/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
278. Turkey Vulture    04/29/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
279. Turkey Vulture    05/05/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
280. Turkey Vulture    05/12/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
281. Turkey Vulture    05/13/2007    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
282. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2007    Flagstaff House
283. Turkey Vulture    05/28/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
284. Turkey Vulture    06/09/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two of them Oh how magestic they were. SOARING SOARING SORING. ONE RIGHT OVERHEAD AS IF TO SAY HELLO.
285. Turkey Vulture    06/16/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Magnif!
286. Turkey Vulture    06/17/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
287. Turkey Vulture    06/17/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
288. Turkey Vulture    07/01/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    GT grackle harrassing him.
289. Turkey Vulture    07/04/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
290. Turkey Vulture    07/07/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
291. Turkey Vulture    08/07/2007    Patagonia
292. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2007    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
293. Turkey Vulture    08/12/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
294. Turkey Vulture    08/18/2007    Tempe Town Lake
295. Turkey Vulture    09/29/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
296. Turkey Vulture    09/29/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
297. Turkey Vulture    09/30/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
298. Turkey Vulture    11/24/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He landed in a tree right next to me.
299. Turkey Vulture    03/10/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
300. Turkey Vulture    05/12/2008    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
301. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
302. Turkey Vulture    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
303. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
304. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2008    McQueen and Elliot Roads
305. Turkey Vulture    05/26/2008    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
306. Turkey Vulture    05/27/2008    Flagstaff House
307. Turkey Vulture    07/20/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
308. Turkey Vulture    07/26/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
309. Turkey Vulture    08/06/2008    Fort Bragg California
310. Turkey Vulture    08/06/2008    Generic Place Anywhere    Everywhere. Ft. Bragg Lucerne Glennhaven. Lozza them.
311. Turkey Vulture    08/13/2008    Flagstaff House
312. Turkey Vulture    08/30/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
313. Turkey Vulture    09/30/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
314. Turkey Vulture    12/28/2008    Estero Morua
315. Turkey Vulture    01/17/2009    Estero Morua
316. Turkey Vulture    02/01/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
317. Turkey Vulture    03/01/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
318. Turkey Vulture    03/16/2009    Generic Highway
319. Turkey Vulture    03/20/2009    Usery Mountain Park
320. Turkey Vulture    03/21/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
321. Turkey Vulture    03/22/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
322. Turkey Vulture    03/23/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
323. Turkey Vulture    03/24/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
324. Turkey Vulture    03/26/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
325. Turkey Vulture    03/27/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
326. Turkey Vulture    03/28/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
327. Turkey Vulture    05/17/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
328. Turkey Vulture    05/25/2009    Walnut Canyon
329. Turkey Vulture    05/27/2009    Lake Mary    UPPER LAKE MARY
330. Turkey Vulture    05/27/2009    Mormon Lake
331. Turkey Vulture    05/27/2009    Payson Arizona    Clutch Broke
332. Turkey Vulture    06/28/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
333. Turkey Vulture    07/03/2009    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
334. Turkey Vulture    07/11/2009    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
335. Turkey Vulture    7/26/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads    I was driving back from the water ranch having already been at E&C roads when I saw this bird flying over the marketplace at the intersection of E&C roads.
336. Turkey Vulture    8/6/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
337. Turkey Vulture    8/8/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
338. Turkey Vulture    08/11/2009    Lake Itasca
339. Turkey Vulture    8/22/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
340. Turkey Vulture    8/28/2009    Generic Place Anywhere
341. Turkey Vulture    8/29/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
342. Turkey Vulture    8/30/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    several soaring overhead
343. Turkey Vulture    9/5/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
344. Turkey Vulture    9/12/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
345. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
346. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
347. Turkey Vulture    10/8/2009    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
348. Turkey Vulture    10/14/2009    Generic Place Anywhere
349. Turkey Vulture    10/24/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
350. Turkey Vulture    11/7/2009    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
351. Turkey Vulture    11/28/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
352. Turkey Vulture    12/26/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He was on a dead tree perched and looking like a real vulture. I took a picture.
353. Turkey Vulture    01/02/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
354. Turkey Vulture    1/17/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
355. Turkey Vulture    1/31/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Strange. He was on the cement path by the canal on the ground. I walked nearly up to him before he flew. They he glided along low and finally landed on the junk by the warehouses. Very close all of the time.
356. Turkey Vulture    2/13/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
357. Turkey Vulture    2/13/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
358. Turkey Vulture    3/6/2010    Usery Mountain Park
359. Turkey Vulture    3/16/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
360. Turkey Vulture    3/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
361. Turkey Vulture    3/28/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
362. Turkey Vulture    4/17/2010    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
363. Turkey Vulture    5/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
364. Turkey Vulture    5/8/2010    Superstitions
365. Turkey Vulture    5/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two magnificent ones. One flying far above; the other flying far above.
366. Turkey Vulture    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    Oh he was MAGNIF!
367. Turkey Vulture    6/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    MAGNIFICENT NATCH!
368. Turkey Vulture    6/2/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
369. Turkey Vulture    6/4/2010    Mesquite Wash
370. Turkey Vulture    6/10/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two of them. Magnif. One landed over the right of pond 8.
371. Turkey Vulture    6/11/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Soaring over and then under. Soaring low low low. Fast.
372. Turkey Vulture    6/12/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
373. Turkey Vulture    6/25/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
374. Turkey Vulture    7/4/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
375. Turkey Vulture    7/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    On Elliot Road on the way in up up in the sky.
376. Turkey Vulture    7/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Over Pond 10. Nice one. He soared over. Another far in the distance.
377. Turkey Vulture    7/23/2010    Tempe Town Lake
378. Turkey Vulture    7/24/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
379. Turkey Vulture    8/8/2010    Mormon Lake    I think there were some. Steve and I drove back home.
380. Turkey Vulture    8/13/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
381. Turkey Vulture    8/23/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Nice big one soaring over the parking lot.
382. Turkey Vulture    8/27/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
383. Turkey Vulture    8/30/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
384. Turkey Vulture    8/31/2010    Wild Horse Pass
385. Turkey Vulture    9/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
386. Turkey Vulture    9/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
387. Turkey Vulture    9/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
388. Turkey Vulture    9/7/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
389. Turkey Vulture    9/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
390. Turkey Vulture    9/11/2010    Walnut Canyon    Over Walnut Canyon.
391. Turkey Vulture    9/19/2010    Superstitions    WHEN WE DROVE IN WE SAW THESE BIRDS SOARING.
392. Turkey Vulture    9/25/2010    Generic Place Anywhere    CLOSE UP. At Germann Road and Price. NICE DUMP! FUN JUNK. The field beyond to the north was beautiful and clean.
393. Turkey Vulture    9/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two. Soaring high. Then one coming VERY low. The other low. Then high.
394. Turkey Vulture    9/29/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
395. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
396. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
397. Turkey Vulture    10/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    flew low over the dirt road
398. Turkey Vulture    10/6/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
399. Turkey Vulture    10/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
400. Turkey Vulture    10/8/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
401. Turkey Vulture    10/11/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    THREE of these big beauties were flying together.
402. Turkey Vulture    10/17/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    soaring above the parking lot
403. Turkey Vulture    10/17/2010    Generic Place Anywhere    Myterious POND ONLY.
404. Turkey Vulture    10/20/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
405. Turkey Vulture    10/26/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    There were TWO soaring magnificently.
406. Turkey Vulture    10/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
407. Turkey Vulture    10/30/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
408. Turkey Vulture    11/15/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two soaring and perhaps the same two eating a dead bird at the Northeast corner. They were on the road south of the canal.
409. Turkey Vulture    11/21/2010    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Two flying as I came up. They disappeared.
410. Turkey Vulture    12/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    OH they were soaring. Two of them. Very close.
411. Turkey Vulture    12/13/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    two flying over. They were way out there and then came in to fly over the fire station.
412. Turkey Vulture    12/25/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
413. Turkey Vulture    1/3/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two beauties flying over POND TEN.
414. Turkey Vulture    1/20/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    A nice one soaring and soaring.
415. Turkey Vulture    2/4/2011    Boyce Thompson Arboretum    i think. in the distance. disappeared
416. Turkey Vulture    2/26/2011    Usery Mountain Park
417. Turkey Vulture    3/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
418. Turkey Vulture    3/9/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
419. Turkey Vulture    3/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
420. Turkey Vulture    3/13/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
421. Turkey Vulture    3/14/2011    Superstitions    There was a huge flock spiraling in a great cone by Battleship Mountain.
422. Turkey Vulture    3/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    GIGANTIC. I THOUGHT IT WAS AN EAGLE AT FIRST.
423. Turkey Vulture    3/25/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
424. Turkey Vulture    3/26/2011    Superstitions
425. Turkey Vulture    3/28/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
426. Turkey Vulture    3/30/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He scared the stilts out of pond 10.
427. Turkey Vulture    3/31/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
428. Turkey Vulture    4/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads   
429. Turkey Vulture    4/2/2011    Superstitions
430. Turkey Vulture    4/4/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Lots of great views.
431. Turkey Vulture    4/5/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
432. Turkey Vulture    4/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
433. Turkey Vulture    4/8/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Oh how the wind was blowing him around. I think he was having fun but it looked dangerous.
434. Turkey Vulture    4/10/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
435. Turkey Vulture    4/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Seen over pond ten
436. Turkey Vulture    4/13/2011    Generic Place Anywhere    A big baby who may have been perched and flew up.
437. Turkey Vulture    4/13/2011    Tempe Town Lake
438. Turkey Vulture    4/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
439. Turkey Vulture    4/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
440. Turkey Vulture    4/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
441. Turkey Vulture    4/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
442. Turkey Vulture    4/19/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
443. Turkey Vulture    4/21/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    nice one as usual
444. Turkey Vulture    4/22/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
445. Turkey Vulture    4/25/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
446. Turkey Vulture    4/27/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
447. Turkey Vulture    4/29/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
448. Turkey Vulture    4/30/2011    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
449. Turkey Vulture    5/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
450. Turkey Vulture    5/3/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
451. Turkey Vulture    5/5/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
452. Turkey Vulture    5/6/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
453. Turkey Vulture    5/8/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
454. Turkey Vulture    5/10/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
455. Turkey Vulture    5/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    over NE corner   Later out front
456. Turkey Vulture    5/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
457. Turkey Vulture    5/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
458. Turkey Vulture    5/18/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
459. Turkey Vulture    5/20/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
460. Turkey Vulture    5/21/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
461. Turkey Vulture    5/22/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He was on the ground in pond nine and flew up.
462. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2011    2125 North Villas Lane    When I was driving up to my house I saw this big baby with a smaller bird harrassing him.
463. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    CANAL ROAD. Big. Nice. Soaring.
464. Turkey Vulture    5/27/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
465. Turkey Vulture    5/30/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
466. Turkey Vulture    5/31/2011    Phoenix Zoo
467. Turkey Vulture    6/4/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
468. Turkey Vulture    6/5/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
469. Turkey Vulture    6/8/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    I went to the corner marketplace for beer and a TV flew over. Very nice indeed.
470. Turkey Vulture    6/10/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
471. Turkey Vulture    6/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
472. Turkey Vulture    6/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Nice one over the fire station and then later two over the canal road.
473. Turkey Vulture    6/18/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
474. Turkey Vulture    7/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
475. Turkey Vulture    7/13/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
476. Turkey Vulture    7/21/2011    Flagstaff House
477. Turkey Vulture    8/7/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    soaring high
478. Turkey Vulture    8/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Just as I was driving in the parking lot he was soaring out there.
479. Turkey Vulture    8/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
480. Turkey Vulture    8/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
481. Turkey Vulture    8/20/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Always a pleasure.
482. Turkey Vulture    8/20/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
483. Turkey Vulture    8/27/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two soaring to the west as I drove in. A ways away but close enough.
484. Turkey Vulture    8/30/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    I was sitting in the truck in the parking lot and saw a shadow. I got out and it was a TV.
485. Turkey Vulture    8/30/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
486. Turkey Vulture    9/6/2011    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
487. Turkey Vulture    9/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
488. Turkey Vulture    9/9/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
489. Turkey Vulture    9/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
490. Turkey Vulture    9/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
491. Turkey Vulture    9/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
492. Turkey Vulture    9/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Soared close. Lots of starlings flying with him but they weren't harassing him.
493. Turkey Vulture    9/19/2011    Flagstaff House    Lots of these around.
494. Turkey Vulture    9/28/2011    Walnut Canyon    flicker
495. Turkey Vulture    9/30/2011    Montezuma Well    Over the desert
496. Turkey Vulture    10/3/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
497. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two soaring
498. Turkey Vulture    10/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
499. Turkey Vulture    10/9/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
500. Turkey Vulture    10/10/2011    Estero Morua    I was there Mon-Wed 10-12. This bird may have been seen on any or all of those days.
501. Turkey Vulture    11/18/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
502. Turkey Vulture    11/26/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
503. Turkey Vulture    11/30/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
504. Turkey Vulture    12/20/2011    Generic Place Anywhere    CHANDLER AIRPORT
505. Turkey Vulture    12/24/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
506. Turkey Vulture    1/16/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Eating a dead duck in Pond Ten.
508. Turkey Vulture    3/8/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    two of them
509. Turkey Vulture    3/21/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flying over Pond Ten on the west west end. Later elsewhere!
510. Turkey Vulture    3/23/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
511. Turkey Vulture    4/2/2012    Western Canal    eating a duck
512. Turkey Vulture    4/7/2012    Superstitions
513. Turkey Vulture    4/8/2012    Flagstaff House
514. Turkey Vulture    4/19/2012    Walnut Canyon
515. Turkey Vulture    5/16/2012    Western Canal
516. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
517. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2012    McQueen and Elliot Roads
518. Turkey Vulture    5/26/2012    Western Canal    a grackle chasing it
519. Turkey Vulture    6/2/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
520. Turkey Vulture    6/5/2012    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
521. Turkey Vulture    6/8/2012    McQueen and Elliot Roads    Just saw him as I was passing by in my truck.
522. Turkey Vulture    6/10/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
523. Turkey Vulture    6/20/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two circling.
524. Turkey Vulture    6/24/2012    Flagstaff House
525. Turkey Vulture    6/29/2012    Northern Arizona Museum
526. Turkey Vulture    7/7/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
527. Turkey Vulture    7/17/2012    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    Soaring high and fast.
528. Turkey Vulture    7/23/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
529. Turkey Vulture    7/24/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Saw his shadow while I was in the truck and looked out to see him sailing high above.
530. Turkey Vulture    8/4/2012    Western Canal
531. Turkey Vulture    8/18/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
532. Turkey Vulture    8/20/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
533. Turkey Vulture    8/23/2012    Western Canal
534. Turkey Vulture    8/27/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
535. Turkey Vulture    9/4/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
536. Turkey Vulture    9/21/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
537. Turkey Vulture    9/22/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
538. Turkey Vulture    10/2/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
539. Turkey Vulture    12/19/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
540. Turkey Vulture    1/12/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
541. Turkey Vulture    1/13/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
542. Turkey Vulture    1/14/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
543. Turkey Vulture    1/31/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    nice one soaring over
544. Turkey Vulture    2/19/2013    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
545. Turkey Vulture    2/26/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Soaring over as I drove in.
546. Turkey Vulture    2/27/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two flying low over Pond Nine.
547. Turkey Vulture    3/7/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flying above pond nine as I drove in.
548. Turkey Vulture    3/10/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    flying over
549. Turkey Vulture    3/17/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Huge and flying low over ponds eight and nine and over the parking lot.
550. Turkey Vulture    3/18/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    One BIG one soaring over the parking lot as I came in and a little later there were FOUR soaring high high above the site.
551. Turkey Vulture    3/19/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two of them
552. Turkey Vulture    3/20/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two TV's
553. Turkey Vulture    3/20/2013    Generic Place Anywhere    Cooper and Queencreek Roads
554. Turkey Vulture    3/22/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Was soaring high and then on the canal road he was diving low over the scene.
555. Turkey Vulture    3/23/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    soaring medium high over parking lot
556. Turkey Vulture    3/24/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Over viewing area.
557. Turkey Vulture    3/27/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
558. Turkey Vulture    3/28/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    soaring around
559. Turkey Vulture    4/1/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    three flying over. One went into pond ten to eat the dead duck
560. Turkey Vulture    4/2/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
561. Turkey Vulture    4/3/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
562. Turkey Vulture    4/4/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
563. Turkey Vulture    4/5/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
564. Turkey Vulture    4/6/2013    Superstitions
565. Turkey Vulture    4/14/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
566. Turkey Vulture    4/25/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
567. Turkey Vulture    4/28/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
568. Turkey Vulture    5/3/2013    Western Canal    Near E&C Roads
569. Turkey Vulture    5/6/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
570. Turkey Vulture    5/7/2013    Western Canal
571. Turkey Vulture    5/9/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
572. Turkey Vulture    5/9/2013    Western Canal    perched on a chain-link fence by the school yard
573. Turkey Vulture    5/12/2013    Flagstaff House    5/14/2013
574. Turkey Vulture    5/16/2013    Western Canal
575. Turkey Vulture    5/18/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    An avocet went after him as I have seen before.
576. Turkey Vulture    6/4/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
577. Turkey Vulture    6/20/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
578. Turkey Vulture    6/20/2013    Western Canal    Two of them. One low. One on the ground near a dead duck.
579. Turkey Vulture    6/23/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    With a male grackle harassing him.
580. Turkey Vulture    6/25/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
581. Turkey Vulture    7/6/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Three of these. I took movies.
582. Turkey Vulture    9/12/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Big one soaring high over pond ten.
583. Turkey Vulture    9/16/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Saw him as I was driving out and had already turned right on to Elliot off of Cooper.
584. Turkey Vulture    11/27/2013    Western Canal
585. Turkey Vulture    12/6/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
586. Turkey Vulture    12/7/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Nice soaring
587. Turkey Vulture    12/9/2013    Sun Lakes    I think seven in the eucalyptus tree on the golf course. They were roosting early evening.
588. Turkey Vulture    12/23/2013    Veterans Oasis Park
589. Turkey Vulture    2/1/2014    Sun Lakes    West Pond
590. Turkey Vulture    3/6/2014    Sun Lakes
591. Turkey Vulture    3/15/2014    Sun Lakes
592. Turkey Vulture    3/27/2014    Sun Lakes    Flying over my catfish pond
593. Turkey Vulture    4/10/2014    Sun Lakes    On the Res rez
594. Turkey Vulture    5/4/2014    Sun Lakes    flying around fields back from Home Depot
595. Turkey Vulture    5/5/2014    Veterans Oasis Park
596. Turkey Vulture    5/7/2014    Sun Lakes    Over my catfish pond.
597. Turkey Vulture    5/15/2014    Elliot and Cooper Roads    A big shawdow covered me. It was the turkey vultrue flying over the parking lot. He went NW
598. Turkey Vulture    5/16/2014    Flagstaff House    over the house...well over the Mays' house
599. Turkey Vulture    5/20/2014    Montezuma Well    over the well
600. Turkey Vulture    6/7/2014    Elliot and Cooper Roads
601. Turkey Vulture    6/20/2014    Generic Place Anywhere    Lots of them landing on the field on the NE corner of Riggs and Arizona Avenue.
602. Turkey Vulture    6/23/2014    Sun Lakes    West reservation flying low.
603. Turkey Vulture    6/29/2014    Sun Lakes    Two were on the ground by the lake an flew away. NW Lake
604. Turkey Vulture    7/27/2014    Sun Lakes    West Reservation
605. Turkey Vulture    8/2/2014    Veterans Oasis Park
606. Turkey Vulture    8/7/2014    Sun Lakes
607. Turkey Vulture    8/11/2014    Veterans Oasis Park
608. Turkey Vulture    8/23/2014    Sun Lakes    Northwest Pond
609. Turkey Vulture    9/20/2014    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
610. Turkey Vulture    10/3/2014    Sun Lakes    My Pond
611. Turkey Vulture    10/14/2014    Elliot and Cooper Roads
612. Turkey Vulture    11/22/2014    Elliot and Cooper Roads
613. Turkey Vulture    11/22/2014    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
614. Turkey Vulture    11/22/2014    Veterans Oasis Park
615. Turkey Vulture    11/23/2014    Sun Lakes    Two NNW Pond on the field.
616. Turkey Vulture    12/5/2014    Sun Lakes    Over South Reservation
617. Turkey Vulture    1/24/2015    Sun Lakes    MYSTERIOUS PUDDLE big bird!
618. Turkey Vulture    3/1/2015    Sun Lakes
619. Turkey Vulture    4/9/2015    Sun Lakes
620. Turkey Vulture    5/19/2015    Sun Lakes    Up in the sky over Sun Lakes 1
621. Turkey Vulture    6/3/2015    Elliot and Cooper Roads
622. Turkey Vulture    10/15/2015    Generic Place Anywhere    several in a whirling funnel down Linsey Road as I drove to Simpleton's to see larry and nance and john dole
623. Turkey Vulture    1/10/2016    Sun Lakes    over the neighborhood as I walked back from nw pond
624. Turkey Vulture    1/23/2016    Sun Lakes
625. Turkey Vulture    2/3/2016    Mazatlán México     lots of them
626. Turkey Vulture    3/20/2016    Generic Place Anywhere    PLACE ON A DIRT ROAD ON DOBSON
627. Turkey Vulture    4/15/2016    Eugene Oregon
628. Turkey Vulture    5/7/2016    Generic Place Anywhere    HuHuGam Heritage Center on the Rez.
629. Turkey Vulture    5/7/2016    Sun Lakes    on the way back from the HuHuGam Heritage Center
630. Turkey Vulture    5/15/2016    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
631. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2016    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
632. Turkey Vulture    6/11/2016    The Salt River    Zillions flying and roosting on cliffs and swirling in remolinos and so on
633. Turkey Vulture    7/4/2016    Sun Lakes
634. Turkey Vulture    7/11/2016    Flagstaff House
635. Turkey Vulture    7/12/2016    Lowell Observatory Mars Hill
636. Turkey Vulture    7/12/2016    Northern Arizona Museum    Found this note in some instruction manual and I took a picture of it with my phone in 2017 and found I hadn't entered it.
637. Turkey Vulture    8/11/2016    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
638. Turkey Vulture    8/27/2016    Elliot and Cooper Roads
639. Turkey Vulture    10/3/2016    Veterans Oasis Park    Lots of them circling
640. Turkey Vulture    10/14/2016    Sun Lakes    up in the sky by Sun Devil Auto
641. Turkey Vulture    11/25/2016    Veterans Oasis Park
642. Turkey Vulture    12/4/2016    Estero Morua    Over the point and also soaring above over the water in front of the Davises' house.
643. Turkey Vulture    5/10/2017    Flagstaff House    On the way up and later over the house
644. Turkey Vulture    5/16/2017    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
645. Turkey Vulture    6/1/2017    Sun Lakes    Out in my back yard.
646. Turkey Vulture    6/17/2017    Veterans Oasis Park
647. Turkey Vulture    6/18/2017    Sun Lakes    NW Pond One up high. Another landed on the hot dusty dirt road between the rez and the neighborhood.
648. Turkey Vulture    6/19/2017    Veterans Oasis Park
649. Turkey Vulture    6/21/2017    Estero Morua
650. Turkey Vulture    6/22/2017    Organ Pipe National Monument
651. Turkey Vulture    7/9/2017    Patagonia    plenty
652. Turkey Vulture    8/5/2017    Sun Lakes    at Rez Pond Some soaring above. One with a dead fish on the shore.     Some soaring above. One with a dead fish on the shore.
653. Turkey Vulture    1/2/2018    Higley and Ocotillo Roads
654. Turkey Vulture    1/7/2018    Sun Lakes    big one
655. Turkey Vulture    1/10/2018    Cabo San Lucas    Zillions of them.
656. Turkey Vulture    2/1/2018    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
657. Turkey Vulture    3/7/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    On the Rez on 87 south to Coolidge when I was looking to photograph the cottonwood trees
658. Turkey Vulture    3/17/2018    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
659. Turkey Vulture    4/7/2018    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond TWO of them on the shore.
660. Turkey Vulture    4/9/2018    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond
661. Turkey Vulture    4/15/2018    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
662. Turkey Vulture    04/17/2018    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond
663. Turkey Vulture    5/1/2018    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
664. Turkey Vulture    5/8/2018    Flagstaff House   
665. Turkey Vulture    5/12/2018    Sun Lakes   
666. Turkey Vulture    5/14/2018    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond Mysterious Puddle
667. Turkey Vulture    6/7/2018    Sun Lakes   
668. Turkey Vulture    7/5/2018    Mormon Lake   
669. Turkey Vulture    8/16/2018    Sun Lakes   
670. Turkey Vulture    8/27/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    On the highway back home from Tucson.
671. Turkey Vulture    9/8/2018    Sun Lakes    Big old buzzard flying over the golf course right behind my house.
672. Turkey Vulture    10/3/2018    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    Two flapping in together...
673. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2018    Sun Lakes    Flying over the west rez. Two at least. More.
674. Turkey Vulture    10/9/2018    Elliot and Cooper Roads    flying right over
675. Turkey Vulture    10/11/2018    Sun Lakes    one on the ground two in the air Rez Pond
676. Turkey Vulture    10/24/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    north of nnw Pond on Old Price Road
677. Turkey Vulture    1/8/2019    Sun Lakes    Lots on the ground/shore of Rez Pond and later circling.
678. Turkey Vulture    1/14/2019    Sun Lakes    South Rez I drove down the roads
679. Turkey Vulture    1/16/2019    Sun Lakes    From my front yard I could see him over Sun Lakes Blvd.
680. Turkey Vulture    1/17/2019    Sun Lakes    on the shore of Rez Pond. He wasn't afraid of me and I walked into the pond where there were many dead fish. Tilapia
681. Turkey Vulture    1/19/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond circling above
682. Turkey Vulture    2/2/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond
683. Turkey Vulture    2/17/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond soaring above two or three
684. Turkey Vulture    2/18/2019    Sun Lakes    West Rez
685. Turkey Vulture    3/22/2019    Sun Lakes    West Rez
686. Turkey Vulture    3/23/2019    Veterans Oasis Park   
687. Turkey Vulture    3/24/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond
688. Turkey Vulture    4/1/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond in the distance
689. Turkey Vulture    4/14/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
690. Turkey Vulture    4/27/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond in the distance and on the West Rez
691. Turkey Vulture    5/1/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond in the distance and also over Mysterious Puddle
692. Turkey Vulture    5/3/2019    Superstitions   
693. Turkey Vulture    5/16/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
694. Turkey Vulture    5/17/2019    Sun Lakes    Flying over my house.
695. Turkey Vulture    6/1/2019    Sun Lakes   
696. Turkey Vulture    7/27/2019    Sun Lakes    at Rez Pond
697. Turkey Vulture    8/25/2019    Veterans Oasis Park   
698. Turkey Vulture    8/29/2019    Sun Lakes    over the golf course
699. Turkey Vulture    8/31/2019    Sun Lakes    Two big ones eating fish at Rez Pond I drove there also NW POND NORTHWEST POND
700. Turkey Vulture    9/6/2019    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flying over
701. Turkey Vulture    9/7/2019    Sun Lakes    over sun lakes blvd
702. Turkey Vulture    9/9/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond flying over
703. Turkey Vulture    9/14/2019    Sun Lakes    In the sky Rez Pond
704. Turkey Vulture    9/22/2019    Elliot and Cooper Roads   
705. Turkey Vulture    9/23/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
706. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond on the ground. Then he few up on the fence and I guess he left.
707. Turkey Vulture    10/11/2019    Elliot and Cooper Roads   
708. Turkey Vulture    10/12/2019    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flying above
709. Turkey Vulture    10/14/2019    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond circling above perhaps for the GB herring
710. Turkey Vulture    10/19/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    Near Memorial Airport
711. Turkey Vulture    10/21/2019    Sun Lakes    Over SL Blvd, at Rez Pond, and West Rez
712. Turkey Vulture    11/12/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    blue her
713. Turkey Vulture    12/16/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    Near Memorial Airport
714. Turkey Vulture    12/25/2019    Sun Lakes    On the shore of Rez Pond dining on a fish.
715. Turkey Vulture    1/5/2020    Sun Lakes    Lots of them circling above Rez Pond, others gliding in, some on both sides of the pond on ther shores. Big
716. Turkey Vulture    1/23/2020    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond flying in the distance over West Rez
717. Turkey Vulture    2/11/2020    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
718. Turkey Vulture    3/2/2020    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond  and Mysterious Puddle
719. Turkey Vulture    3/8/2020    Elliot and Cooper Roads   
720. Turkey Vulture    3/8/2020    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
721. Turkey Vulture    4/8/2020    Sun Lakes    Rez Pond on the right where I've photographed him before.
722. Turkey Vulture    4/16/2020    Sun Lakes    Over West Rez and then he flew over Mysterious Puddle because there was one in the distance that way.
723. Turkey Vulture    4/30/2020    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle Rez Pond West Rez
724. Turkey Vulture    5/11/2020    Generic Place Anywhere    Wes Rez up north near Mysterious Pond
725. Turkey Vulture    5/19/2020    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
726. Turkey Vulture    5/22/2020    Sun Lakes    Flying over my back yard. I took a video.
727. Turkey Vulture    6/7/2020    Sun Lakes    NWPond two giants on the grass. One suddenly was gone and was soaring overhead
728. Turkey Vulture    6/11/2020    Sun Lakes    View from NWPond flying over West Rez
729. Turkey Vulture    6/13/2020    Sun Lakes    NWPond
730. Turkey Vulture    6/15/2020    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle One up high. Probably the same one swooped in low as I was walking back.
731. Turkey Vulture    6/18/2020    Sun Lakes    Soaring. Two. One over Rez Pond. Mysterious Puddle, where I heard children and wouldn't you know there were four or five in there in the heat of the day at 2:30 or so climbing around the trees across the pond.
732. Turkey Vulture    6/19/2020    Sun Lakes    NWPond Very cool view flying well overhead
733. Turkey Vulture    7/24/2020    Sun Lakes    Soaring high over NWPond
734. Turkey Vulture    9/24/2020    Generic Place Anywhere    Near freeway and Alma School somewhere
735. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2020    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
736. Turkey Vulture    12/14/2020    Sun Lakes   
737. Turkey Vulture    1/3/2021    Sun Lakes    A great big dust devil of them to the south from my sunny seat on the side of the house. I went for my binocs and when I got back in 15 seconds, they were gone!
738. Turkey Vulture    1/5/2021    Sun Lakes    Flying soaring north of the golf course
739. Turkey Vulture    1/10/2021    Sun Lakes    soaring north over golf course
740. Turkey Vulture    2/4/2021    Sun Lakes    on the highway home
741. Turkey Vulture    2/20/2021    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    Water Ranch
742. Turkey Vulture    4/24/2021    Generic Place Anywhere    on the highway down to Tucson
743. Turkey Vulture    5/18/2021    Sun Lakes    flying high
744. Turkey Vulture    5/20/2021    Generic Place Anywhere    On the way home from Steve's...
745. Turkey Vulture    7/5/2021    Generic Place Anywhere    Two soaring above a field between alma school and cooper I think on queencreek
746. Turkey Vulture    7/8/2021    Boyce Thompson Arboretum    plenty of them
747. Turkey Vulture    8/15/2021    Generic Place Anywhere    Lots and lots of them on the highway from Sun Lakes down to Tucson. Saw them again and again as I drove.
748. Turkey Vulture    9/15/2021    Gilbert and Riggs Roads    This is HIGLEY AND GILBERT. I must make a new place in the database. Can't remember why I went here.
749. Turkey Vulture    9/26/2021    Veterans Oasis Park    vermillion fl
750. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2021    Elliot and Cooper Roads   
751. Turkey Vulture    10/1/2021    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
752. Turkey Vulture    10/10/2021    Sun Lakes    took a video
753. Turkey Vulture    12/30/2021    Sun Lakes    REZ POND
754. Turkey Vulture    1/4/2022    Sun Lakes    Mysterious Puddle
755. Turkey Vulture    2/16/2022    Sun Lakes    NWPond Eating something dead on the shore near Riggs Road.
756. Turkey Vulture    2/20/2022    Sun Lakes    NWPond
757. Turkey Vulture    3/7/2022    Sun Lakes    NWPond
758. Turkey Vulture    3/8/2022    Sun Lakes    NWPond
759. Turkey Vulture    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon   
760. Turkey Vulture    3/30/2022    Boyce Thompson Arboretum    lots flying soaring
761. Turkey Vulture    4/25/2022    Sun Lakes    rez pond
762. Turkey Vulture    5/18/2022    Sun Lakes   
763. Turkey Vulture    5/24/2022    Sun Lakes   
764. Turkey Vulture    5/28/2022    Generic Place Anywhere    Flying over Target or actually Petsmart where Steve and I went to buy a feeder for that damned dirty feral cat so I can go to England and the cat won't starve.
765. Turkey Vulture    8/8/2022    Sun Lakes    On Riggs  BIG!
766. Turkey Vulture    8/11/2022    Sun Lakes   
767. Turkey Vulture    08/31/2022    Boyce Thompson Arboretum    Took movies and Dits took pictures.
768. Turkey Vulture    10/2/2022    Sun Lakes   
769. Turkey Vulture    10/4/2022    Sun Lakes    west rez
770. Turkey Vulture    10/6/2022    Elliot and Cooper Roads    on the road when I drove in
771. Turkey Vulture    10/9/2022    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
772. Turkey Vulture    10/19/2022    Sun Lakes    soaring near the ponds on my health walk
773. Turkey Vulture    10/29/2022    Sun Lakes   
774. Turkey Vulture    11/2/2022    Sun Lakes   
775. Turkey Vulture    1/26/2023    Generic Place Anywhere    CHANDLER HEIGHTS AND GILBERT ROAD
776. Turkey Vulture    2/9/2023    Sun Lakes   
777. Turkey Vulture    2/13/2023    Sun Lakes    NWPond
778. Turkey Vulture    2/19/2023    Sun Lakes    on the ground at NWPond eating a dead pigeon or something stilt, mergies, buffles, etc as usual
779. Turkey Vulture    2/24/2023    Sun Lakes    and Everything else! Ducks Herons ruddies buffies...NWPond
780. Turkey Vulture    2/24/2023    Sun Lakes    NWPond TV's and everying else. ALL THE DUCKS AND HERONS. Drove my TRIKE.
781. Turkey Vulture    3/4/2023    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads