There are 11 birds in the list below.
1. Gambel's Quail,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Gambel's quail in our driveway.
2. Brown Pelican,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Zillions of brown pelicans at the waterfront-- young ones.
3. Blue-footed Booby,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,We carried a hurt-sick blue-footed booby to the water; he flopped back up the shore.
4. Brown Booby,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Coming back there was a Brown Booby in trouble. (Lots of yellowÐfooted gulls). The booby was apparently ill. Gerald and I (Steve) wrestled with him a bit and he pecked at us with his sharp bill.
5. Yellow-footed Gull,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Lots of yellow-footed gulls.
6. Le Conte's Thrasher,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Add a thrasher -- a Le Conte's + mourningdove to the list -- saw 'em on the way out (GAC)
7. Mourning Dove,7/8/1990,Estero Morua
8. Magnificent Frigatebird,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,Frigate birds are here (Two of 'em)
9. Rock Dove,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,pigeons seen often
10. Say's Phoebe,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,1 quiet
11. Black-bellied Plover,7/8/1990,Estero Morua,One (11 July) in winter plumage