Inca Doves
Bird Links
recorded so far.

Inca Dove.jpg

After a long dry spell of very few Inca doves at Sun Lakes, one and I think a pair have come to live in my back yard.
I see one in my desert and he buzzes away when I arrive.
On July 7, 2020 I post toastied this:  The Inca dove is back! And There is a fine poem about him BELOW RIGHT.
UPDATE! I saw him again in the back yard!

Inca Dove Mystery English.jpg


11. El misterio de la tortolita mexicana

    Donde vivo yo, hay un pequeño misterio que tiene que ver con un pájaro llamado la tortolita mexicana, pero antes de contártelo, me gustaría hablar un poco sobre el ave.
  Hay palomas más pequeñas en el mundo, pero no muchas. Desde que era niño he sabido unas cuantas cosas sobre esta tortolita. Por ejemplo, su canto era y todavía es uno de los sonidos más comunes en los patios traseros de las casas en muchas vecindades alrededor de donde vivía. Durante las tardes perezosas una y otra vez se oía “Whirlpool! Whirlpool!” Se puede
identificar el pájaro por el ruido que
10 La más pequeña en norteamerica es la tortolita azul. Lo siquiente es la primera entrada mía del pájaro.
La tortolita azul 12/21/1992 1759 West Mariposa Court Esta tortolita visitó varias veces y Dad me contaba sobre ella. Por fin fui a su casa para verla. Me sorprendió su apariencia. Al leer sobre la tortolita, me di cuenta de que se parecía exactamente como debía cuando estaba en el suelo: “Como una huilota común en miniatura.”

hacen las alas. Al despegar, las alas de la tortolita mexicana hacen el sonido de un molinete de juguete moviendo por el aire. Me acuerdo de que cuando era niño me gustaba atraparlas. Tenían un olor oleoso y almizcle. Hacíamos trampas hechas de latas de café y trampas para ratones para atraparlas sin hacerles daño. Siempre las soltábamos. Un día mi padre me citó una oración de un libro que describía al pájaro con: “la confiada tortolita mexicana”  palabras con las que estábamos de acuerdo ya que tortolitas mexicanas no son muy asustadizas y usted puede acercarse a ellas sin asustarlas fácilmente. Veo en mi base de datos una entrada interesante aunque triste:

Halconcito colorado 12/23/1998 Boyce Thompson Arboretum Ese halcón entró bramando en la vega, agarró a una tortolita mexicana, batió las alas y se alejó con ella. Las otras tortolitas mexicanas huyeron ATERRORIZADAS. ¡Qué espectáculo!
    Ha llegado la hora de contarle el misterio.   Me mudé a Sun Lakes alrededor del 1 de enero de 2014, y he registrado pájaros aquí casi todos los días en un área de algo así como dos millas cuadradas.  Muy pronto me enteré de que casi no había una ninguna tortolita mexicana por aquí aunque (como ya he dicho) al norte su canto es uno de los sonidos más comunes en los patios de todas las casas. Recientemente (el 29 de Mayo de 2020) algunas tortolitas llegaron a vivir cerca de mí así que tengo algunas ahora, pero el siguiente gráfico de barras cuenta la historia. He registrado 11,688 pájaros aquí, pero por seis años ¡ví a solamente doce tortolitas! Cómo podría ser esto es el misterio. Todas las condiciones necesarias existen aquí como en los otros barrios, o por lo menos así me parece. Alguien me dijo que yo debería comparar el número de avistamientos de tortolitas con el de los gavilanes de Cooper ya que él creía que a los gavilanes les gustaba comer las tortolitas. Hice un gráfico del gavilán. Aunque aves de presa no son tan numerosos como otras aves como palomas o gorriones que forman bandadas, yo había visto dos veces más gavilanes que tortolitas mexicanas durante los mismos años.
   —No ha habido una disminución de tortolitas mexicanas versus gavilanes —le dije —. De hecho, los gráficos más o menos coinciden. Así que parece que los gavilanes no han estado comiendo a las tortolitas.
   —Si coinciden, tengo razón —dijo—.  Los gráficos muestran que los gavilanes han estado persiguiendo a las tortolitas por todos estos años.
No le creí por un segundo, pero fue una observación interesante.
Ha pasado tiempo, y ahora tengo que agregar un apéndice; no he visto a una tortolita mexicana en mi patio trasero por varias semanas. Parece que he tenido nada más una oleada de cinco semanas y que he regresado a los días sombríos de la penuria de tortolitas de nuevo.
      Hoy, el 21 de octubre de 2020, apareció una tortolita mexicana en mi patio aparentamente con el único propósito de destrozar el final de este capítulo. Hablo en broma. Dos más acaban de llegar y tengo que decir que me alegra.
¡Están de vuelta!

Cooper's Hawk 11/22/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads He was botherning the little Inca doves and flying low around the grassy area and into people's yards and I took his picture in a tree. He was very mean to do this.

The Inca Dove that Wasn't There

bird mirage the inca dove that wasn't there.jpeg

Noodles kills Inca dove.jpg

Noodles kills Inca dove a.jpg
February 12, 2005

Noodles kills Inca dove c.jpg
February 12, 2005

Inca Dovey Lovies.JPG.jpg
Nov 18, 2010

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June 4, 2008

Inca Doves at Sun Lakes Graph.jpg
The Inca Dove

Authored by Tom Cole
See the little Inca dove go 'cross the roller rink

Inky dinky,

Inky dinky,

Inky dinky,


Inca Doves at Sun Lakes Bar Chart by Year.jpg

American Kestrel 12/23/1998 Boyce Thompson Arboretum This kestrel came roaring into the clearing grabbed an Inca dove and flew off with it. The other Inca doves buzzed away in HORROR. What a sight.

Inca Dove ninth at Sun Lakes in six years.jpg

Inca Dove Graph Sun Lakes.png

1. Inca Dove    1/8/1959    2015 Sierra Vista
2. Inca Dove    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
3. Inca Dove    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
4. Inca Dove    4/22/1983    2125 North Villas Lane
5. Inca Dove    12/1/1996    Elliot and Cooper Roads
6. Inca Dove    3/1/1998    2125 North Villas Lane
7. Inca Dove    3/2/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
8. Inca Dove    3/3/1998    Arizona State University
9. Inca Dove    3/21/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
10. Inca Dove    5/5/1998    2125 North Villas Lane
11. Inca Dove    5/9/1998    2125 North Villas Lane
12. Inca Dove    5/9/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
13. Inca Dove    6/27/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
14. Inca Dove    7/3/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
15. Inca Dove    8/9/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
16. Inca Dove    9/5/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
17. Inca Dove    12/13/1998    Elliot and Cooper Roads
18. Inca Dove    12/23/1998    Boyce Thompson Arboretum    A Kestrel grabbed him and flew off with him! The other Inca doves buzzed away in HORROR. What a sight.
19. Inca Dove    1/10/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
20. Inca Dove    3/7/1999    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
21. Inca Dove    4/18/1999    Hassayampa River
22. Inca Dove    7/2/1999    Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
23. Inca Dove    7/11/1999    2125 North Villas Lane    As ALWAYS EVERY DAY here.
24. Inca Dove    8/14/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
25. Inca Dove    8/22/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
26. Inca Dove    9/12/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
27. Inca Dove    11/13/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
28. Inca Dove    11/27/1999    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
29. Inca Dove    11/28/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
30. Inca Dove    12/12/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
31. Inca Dove    12/17/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
32. Inca Dove    12/31/1999    Elliot and Cooper Roads
33. Inca Dove    1/1/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
34. Inca Dove    1/2/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
35. Inca Dove    1/17/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
36. Inca Dove    1/22/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
37. Inca Dove    2/14/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
38. Inca Dove    4/12/2000    2125 North Villas Lane
39. Inca Dove    4/16/2000    2125 North Villas Lane
40. Inca Dove    5/20/2000    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
41. Inca Dove    8/12/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
42. Inca Dove    9/2/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
43. Inca Dove    10/1/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
44. Inca Dove    10/6/2000    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
45. Inca Dove    10/07/2000    El Mirage Pond
46. Inca Dove    11/18/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
47. Inca Dove    12/3/2000    Elliot and Cooper Roads
48. Inca Dove    03/11/2001    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
49. Inca Dove    5/11/2001    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
50. Inca Dove    08/18/2001    Elliot and Cooper Roads
51. Inca Dove    04/07/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
52. Inca Dove    04/20/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
53. Inca Dove    04/21/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
54. Inca Dove    04/22/2002    Arizona State University
55. Inca Dove    05/01/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
56. Inca Dove    05/12/2002    Elliot and Cooper Roads
57. Inca Dove    05/26/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
58. Inca Dove    06/14/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
59. Inca Dove    08/24/2002    2125 North Villas Lane
60. Inca Dove    10/05/2002    Tucson Arizona
61. Inca Dove    02/08/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
62. Inca Dove    05/11/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Lots of these here today.  I wonder why.
63. Inca Dove    05/23/2003    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
64. Inca Dove    08/03/2003    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
65. Inca Dove    09/07/2003    Usery Mountain Park
66. Inca Dove    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
67. Inca Dove    10/03/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
68. Inca Dove    10/25/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
69. Inca Dove    11/01/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
70. Inca Dove    11/11/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
71. Inca Dove    11/28/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
72. Inca Dove    11/28/2003    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
73. Inca Dove    12/14/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
74. Inca Dove    12/25/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
75. Inca Dove    12/30/2003    Elliot and Cooper Roads
76. Inca Dove    12/31/2003    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
77. Inca Dove    01/24/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
78. Inca Dove    02/15/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
79. Inca Dove    04/10/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
80. Inca Dove    04/11/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
81. Inca Dove    04/18/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
82. Inca Dove    05/01/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He was dead dead dead! by pond 1.
83. Inca Dove    05/15/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
84. Inca Dove    06/21/2004    2125 North Villas Lane
85. Inca Dove    06/26/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads    To my surprise there were a number of these on the walkway up. On the ground. Even in the trees.
86. Inca Dove    08/03/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
87. Inca Dove    08/14/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
88. Inca Dove    08/22/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
89. Inca Dove    08/29/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
90. Inca Dove    09/04/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
91. Inca Dove    09/05/2004    2125 North Villas Lane
92. Inca Dove    09/12/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
93. Inca Dove    09/24/2004    Peace Park
94. Inca Dove    09/26/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
95. Inca Dove    10/02/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
96. Inca Dove    10/03/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
97. Inca Dove    10/17/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
98. Inca Dove    10/23/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
99. Inca Dove    10/24/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
100. Inca Dove    10/30/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
101. Inca Dove    11/07/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
102. Inca Dove    11/11/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
103. Inca Dove    11/13/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
104. Inca Dove    11/14/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
105. Inca Dove    12/04/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
106. Inca Dove    12/12/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
107. Inca Dove    12/18/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
108. Inca Dove    12/19/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
109. Inca Dove    12/27/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
110. Inca Dove    12/30/2004    Elliot and Cooper Roads
111. Inca Dove    01/04/2005    Generic Place Anywhere    Kokopelli Golf Club pond on Guadalupe Road near Elliot and Cooper Roads.
112. Inca Dove    01/17/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
113. Inca Dove    03/29/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
114. Inca Dove    04/03/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
115. Inca Dove    04/23/2005    2125 North Villas Lane    Two Inca doves landed on Noodles' new grave.
116. Inca Dove    04/24/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
117. Inca Dove    05/17/2005    Patagonia
118. Inca Dove    05/19/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
119. Inca Dove    05/20/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
120. Inca Dove    05/23/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
121. Inca Dove    05/29/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
122. Inca Dove    05/29/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
123. Inca Dove    05/30/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
124. Inca Dove    06/04/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
125. Inca Dove    06/04/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
126. Inca Dove    06/07/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
127. Inca Dove    06/11/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
128. Inca Dove    06/16/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
129. Inca Dove    06/18/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
130. Inca Dove    06/19/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
131. Inca Dove    06/26/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
132. Inca Dove    07/02/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
133. Inca Dove    07/02/2005    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
134. Inca Dove    07/04/2005    2125 North Villas Lane    Inky dinky dinky dink!
135. Inca Dove    07/16/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
136. Inca Dove    07/17/2005    Tucson Arizona
137. Inca Dove    07/23/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Behind the fire station.
138. Inca Dove    07/24/2005    2125 North Villas Lane    Of course there are Inkies!!!
139. Inca Dove    07/24/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
140. Inca Dove    08/01/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
141. Inca Dove    08/02/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
142. Inca Dove    08/23/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
143. Inca Dove    08/27/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
144. Inca Dove    08/28/2005    2125 North Villas Lane
145. Inca Dove    09/11/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
146. Inca Dove    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
147. Inca Dove    09/18/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
148. Inca Dove    10/02/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
149. Inca Dove    10/02/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
150. Inca Dove    11/06/2005    Elliot and Cooper Roads
151. Inca Dove    12/10/2005    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
152. Inca Dove    03/18/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
153. Inca Dove    04/08/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
154. Inca Dove    04/08/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
155. Inca Dove    04/16/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Kind of A LOT OF THEM.
156. Inca Dove    04/30/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
157. Inca Dove    05/14/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
158. Inca Dove    05/25/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
159. Inca Dove    05/26/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Well I saw him.
160. Inca Dove    06/04/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Kind of a lot of these.
161. Inca Dove    07/02/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
162. Inca Dove    07/08/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads    There were kind of a lot of them.
163. Inca Dove    07/08/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
164. Inca Dove    07/22/2006    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
165. Inca Dove    08/11/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
166. Inca Dove    08/20/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
167. Inca Dove    08/27/2006    2125 North Villas Lane
168. Inca Dove    08/27/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
169. Inca Dove    09/02/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
170. Inca Dove    09/16/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
171. Inca Dove    10/01/2006    Elliot and Cooper Roads
172. Inca Dove    11/24/2006    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
173. Inca Dove    01/01/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
174. Inca Dove    01/13/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
175. Inca Dove    01/28/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
176. Inca Dove    02/10/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
177. Inca Dove    03/01/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
178. Inca Dove    03/16/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
179. Inca Dove    03/31/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
180. Inca Dove    04/01/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
181. Inca Dove    04/08/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
182. Inca Dove    04/15/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
183. Inca Dove    04/22/2007    2125 North Villas Lane
184. Inca Dove    04/22/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
185. Inca Dove    04/28/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
186. Inca Dove    05/05/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
187. Inca Dove    05/10/2007    Generic Place Anywhere    The Farm at South Mountain AECP Graduation sii07.
188. Inca Dove    05/12/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
189. Inca Dove    05/12/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
190. Inca Dove    05/13/2007    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
191. Inca Dove    05/14/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
192. Inca Dove    06/09/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
193. Inca Dove    06/12/2007    2125 North Villas Lane
194. Inca Dove    06/17/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
195. Inca Dove    07/04/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
196. Inca Dove    07/07/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
197. Inca Dove    08/07/2007    Patagonia
198. Inca Dove    08/12/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
199. Inca Dove    08/12/2007    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
200. Inca Dove    08/27/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
201. Inca Dove    09/02/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
202. Inca Dove    09/03/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Lots of them surprisingly.
203. Inca Dove    09/16/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
204. Inca Dove    11/22/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
205. Inca Dove    11/24/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
206. Inca Dove    11/25/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
207. Inca Dove    12/02/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
208. Inca Dove    12/08/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
209. Inca Dove    12/09/2007    Elliot and Cooper Roads
210. Inca Dove    02/09/2008    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
211. Inca Dove    03/06/2008    Generic Place Anywhere    THE FARM AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN
212. Inca Dove    04/16/2008    2125 North Villas Lane
213. Inca Dove    05/17/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
214. Inca Dove    07/04/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
215. Inca Dove    08/03/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
216. Inca Dove    08/17/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
217. Inca Dove    08/30/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
218. Inca Dove    09/11/2008    2125 North Villas Lane
219. Inca Dove    09/21/2008    2125 North Villas Lane
220. Inca Dove    09/30/2008    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
221. Inca Dove    10/19/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
222. Inca Dove    11/01/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Kind of a lot of them.
223. Inca Dove    11/08/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
224. Inca Dove    12/22/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads    sitting on the road kind of scrunched down on this miserable and dreary day
225. Inca Dove    12/27/2008    Elliot and Cooper Roads
226. Inca Dove    01/31/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
227. Inca Dove    02/15/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
228. Inca Dove    02/26/2009    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
229. Inca Dove    03/01/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
230. Inca Dove    03/21/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
231. Inca Dove    03/22/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
232. Inca Dove    03/23/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
233. Inca Dove    03/24/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
234. Inca Dove    03/27/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
235. Inca Dove    03/30/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
236. Inca Dove    03/31/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
237. Inca Dove    04/04/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
238. Inca Dove    04/18/2009    Tucson Arizona
239. Inca Dove    04/26/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
240. Inca Dove    05/09/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
241. Inca Dove    05/19/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
242. Inca Dove    05/21/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
243. Inca Dove    06/13/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
244. Inca Dove    06/20/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
245. Inca Dove    06/27/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
246. Inca Dove    06/28/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
247. Inca Dove    07/05/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
248. Inca Dove    07/06/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
249. Inca Dove    07/11/2009    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
250. Inca Dove    07/18/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
251. Inca Dove    07/19/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
252. Inca Dove    7/26/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
253. Inca Dove    8/1/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
254. Inca Dove    8/10/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
255. Inca Dove    8/23/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
256. Inca Dove    08/28/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
257. Inca Dove    8/29/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
258. Inca Dove    8/30/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
259. Inca Dove    09/02/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
260. Inca Dove    9/5/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
261. Inca Dove    9/5/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
262. Inca Dove    09/06/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
263. Inca Dove    9/8/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
264. Inca Dove    9/13/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
265. Inca Dove    09/19/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
266. Inca Dove    10/1/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
267. Inca Dove    10/3/2009    2125 North Villas Lane    always here
268. Inca Dove    10/3/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
269. Inca Dove    10/3/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
270. Inca Dove    10/4/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
271. Inca Dove    10/6/2009    2125 North Villas Lane
272. Inca Dove    10/6/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
273. Inca Dove    10/10/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
274. Inca Dove    10/24/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
275. Inca Dove    10/24/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
276. Inca Dove    11/27/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
277. Inca Dove    11/28/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
278. Inca Dove    12/12/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
279. Inca Dove    12/20/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
280. Inca Dove    12/24/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
281. Inca Dove    12/25/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
282. Inca Dove    12/25/2009    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
283. Inca Dove    12/30/2009    Elliot and Cooper Roads
284. Inca Dove    01/02/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
285. Inca Dove    01/03/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
286. Inca Dove    01/05/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
287. Inca Dove    01/08/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
288. Inca Dove    01/09/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
289. Inca Dove    01/11/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
290. Inca Dove    1/14/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
291. Inca Dove    1/17/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
292. Inca Dove    1/23/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
293. Inca Dove    1/24/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
294. Inca Dove    1/30/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
295. Inca Dove    1/30/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
296. Inca Dove    2/6/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
297. Inca Dove    2/6/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
298. Inca Dove    2/14/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
299. Inca Dove    2/21/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
300. Inca Dove    3/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
301. Inca Dove    3/27/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
302. Inca Dove    3/30/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
303. Inca Dove    4/17/2010    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
304. Inca Dove    4/25/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
305. Inca Dove    4/25/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
306. Inca Dove    5/1/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
307. Inca Dove    5/1/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    two
308. Inca Dove    5/15/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
309. Inca Dove    5/25/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
310. Inca Dove    5/28/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
311. Inca Dove    5/31/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
312. Inca Dove    6/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
313. Inca Dove    6/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
314. Inca Dove    6/12/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
315. Inca Dove    6/13/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
316. Inca Dove    6/14/2010    2125 North Villas Lane    What a nice Inky!
317. Inca Dove    6/16/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    BIRD FOURTEEN TODAY AND 14TH TOMORROW TOO AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.
318. Inca Dove    6/17/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    THE INCA DOVE TAKES IT! Bird TEN THOUSAND at E & C Roads!!!!!
319. Inca Dove    6/25/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
320. Inca Dove    7/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
321. Inca Dove    7/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
322. Inca Dove    7/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
323. Inca Dove    7/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
324. Inca Dove    7/11/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Dead in the street as I drove up.
325. Inca Dove    7/20/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
326. Inca Dove    7/26/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
327. Inca Dove    8/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
328. Inca Dove    8/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
329. Inca Dove    8/13/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
330. Inca Dove    8/13/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
331. Inca Dove    8/23/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
332. Inca Dove    8/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
333. Inca Dove    8/27/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
334. Inca Dove    8/29/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
335. Inca Dove    8/30/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
336. Inca Dove    9/2/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
337. Inca Dove    9/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
338. Inca Dove    9/4/2010    2125 North Villas Lane
339. Inca Dove    9/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
340. Inca Dove    9/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
341. Inca Dove    9/7/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
342. Inca Dove    9/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
343. Inca Dove    9/14/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
344. Inca Dove    9/17/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
345. Inca Dove    9/21/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
346. Inca Dove    9/22/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
347. Inca Dove    9/24/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
348. Inca Dove    9/25/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
349. Inca Dove    9/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
350. Inca Dove    10/1/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
351. Inca Dove    10/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
352. Inca Dove    10/3/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
353. Inca Dove    10/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
354. Inca Dove    10/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
355. Inca Dove    10/6/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
356. Inca Dove    10/6/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
357. Inca Dove    10/7/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    IN POND TEN.
358. Inca Dove    10/8/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
359. Inca Dove    10/10/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
360. Inca Dove    10/11/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
361. Inca Dove    10/15/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
362. Inca Dove    10/16/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
363. Inca Dove    10/17/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
364. Inca Dove    10/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
365. Inca Dove    10/20/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
366. Inca Dove    10/25/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
367. Inca Dove    10/26/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
368. Inca Dove    10/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
369. Inca Dove    10/28/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
370. Inca Dove    10/29/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
371. Inca Dove    10/30/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
372. Inca Dove    10/30/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
373. Inca Dove    11/4/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Hear the little Inca dove go cross the roller rink? Inky dinky inky dinky inky dinky DINK!
374. Inca Dove    11/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
375. Inca Dove    11/6/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
376. Inca Dove    11/8/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
377. Inca Dove    11/9/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
378. Inca Dove    11/15/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    up the sidewalk next to Pond 10.
379. Inca Dove    11/16/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
380. Inca Dove    11/18/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
381. Inca Dove    11/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
382. Inca Dove    11/21/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Huddling in a group of five or six at least and were up near the wall by the tree at the SW end.
383. Inca Dove    11/22/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
384. Inca Dove    11/23/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
385. Inca Dove    11/24/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
386. Inca Dove    11/25/2010    Tucson Arizona
387. Inca Dove    11/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    In a tree up the path
388. Inca Dove    11/29/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two in Pond 10
389. Inca Dove    12/2/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    in pond nine
390. Inca Dove    12/3/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
391. Inca Dove    12/3/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
392. Inca Dove    12/5/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    POND 10. AT LEAST EIGHT OF THEM. THEY FLEW TO A TREE LIMB AS I SCARED THEM. THEY SAT TOGETHER.
393. Inca Dove    12/5/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
394. Inca Dove    12/8/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
395. Inca Dove    12/10/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
396. Inca Dove    12/12/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
397. Inca Dove    12/15/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
398. Inca Dove    12/16/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
399. Inca Dove    12/18/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
400. Inca Dove    12/19/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
401. Inca Dove    12/20/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads    On the canal road just past the BUM.
402. Inca Dove    12/24/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
403. Inca Dove    12/24/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
404. Inca Dove    12/25/2010    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
405. Inca Dove    12/27/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
406. Inca Dove    12/31/2010    Elliot and Cooper Roads
407. Inca Dove    1/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    None for a couple of days have I seen ANY. Finally at the southeast fence. Then at the cement area facing Pond 8.
408. Inca Dove    1/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
409. Inca Dove    1/23/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Some in the tree at the edge of Pond 9 just to the right of the viewing area. First I've seen in a few days.
410. Inca Dove    1/28/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Only on the south side inthe residential area. They aren't as common as they used to be.
411. Inca Dove    2/7/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
412. Inca Dove    2/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    cement canals on the canal road
413. Inca Dove    2/18/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
414. Inca Dove    2/24/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Heard an Inca and found him by the lawn up in the tree he flew. Haven't seen any for a few trips.
415. Inca Dove    2/25/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    two of them
416. Inca Dove    2/28/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
417. Inca Dove    3/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
418. Inca Dove    3/2/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
419. Inca Dove    3/2/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
420. Inca Dove    3/3/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    kill
421. Inca Dove    3/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
422. Inca Dove    3/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
423. Inca Dove    3/25/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
424. Inca Dove    4/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
425. Inca Dove    4/5/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
426. Inca Dove    4/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
427. Inca Dove    4/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
428. Inca Dove    4/14/2011    Mesa Library Pond at Dobson Ranch
429. Inca Dove    4/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
430. Inca Dove    4/23/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
431. Inca Dove    4/27/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    To my surprise in the grassy area there were three at least of these. They're not as common here as they are in your backyard.
432. Inca Dove    4/28/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
433. Inca Dove    4/29/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
434. Inca Dove    4/29/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
435. Inca Dove    4/30/2011    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
436. Inca Dove    5/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
437. Inca Dove    5/3/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
438. Inca Dove    5/4/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
439. Inca Dove    5/5/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    South road
440. Inca Dove    5/6/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
441. Inca Dove    5/9/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
442. Inca Dove    5/13/2011    Mesa Library Pond at Dobson Ranch
443. Inca Dove    5/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
444. Inca Dove    5/18/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Sporting NW corner of Pond nine
445. Inca Dove    5/19/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
446. Inca Dove    5/22/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He flew over Cooper Road while I was starting my walk and I was on the sidewalk.
447. Inca Dove    5/23/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    canal road
448. Inca Dove    5/31/2011    Phoenix Zoo
449. Inca Dove    6/2/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    three or more in the paloverde tree in front of Pond Eight.
450. Inca Dove    6/6/2011    Generic Place Anywhere    WALK TO WHOLE FOODS
451. Inca Dove    6/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    canal road
452. Inca Dove    6/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Just one on the canal road.
453. Inca Dove    6/18/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    He flew by the stand pipe at the viewing area.
454. Inca Dove    6/24/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    HEARD ONLY
455. Inca Dove    6/26/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Flew by as I got in the truck to leave.
456. Inca Dove    7/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
457. Inca Dove    7/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
458. Inca Dove    8/4/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
459. Inca Dove    8/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
460. Inca Dove    8/10/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Heard some and then saw one flying by.
461. Inca Dove    8/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
462. Inca Dove    8/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    IN THE RIGHT BUSH OUT OF THE VIEWING AREA
463. Inca Dove    8/16/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
464. Inca Dove    8/20/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
465. Inca Dove    8/22/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
466. Inca Dove    8/26/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
467. Inca Dove    8/27/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    IN THE FUN BUSH
468. Inca Dove    9/1/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
469. Inca Dove    9/6/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Pond ten snag
470. Inca Dove    9/7/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    on the gravel road to the left of the viewing area next to Pond 9.
471. Inca Dove    9/8/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    by the standpipe
472. Inca Dove    9/9/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
473. Inca Dove    9/10/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
474. Inca Dove    9/11/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
475. Inca Dove    9/12/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
476. Inca Dove    9/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
477. Inca Dove    9/15/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
478. Inca Dove    9/17/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    kind of a lot of them
479. Inca Dove    10/6/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
480. Inca Dove    10/8/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
481. Inca Dove    10/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
482. Inca Dove    11/14/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
483. Inca Dove    11/22/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
484. Inca Dove    11/29/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads
485. Inca Dove    12/2/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Just one.
486. Inca Dove    12/9/2011    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
487. Inca Dove    12/15/2011    Mesa Library Pond at Dobson Ranch
488. Inca Dove    12/31/2011    Elliot and Cooper Roads    By the tracks and the canal and the grave
489. Inca Dove    1/6/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
490. Inca Dove    1/13/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    On NORTH canal fench.
491. Inca Dove    1/16/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    two or three on the south fence as I walked around
492. Inca Dove    1/19/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    South fence. Several of them.
493. Inca Dove    1/30/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    From Cooper Road through the fence in Pond Ten as I walked around. Least sandies were there too.
494. Inca Dove    2/6/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    some just as I turned the corner from the neighborhood
495. Inca Dove    2/10/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
496. Inca Dove    2/20/2012    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
497. Inca Dove    2/25/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
498. Inca Dove    3/19/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
499. Inca Dove    3/30/2012    Western Canal
500. Inca Dove    4/1/2012    Western Canal
501. Inca Dove    4/2/2012    Western Canal
502. Inca Dove    4/3/2012    Western Canal
503. Inca Dove    4/5/2012    Western Canal
504. Inca Dove    4/29/2012    Western Canal
505. Inca Dove    4/30/2012    Western Canal
506. Inca Dove    5/1/2012    Western Canal
507. Inca Dove    5/2/2012    Western Canal
508. Inca Dove    5/16/2012    Western Canal
509. Inca Dove    5/18/2012    Western Canal
510. Inca Dove    5/19/2012    Western Canal
511. Inca Dove    5/20/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
512. Inca Dove    5/20/2012    Western Canal
513. Inca Dove    5/22/2012    Western Canal
514. Inca Dove    5/26/2012    Western Canal
515. Inca Dove    6/1/2012    Western Canal
516. Inca Dove    6/9/2012    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
517. Inca Dove    6/10/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two over by the standpipe flying into the bushes.
518. Inca Dove    6/12/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
519. Inca Dove    6/13/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
520. Inca Dove    6/20/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
521. Inca Dove    7/5/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
522. Inca Dove    7/7/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
523. Inca Dove    7/9/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
524. Inca Dove    7/13/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
525. Inca Dove    7/16/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
526. Inca Dove    7/17/2012    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
527. Inca Dove    7/20/2012    Western Canal
528. Inca Dove    7/21/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
529. Inca Dove    7/22/2012    Western Canal
530. Inca Dove    7/23/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
531. Inca Dove    7/24/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
532. Inca Dove    7/25/2012    Shawnee Bark Park
533. Inca Dove    7/28/2012    Western Canal
534. Inca Dove    7/29/2012    Western Canal
535. Inca Dove    7/30/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
536. Inca Dove    8/2/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
537. Inca Dove    8/2/2012    Western Canal
538. Inca Dove    8/4/2012    Western Canal
539. Inca Dove    8/18/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
540. Inca Dove    8/22/2012    Western Canal
541. Inca Dove    8/23/2012    Western Canal
542. Inca Dove    8/28/2012    2125 North Villas Lane
543. Inca Dove    9/4/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
544. Inca Dove    9/17/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
545. Inca Dove    9/21/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
546. Inca Dove    9/22/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
547. Inca Dove    10/2/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
548. Inca Dove    10/4/2012    Western Canal
549. Inca Dove    10/13/2012    Western Canal
550. Inca Dove    10/14/2012    Western Canal
551. Inca Dove    10/25/2012    Western Canal
552. Inca Dove    10/27/2012    Western Canal
553. Inca Dove    10/29/2012    Western Canal
554. Inca Dove    10/31/2012    Western Canal
555. Inca Dove    11/1/2012    Western Canal
556. Inca Dove    11/4/2012    Western Canal
557. Inca Dove    11/9/2012    Western Canal
558. Inca Dove    11/10/2012    Western Canal
559. Inca Dove    11/14/2012    Western Canal
560. Inca Dove    11/15/2012    Western Canal
561. Inca Dove    11/20/2012    Western Canal
562. Inca Dove    11/24/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
563. Inca Dove    11/24/2012    Western Canal
564. Inca Dove    12/17/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
565. Inca Dove    12/19/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
566. Inca Dove    12/21/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
567. Inca Dove    12/25/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
568. Inca Dove    12/28/2012    Elliot and Cooper Roads
569. Inca Dove    1/8/2013    Western Canal
570. Inca Dove    1/12/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
571. Inca Dove    1/13/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
572. Inca Dove    1/13/2013    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
573. Inca Dove    1/14/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
574. Inca Dove    1/15/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
575. Inca Dove    1/31/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
576. Inca Dove    4/14/2013    Western Canal
577. Inca Dove    4/15/2013    Western Canal
578. Inca Dove    4/16/2013    Western Canal
579. Inca Dove    4/25/2013    Western Canal
580. Inca Dove    4/26/2013    Western Canal
581. Inca Dove    4/28/2013    Western Canal
582. Inca Dove    5/1/2013    Western Canal
583. Inca Dove    5/3/2013    Western Canal
584. Inca Dove    5/6/2013    Western Canal
585. Inca Dove    5/9/2013    Western Canal
586. Inca Dove    5/15/2013    Western Canal
587. Inca Dove    5/20/2013    2125 North Villas Lane
588. Inca Dove    5/23/2013    Western Canal
589. Inca Dove    6/4/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads    Two were in pond eight.
590. Inca Dove    6/20/2013    Western Canal
591. Inca Dove    6/25/2013    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
592. Inca Dove    6/28/2013    Western Canal
593. Inca Dove    6/29/2013    2125 North Villas Lane    The little black cat went after him but couldn't catch him.
594. Inca Dove    7/21/2013    Elliot and Cooper Roads
595. Inca Dove    9/12/2013    Western Canal
596. Inca Dove    7/19/2014    Sun Lakes    Place life lister! TWO at Fun Lakes. The first I've seen here. They flew over a house on Player Street.
597. Inca Dove    12/27/2014    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
598. Inca Dove    1/25/2015    Generic Place Anywhere    At Sid's house.
599. Inca Dove    5/19/2016    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
600. Inca Dove    8/11/2016    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
601. Inca Dove    2/11/2017    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
602. Inca Dove    5/13/2017    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
603. Inca Dove    7/9/2017    Patagonia
604. Inca Dove    10/12/2017    Sun Lakes    Second sighting in almost four years here. I saw four of them near little pond.
605. Inca Dove    11/5/2017    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
606. Inca Dove    11/10/2017    Sun Lakes    AT MY HOUSE. The first here in almost four years.
607. Inca Dove    2/4/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Two right out in front of Steve's house.
608. Inca Dove    4/22/2018    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
609. Inca Dove    5/14/2018    Sun Lakes    FOURTH ONE SEEN in four years here. Flew over the fence at Player Drive while I was walking to the pud and rez pnd
610. Inca Dove    6/15/2018    Sun Lakes    Right in my back yard.
611. Inca Dove    6/16/2018    Sun Lakes    Right in my back yard again.
612. Inca Dove    8/27/2018    Elliot and Cooper Roads    in the sparrow bushes
613. Inca Dove    9/7/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Steve's House on Danyell as I drove off.
614. Inca Dove    10/3/2018    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    One was splashing around and I thought he was a Least Sandy at first!
615. Inca Dove    10/6/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Four or five of them flew in front of Jan and me when we were riding bikes away from his house to go to the fat tire festival.
616. Inca Dove    11/4/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Several at Steve's Danyell House
617. Inca Dove    11/23/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Lots of them at Steve's house. Danyell
618. Inca Dove    12/7/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    At Jan's house
619. Inca Dove    12/8/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    Steve's house on Danyell
620. Inca Dove    12/30/2018    Generic Place Anywhere    At Steve's Danyell House when I went to see the dogs because he's in Puerto Rico.
621. Inca Dove    4/14/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads   
622. Inca Dove    05/09/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    Steve's House on Danyell at the bird feeder. Four or five. Saw them also driving down the street. They're all over.
623. Inca Dove    5/10/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    Steve's House on Danyell at his feeder
624. Inca Dove    9/23/2019    Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads    One
625. Inca Dove    11/14/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    At Steve's Danyell House. We went and saw Steve Ramos at the Liberty Market.
626. Inca Dove    11/17/2019    Generic Place Anywhere    At Steve's Danyell House where I brought the dogs treats today.
627. Inca Dove    3/8/2020    McQueen and Elliot Roads   
628. Inca Dove    3/10/2020    Generic Place Anywhere    in the street near STEVE'S HOUSE ON DANYELL
629. Inca Dove    5/29/2020    Sun Lakes    Out in the back yard on the golf course. I saw him fly up from the ground into a tree. Later I could see him lift his red-rufous wings. Seventh seen here.
630. Inca Dove    6/18/2020    Sun Lakes    RARE SIGHTING HERE! He was out on the golf course so I went for my binocs and phone and he was gone. Later, I went out and he was in my back yard on the gravel and he buzzed over Wayne's yard and into the next.
631. Inca Dove    6/19/2020    Sun Lakes    There were two in my back yard on the golf course. Saw twice at lease.
632. Inca Dove    6/22/2020    Sun Lakes    He's out there again! Looks like I have a local that's going to say. What was it? 7 inkies in 6 years? Now the trend will be up!
633. Inca Dove    6/24/2020    Sun Lakes    My back yard Happy to have the Inca dove numbers rising because of him and there are two living out back now. What was it? 6 or 7 in six years? As common as flies on cowflops just up the road and their Mole! Cole! call the most common sound on a lazy afternoon.
634. Inca Dove   7/7/2020    Sun Lakes    My back yard. He buzzed away! I have water there.
634. Inca Dove    11/25/2020    Sun Lakes    in my back yard
635. Inca Dove    11/26/2020    Sun Lakes    plenty of them
636. Inca Dove    11/27/2020    Sun Lakes    My back yard
637. Inca Dove    11/29/2020    Sun Lakes   
638. Inca Dove    11/30/2020    Sun Lakes    my house
639. Inca Dove    12/1/2020    Sun Lakes   
640. Inca Dove    12/2/2020    Sun Lakes   
641. Inca Dove    12/4/2020    Sun Lakes    8 of them and also many on the south side of my house
642. Inca Dove    12/6/2020    Sun Lakes   
643. Inca Dove    12/8/2020    Sun Lakes   
644. Inca Dove    12/13/2020    Sun Lakes   
645. Inca Dove    12/14/2020    Sun Lakes   
646. Inca Dove    12/16/2020    Sun Lakes    more than one
647. Inca Dove    12/25/2020    Sun Lakes   
648. Inca Dove    12/28/2020    Sun Lakes    Lots and lots out back
649. Inca Dove    12/30/2020    Sun Lakes    some on the south side of my house
650. Inca Dove    1/4/2021    Sun Lakes    plural
651. Inca Dove    1/5/2021    Sun Lakes    Ten of them!
652. Inca Dove    1/10/2021    Sun Lakes   
653. Inca Dove    1/11/2021    Sun Lakes    lots of them out back
654. Inca Dove    1/13/2021    Sun Lakes    even in the oleanders
655. Inca Dove    01/14/2021    Sun Lakes   
656. Inca Dove    01/15/2021    Sun Lakes   
657. Inca Dove    01/16/2021    Sun Lakes   
658. Inca Dove    01/17/2021    Sun Lakes   
659. Inca Dove    01/18/2021    Sun Lakes   
660. Inca Dove    1/20/2021    Sun Lakes   
661. Inca Dove    01/23/2021    Sun Lakes   
662. Inca Dove    1/29/2021    Sun Lakes   
663. Inca Dove    2/2/2021    Sun Lakes   
664. Inca Dove    2/3/2021    Sun Lakes   
665. Inca Dove    2/4/2021    Sun Lakes    at Steve's house
666. Inca Dove    2/5/2021    Sun Lakes   
667. Inca Dove    2/9/2021    Sun Lakes    Eleven of them! In my back yard.
668. Inca Dove    2/12/2021    Sun Lakes    ten or so
669. Inca Dove    2/14/2021    Sun Lakes    10? Twice so far!
670. Inca Dove    2/17/2021    Sun Lakes    about ten
671. Inca Dove    2/25/2021    Sun Lakes    8 or more twice
672. Inca Dove    3/4/2021    Sun Lakes   
673. Inca Dove    3/18/2021    Sun Lakes   
674. Inca Dove    3/19/2021    Sun Lakes    glad to see him
675. Inca Dove    3/21/2021    Sun Lakes    two and then later more They're back! I had put out some grain.
676. Inca Dove    4/13/2021    Sun Lakes    Two in my back yard. Haven't see one there for 23 days. It was March 21
677. Inca Dove    4/14/2021    Sun Lakes    at home I took a movie or two
678. Inca Dove    4/27/2021    Sun Lakes    One only!
679. Inca Dove    4/28/2021    Sun Lakes    Just the one.
680. Inca Dove    5/1/2021    Sun Lakes   
681. Inca Dove    5/2/2021    Sun Lakes    western king
682. Inca Dove    5/5/2021    Sun Lakes    one out back!
683. Inca Dove    5/7/2021    Sun Lakes    Two out back!
684. Inca Dove    5/10/2021    Sun Lakes    my back yard. One
685. Inca Dove    5/11/2021    Sun Lakes   
686. Inca Dove    5/14/2021    Sun Lakes    two out back
687. Inca Dove    5/15/2021    Sun Lakes   
688. Inca Dove    5/16/2021    Sun Lakes    three of them
689. Inca Dove    5/18/2021    Sun Lakes   
690. Inca Dove    5/19/2021    Sun Lakes   
691. Inca Dove    5/20/2021    Sun Lakes    te-wing
692. Inca Dove    5/21/2021    Sun Lakes   
693. Inca Dove    5/22/2021    Sun Lakes   
694. Inca Dove    5/29/2021    Sun Lakes    At My Pond!
695. Inca Dove    7/12/2021    Sun Lakes   
696. Inca Dove    7/16/2021    Sun Lakes   
697. Inca Dove    8/3/2021    Sun Lakes    Just one.
698. Inca Dove    8/4/2021    Sun Lakes    just one I think
699. Inca Dove    8/5/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
700. Inca Dove    8/7/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
701. Inca Dove    8/8/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
702. Inca Dove    8/9/2021    Sun Lakes   
703. Inca Dove    8/11/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
704. Inca Dove    8/12/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
705. Inca Dove    8/14/2021    Sun Lakes    out back
706. Inca Dove    8/17/2021    Sun Lakes    two of them
707. Inca Dove    8/19/2021    Sun Lakes   
708. Inca Dove    8/20/2021    Sun Lakes   
709. Inca Dove    8/23/2021    Sun Lakes   
710. Inca Dove    8/25/2021    Sun Lakes   
711. Inca Dove    9/1/2021    Sun Lakes   
712. Inca Dove    10/10/2021    Sun Lakes    yay!
713. Inca Dove    10/27/2021    Sun Lakes    took photos
714. Inca Dove    10/31/2021    Sun Lakes   
715. Inca Dove    11/2/2021    Sun Lakes    ONE
716. Inca Dove    11/29/2021    Sun Lakes    !!!!! Yay!
717. Inca Dove    12/15/2021    Sun Lakes    OH BOY!
718. Inca Dove    2/9/2022    Sun Lakes    THREE IN MY BACK YARD!
719. Inca Dove    2/13/2022    Sun Lakes    at my house
720. Inca Dove    2/17/2022    Sun Lakes    Out front eating the seed I put out there.
721. Inca Dove    2/19/2022    Sun Lakes    out back TWO OF THEM  eating seeds I guess. I put seeds out.
722. Inca Dove    2/20/2022    Sun Lakes    Calling across the street and one eating seeds out front.
723. Inca Dove    2/24/2022    Sun Lakes    my house
724. Inca Dove    2/25/2022    Sun Lakes    My house
725. Inca Dove    2/26/2022    Sun Lakes    Out front
726. Inca Dove    2/27/2022    Sun Lakes    two or three out front
727. Inca Dove    3/1/2022    Sun Lakes    at my house eating seeds
728. Inca Dove    3/4/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
729. Inca Dove    3/6/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
730. Inca Dove    3/7/2022    Sun Lakes    my house
731. Inca Dove    3/8/2022    Sun Lakes    my house
732. Inca Dove    3/10/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
733. Inca Dove    3/13/2022    Sun Lakes    OUT FRONT
734. Inca Dove    3/14/2022    Sun Lakes   
735. Inca Dove    3/15/2022    Sun Lakes    at my house
736. Inca Dove    3/16/2022    Sun Lakes    d grack
737. Inca Dove    3/21/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
738. Inca Dove    3/23/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
739. Inca Dove    3/24/2022    Sun Lakes    out front BIG SKUNK AT FIVE IN THE MORNING AT MY DOOR
740. Inca Dove    3/25/2022    Sun Lakes    out front eating seeds
741. Inca Dove    3/26/2022    Sun Lakes   
742. Inca Dove    3/27/2022    Sun Lakes    Turned on the AC the Air Conditioning today
743. Inca Dove    3/28/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
744. Inca Dove    3/29/2022    Sun Lakes    front and back
745. Inca Dove    4/2/2022    Sun Lakes    out front
746. Inca Dove    4/3/2022    Sun Lakes   
747. Inca Dove    4/4/2022    Sun Lakes   
748. Inca Dove    4/5/2022    Sun Lakes   
749. Inca Dove    4/6/2022    Sun Lakes   
750. Inca Dove    4/7/2022    Sun Lakes    two or three out front eating the grain
751. Inca Dove    4/9/2022    Sun Lakes   
752. Inca Dove    4/11/2022    Sun Lakes   
753. Inca Dove    4/14/2022    Sun Lakes   
754. Inca Dove    4/16/2022    Sun Lakes   
755. Inca Dove    4/19/2022    Sun Lakes   
756. Inca Dove    4/22/2022    Sun Lakes   
757. Inca Dove    4/23/2022    Sun Lakes   
758. Inca Dove    4/24/2022    Sun Lakes   
759. Inca Dove    4/25/2022    Sun Lakes   
760. Inca Dove    4/26/2022    Sun Lakes   
761. Inca Dove    4/27/2022    Sun Lakes   
762. Inca Dove    5/5/2022    Sun Lakes   
763. Inca Dove    5/17/2022    Sun Lakes   
764. Inca Dove    5/20/2022    Sun Lakes   
765. Inca Dove    5/24/2022    Sun Lakes   
766. Inca Dove    5/25/2022    Sun Lakes   
767. Inca Dove    5/26/2022    Sun Lakes   
768. Inca Dove    8/2/2022    Sun Lakes   
769. Inca Dove    8/6/2022    Sun Lakes   
770. Inca Dove    8/7/2022    Sun Lakes   
771. Inca Dove    8/22/2022    Sun Lakes   
772. Inca Dove    8/23/2022    Sun Lakes   
773. Inca Dove    8/24/2022    Sun Lakes    In the morning. I was in my bed.
774. Inca Dove    8/26/2022    Sun Lakes   
775. Inca Dove    9/13/2022    Sun Lakes    four
776. Inca Dove    9/14/2022    Sun Lakes   
777. Inca Dove    9/15/2022    Sun Lakes   
778. Inca Dove    9/16/2022    Sun Lakes   
779. Inca Dove    9/17/2022    Sun Lakes   
780. Inca Dove    9/18/2022    Sun Lakes   
781. Inca Dove    9/19/2022    Sun Lakes   
782. Inca Dove    9/20/2022    Sun Lakes    under my grapefruit tree
783. Inca Dove    9/22/2022    Sun Lakes   
784. Inca Dove    9/24/2022    Sun Lakes   
785. Inca Dove    9/25/2022    Sun Lakes   
786. Inca Dove    9/29/2022    Sun Lakes    Under my grapefruit tree.
787. Inca Dove    10/4/2022    Sun Lakes   
788. Inca Dove    10/7/2022    Sun Lakes   
789. Inca Dove    10/8/2022    Sun Lakes   
790. Inca Dove    10/10/2022    Sun Lakes   
791. Inca Dove    10/15/2022    Sun Lakes   
792. Inca Dove    10/16/2022    Sun Lakes   
793. Inca Dove    10/19/2022    Sun Lakes    my house
794. Inca Dove    10/20/2022    Sun Lakes   
795. Inca Dove    10/27/2022    Sun Lakes   
796. Inca Dove    10/28/2022    Sun Lakes   
797. Inca Dove    10/31/2022    Sun Lakes   
798. Inca Dove    11/2/2022    Sun Lakes   
799. Inca Dove    11/12/2022    Sun Lakes   
800. Inca Dove    11/13/2022    Sun Lakes   
801. Inca Dove    11/15/2022    Sun Lakes   
802. Inca Dove    11/22/2022    Sun Lakes     
803. Inca Dove    12/15/2022    Sun Lakes   
804. Inca Dove    12/21/2022    Sun Lakes   
805. Inca Dove    12/23/2022    Sun Lakes   
806. Inca Dove    12/31/2022    Sun Lakes   
807. Inca Dove    1/8/2023    Sun Lakes   
808. Inca Dove    1/10/2023    Sun Lakes   
809. Inca Dove    1/11/2023    Sun Lakes   
810. Inca Dove    1/20/2023    Sun Lakes     
811. Inca Dove    1/25/2023    Sun Lakes    at home
812. Inca Dove    1/26/2023    Sun Lakes   
813. Inca Dove    1/28/2023    Sun Lakes   
814. Inca Dove    2/8/2023    Sun Lakes   
815. Inca Dove    3/9/2023    Sun Lakes   
816. Inca Dove    3/11/2023    Sun Lakes   
817. Inca Dove    3/20/2023    Sun Lakes   
818. Inca Dove    3/23/2023    Sun Lakes   
819. Inca Dove    3/24/2023    Sun Lakes   
820. Inca Dove    4/3/2023    Sun Lakes   
821. Inca Dove    4/4/2023    Sun Lakes   
822. Inca Dove    4/7/2023    Sun Lakes    every day now
823. Inca Dove    4/9/2023    Sun Lakes   
824. Inca Dove    6/4/2023    Sun Lakes   
825. Inca Dove    6/9/2023    Sun Lakes   
826. Inca Dove    6/18/2023    Sun Lakes   
827. Inca Dove    6/28/2023    Sun Lakes   
828. Inca Dove    7/2/2023    Sun Lakes    at home
829. Inca Dove    7/13/2023    Sun Lakes    mourn
830. Inca Dove    7/20/2023    Sun Lakes    te-w
831. Inca Dove    7/26/2023    Sun Lakes    They're back out front.
832. Inca Dove    7/27/2023    Sun Lakes    mourn
833. Inca Dove    8/4/2023    Sun Lakes   
834. Inca Dove    9/16/2023    Sun Lakes    Out front
835. Inca Dove    9/21/2023    Sun Lakes    I walked to the pond and there were some on grass near the road and at least one in my front yard.
836. Inca Dove    11/20/2023    Sun Lakes    out on the grass across the street
837. Inca Dove    11/24/2023    Sun Lakes    in my yard
838. Inca Dove    11/29/2023    Sun Lakes    starling
839. Inca Dove    12/27/2023    Sun Lakes    three ofr more  by my date palm
840. Inca Dove    1/9/2024    Sun Lakes     front yard
841. Inca Dove    2/22/2024    Sun Lakes   
842. Inca Dove    2/25/2024    Sun Lakes   
843. Inca Dove    3/7/2024    Sun Lakes   
844. Inca Dove    4/3/2024    Sun Lakes     HO whirlpool! Mole Cole!
845. Inca Dove    4/4/2024    Sun Lakes    in my yard
846. Inca Dove    4/10/2024    Sun Lakes     seen and heard
847. Inca Dove    5/26/2024    Sun Lakes   
848. Inca Dove    7/11/2024    Sun Lakes   
849. Inca Dove    7/16/2024    Sun Lakes    on the way to my pond
850. Inca Dove    10/05/2002    Tucson Arizona
851. Inca Dove    07/17/2005    Tucson Arizona
852. Inca Dove    04/18/2009    Tucson Arizona
853. Inca Dove    11/25/2010    Tucson Arizona
854. Inca Dove    09/07/2003    Usery Mountain Park
855. Inca Dove    7/2/1999    Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
856. Inca Dove    3/30/2012    Western Canal
857. Inca Dove    4/1/2012    Western Canal
858. Inca Dove    4/2/2012    Western Canal
859. Inca Dove    4/3/2012    Western Canal
860. Inca Dove    4/5/2012    Western Canal
861. Inca Dove    4/29/2012    Western Canal
862. Inca Dove    4/30/2012    Western Canal
863. Inca Dove    5/1/2012    Western Canal
864. Inca Dove    5/2/2012    Western Canal
865. Inca Dove    5/16/2012    Western Canal
866. Inca Dove    5/18/2012    Western Canal
867. Inca Dove    5/19/2012    Western Canal
868. Inca Dove    5/20/2012    Western Canal
869. Inca Dove    5/22/2012    Western Canal
870. Inca Dove    5/26/2012    Western Canal
871. Inca Dove    6/1/2012    Western Canal
872. Inca Dove    7/20/2012    Western Canal
873. Inca Dove    7/22/2012    Western Canal
874. Inca Dove    7/28/2012    Western Canal
875. Inca Dove    7/29/2012    Western Canal
876. Inca Dove    8/2/2012    Western Canal
877. Inca Dove    8/4/2012    Western Canal
878. Inca Dove    8/22/2012    Western Canal
879. Inca Dove    8/23/2012    Western Canal
880. Inca Dove    10/4/2012    Western Canal
881. Inca Dove    10/13/2012    Western Canal
882. Inca Dove    10/14/2012    Western Canal
883. Inca Dove    10/25/2012    Western Canal
884. Inca Dove    10/27/2012    Western Canal
885. Inca Dove    10/29/2012    Western Canal
886. Inca Dove    10/31/2012    Western Canal
887. Inca Dove    11/1/2012    Western Canal
888. Inca Dove    11/4/2012    Western Canal
889. Inca Dove    11/9/2012    Western Canal
890. Inca Dove    11/10/2012    Western Canal
891. Inca Dove    11/14/2012    Western Canal
892. Inca Dove    11/15/2012    Western Canal
893. Inca Dove    11/20/2012    Western Canal
894. Inca Dove    11/24/2012    Western Canal
895. Inca Dove    1/8/2013    Western Canal
896. Inca Dove    4/14/2013    Western Canal
897. Inca Dove    4/15/2013    Western Canal
898. Inca Dove    4/16/2013    Western Canal
899. Inca Dove    4/25/2013    Western Canal
900. Inca Dove    4/26/2013    Western Canal
901. Inca Dove    4/28/2013    Western Canal
902. Inca Dove    5/1/2013    Western Canal
903. Inca Dove    5/3/2013    Western Canal
904. Inca Dove    5/6/2013    Western Canal
905. Inca Dove    5/9/2013    Western Canal
906. Inca Dove    5/15/2013    Western Canal
907. Inca Dove    5/23/2013    Western Canal
908. Inca Dove    6/20/2013    Western Canal
909. Inca Dove    6/28/2013    Western Canal
910. Inca Dove    9/12/2013    Western Canal