Here's a crime. They destroy the Big Steer Bar.Patagonia 07/30/2000 No notes other than: BIRD WATCHING IN PATAGONIA, ARIZONA
Patagonia 07/20/2002 I thought I saw a Lazuli Bunting and a Blue Grosbeak, but the visions were fleeting, so what the heck. I took Noodles and we stayed at the stage stop inn. I watched a Clint Eastwood movie. We started so late -- about five that we got there when it had just gotten dark. The barn swallows woke me up at 3:30 AM as they flew over the swimming pool shrieking and eat bugs.
Patagonia 05/17/2005 May 17 and 18th. I drove to Patagonia. My ribs were out of place or broken or something so I couldn't cough without falling down and staying down for some time. It didn't take very long to get to Patagonia. 9:15 to 11:55. Saw many birds from that guy's back yard. Some Brits there and I spotted the zone-tailed hawk for them. the conservancy place is closed mondays and tuesdays so I would have to wait a day to go in there. someone said there was another good trail that you could go to anytime. I drove around. The Big Steer saloon is gone and is now called the mission or something. it is all stuccoed and not recognizable. It looks like a church but is a nightclub that opens just twice a week or something. The Wagon Wheel saloon smelled of URINE if you ask me. I didn't stay long. What a dump. I had troublesome dreams. Slept a little late. I got up and went to the conservancy place and it was birdy as hell. But I had to split for Karchner Caverns. I drove there. It didn't take long. I went on the tour. Very pretty area too. 19.16 miles per gallon. Oh, my truck sucks.
Patagonia 08/07/2007 Jeff and I drove down and we walked down the river because the darned Nature Conservancy place was closed on Monday and Tuesday. We walked down the beautiful river and wound up in the Nature Conservancy place anyway. This was a day trip. Only fifty miles or so to Patagonia. Very easy.
Patagonia 7/9/2017 I must write up a report. Loved the Stagestop Hotel. Stayed two nights. Went to Patagonia Lake. 15 bucks to go but they let me in for fifteen minutes to look. Went to Nogales. Crossed the border and came back. More later...
Patagonia Lake 10/26/2019 No Notes
Ten-year wait 2007-2017
1. ![]() PATAGONIAbalancingrocks May 17, 2005.JPG.jpeg 2. ![]() patagonia May 18, 2005 JPG.jpeg 3. ![]() PATAGONIA RIPARIAN AREA 2017.jpeg 4. ![]() patagonia lake I think July 10, 2017.jpeg 5. |
203 Birds
Seen in Patagonia
1. Acorn Woodpecker
7/30/2000 PatagoniaFIVE TRIPS 7/30/2000 7/19/2002 05/18/2005 08/07/2007 7/9/2017 2. Anna's Hummingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 3. Ash-throated Flycatcher 7/30/2000 patagonia 4. Barn Swallow 7/30/2000 Patagonia 5. Bewick's Wren 7/30/2000 Patagonia This is the one I mistakenly identified as a song sparrow because it had a spot on its breast. 6. Black Phoebe 7/30/2000 Patagonia 7. Black-chinned Hummingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 8. Black-headed Grosbeak 7/30/2000 Patagonia 9. Blue Grosbeak 7/30/2000 Patagonia 10. Broad-billed Hummingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 11. Brown-crested Flycatcher 7/30/2000 Patagonia 12. Brown-headed Cowbird 7/30/2000 patagonia 13. Cassin's Kingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 14. Common Yellowthroat 7/30/2000 Patagonia 15. Curve-billed Thrasher 7/30/2000 Patagonia 16. Gila Woodpecker 7/30/2000 Patagonia 17. Hooded Oriole 7/30/2000 Patagonia 18. House Finch 7/30/2000 patagonia 19. House Sparrow 7/30/2000 Patagonia 20. Lark Sparrow 7/30/2000 Patagonia 21. Lazuli Bunting 7/30/2000 Patagonia 22. Lesser Goldfinch 7/30/2000 Patagonia 23. Mourning Dove 7/30/2000 Patagonia 24. Northern Flicker 7/30/2000 Patagonia 25. Phainopepla 7/30/2000 Patagonia 26. Rufous Hummingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 27. Song Sparrow 7/30/2000 Patagonia 28. Summer Tanager 7/30/2000 Patagonia 29. Turkey Vulture 7/30/2000 Patagonia 30. Vermilion Flycatcher 7/30/2000 Patagonia 31. Violet-crowned Hummingbird 7/30/2000 Patagonia 32. Warbling Vireo 7/30/2000 Patagonia We got a warbling vireo there too although I felt it looked a little chubby for one and I never saw the characteristic white eye line. I wrote him down on my list anyway. 33. Western Tanager 7/30/2000 Patagonia 34. Western Wood-Pewee 7/30/2000 Patagonia 35. White-breasted Nuthatch 7/30/2000 Patagonia 36. White-winged Dove 7/30/2000 Patagonia 37. Yellow Warbler 7/30/2000 Patagonia 38. Yellow-billed Cuckoo 7/30/2000 Patagonia 39. Yellow-breasted Chat 7/30/2000 Patagonia 40. Barn Swallow 07/19/2002 Patagonia 41. Cassin's Kingbird 07/19/2002 Patagonia 42. Rock Dove 07/19/2002 Patagonia 43. Abert's Towhee 07/20/2002 Patagonia 44. Barn Swallow 07/20/2002 Patagonia These guys woke me up at 3:30 AM screeching as they flew over the pool at the Stage Stop Inn. 45. Black Phoebe 07/20/2002 Patagonia 46. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 07/20/2002 Patagonia He flew over and I said to myself that that was a bbwd. 47. Black-chinned Hummingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia 48. Black-headed Grosbeak 07/20/2002 Patagonia 49. Broad-billed Hummingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia 50. Bronzed Cowbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia He had a huge "hood." On that fence where the horses are near the hummingbird place. 51. Brown-crested Flycatcher 07/20/2002 Patagonia I misstyped and put in great crested. Hey why does great crested have no hyphen and brown-crested does? Very confusing and time consuming. 52. Brown-headed Cowbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia 53. Bushtit 07/20/2002 Patagonia 54. Cassin's Kingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia 55. Common Ground-Dove 07/20/2002 Patagonia I thought he was an inca at first. Then he flew to the ground and looked like a miniature mourning dove. Most excellent view. 56. Gambel's Quail 07/20/2002 Patagonia 57. Generic Flycatcher 07/20/2002 Patagonia Quite yellow below and had a streaked breast. I can't remember bars or eye-ring. I didn't look. This was at the Nature Conservancy's place. 58. Gray Hawk 07/20/2002 Patagonia Life lister. He was sitting up in a tall cottonwood. Just like the book: a small buteo. He was quite gray. 59. Great Blue Heron 07/20/2002 Patagonia 60. Great-tailed Grackle 07/20/2002 Patagonia 61. Hooded Oriole 07/20/2002 Patagonia 62. House Finch 07/20/2002 Patagonia 63. House Sparrow 07/20/2002 Patagonia 64. Lesser Goldfinch 07/20/2002 Patagonia 65. Lucy's Warbler 07/20/2002 Patagonia 66. Mourning Dove 07/20/2002 Patagonia 67. Northern Flicker 07/20/2002 Patagonia 68. Phainopepla 07/20/2002 Patagonia Absolutely EVERYWHERE! 69. Red-tailed Hawk 07/20/2002 Patagonia 70. Rock Dove 07/20/2002 Patagonia 71. Rufous Hummingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia 72. Thick-billed Kingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia Two-toned head -- black above and light below. I could see the yellow top knot. It was in front of the hummingbird place. Life lister! 73. Turkey Vulture 07/20/2002 Patagonia 74. Varied Bunting 07/20/2002 Patagonia This is a life-lister. I saw one of these right away down the road birding from the truck and later coming back. 75. Vermilion Flycatcher 07/20/2002 Patagonia 76. Violet-crowned Hummingbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia Ya know later I saw these on my own out the the forest. 77. White-winged Dove 07/20/2002 Patagonia 78. Yellow-breasted Chat 07/20/2002 Patagonia 79. American Kestrel 05/17/2005 Patagonia Attacking a red-tailed hawk over the trees at the Nature Conservancy place. 80. Anna's Hummingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia Just saw him once. There were only three others: violet crowned and broad-billed and black-chinned. 81. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/17/2005 Patagonia 82. Barn Swallow 05/17/2005 Patagonia 83. Bewick's Wren 05/17/2005 Patagonia 84. Black-chinned Hummingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia There were only four: violet crowned and broad-billed and black-chinned and one Anna's. 85. Black-headed Grosbeak 05/17/2005 Patagonia 86. Blue Grosbeak 05/17/2005 Patagonia 87. Broad-billed Hummingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia Just four hummers: violet crowned and broad-billed and black-chinned and Anna's. Sorry; can't write commas in a comma-delimited system. 88. Bronzed Cowbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia 89. Brown-headed Cowbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia 90. Canyon Towhee 05/17/2005 Patagonia 91. Cassin's Kingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia 92. Common Ground-Dove 05/17/2005 Patagonia 93. Common Raven 05/17/2005 Patagonia 94. Common Yellowthroat 05/17/2005 Patagonia Male at the conservancy. Good view. 95. European Starling 05/17/2005 Patagonia 96. Gambel's Quail 05/17/2005 Patagonia 97. Gila Woodpecker 05/17/2005 Patagonia 98. Gray Hawk 05/17/2005 Patagonia 99. Great Blue Heron 05/17/2005 Patagonia Flew up in a tree by the hummingbird house. 100. Great-tailed Grackle 05/17/2005 Patagonia 101. House Finch 05/17/2005 Patagonia 102. House Sparrow 05/17/2005 Patagonia 103. Inca Dove 05/17/2005 Patagonia 104. Lark Sparrow 05/17/2005 Patagonia Very striking facial pattern. 105. Lazuli Bunting 05/17/2005 Patagonia 106. Lesser Goldfinch 05/17/2005 Patagonia 107. Lucy's Warbler 05/17/2005 Patagonia 108. Mourning Dove 05/17/2005 Patagonia 109. Northern Cardinal 05/17/2005 Patagonia 110. Northern Flicker 05/17/2005 Patagonia 111. Northern Mockingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia 112. Phainopepla 05/17/2005 Patagonia 113. Red-Faced Warbler 05/17/2005 Patagonia WELL..... I SAW THIS BIRD WITH A RED FACE BLAZING BY....AND I GUESS... 114. Red-tailed Hawk 05/17/2005 Patagonia 115. Song Sparrow 05/17/2005 Patagonia 116. Turkey Vulture 05/17/2005 Patagonia 117. Vermilion Flycatcher 05/17/2005 Patagonia 118. Violet-crowned Hummingbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia Just four hummers: violet crowned and broad-billed and black-chinned and Anna's. Sorry; can't write commas in a comma-delimited system. 119. Warbling Vireo 05/17/2005 Patagonia 120. Western Wood-Pewee 05/17/2005 Patagonia 121. White-breasted Nuthatch 05/17/2005 Patagonia 122. White-winged Dove 05/17/2005 Patagonia 123. Yellow Warbler 05/17/2005 Patagonia 124. Yellow-breasted Chat 05/17/2005 Patagonia 125. Zone-tailed Hawk 05/17/2005 Patagonia Wasn't this the time that I was at the hummingbird house and I looked up to see a turkey vulture and saw it was a zone-tailed hawk and there were some Brits there that thanked me for finding it? OF COURSE IT WAS. 126. Abert's Towhee 08/07/2007 Patagonia 127. Acorn Woodpecker 08/07/2007 Patagonia 128. American Crow 08/07/2007 Patagonia 129. American Kestrel 08/07/2007 Patagonia 130. Barn Swallow 08/07/2007 Patagonia 131. Bell's Vireo 08/07/2007 Patagonia 132. Bewick's Wren 08/07/2007 Patagonia 133. Black Phoebe 08/07/2007 Patagonia 134. Black-chinned Hummingbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 135. Blue Grosbeak 08/07/2007 Patagonia 136. Bridled Titmouse 08/07/2007 Patagonia 137. Broad-billed Hummingbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 138. Brown-headed Cowbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 139. Cliff Swallow 08/07/2007 Patagonia 140. Common Raven 08/07/2007 Patagonia 141. Curve-billed Thrasher 08/07/2007 Patagonia 142. Eurasian Collared Dove 08/07/2007 Patagonia 143. Gambel's Quail 08/07/2007 Patagonia 144. Gila Woodpecker 08/07/2007 Patagonia 145. Great-tailed Grackle 08/07/2007 Patagonia 146. Greater Roadrunner 08/07/2007 Patagonia 147. House Finch 08/07/2007 Patagonia 148. House Sparrow 08/07/2007 Patagonia 149. Inca Dove 08/07/2007 Patagonia 150. Lazuli Bunting 08/07/2007 Patagonia 151. Lesser Goldfinch 08/07/2007 Patagonia 152. Mourning Dove 08/07/2007 Patagonia 153. Northern Cardinal 08/07/2007 Patagonia 154. Northern Flicker 08/07/2007 Patagonia 155. Northern Mockingbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 156. Orange-crowned Warbler 08/07/2007 Patagonia 157. Phainopepla 08/07/2007 Patagonia 158. Summer Tanager 08/07/2007 Patagonia 159. Swainson's Hawk 08/07/2007 Patagonia 160. Turkey Vulture 08/07/2007 Patagonia 161. Verdin 08/07/2007 Patagonia 162. Vermilion Flycatcher 08/07/2007 Patagonia 163. Violet-crowned Hummingbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 164. Warbling Vireo 08/07/2007 Patagonia 165. Western Kingbird 08/07/2007 Patagonia 166. Western Meadowlark 08/07/2007 Patagonia 167. Western Wood-Pewee 08/07/2007 Patagonia 168. White-winged Dove 08/07/2007 Patagonia 169. Wilson's Warbler 08/07/2007 Patagonia 170. Violet-crowned Hummingbird 7/9/2017 Patagonia Saw several 171. Broad-Tailed Hummingbird 7/9/2017 Patagonia Most common of all 172. Black-chinned Hummingbird 7/9/2017 Patagonia 173. Yellow-breasted Chat 7/9/2017 Patagonia saw several of them 174. Gray Hawk 7/9/2017 Patagonia first day He went up in the tree at the hummingbird place. 175. Cassin's Kingbird 7/9/2017 Patagonia 176. Vermilion Flycatcher 7/9/2017 Patagonia saw two or three 177. Phainopepla 7/9/2017 Patagonia coming out of our ears. Trash bird. One female had white outer tail feathers with a thin black stripe up the middle of the tail like a trogan 178. Barn Swallow 7/9/2017 Patagonia flying over the pool constantly 179. House Finch 7/9/2017 Patagonia 180. Turkey Vulture 7/9/2017 Patagonia plenty 181. Curve-billed Thrasher 7/9/2017 Patagonia heard only 182. Say's Phoebe 7/9/2017 Patagonia just saw one 183. White-breasted Nuthatch 7/9/2017 Patagonia Saw several times 184. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 7/9/2017 Patagonia saw him a few times 185. Gila Woodpecker 7/9/2017 Patagonia lots 186. House Sparrow 7/9/2017 Patagonia 187. Eurasian Collared Dove 7/9/2017 Patagonia 188. White-winged Dove 7/9/2017 Patagonia 189. Brown-crested Flycatcher 7/9/2017 Patagonia lots of them 190. Summer Tanager 7/9/2017 Patagonia Male and Female 191. Common Raven 7/9/2017 Patagonia 192. Lucy's Warbler 7/9/2017 Patagonia very white and plain Hard to see a little rufous on the rump small birds 193. Mourning Dove 7/9/2017 Patagonia 194. Northern Cardinal 7/9/2017 Patagonia 195. Gambel's Quail 7/9/2017 Patagonia 196. Song Sparrow 7/9/2017 Patagonia 197. Brown-headed Cowbird 7/9/2017 Patagonia 198. Inca Dove 7/9/2017 Patagonia 199. Bridled Titmouse 7/9/2017 Patagonia two of them 200. Western Wood-Pewee 7/9/2017 Patagonia I think 201. Blue Grosbeak 7/9/2017 Patagonia Out the car window. Clear long look. Looks like in the book. Saw a similar-sized bird with a tan chest. Looked in Google. It's the immature Blue GB. 202. Ash-throated Flycatcher 7/9/2017 Patagonia 203. Lesser Goldfinch 7/9/2017 Patagonia Only a million of them NOW JUST PATAGONIA LAKE American Coot 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Hooded Merganser 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Ruddy Duck 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Redhead 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Double-Crested Cormorant 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Northern Shoveler 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Gray Flycatcher 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Pumped his tail DOWN Yellow-rumped Warbler 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Mourning Dove 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake House Sparrow 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Anna's Hummingbird 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake Great-tailed Grackle 10/26/2019 Patagonia Lake |