Augustus Santiago Cotera

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Professor Emeritus of Geology at Northern Arizona University. Resident of Avondale, Arizona, USA. My wife is Karen W. Cotera, Professor Emeritus of Education at NAU. We recently bought a "casita" in Comares and look forward to future vacations in Fall and Spring and perhaps longer periods later. I speak Spanish fluently and look forward to meeting new friends, both Spanish and English. My full name is Augustus Santiago Cotera, Jr. and my lineage is from the province of Cantabria in northern Spain. 6407

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to Dan Rather again

Hi Dan:
I doubt there is any one in our country who is unaware of the danger of burning fossil fuels. We all know we must stop and shift our energy to solar, wind, hydrogen, and nuclear sources. I would also bet there are few people who are unwilling to bear the increased cost of gasoline for our cars, IF WE WERE CERTAIN the shift was being done as quickly as possible. We desperately need visionary leaders in our government. "When our leaders have no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29). What a catastrophic situation we would find ourselves in, if our descendants would someday say of us, "they knew what to do, but did not have the courage to do so."