Pima Canyon South Mountain
Holbert Trail South Mountain
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Tom Cole 10/11/2022
I thought Jan and I went to Pima Canyon rather recently. I looked it up. MORE THAN TEN YEARS HAVE RIDDEN AWAY ON THE WIND. Very depressing. I'll be 81 if I last that long again:
Pima Canyon 9/18/2012 Gosh, I clean forgot to enter this one. Well, I'm putting it in now. Jan and I went. I didn't bring quite enough water and Jan wanted to keep hiking so we went clean up the arroyo and back on the National Trail I guess it was. No snakes.

Zelenski Review of Pima Arroyo.html

Tom or Steve August 1997 Fat Man's Pass Pima Canyon.jpg

Tom or Steve August 1997 Fat Man's Pass Pima Canyon back of photo.jpg

 Roads from the Sky—Sand—The Mysterious Pyramid—Stone Houses—Desert Varnish—Exfoliation—Teddy Bear Cholla—City Lights—The Mine—Relics—Mutt Mitts—Broken Glass—“Wonderlust”—The Water Tank—Petroglyphs—Rattlers—Hot Hikes—Birds—The Ring of Stones—Wash Walking—Ojo de Awa—Still Green Are My Memories

                     Steve with "Ojo de Awa" scrawling which is gone now.
                                       The rock broke off. Pima Canyon, South Mountain January 1986

OJO DE AWA COULD BE THIS TRIP:  South Mountain 02/14/1986 This was after the Heard Museum field trip where the Navajo guy talked. The mosque-blessed hamburgers fell through the grill out there.

                petroglyph shading his eyes.jpg                Jan on our hike in Pima Canyon Sept 18, 2012.jpg

javelina time Nov 2, 2003.jpg

South Mountain Steve Tom Dits March 16 2022 bench like Javelina picture.jpg

Pima Canyon Google Earth Arroyo Street View.jpg

Pima Canyon Stone Houses Google Earth.jpg

DEC 7, 2023  Steve and Eddie and I just went to South Mountain. I couldn't make it to the stone houses, so we went back. Eddie had a BIG time sniffing urine and walking. I realized I had not taken any pictures, so I got a shot of Steve and Eddie driving back. Then I took some other shots. GOOGLE EARTH lets you look at the arroyo itself like a STREET view! We forgot to look for the Ring of Stones we first saw in 1958.

Pima Canyon 02/01/2003 The Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry over Texas today.
Went to Pima Canyon with Tom Ditsworth.
Steve and Sonny. I took Noodles and we walked quite a ways but then went back.

Pima Canyon Noodles Sonny Dits Steve Space Shuttle Columbia Exploded.jpg

Javelina Sign Post 11_2_2003.jpg

Pima Canyon Phoenix Atheist Hike.jpg

There is a mountain south of Phoenix, an exfoliating batholith in a horse latitude, rain shadow desert as hot as any one might find in the world. Its color is brownish and its hills roll off into the distance with little to recommend them to the casual eye. The name of the mountain is simply South Mountain, and it is the biggest city park in the nation.
In 1958, Tempe, Arizona, was bordered by desert, and to the southwest of that desert was the town of Guadalupe, a Yaqui community of contrasting austerity set as is was against the trim, modern city next door. People didn't starve there, but living with no front door on the house was not too far from the norm, and the roofs of many homes were just of chicken-coop tin. The town was a Mexican town, just as Mexican as any south of the border. My parents used to drive us through Guadalupe to go to South Mountain's Pima Canyon, and they used to do this often.

Dad Jeff 1987 Pima Canyon.jpg                                                         Tom June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon.jpg


South Mountain dirty graffiti.jpg


Buttons for Vino and Bolillos and Chihuahua Drop b.jpg

Buttons for Vino and Bolillos and Chihuahua Drop a.jpg




South Mountain Chipping Stone (1).jpg

south mountain map.JPG.jpg

Artifact South Mountain Cans Shotgun Holes (1).jpg

top of south mountainDEC 11, 2004.JPG.jpg

Pima Canyon South Mountain Pictograph of Man shielding eyes from Soltice sun (1).jpg

South Mountain beer can (1).jpg

PIma Canyon JAN 4, 2004  South Mountain.JPG.jpg

chipping stone from south mountain3 (1).jpg

chipping stone from south mountain2 (1).jpg

chipping stone from south mountain (1).jpg

South Mountain Animal Waterer Bebedero.jpg


javelina 2 July 11, 2021.jpg

Javelina July 11, 2021 Desert Classic Trail south mountain park.jpg

javelina (2).jpg

javelina (July 11, 2021).jpg

javelina 2 July 11, 2021.jpg

saguaro hoodoo 2.jpg

Pima Canyon Nimo and Chico Feb 1, 2022b.jpg

Pima Canyon Feb 1, 2022b.jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (1).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (7).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (6).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (5).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022.jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (4).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (3).jpg

Pima Canyon mattress march 18, 2022 (2).jpg

May 9, 2023 pima canyon 1.jpeg

May 9, 2023 pima canyon 2.jpeg

Pima Canyon April 11, 2024 dits hendershot eddie steve.jpg

Pima Canyon April 11, 2024 hendershot and Dits.jpg

Steve and Eddie Pima Canyon April 11, 2024.jpeg

Modern petroglyphs Pima Canyon April 11, 2024.jpeg

Pima Canyon Abril 11, 2024a.jpg

Pima Canyon Abril 11, 2024b.jpg

Pima Canyon Abril 11, 2024c.jpg

Pima Canyon Abril 11, 2024e.jpg

Pima Canyon Abril 11, 2024d.jpg


Dosinia shell very small from Pima Canyon June 23, 2020.jpg
Steve says it could be Corbicula, but there's no place for a relatively recently introduced Asiatic fresh water clam here.
The Indians traded shells up from Peñasco and I have a bracelet made of one. The two kinds do look alike.

Buttons for Vino and Bolillos and Chihuahua Drop a.jpg

Tom Ditsworth and Steve June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon Covid Masks.jpg

Tom Ditsworth June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon Covid Masks.jpg

Tom Cole June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon Covid Masks.jpg

Tom June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon Covid Mask.jpg

South Mountain Glass March 11,2022.jpg

Treasure in the Desert Spanish.jpeg
Churchkeyed and shotgunned cans Pima canyon
Rez chairs, cans, and bed.

Treasure in the Desert.jpeg

ring of stones.jpg
I found this picture on my computer today May 19, 2019 when we didn't see it on the way back. Look i the journal here. Search for
ring of stones. There's a lot on it.


BT Cliffs in Two Places.jpg

south mountain map2.JPG.jpg

Tom South Mountain White Tennis Shoes February 7 2004 (1).jpg

on top of old south mountain DEC 11, 2004.JPG.jpg

Jan at Pima Canyon SEPT 18, 2012 south mountain Sept 2012.jpg

Coyote July 11, 2021 Desert Classic Trail South Mountain Park.jpg

south mountain pima canyon scene.jpg

Coyote July 11, 2021 TC fodoe Desert Classic Trail South Mountain Park.jpg

Javelina July 11, 2021 Desert Classic Trail south mountain park.jpg

javelina (2).jpg

javelina (July 11, 2021).jpg

Pima Canyon Nimo and Chico Feb 1, 2022.jpg

Pima Canyon on south Mountain Feb 3, 2022.jpg

Pima Canyon Trip Graph2.jpg

Pinacate Beetle Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023.jpg

granite reef in the distance oct 24, 2023a.jpeg
granite reef in the distance oct 24, 2023.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023b.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023c.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023d.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023e.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023f.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023g.jpeg

Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023 f.jpeg
Pima Canyon Oct 24, 2023 TWO DOGS NAMED EDDIEe.jpeg

If you have ever flown in a plane over Mexico, you are immediately struck by the very different appearance of the cities from the air as compared to those north of the border, and if you look hard enough, you will know the reason: the roads below are unpaved. So it was with Guadalupe. The streets were made of sand. It wasn't a finely winnowed powder, but a thick-and-thin-grained granite sand devoid of the glittering mica you might find in other parts of the state. The sand flowed down the streets just as it flowed down the arroyos that ran through the hills. It was puffy and dusty and light in color like a sand that had given up the dream of ever really being white. It crunched under the station wagon tires. In the summer, the sand drank up any drop of water until every plant in the town was wilted and seared—or nearly every; here and there a house had a sprinkler going to water a bit of green Bermuda. And a few had the red-blooming bougainvillea, the one plant that would stand stubbornly even when strangled of water. But the rest of the place was sand.

It was through a different country and a different culture that we used to drive when we went down Avenida del Yaqui. At one crossroads, there on the avenue, someone had built a cement pyramid eight feet high. It was the same color as the sand. The pyramid always made its impression upon me as we drove by it, but this was not the place we would turn to drive to Pima Canyon. We made a turn where today no turn exists, and we went on a road that was then much longer than it is today. A new city covers much of the road now, but fifty years ago, you took some time to get to the end, where the roofless, mysterious stone houses stood and the arroyo made its turn through the canyon.
I was a child then, and I would look through the station wagon windows and take in the scenes that somehow shocked and haunted me as we moved deeper into the desert. More than any place I would ever see, South Mountain gave the impression of being very old. On its very face seemed to be painted the passing of time, and on it, too, I could imagine a kind of resignation to that passing. The still scenes of odd, table-shaped boulders and of gravelly stretches of colorless crystals were scenes of a land that had long since given up any resistance to the attrition of the years. The chips of granite were speckled like the retro living room curtains of the 1950s, and the boulders were covered with desert varnish, dark brownish, purplish.



Perhaps the exfoliation of the mountain's rounded boulders and giant slabs of granite further imparted the appearance of great age. It rains but rarely on South Mountain, and so the process was slow, but rainwater, when once it did come down, did what it still does there and everywhere else in the world: it combined with the ground's carbon dioxide and turned to carbonic acid. The acid leeched the feldspar out of the granite so that the crystals of quartz and ferro-magnesians fell about, and the feldspar, converted to clay, found itself blown in the wind to mix with the ever present sand. I didn't know the chemistry then, but I did know that the signs of ruin were everywhere I set my eyes.

And there were the teddy bear cholla too, bright blond on the extremities, but dirty brown under the arms and nearly black up the stalk. There is no dustier, older-looking cactus in the world—and none, by the way, more murderous. Just a brush against it will bring a punishment no careless walker deserves. It was the true jumping cholla. The spiny clumps of cactus, however, did not need the idle touch of some passerby to break away; beneath each plant were piles of them for the coyotes to sidestep, bristling clumps that had fallen on their own. Some glinted with yellow spines, and some were nearly black with a burnt and disintegrated look.
The teddy bear cholla was seen in bajadas, little forests that appeared to have grown in place by having been thrown all together at once down a hillside or across a level stretch of desert. Wherever they landed, they stuck, stopped in mid motion, frozen in place—the whole party of small, but anthropomorphic cacti a snapshot in time. Fifty years later, I would photograph a bajada there and type in the title field of iphoto: Dance of the Cholla.jpg.
Dance of the Cholla.jpg (Pima Canyon)   USERY CHOLLA DANCE 3 27 2004.jpg


Tom June 23, 2020 Pima Canyon.jpg
We used to stop at the end of the road as there was no way to drive any further. Then we would climb the giant piles of boulders there. We had a name for every special rock and every tunneling crevice that coursed through the pile.


Pima Canyon Beer Glass and Bottle Cap.jpg

Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021f.jpg
Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021g.jpg

Wildcat at Pima Canyon Dec 7, 2021.jpg

Barq's South Mountain.jpg

Marcos de Niza Rock Sign March 11, 2022.jpg

Marcos de Niza Rock March 11, 2022.jpg


jim jan 13, 2022.jpg

Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021.jpg

Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021b.jpg

Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021c.jpg
Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021e.jpg
Pima Canyon South Mountain Oct 10, 2021d.jpg

jim jan 13, 2022.jpg

jim jan 13, 2022 (2).jpg

jim jan 13, 2022 (3).jpg

jim jan 13, 2022 (4).jpg

jim jan 13, 2022 (1).jpg

One long slab lying before the pile was eight feet high and fifty feet long. There was space beneath it and openings at both ends, so you could have crawled completely under the stone if not for the pack rats' having stuffed the hollow half full of cholla. Still, I would lie down to look completely under the stone to where I could see the sunlight at the other end. It was a frightening, claustrophobic scene, and I imagined myself for some reason having to make my way under the megalith to the opposite opening fifty feet away.

Sometimes my parents allowed night to fall before we went home. We could hear coyotes and we always listened for a wild cat or a mountain lion though I don't remember if we ever heard either of them. The stars shone bright with the shadow of the mountain upon them and the glow of the capital city on the other side too weak in those days to smudge them away. On the drive back, if you looked to the east anywhere south of Guadalupe, there were no lights at all.


On the days that we spent an afternoon there, we sometimes walked up the arroyo. Table-like slabs of stone jutted out from its banks, ready for any of us to set with silverware and place chair in front of. But we never did—and we didn't walk far up the wash either. A hundred yards along we knew there was an old mine blasted into the hill, but we only went there once or twice to see the evidence of copper: a thin green coating of malachite on the occasional stone, barely pretty enough to take home as a souvenir.
In our youth, although we were brimming with energy, that energy was not boundless; it had very strict restrictions that governed its use: to wit, it could only be used in play. A simple walk to the mine was looked upon by the puerile body and soul as drudgery no less painful than the almost physically incapacitating encumbrance of taking out the trash. We preferred climbing the rocks and running ourselves to exhaustion to the toil of walking up Pima Arroyo. We'd squeeze ourselves through the tunneling crevices in the mountain of stones or slide a thousand times over a favorite granite ridge into the arroyo. Once, I slid down the ridge so many times that I found that I had simply worn the seat from my pants, and I was sick with mortification with no change of clothes in the midst of the family's picnic guests.

south mountain pima canyon fake petroglyphs.jpg

Ring of Stones


Holbert Trail South Mountain




1. 12/30/1971    Pima Canyon
2. 9/29/1985        Pima Canyon
3. 9/20/1987        Pima Canyon
4. 11/22/1987    Pima Canyon
5. 01/29/1990    Pima Canyon
6. 08/27/1995    Pima Canyon
7. 05/29/1997    Pima Canyon
8. 08/24/1997    Pima Canyon
9. 12/30/1997    Pima Canyon
10. 1/8/1998        Pima Canyon
11. 1/11/1998        Pima Canyon
12. 4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
13. 5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
14. 6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
15. 10/04/1998    Pima Canyon
16. 11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
17. 4/2/1999        Pima Canyon
18. 11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
19. 03/05/2000    Pima Canyon
20. 04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
21. 04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
22. 07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
23. 09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
24. 09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
25. 02/17/2002    Pima Canyon
26. 02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
27. 03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
28. 6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
29. 07/21/2002    Pima Canyon
30. 07/22/2002    Pima Canyon
31. 07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
32. 08/09/2002    Pima Canyon
33. 09/08/2002    Pima Canyon
34. 09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
35. 01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
36. 02/01/2003    Pima Canyon
37. 04/13/2003    Pima Canyon
38. 05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
39. 05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
40. 05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
41. 05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
42. 06/01/2003    Pima Canyon
43. 06/15/2003    Pima Canyon
44. 06/28/2003    Pima Canyon
45. 07/11/2003    Pima Canyon
46. 08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
47. 09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
48. 09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
49. 10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
50. 11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
51. 11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
52. 11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
53. 12/07/2003    Pima Canyon
54. 12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
55. 01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
56. 01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
57. 02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
58. 04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
59. 05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
60. 05/31/2004    Pima Canyon
61. 06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
62. 06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
63. 06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
64. 06/19/2004    Pima Canyon
65. 06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
66. 06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
67. 06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
68. 07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
69. 07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
70. 07/03/2004    Pima Canyon
71. 07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
72. 07/05/2004    Pima Canyon
73. 07/06/2004    Pima Canyon
74. 07/08/2004    Pima Canyon
75. 07/15/2004    Pima Canyon
76. 07/19/2004    Pima Canyon
77. 07/21/2004    Pima Canyon
78. 07/22/2004    Pima Canyon
79. 07/27/2004    Pima Canyon
80. 07/28/2004    Pima Canyon
81. 07/30/2004    Pima Canyon
82. 07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
83. 08/01/2004    Pima Canyon
84. 08/02/2004    Pima Canyon
85. 08/03/2004    Pima Canyon
86. 08/11/2004    Pima Canyon
87. 08/13/2004    Pima Canyon
88. 08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
89. 09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
90. 09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
91. 12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
92. 12/28/2004    Pima Canyon
93. 01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
94. 04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
95. 05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
96. 05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
97. 05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
98. 05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
99. 06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
100. 06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
101. 06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
102. 07/03/2005    Pima Canyon
103. 08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
104. 09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
105. 10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
106. 11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
107. 12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
108. 12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
109. 01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
110. 03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
111. 05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
112. 05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
113. 06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
114. 07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
115. 11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
116. 01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
117. 03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
118. 12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
119. 01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
120. 02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
121. 05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
122. 06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
123. 06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
124. 07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
125. 05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
126. 06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
127. 06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
128. 10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
129. 2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
130. 6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
131. 6/7/2010    Pima Canyon
132. 6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
133. 6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
134. 6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
135. 7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
136. 8/26/2010    Pima Canyon
137. 11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
138. 12/28/2010    Pima Canyon
139. 3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
140. 4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
141. 5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
142. 6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
143. 6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
144. 6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
145. 6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
146. 7/2/2011    Pima Canyon
147. 11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
148. 9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
149. 3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
150. 10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
151. 6/5/2016    Pima Canyon
152. 10/22/2018    Pima Canyon
153. 5/18/2019    Pima Canyon
154. 10/28/2019    Pima Canyon
155. 6/23/2020    Pima Canyon
156. 5/5/2021    Pima Canyon
157. 6/15/2021    Pima Canyon
158. 7/11/2021    Pima Canyon
159. 10/10/2021    Pima Canyon
160. 1/6/2022    Pima Canyon


Another Pima Canyon Page (There areTHREE for some reason, so click here if you want.)

Or for the big one HERE


Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 1:46pm MST


Pima Canyon Fodoe from Foolbook.jpg
There are 80 life listers at Pima Canyon out of a total of 1288 birds recorded there.


1. Abert's Towhee     17    4/24/2011
2. American Kestrel     7    6/7/2011
3. Anna's Hummingbird     44    10/22/2018
4. Ash-throated Flycatcher     32    11/23/2011
5. Black-chinned Hummingbird     2    10/22/2018
6. Black-headed Grosbeak     1    5/17/1998
7. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher     90    10/22/2018
8. Black-throated Sparrow     83    6/21/2011
9. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     1    12/27/2005
10. Brewer's Sparrow     13    03/04/2006
11. Brown-headed Cowbird     3    06/19/2005
12. Cactus Wren     88    3/16/2013
13. Canyon Towhee     28    9/18/2012
14. Canyon Wren     28    07/27/2008
15. Chipping Sparrow     1    04/02/2005
16. Cliff Swallow     3    05/29/2006
17. Common Raven     2    5/17/1998
18. Cooper's Hawk     3    03/04/2006
19. Costa's Hummingbird     5    05/23/2006
20. Curve-billed Thrasher     88    6/5/2016
21. Dark-eyed Junco     3    01/05/2003
22. Double-Crested Cormorant     1    11/02/2003
23. Dusky Flycatcher     3    04/25/2004
24. European Starling     7    3/17/2011
25. Gambel's Quail     98    10/22/2018
26. Generic Bird     1    08/09/2002
27. Generic Blackbird     1    09/28/2003
28. Generic Flycatcher     4    10/15/2009
29. Generic Hawk     2    11/06/2005
30. Generic No Bird     7    03/05/2000
31. Generic Swallow     3    05/20/2005
32. Gila Woodpecker     48    10/22/2018
33. Gilded Flicker     31    8/26/2010
34. Golden Eagle     1    03/04/2006
35. Gray Flycatcher     2    05/21/2008
36. Great Egret     1    06/20/2004
37. Great Horned Owl     3    07/27/2008
38. Great-tailed Grackle     7    6/21/2011
39. Greater Roadrunner     6    10/15/2009
40. Green-tailed Towhee     17    05/21/2008
41. Hermit Thrush     1    10/22/2018
42. House Finch     43    10/22/2018
43. House Sparrow     7    9/18/2012
44. Hutton's Vireo     1    10/22/2018
45. Inca Dove     2    09/17/2005
46. Ladder-backed Woodpecker     4    8/26/2010
47. Lesser Goldfinch     2    04/02/2005
48. Lesser Nighthawk     1    06/14/2009
49. Lincoln's Sparrow     1    03/04/2006
50. Loggerhead Shrike     25    06/07/2009
51. MacGillivray's Warbler     5    9/18/2012
52. Mourning Dove     87    10/1/2013
53. Northern Cardinal     2    07/27/2008
54. Northern Flicker     8    05/25/2003
55. Northern Mockingbird     39    10/1/2013
56. Northern Rough-winged Swallow     2    6/9/2011
57. Orange-crowned Warbler     1    05/23/2006
58. Peregrine Falcon     3    01/04/2006
59. Phainopepla     15    11/23/2011
60. Red-naped Sapsucker     1    10/15/2005
61. Red-tailed Hawk     21    12/28/2010
62. Rock Dove     4    12/21/2005
63. Rock Wren     31    9/18/2012
64. Ruby-crowned Kinglet     5    01/25/2004
65. Rufous-crowned Sparrow     2    03/01/2002
66. Sage Thrasher     1    5/26/2011
67. Say's Phoebe     3    12/28/2010
68. Townsend's Warbler     3    4/24/2011
69. Tree Swallow     1    4/2/1999
70. Turkey Vulture     24    6/1/2010
71. Verdin     63    10/22/2018
72. Western Flycatcher     1    6/7/2010
73. Western Kingbird     1    10/15/2005
74. Western Tanager     1    05/21/2008
75. White-crowned Sparrow     22    3/16/2013
76. White-throated Sparrow     2    12/11/2004
77. White-throated Swift     8    07/29/2006
78. White-winged Dove     45    6/5/2016
79. Wilson's Warbler     7    05/21/2008
80. Yellow-rumped Warbler     8    11/23/2011
There are 80 life listers at Pima Canyon out of a total of 1288 birds recorded there.


1. Gambel's Quail     98    10/22/2018
2. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher     90    10/22/2018
3. Cactus Wren     88    3/16/2013
4. Curve-billed Thrasher     88    6/5/2016
5. Mourning Dove     87    10/1/2013
6. Black-throated Sparrow     83    6/21/2011
7. Verdin     63    10/22/2018
8. Gila Woodpecker     48    10/22/2018
9. White-winged Dove     45    6/5/2016
10. Anna's Hummingbird     44    10/22/2018
11. House Finch     43    10/22/2018
12. Northern Mockingbird     39    10/1/2013
13. Ash-throated Flycatcher     32    11/23/2011
14. Gilded Flicker     31    8/26/2010
15. Rock Wren     31    9/18/2012
16. Canyon Towhee     28    9/18/2012
17. Canyon Wren     28    07/27/2008
18. Loggerhead Shrike     25    06/07/2009
19. Turkey Vulture     24    6/1/2010
20. White-crowned Sparrow     22    3/16/2013
21. Red-tailed Hawk     21    12/28/2010
22. Abert's Towhee     17    4/24/2011
23. Green-tailed Towhee     17    05/21/2008
24. Phainopepla     15    11/23/2011
25. Brewer's Sparrow     13    03/04/2006
26. Northern Flicker     8    05/25/2003
27. White-throated Swift     8    07/29/2006
28. Yellow-rumped Warbler     8    11/23/2011
29. American Kestrel     7    6/7/2011
30. European Starling     7    3/17/2011
31. Generic No Bird     7    03/05/2000
32. Great-tailed Grackle     7    6/21/2011
33. House Sparrow     7    9/18/2012
34. Wilson's Warbler     7    05/21/2008
35. Greater Roadrunner     6    10/15/2009
36. Costa's Hummingbird     5    05/23/2006
37. MacGillivray's Warbler     5    9/18/2012
38. Ruby-crowned Kinglet     5    01/25/2004
39. Generic Flycatcher     4    10/15/2009
40. Ladder-backed Woodpecker     4    8/26/2010
41. Rock Dove     4    12/21/2005
42. Brown-headed Cowbird     3    06/19/2005
43. Cliff Swallow     3    05/29/2006
44. Cooper's Hawk     3    03/04/2006
45. Dark-eyed Junco     3    01/05/2003
46. Dusky Flycatcher     3    04/25/2004
47. Generic Swallow     3    05/20/2005
48. Great Horned Owl     3    07/27/2008
49. Peregrine Falcon     3    01/04/2006
50. Say's Phoebe     3    12/28/2010
51. Townsend's Warbler     3    4/24/2011
52. Black-chinned Hummingbird     2    10/22/2018
53. Common Raven     2    5/17/1998
54. Generic Hawk     2    11/06/2005
55. Gray Flycatcher     2    05/21/2008
56. Inca Dove     2    09/17/2005
57. Lesser Goldfinch     2    04/02/2005
58. Northern Cardinal     2    07/27/2008
59. Northern Rough-winged Swallow     2    6/9/2011
60. Rufous-crowned Sparrow     2    03/01/2002
61. White-throated Sparrow     2    12/11/2004
62. Black-headed Grosbeak     1    5/17/1998
63. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     1    12/27/2005
64. Chipping Sparrow     1    04/02/2005
65. Double-Crested Cormorant     1    11/02/2003
66. Generic Bird     1    08/09/2002
67. Generic Blackbird     1    09/28/2003
68. Golden Eagle     1    03/04/2006
69. Great Egret     1    06/20/2004
70. Hermit Thrush     1    10/22/2018
71. Hutton's Vireo     1    10/22/2018
72. Lesser Nighthawk     1    06/14/2009
73. Lincoln's Sparrow     1    03/04/2006
74. Orange-crowned Warbler     1    05/23/2006
75. Red-naped Sapsucker     1    10/15/2005
76. Sage Thrasher     1    5/26/2011
77. Tree Swallow     1    4/2/1999
78. Western Flycatcher     1    6/7/2010
79. Western Kingbird     1    10/15/2005
80. Western Tanager     1    05/21/2008


1. Anna's Hummingbird 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon

2. Black-chinned Hummingbird 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon I'm guessing here.

3. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon Been a while. The Shhhiiiiiii! The Shhhiiiiiii! could be heard a lot and the tail was seen with the white outer tail feathers and dark center. The blue-gray has white outer and a thin black center stripe.

4. Gambel's Quail 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon one

5. Gila Woodpecker 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon

6. Hermit Thrush 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon washed out but definitely him

7. House Finch 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon Red heads and almost white bellies heavily streaked.

8. Hutton's Vireo 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon I GUESS. Spectacles. Wing bars. He seems a little big though.

9. Verdin 10/22/2018 Pima Canyon

10. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/5/2016 Pima Canyon

11. White-winged Dove 6/5/2016 Pima Canyon

12. Curve-billed Thrasher 10/1/2013 Pima Canyon

13. House Finch 10/1/2013 Pima Canyon HEARD ONLY

14. Mourning Dove 10/1/2013 Pima Canyon

15. Northern Mockingbird 10/1/2013 Pima Canyon

16. Verdin 10/1/2013 Pima Canyon

17. Cactus Wren 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

18. Curve-billed Thrasher 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

19. Gambel's Quail 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

20. Mourning Dove 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

21. Northern Mockingbird 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

22. Verdin 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon mating call

23. White-crowned Sparrow 3/16/2013 Pima Canyon

24. Anna's Hummingbird 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

25. Canyon Towhee 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

26. Curve-billed Thrasher 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

27. Gila Woodpecker 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

28. House Finch 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

29. House Sparrow 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

30. MacGillivray's Warbler 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

31. Northern Mockingbird 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

32. Rock Wren 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

33. Verdin 9/18/2012 Pima Canyon

34. Ash-throated Flycatcher 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

35. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

36. Cactus Wren 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

37. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

38. Gambel's Quail 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

39. Northern Mockingbird 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

40. Phainopepla 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

41. Verdin 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

42. White-crowned Sparrow 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

43. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/23/2011 Pima Canyon

44. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 7/2/2011 Pima Canyon At Cactus Wren Alley. Two of them with a baby that was begging for food in a cave in the rocks. Also saw one at the BT CLIFFS.

45. Gambel's Quail 7/2/2011 Pima Canyon

46. Mourning Dove 7/2/2011 Pima Canyon

47. Ash-throated Flycatcher 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon He was getting a drink from that pipe that comes out of the drinking fountain. The pipe is by the covered area but out in the desert a little by the trail they closed off. I saw a BT sparrow drinking there once.

48. Cactus Wren 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

49. Canyon Towhee 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

50. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

51. Gila Woodpecker 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

52. Mourning Dove 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

53. White-winged Dove 6/23/2011 Pima Canyon

54. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

55. Black-throated Sparrow 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

56. Canyon Towhee 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

57. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

58. Gambel's Quail 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

59. Gila Woodpecker 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

60. Great-tailed Grackle 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

61. Mourning Dove 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

62. White-winged Dove 6/21/2011 Pima Canyon

63. Ash-throated Flycatcher 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon In a tree by the parking lot. He went Purrrrr.

64. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

65. Gambel's Quail 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

66. Gila Woodpecker 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

67. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

68. Verdin 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

69. White-winged Dove 6/9/2011 Pima Canyon

70. American Kestrel 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon He was a male and stayed perched on a branch as we walked by on the higher trail going back. You know where the trail goes up on the way in and there's a saguaro there the way I used to go when I took time off when I stepped down as associate incompetent.

71. Anna's Hummingbird 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

72. Ash-throated Flycatcher 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

73. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

74. Canyon Towhee 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

75. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

76. Gambel's Quail 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

77. Gila Woodpecker 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

78. House Finch 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

79. Northern Mockingbird 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

80. Verdin 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

81. White-winged Dove 6/7/2011 Pima Canyon

82. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon On the roat to the houses. INTREPID. You could walk right up to him. He was in a creosote bush on the side of the road.

83. Cactus Wren 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon HUGE. Very long.

84. Curve-billed Thrasher 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

85. Gambel's Quail 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

86. House Finch 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

87. Mourning Dove 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

88. Northern Mockingbird 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

89. Sage Thrasher 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon ONLY HAVE SEEN THIS GUY ONCE BEFORE. He was in the arroyo in a tree. Very streaked breast.

90. White-winged Dove 5/26/2011 Pima Canyon

91. Abert's Towhee 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

92. Anna's Hummingbird 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

93. Cactus Wren 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon billed thr

94. Gambel's Quail 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

95. Gila Woodpecker 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

96. Great-tailed Grackle 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

97. House Finch 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

98. Mourning Dove 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

99. Northern Mockingbird 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

100. Phainopepla 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

101. Townsend's Warbler 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon Yes. What a surprise. Also to my surprise I found that two years ago in May rather than April I saw this bird in the same site.

102. Verdin 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon MATING CALL

103. White-winged Dove 4/24/2011 Pima Canyon

104. Anna's Hummingbird 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon

105. Cactus Wren 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon

106. European Starling 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon

107. Gambel's Quail 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon

108. Mourning Dove 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon

109. Verdin 3/17/2011 Pima Canyon MATING CALL and he was making a sound like a Bell's Vireo.

110. Anna's Hummingbird 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon heard only

111. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon heard only

112. Black-throated Sparrow 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon In a bush. I heard him first.

113. Cactus Wren 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon out in the parking lot when we came back

114. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon heard only

115. House Finch 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon nice red ones

116. Red-tailed Hawk 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon flying high. Seemed dark.

117. Rock Wren 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon Steve and I saw him. We had gone up that trail by the saguaro. The dusty white trail that leads to the hyerogliphics. The trailed I used to go with beer and go to the top of the mountain to drink it in 2004. WELL the wren was on a rock up there. NICE VIEW.

118. Say's Phoebe 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon WAY WAY UP HIGH in the cliffs. He went to the top of a bush way up there.

119. Verdin 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon seen and heard

120. White-crowned Sparrow 12/28/2010 Pima Canyon Still a lot here.

121. Abert's Towhee 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

122. Anna's Hummingbird 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

123. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon noisy

124. Cactus Wren 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon he was up on the hill above the road kind of scolding a rock wren

125. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon heard only

126. Gambel's Quail 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

127. House Finch 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

128. Mourning Dove 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon not the first bird seen. Had to wait.

129. Rock Wren 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon Nice views. Saw rock wrens at least THREE TIMES.

130. Verdin 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

131. White-crowned Sparrow 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon LOTS AND LOTS OF THESE.

132. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/17/2010 Pima Canyon

133. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon AT THE BT CLIFFS WITH THE OTHER BT

134. Black-throated Sparrow 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon AT THE BT CLIFFS WITH THE OTHER BT

135. Curve-billed Thrasher 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon

136. Gambel's Quail 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon

137. Gilded Flicker 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon two of them on a saguaro

138. House Finch 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon Blood Red

139. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon Nice view. Female.

140. Mourning Dove 8/26/2010 Pima Canyon

141. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 7/27/2010 Pima Canyon

142. Gambel's Quail 7/27/2010 Pima Canyon

143. Mourning Dove 7/27/2010 Pima Canyon

144. Verdin 7/27/2010 Pima Canyon

145. Cactus Wren 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

146. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon An awful lot of these.

147. Gambel's Quail 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

148. Gila Woodpecker 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

149. House Finch 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

150. Mourning Dove 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

151. White-winged Dove 6/29/2010 Pima Canyon

152. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon At cactus wr alley. There were a whole lot of these. Like eight of them. They were intrepid.

153. Cactus Wren 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon Just one at cactus w alley and at other places a couple.

154. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon

155. Gambel's Quail 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon

156. Mourning Dove 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon

157. Northern Mockingbird 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon

158. White-winged Dove 6/24/2010 Pima Canyon

159. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

160. Cactus Wren 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

161. Gambel's Quail 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

162. House Finch 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

163. Mourning Dove 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

164. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

165. Verdin 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

166. White-winged Dove 6/19/2010 Pima Canyon

167. Black-throated Sparrow 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon Immatures with streaked breasts

168. Cactus Wren 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon Right at Cactus Wren Alley and he jumped up on the cliff just to advertise the place!

169. Canyon Towhee 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon I trapped him in a cave in the cliff. He flew around in there and then got the nerve to fly out.

170. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon

171. Gambel's Quail 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon

172. Mourning Dove 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon

173. Western Flycatcher 6/7/2010 Pima Canyon Very yellow. Eye ring and wing bars. Flicked tail UP.

174. Ash-throated Flycatcher 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon three of them FIGHTING. I saw the ATFC in three places: on the way to the tank at the tank and on the road back.

175. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon At Windy Rock.

176. Cactus Wren 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon a very nice specimen indeed.

177. Canyon Towhee 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon Nice one that was intrepid. On the cliff.

178. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

179. Gambel's Quail 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

180. Gila Woodpecker 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

181. House Finch 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

182. Mourning Dove 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

183. Northern Mockingbird 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

184. Turkey Vulture 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon Oh he was MAGNIF!

185. Verdin 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

186. White-winged Dove 6/1/2010 Pima Canyon

187. Anna's Hummingbird 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

188. Cactus Wren 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

189. Curve-billed Thrasher 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

190. Gambel's Quail 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

191. Northern Mockingbird 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

192. Red-tailed Hawk 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

193. Verdin 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

194. White-crowned Sparrow 2/28/2010 Pima Canyon

195. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon

196. Black-throated Sparrow 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon

197. Cactus Wren 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon verdin

198. Generic Flycatcher 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon Some epid with a sharp edge to the eye ring in the corner. Green or grayish.

199. Gila Woodpecker 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon

200. Greater Roadrunner 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon

201. Northern Mockingbird 10/15/2009 Pima Canyon

202. Anna's Hummingbird 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

203. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

204. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

205. Black-throated Sparrow 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

206. Cactus Wren 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

207. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon We threw him calabaza seeds and he ate them. This was at the picnic tables. There were a lot of CB thrashers around.

208. Gambel's Quail 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

209. Gila Woodpecker 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

210. Gilded Flicker 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon Steve and I went.

211. Greater Roadrunner 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon TWO OF THEM. Very big. Right on the trail.

212. House Finch 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

213. Lesser Nighthawk 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon Steve saw this first. He flew up an arroyo and then I went up and there were TWO of them.

214. Mourning Dove 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

215. Northern Mockingbird 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

216. Red-tailed Hawk 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

217. Verdin 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

218. White-winged Dove 06/14/2009 Pima Canyon

219. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

220. Cactus Wren 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

221. Canyon Towhee 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

222. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

223. Gambel's Quail 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

224. Gila Woodpecker 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

225. Loggerhead Shrike 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

226. Mourning Dove 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

227. Northern Mockingbird 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

228. Verdin 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

229. White-winged Dove 06/07/2009 Pima Canyon

230. Abert's Towhee 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

231. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

232. Cactus Wren 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

233. Gambel's Quail 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

234. Loggerhead Shrike 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon This shrike was on top of a saguaro as we walked back on the road. It was a little skinny but obviously a shrike. A mockingbird was on top of another saguaro.

235. Mourning Dove 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

236. Northern Mockingbird 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

237. Verdin 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

238. White-winged Dove 05/30/2009 Pima Canyon

239. Abert's Towhee 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

240. Ash-throated Flycatcher 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

241. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

242. Black-throated Sparrow 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

243. Cactus Wren 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

244. Canyon Wren 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

245. Gila Woodpecker 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

246. Gilded Flicker 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

247. Great Horned Owl 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

248. House Finch 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

249. Loggerhead Shrike 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

250. Mourning Dove 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

251. Northern Cardinal 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

252. Verdin 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

253. White-winged Dove 07/27/2008 Pima Canyon

254. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

255. Black-throated Sparrow 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

256. Cactus Wren 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

257. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

258. Gambel's Quail 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

259. Gilded Flicker 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

260. Mourning Dove 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

261. White-winged Dove 06/21/2008 Pima Canyon

262. Black-throated Sparrow 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

263. Cactus Wren 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

264. Canyon Towhee 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon He was very rufous underneath. Chirped.

265. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

266. Gambel's Quail 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

267. Gilded Flicker 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

268. White-winged Dove 06/15/2008 Pima Canyon

269. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

270. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

271. Black-throated Sparrow 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

272. Cactus Wren 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

273. Gambel's Quail 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

274. Gila Woodpecker 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

275. Gray Flycatcher 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon Yes he pumped his tail down.

276. Green-tailed Towhee 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

277. House Finch 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

278. Townsend's Warbler 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

279. Turkey Vulture 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

280. Verdin 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

281. Western Tanager 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon Nice male.

282. White-winged Dove 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

283. Wilson's Warbler 05/21/2008 Pima Canyon

284. Abert's Towhee 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

285. Anna's Hummingbird 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

286. Black-throated Sparrow 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

287. Curve-billed Thrasher 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

288. Gambel's Quail 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

289. Mourning Dove 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

290. Northern Mockingbird 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

291. Red-tailed Hawk 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

292. Verdin 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

293. White-crowned Sparrow 02/16/2008 Pima Canyon

294. Black-throated Sparrow 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

295. Canyon Wren 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

296. Gilded Flicker 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

297. Loggerhead Shrike 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon FIRST ONE SEEN FOR AGES AROUND TOWN.

298. Northern Cardinal 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

299. Red-tailed Hawk 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

300. Verdin 01/12/2008 Pima Canyon

301. Abert's Towhee 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

302. Black-throated Sparrow 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

303. Cactus Wren 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

304. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

305. Gambel's Quail 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

306. Gila Woodpecker 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

307. Gilded Flicker 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

308. Mourning Dove 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

309. Verdin 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

310. White-crowned Sparrow 12/30/2007 Pima Canyon

311. Ash-throated Flycatcher 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

312. Black-throated Sparrow 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

313. Cactus Wren 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

314. Curve-billed Thrasher 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

315. European Starling 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

316. Gambel's Quail 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

317. Gilded Flicker 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

318. Gray Flycatcher 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon Pumped its tail

319. Great-tailed Grackle 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

320. Verdin 03/14/2007 Pima Canyon

321. Anna's Hummingbird 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

322. Black-throated Sparrow 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

323. Cactus Wren 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

324. Curve-billed Thrasher 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

325. Gambel's Quail 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

326. Gilded Flicker 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon We saw it as we drove up. It flew over the road and up in a paloverde tree.

327. Northern Mockingbird 01/03/2007 Pima Canyon

328. Black-throated Sparrow 11/26/2006 Pima Canyon

329. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/26/2006 Pima Canyon

330. Gambel's Quail 11/26/2006 Pima Canyon

331. Rock Wren 11/26/2006 Pima Canyon

332. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/26/2006 Pima Canyon

333. Anna's Hummingbird 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

334. Black-throated Sparrow 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

335. Cactus Wren 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

336. Canyon Wren 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

337. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

338. Gambel's Quail 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

339. House Finch 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

340. Mourning Dove 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

341. Northern Mockingbird 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

342. Verdin 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

343. White-throated Swift 07/29/2006 Pima Canyon

344. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

345. Cactus Wren 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

346. Gambel's Quail 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

347. Gila Woodpecker 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

348. Mourning Dove 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

349. White-winged Dove 06/03/2006 Pima Canyon

350. Abert's Towhee 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

351. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

352. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

353. Black-throated Sparrow 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

354. Cactus Wren 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

355. Cliff Swallow 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

356. Gambel's Quail 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

357. Mourning Dove 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

358. Red-tailed Hawk 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

359. Turkey Vulture 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

360. Verdin 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

361. White-winged Dove 05/29/2006 Pima Canyon

362. Abert's Towhee 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon Saw him while I was coming up the road.

363. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon Yellow and white up middle with sides of breast darker.

364. Black-throated Sparrow 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

365. Cactus Wren 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

366. Canyon Towhee 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

367. Cliff Swallow 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

368. Costa's Hummingbird 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

369. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

370. Gambel's Quail 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

371. Generic Flycatcher 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

372. House Sparrow 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

373. Mourning Dove 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

374. Northern Mockingbird 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

375. Orange-crowned Warbler 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

376. Red-tailed Hawk 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

377. Verdin 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

378. White-winged Dove 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

379. Wilson's Warbler 05/23/2006 Pima Canyon

380. Anna's Hummingbird 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

381. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

382. Black-throated Sparrow 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

383. Brewer's Sparrow 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

384. Cactus Wren 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

385. Canyon Wren 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon Oh was he RED. Very RUDDY or RED. We both agreed. He was down in the place where the petroglyph shades his eyes.

386. Cooper's Hawk 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

387. Costa's Hummingbird 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

388. Curve-billed Thrasher 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

389. European Starling 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

390. Gambel's Quail 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

391. Gila Woodpecker 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

392. Gilded Flicker 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

393. Golden Eagle 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

394. Green-tailed Towhee 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

395. House Finch 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

396. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

397. Lincoln's Sparrow 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

398. Loggerhead Shrike 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

399. Mourning Dove 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

400. Rock Wren 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

401. Verdin 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

402. White-crowned Sparrow 03/04/2006 Pima Canyon

403. Anna's Hummingbird 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

404. Black-throated Sparrow 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

405. Brewer's Sparrow 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

406. Peregrine Falcon 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

407. Verdin 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

408. White-crowned Sparrow 01/04/2006 Pima Canyon

409. Anna's Hummingbird 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

410. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

411. Black-throated Sparrow 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

412. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon tail white underneath. One had a sliver of dark up the middle under the tail.

413. Brewer's Sparrow 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

414. Cactus Wren 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

415. Green-tailed Towhee 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

416. Northern Mockingbird 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

417. Rock Wren 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

418. Verdin 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

419. White-crowned Sparrow 12/27/2005 Pima Canyon

420. Anna's Hummingbird 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

421. Ash-throated Flycatcher 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

422. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

423. Black-throated Sparrow 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

424. Cactus Wren 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

425. Gambel's Quail 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

426. Loggerhead Shrike 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon Singing like a CB thrasher.

427. Mourning Dove 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

428. Northern Mockingbird 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

429. Rock Dove 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

430. Verdin 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

431. White-crowned Sparrow 12/21/2005 Pima Canyon

432. Abert's Towhee 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

433. Ash-throated Flycatcher 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

434. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

435. Black-throated Sparrow 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

436. Cactus Wren 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

437. Gambel's Quail 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

438. Generic Hawk 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon We thought it might be a peregrine falcon. We saw it from the stone house.

439. Gila Woodpecker 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

440. Gilded Flicker 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

441. House Finch 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

442. Loggerhead Shrike 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

443. Mourning Dove 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

444. Northern Mockingbird 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

445. Rock Wren 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

446. White-crowned Sparrow 11/06/2005 Pima Canyon

447. Abert's Towhee 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

448. Anna's Hummingbird 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

449. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

450. Black-throated Sparrow 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

451. Brewer's Sparrow 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

452. Cactus Wren 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

453. Canyon Towhee 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

454. Curve-billed Thrasher 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

455. European Starling 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

456. Gambel's Quail 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

457. Gila Woodpecker 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

458. Great Horned Owl 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

459. House Finch 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

460. Loggerhead Shrike 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

461. Mourning Dove 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

462. Northern Mockingbird 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

463. Red-naped Sapsucker 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

464. Rock Wren 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

465. Verdin 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

466. Western Kingbird 10/15/2005 Pima Canyon

467. Abert's Towhee 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

468. Anna's Hummingbird 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

469. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

470. Black-throated Sparrow 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

471. Cactus Wren 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

472. Canyon Towhee 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

473. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

474. European Starling 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

475. Gambel's Quail 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

476. Gila Woodpecker 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

477. Great-tailed Grackle 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

478. Green-tailed Towhee 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon Very bright rufous head. Saw only one. Ditsworth only saw it with the naked eye. He had binocs but didn't use them for this bird.

479. House Finch 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

480. Inca Dove 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

481. Loggerhead Shrike 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

482. MacGillivray's Warbler 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

483. Mourning Dove 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

484. Northern Mockingbird 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

485. Red-tailed Hawk 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

486. Rock Wren 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

487. Verdin 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

488. Wilson's Warbler 09/17/2005 Pima Canyon

489. Abert's Towhee 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

490. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

491. Curve-billed Thrasher 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

492. Gila Woodpecker 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

493. Mourning Dove 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

494. Verdin 08/28/2005 Pima Canyon

495. Cactus Wren 07/03/2005 Pima Canyon

496. Gambel's Quail 07/03/2005 Pima Canyon

497. Mourning Dove 07/03/2005 Pima Canyon

498. Black-throated Sparrow 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs and elsewhere.

499. Cactus Wren 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

500. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

501. Gambel's Quail 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

502. Gila Woodpecker 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

503. Gilded Flicker 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

504. House Finch 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

505. Loggerhead Shrike 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

506. Mourning Dove 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

507. Northern Mockingbird 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

508. Verdin 06/26/2005 Pima Canyon

509. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

510. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon Lots of 'em. Seen several places including the BT cliffs where the bt sparrow was also seen.

511. Black-throated Sparrow 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon streaked breast. Seen several places including the BT cliffs where the bt gnatcatcher was also seen.

512. Cactus Wren 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

513. Canyon Towhee 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

514. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

515. Gambel's Quail 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

516. Gila Woodpecker 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

517. Gilded Flicker 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon two sightings one of which was very noice indeed.

518. Mourning Dove 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

519. Northern Mockingbird 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

520. Turkey Vulture 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

521. Verdin 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

522. White-winged Dove 06/25/2005 Pima Canyon

523. American Kestrel 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

524. Anna's Hummingbird 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

525. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

526. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

527. Black-throated Sparrow 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon Up on a saguaro eating fruit.

528. Brown-headed Cowbird 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

529. Cactus Wren 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

530. Canyon Wren 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon HEARD ONLY. Heard often.

531. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

532. Gambel's Quail 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

533. Gila Woodpecker 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

534. Great Horned Owl 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon He seemed HUGE. Up on a rock.

535. House Finch 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

536. Loggerhead Shrike 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

537. Mourning Dove 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

538. Northern Mockingbird 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

539. Red-tailed Hawk 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

540. Rock Wren 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

541. Turkey Vulture 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

542. Verdin 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon

543. White-winged Dove 06/19/2005 Pima Canyon There were many and they were eating saguaro fruit.

544. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

545. Black-throated Sparrow 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

546. Cactus Wren 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

547. Gambel's Quail 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

548. Gilded Flicker 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

549. Mourning Dove 05/26/2005 Pima Canyon

550. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon Pairs more than once. Rufous tails.

551. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

552. Cactus Wren 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

553. Canyon Towhee 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

554. Canyon Wren 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon Seen and NOT heard.

555. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

556. Gambel's Quail 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

557. Gilded Flicker 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

558. Mourning Dove 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon Very quiet.

559. Northern Mockingbird 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

560. Turkey Vulture 05/25/2005 Pima Canyon

561. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/21/2005 Pima Canyon

562. Gambel's Quail 05/21/2005 Pima Canyon

563. Gilded Flicker 05/21/2005 Pima Canyon

564. Mourning Dove 05/21/2005 Pima Canyon

565. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

566. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

567. Canyon Wren 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

568. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

569. Gambel's Quail 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

570. Generic Swallow 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

571. Mourning Dove 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

572. Northern Mockingbird 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

573. Rock Wren 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

574. Turkey Vulture 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

575. White-winged Dove 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

576. Wilson's Warbler 05/20/2005 Pima Canyon

577. Anna's Hummingbird 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

578. Ash-throated Flycatcher 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

579. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

580. Black-throated Sparrow 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

581. Brewer's Sparrow 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

582. Cactus Wren 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

583. Canyon Towhee 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

584. Canyon Wren 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

585. Chipping Sparrow 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

586. Curve-billed Thrasher 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

587. Gambel's Quail 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

588. Generic Flycatcher 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

589. Gila Woodpecker 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

590. Gilded Flicker 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

591. House Finch 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

592. Lesser Goldfinch 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

593. Mourning Dove 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

594. Northern Mockingbird 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

595. Phainopepla 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

596. Rock Wren 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

597. Turkey Vulture 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

598. Verdin 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

599. White-crowned Sparrow 04/02/2005 Pima Canyon

600. White-winged Dove 04/02/2005 2125 North Villas Lane Two flying over Lyle's house or to the left. Ditsworth and I saw these after our hike at Pima Canyon. I had a few unconfirmed glimpses of WW doves that I was unsure of and didn't record.

601. Anna's Hummingbird 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

602. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

603. Curve-billed Thrasher 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

604. Gilded Flicker 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

605. House Finch 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

606. Red-tailed Hawk 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

607. Rock Wren 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

608. White-crowned Sparrow 01/02/2005 Pima Canyon

609. Anna's Hummingbird 12/28/2004 Pima Canyon

610. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/28/2004 Pima Canyon Heard Only and sort of saw.

611. Verdin 12/28/2004 Pima Canyon

612. American Kestrel 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

613. Anna's Hummingbird 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

614. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

615. Black-throated Sparrow 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

616. Cactus Wren 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

617. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

618. Gambel's Quail 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

619. Gila Woodpecker 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

620. Gilded Flicker 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

621. Loggerhead Shrike 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon Excellent views of this old saddle shoe.

622. Mourning Dove 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

623. Rock Wren 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon I heard this bird and then we located him. Ditsworth admired him through the binocs.

624. Say's Phoebe 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon He was clean up on top.

625. Verdin 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon

626. White-throated Sparrow 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT. I never saw one here!!!!

627. White-throated Swift 12/11/2004 Pima Canyon Up on top I looked at some jets and then saw these swifts ripping along up there over the mountain.

628. American Kestrel 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

629. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

630. Black-throated Sparrow 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

631. Cactus Wren 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

632. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

633. Gambel's Quail 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

634. Rock Wren 09/26/2004 Pima Canyon

635. Anna's Hummingbird 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

636. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

637. Black-throated Sparrow 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

638. Brewer's Sparrow 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon Lacked the blank look. It had fine streaking on the head. Notched tail. White eye-ring. Small. Must be a Brewer's sparrow.

639. Canyon Towhee 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

640. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

641. Gambel's Quail 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

642. Gila Woodpecker 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon A male flying by. Looked big!

643. Green-tailed Towhee 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

644. Loggerhead Shrike 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

645. Peregrine Falcon 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

646. Verdin 09/11/2004 Pima Canyon

647. Black-throated Sparrow 08/29/2004 Pima Canyon

648. Curve-billed Thrasher 08/29/2004 Pima Canyon

649. Gambel's Quail 08/29/2004 Pima Canyon

650. Gilded Flicker 08/29/2004 Pima Canyon

651. Turkey Vulture 08/29/2004 Pima Canyon

652. Mourning Dove 08/13/2004 Pima Canyon

653. Red-tailed Hawk 08/13/2004 Pima Canyon Flying in the 30-mile-an-hour wind high above the ridge line trail where I was drinking Boston Lager. An immature.

654. White-winged Dove 08/13/2004 Pima Canyon

655. Canyon Wren 08/11/2004 Pima Canyon From the very top of the Ridge Line trail he flew.

656. Gambel's Quail 08/11/2004 Pima Canyon

657. White-winged Dove 08/11/2004 Pima Canyon

658. Black-throated Sparrow 08/03/2004 Pima Canyon

659. Mourning Dove 08/03/2004 Pima Canyon My gosh the glorious flight that these birds do. One came carreening over the ridge high above the deserts and caught the blowing wind clean out over the rolling hills below. Others did much the same.

660. White-winged Dove 08/03/2004 Pima Canyon Saw one.

661. Black-throated Sparrow 08/02/2004 Pima Canyon

662. Gila Woodpecker 08/02/2004 Pima Canyon

663. Gila Woodpecker 08/01/2004 Pima Canyon

664. Mourning Dove 08/01/2004 Pima Canyon

665. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/31/2004 Pima Canyon

666. Black-throated Sparrow 07/31/2004 Pima Canyon At first I thought he was a rock wren cause he was out on the rocks.

667. Gambel's Quail 07/31/2004 Pima Canyon

668. Mourning Dove 07/31/2004 Pima Canyon

669. White-winged Dove 07/31/2004 Pima Canyon

670. Canyon Wren 07/30/2004 Pima Canyon

671. Loggerhead Shrike 07/30/2004 Pima Canyon

672. White-winged Dove 07/30/2004 Pima Canyon

673. Black-throated Sparrow 07/28/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

674. Cactus Wren 07/28/2004 Pima Canyon

675. Gambel's Quail 07/28/2004 Pima Canyon

676. Mourning Dove 07/28/2004 Pima Canyon

677. Black-throated Sparrow 07/27/2004 Pima Canyon A female right at the parking lot.

678. Cactus Wren 07/27/2004 Pima Canyon

679. Gambel's Quail 07/27/2004 Pima Canyon

680. Mourning Dove 07/27/2004 Pima Canyon

681. Black-throated Sparrow 07/22/2004 Pima Canyon EXCELLENT view and spectacular as usual. Not at the BT cliffs!

682. Cactus Wren 07/22/2004 Pima Canyon

683. Gambel's Quail 07/22/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT Cliffs and the solstice area.

684. Gila Woodpecker 07/22/2004 Pima Canyon

685. Mourning Dove 07/22/2004 Pima Canyon

686. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs both

687. Black-throated Sparrow 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon at BT cliffs

688. Cactus Wren 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon At BT cliffs

689. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon at CW Alley and BT Cliffs

690. Gambel's Quail 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon At BT cliffs

691. Mourning Dove 07/21/2004 Pima Canyon very nice

692. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/19/2004 Pima Canyon at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs

693. Black-throated Sparrow 07/19/2004 Pima Canyon at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs

694. Cactus Wren 07/19/2004 Pima Canyon at cactus wren alley

695. Gila Woodpecker 07/19/2004 Pima Canyon

696. Mourning Dove 07/19/2004 Pima Canyon

697. Black-throated Sparrow 07/15/2004 Pima Canyon Two between the water tank and the stone houses.

698. Cactus Wren 07/15/2004 Pima Canyon One made weird noises. He was the one at the BT cliffs.

699. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/15/2004 Pima Canyon Heard Only

700. Gambel's Quail 07/15/2004 Pima Canyon

701. Mourning Dove 07/15/2004 Pima Canyon One whipped around and fluttered in some bushes kind of in a panic. I was worried he might get hurt. I said "You poor thing."

702. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT Cliffs.

703. Black-throated Sparrow 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs. I also saw an immature at cactus wren alley.

704. Cactus Wren 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon Two of them at Cactus Wren Alley.

705. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon Heard only.

706. Gambel's Quail 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon Everwhere.

707. Mourning Dove 07/08/2004 Pima Canyon everywhere

708. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon By the BT cliffs!

709. Black-throated Sparrow 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs!

710. Cactus Wren 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon By the BT Cliffs!

711. Canyon Towhee 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon By the solstice petroglyph.

712. Gambel's Quail 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon By the BT Cliffs!

713. Gilded Flicker 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon Steve pointed out this one as it flew by. Good view.

714. Mourning Dove 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon

715. Northern Mockingbird 07/06/2004 Pima Canyon

716. Ash-throated Flycatcher 07/05/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

717. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/05/2004 Pima Canyon

718. Cactus Wren 07/05/2004 Pima Canyon

719. Gambel's Quail 07/05/2004 Pima Canyon everywhere

720. Mourning Dove 07/05/2004 Pima Canyon everywhere

721. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

722. Black-throated Sparrow 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

723. Cactus Wren 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

724. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

725. Gambel's Quail 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

726. Mourning Dove 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

727. White-winged Dove 07/04/2004 Pima Canyon

728. Ash-throated Flycatcher 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon big one in a tree.

729. Cactus Wren 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon at bt cliffs

730. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon as usual

731. Gambel's Quail 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon

732. Greater Roadrunner 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon At the parking lot when I was drinking a bottle of Boston Lager.

733. Mourning Dove 07/03/2004 Pima Canyon

734. Anna's Hummingbird 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon Female with red on the breast. Kind of a lot of red.

735. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

736. Black-throated Sparrow 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

737. Canyon Wren 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon Flying by like a mourning dove.

738. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon

739. Gambel's Quail 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon

740. Gila Woodpecker 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon flying by

741. Gilded Flicker 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon

742. Mourning Dove 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon

743. White-winged Dove 07/02/2004 Pima Canyon

744. Ash-throated Flycatcher 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

745. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon By the stone houses and very tame indeed. In the arroyo there with the verdin. Nice-looking bird.

746. Gambel's Quail 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

747. Gila Woodpecker 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

748. Gilded Flicker 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon Two of them making cactus wren-type hisses and digging a hole!

749. Mourning Dove 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

750. Northern Mockingbird 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

751. Verdin 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

752. White-winged Dove 07/01/2004 Pima Canyon

753. Anna's Hummingbird 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

754. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

755. Black-throated Sparrow 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

756. Cactus Wren 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

757. Canyon Towhee 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

758. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

759. Gambel's Quail 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

760. Generic Swallow 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

761. Gila Woodpecker 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

762. Gilded Flicker 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

763. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

764. Loggerhead Shrike 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

765. Mourning Dove 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

766. Northern Mockingbird 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

767. Red-tailed Hawk 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

768. Rock Dove 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

769. Turkey Vulture 06/27/2004 Pima Canyon

770. Black-throated Sparrow 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

771. Cactus Wren 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

772. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

773. Gambel's Quail 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon

774. Mourning Dove 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon

775. Turkey Vulture 06/26/2004 Pima Canyon

776. Anna's Hummingbird 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

777. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

778. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

779. Black-throated Sparrow 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

780. Cactus Wren 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

781. Canyon Towhee 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon seen and heard

782. Canyon Wren 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

783. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

784. Gambel's Quail 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

785. Generic Swallow 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon Probably cliff swallows but who knows? I saw these when I was looking up at fat man's pass.

786. Great Egret 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon Yes! flying over the desert rocks.

787. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

788. Loggerhead Shrike 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

789. Mourning Dove 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

790. Verdin 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

791. White-winged Dove 06/20/2004 Pima Canyon

792. Ash-throated Flycatcher 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon Landed on the back of the gilded flicker.

793. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon

794. Black-throated Sparrow 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

795. Cactus Wren 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon Plenty of 'em.

796. Gambel's Quail 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon

797. Gilded Flicker 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon At the BT cliffs.

798. Mourning Dove 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon

799. Rock Wren 06/19/2004 Pima Canyon He was in a tree.

800. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon Not at the BT cliffs. In a tree nearby but elsewhere.

801. Cactus Wren 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon

802. Canyon Wren 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon Right at BT cliffs. He was very tame.

803. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon

804. Gambel's Quail 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon

805. Mourning Dove 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon

806. White-winged Dove 06/13/2004 Pima Canyon On a saguaro eating the fruit.

807. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon At BT cliff where you see BT sparrows and BT gnatcatchers.

808. Black-throated Sparrow 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon At BT cliff where you see BT sparrows and BT gnatcatchers.

809. Cactus Wren 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

810. Canyon Towhee 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

811. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

812. Gambel's Quail 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon Heard only up the canyon but by the golf course I saw that hen with her brood. They were practicing eating seeds.

813. Great-tailed Grackle 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

814. Mourning Dove 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

815. Verdin 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

816. White-winged Dove 06/06/2004 Pima Canyon

817. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

818. Black-throated Sparrow 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

819. Cactus Wren 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

820. Curve-billed Thrasher 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

821. Gambel's Quail 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

822. Gila Woodpecker 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

823. Mourning Dove 06/05/2004 Pima Canyon

824. Cactus Wren 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon

825. Canyon Wren 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon Seen and not heard. By the water tank and near the soltice carving but to the right up on a cliff.

826. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon

827. Gambel's Quail 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon Lots of these as usual. Near the stupid golf course there were a couple with a ton of tiny babies. They were totally unafraid of my truck.

828. Loggerhead Shrike 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon He flew by looking like a black and white cigar.

829. Mourning Dove 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon In the desert heat of the mid afternoon the mourning doves were quiet and mysterious. They were perched often on the ground in the shade of an ironwood tree. Small-looking and dessicated and dry and shrunk.

830. White-winged Dove 05/31/2004 Pima Canyon On top of a saguaro by the fruit.

831. Abert's Towhee 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

832. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

833. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

834. Cactus Wren 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

835. Canyon Towhee 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon More of these than Abert's by far.

836. Canyon Wren 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

837. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

838. Gambel's Quail 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

839. Great-tailed Grackle 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

840. Mourning Dove 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

841. Red-tailed Hawk 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon No belly band but an awfully red tail.

842. Turkey Vulture 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon He appeared suddenly while we were walking back on the dirt road.

843. Verdin 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

844. White-winged Dove 05/23/2004 Pima Canyon

845. Anna's Hummingbird 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

846. Ash-throated Flycatcher 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

847. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

848. Brewer's Sparrow 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

849. Cactus Wren 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

850. Cliff Swallow 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

851. Curve-billed Thrasher 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

852. Dusky Flycatcher 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

853. Gambel's Quail 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

854. Green-tailed Towhee 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

855. House Sparrow 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

856. Loggerhead Shrike 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

857. MacGillivray's Warbler 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

858. Mourning Dove 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

859. Northern Mockingbird 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

860. Verdin 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

861. Wilson's Warbler 04/25/2004 Pima Canyon

862. Anna's Hummingbird 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

863. Cactus Wren 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

864. Canyon Wren 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

865. Cooper's Hawk 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

866. Curve-billed Thrasher 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

867. Gilded Flicker 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

868. House Finch 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

869. Loggerhead Shrike 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

870. Mourning Dove 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

871. Red-tailed Hawk 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

872. Rock Wren 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

873. Verdin 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

874. White-throated Swift 02/07/2004 Pima Canyon

875. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

876. Black-throated Sparrow 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

877. Canyon Wren 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon Heard only.

878. Cooper's Hawk 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

879. European Starling 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

880. Gambel's Quail 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

881. Gilded Flicker 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

882. House Finch 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

883. Mourning Dove 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

884. Rock Wren 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

885. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

886. Verdin 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

887. Yellow-rumped Warbler 01/25/2004 Pima Canyon

888. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon On the road out in a tree at the end of the hike.

889. Black-throated Sparrow 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

890. Canyon Wren 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

891. Gambel's Quail 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

892. Gilded Flicker 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

893. Rock Wren 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

894. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon Over by where Steve and Sonny buried their treasure. I saw its ruby crown.

895. Verdin 01/04/2004 Pima Canyon

896. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon

897. Black-throated Sparrow 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon pecking around on the ground.

898. Cactus Wren 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon

899. Gambel's Quail 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon

900. House Finch 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon

901. Northern Mockingbird 12/28/2003 Pima Canyon

902. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 12/07/2003 Pima Canyon Two very active in a tree and a verdin messing around with them too.

903. Canyon Towhee 12/07/2003 Pima Canyon At first we thought these two birds were green-tailed towhees. But they weren't!

904. Gambel's Quail 12/07/2003 Pima Canyon I let Dits look through the binocs and he thought the birds were very impressive indeed. Lots of them down in a canyon. There seemed to be no end to their teeming numbers.

905. Gila Woodpecker 12/07/2003 Pima Canyon squeaking

906. Phainopepla 12/07/2003 Pima Canyon A male in a tree and it was quite tame for a peppie. I took its picture.

907. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

908. Cactus Wren 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

909. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

910. Gila Woodpecker 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

911. Phainopepla 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

912. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon hovered next to branches. Eye ring. Small.

913. Verdin 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

914. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/23/2003 Pima Canyon

915. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

916. Black-throated Sparrow 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

917. Generic Hawk 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon Coopers immature? At first I thought it was a Harris' hawk but then I thought it was a marsh hawk but a marsh hawk wouldn't like it there.

918. Gila Woodpecker 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

919. Gilded Flicker 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

920. Phainopepla 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

921. Say's Phoebe 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

922. White-crowned Sparrow 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

923. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/16/2003 Pima Canyon

924. Anna's Hummingbird 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

925. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

926. Black-throated Sparrow 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

927. Cactus Wren 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

928. Canyon Towhee 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

929. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

930. Double-Crested Cormorant 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon Yes in PIMA CANYON. Just five or six or so flying overhead.

931. Gambel's Quail 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

932. Gila Woodpecker 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

933. Gilded Flicker 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon Saw him on the ground. Then he flew up. Also at the end of the Javelina trail he was on a fence or something.

934. House Finch 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

935. Mourning Dove 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

936. Rock Wren 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon

937. White-crowned Sparrow 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon Nice examples. Very white. Immatures were there too. At the end of the javelina trail there is a horse trough where they were drinking on the ground.

938. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/02/2003 Pima Canyon across Javelina canyon

939. Black-throated Sparrow 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon

940. Cactus Wren 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon

941. Gambel's Quail 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon

942. House Finch 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon

943. Mourning Dove 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon

944. Rock Wren 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon Very tame some of them. Saw several. Sometimes they looked quite rufous below but when you got up close they weren't. I noted that they are the ones that sound like an Ash-throated Flycatcher.

945. Turkey Vulture 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon Up above the parking lot when I arrived. Soaring.

946. Verdin 10/05/2003 Pima Canyon Very yellow face indeed.

947. Abert's Towhee 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

948. American Kestrel 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

949. Anna's Hummingbird 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

950. Canyon Towhee 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

951. Canyon Wren 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

952. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

953. Generic Blackbird 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon Huge flock overhead. Perhaps varied species.

954. Gila Woodpecker 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

955. House Finch 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

956. Mourning Dove 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

957. Rock Dove 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon Had a blue band that had a 41 as part of it. It was high up the ridge trail on a rock. A blue bar and nicely groomed. Perhaps a racing homer though smallish.

958. Rock Wren 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon Both seen and heard.

959. Verdin 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon

960. White-throated Swift 09/28/2003 Pima Canyon appeared briefly on a high trail.

961. American Kestrel 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

962. Anna's Hummingbird 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

963. Black-throated Sparrow 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

964. Cactus Wren 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

965. Canyon Towhee 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

966. Canyon Wren 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

967. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

968. Gambel's Quail 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

969. House Finch 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

970. Inca Dove 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

971. Mourning Dove 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

972. Rock Wren 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

973. Verdin 09/21/2003 Pima Canyon

974. American Kestrel 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon He flew in the air with the wind holding him in one place for a long time and then he would zip up or down or left or right.

975. Anna's Hummingbird 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

976. Black-throated Sparrow 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

977. Cactus Wren 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

978. Curve-billed Thrasher 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

979. Gilded Flicker 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

980. House Finch 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

981. MacGillivray's Warbler 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

982. Mourning Dove 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

983. Phainopepla 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon female flying over

984. Red-tailed Hawk 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

985. White-throated Swift 08/24/2003 Pima Canyon

986. Cactus Wren 07/11/2003 Pima Canyon

987. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/11/2003 Pima Canyon

988. Gila Woodpecker 07/11/2003 Pima Canyon

989. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/28/2003 Pima Canyon

990. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/15/2003 Pima Canyon

991. Black-throated Sparrow 06/15/2003 Pima Canyon

992. Cactus Wren 06/15/2003 Pima Canyon Down CACTUS WREN ALLEY up Pima Arroyo.

993. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 06/01/2003 Pima Canyon

994. Black-throated Sparrow 06/01/2003 Pima Canyon

995. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

996. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

997. Black-throated Sparrow 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

998. Canyon Towhee 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon These are definitely Canyons. They ain't Abert's.

999. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

1000. Green-tailed Towhee 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

1001. Northern Flicker 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon GILDED FLICKER! I'VE GOT TO SPLIT THESE. IT'S A SEPARATE SPECIES NOW!!!

1002. Turkey Vulture 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

1003. White-winged Dove 05/25/2003 Pima Canyon

1004. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1005. Black-throated Sparrow 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1006. Cactus Wren 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1007. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1008. Dusky Flycatcher 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1009. Gambel's Quail 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon just zillions of them

1010. Greater Roadrunner 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1011. Green-tailed Towhee 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1012. House Sparrow 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1013. MacGillivray's Warbler 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1014. Mourning Dove 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon all under the trees everywhere

1015. Northern Mockingbird 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1016. Verdin 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1017. Wilson's Warbler 05/22/2003 Pima Canyon

1018. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1019. Cactus Wren 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1020. Canyon Towhee 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1021. Curve-billed Thrasher 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1022. Green-tailed Towhee 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1023. House Finch 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon Oh god he had a swollen EYE. Huge. However he was frisky and active.

1024. Wilson's Warbler 05/21/2003 Pima Canyon

1025. Ash-throated Flycatcher 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1026. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon Saw him up the canyon and later a rattier one nearer the parking lot.

1027. Dusky Flycatcher 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1028. Gambel's Quail 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1029. Green-tailed Towhee 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1030. House Finch 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1031. Northern Flicker 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon GILDED FLICKER

1032. Townsend's Warbler 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1033. Verdin 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1034. White-winged Dove 05/11/2003 Pima Canyon

1035. Brewer's Sparrow 04/13/2003 Pima Canyon up in a tree

1036. Northern Flicker 02/01/2003 Pima Canyon

1037. Rock Wren 02/01/2003 Pima Canyon

1038. White-crowned Sparrow 02/01/2003 Pima Canyon

1039. Anna's Hummingbird 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1040. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon very tame this time

1041. Black-throated Sparrow 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1042. Cactus Wren 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1043. Canyon Towhee 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon slightly rufous head and very rufous under tail. no black mask. chest a bit striped.

1044. Curve-billed Thrasher 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1045. Dark-eyed Junco 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon oregon race

1046. Green-tailed Towhee 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon very rufous crown -- in fact I thought it was a ruby-crowned kinglet at first although it was big. almost a red crown.

1047. Rock Wren 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1048. White-crowned Sparrow 01/05/2003 Pima Canyon

1049. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1050. Black-throated Sparrow 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1051. Canyon Towhee 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon Super rufous under the tail. Plain face. No black mask.

1052. Gambel's Quail 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1053. Generic Flycatcher 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1054. Green-tailed Towhee 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon Very green all of these and at least three seen.

1055. Northern Flicker 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon Gilded race!

1056. Phainopepla 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1057. Rock Wren 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1058. Turkey Vulture 09/15/2002 Pima Canyon

1059. Abert's Towhee 09/08/2002 Pima Canyon

1060. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/08/2002 Pima Canyon

1061. Black-throated Sparrow 09/08/2002 Pima Canyon

1062. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/08/2002 Pima Canyon BIG

1063. Northern Flicker 09/08/2002 Pima Canyon GILDED FLICKER. GILDED RACE! EXCELLENT VIEW.

1064. Generic Bird 08/09/2002 Pima Canyon Actually all we saw were mourning doves -- but why waste a MD record when I can put this in? All the birds were gone. It was SO HOT!

1065. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1066. Black-throated Sparrow 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1067. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1068. Gambel's Quail 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1069. Gila Woodpecker 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1070. Mourning Dove 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1071. Turkey Vulture 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1072. White-winged Dove 07/28/2002 Pima Canyon

1073. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Tame. It was so late in the hot afternoon that there were few birds out. I was kind of lucky to see this one although I think there was another around that I was chasing but couldn't catch up with.

1074. Black-throated Sparrow 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Finally saw one of these. The day was so hot that the birds had all sought shelter. Also saw one at the base of the horse trough and showed it to some dude.

1075. Cactus Wren 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Over by a cliff. Quiet. Fairly tame.

1076. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon One of them sang like a mockingbird.

1077. Gambel's Quail 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Only zillions again.

1078. Mourning Dove 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Natch. Hot!

1079. Rock Dove 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Strange to see him flying over the arroyo. Hotter than hell. He or another landed on a desert varnished rock and stood there.

1080. Turkey Vulture 07/22/2002 Pima Canyon Just one.

1081. Gambel's Quail 07/21/2002 Pima Canyon zillions of these -- zillions and babies too.

1082. Green-tailed Towhee 07/21/2002 Pima Canyon right when I arrived near the rest place.

1083. Mourning Dove 07/21/2002 Pima Canyon I would walk in the silent wash and they were always there waiting and they always flew away in the screaming heat.

1084. Turkey Vulture 07/21/2002 Pima Canyon yes I saw him

1085. Black-chinned Hummingbird 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon Purple above white on the neck cinched this bird.

1086. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1087. Black-throated Sparrow 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1088. Cactus Wren 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1089. Canyon Wren 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon Heard Only

1090. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon Heard only

1091. Gambel's Quail 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1092. Gila Woodpecker 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1093. Loggerhead Shrike 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1094. Mourning Dove 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1095. Northern Flicker 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon Gilded Race

1096. Northern Mockingbird 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1097. Verdin 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1098. White-winged Dove 6/29/2002 Pima Canyon

1099. Anna's Hummingbird 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1100. Black-throated Sparrow 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1101. Brewer's Sparrow 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1102. Curve-billed Thrasher 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1103. Dark-eyed Junco 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1104. Gambel's Quail 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1105. House Finch 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1106. Loggerhead Shrike 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1107. Phainopepla 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1108. Red-tailed Hawk 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1109. Rufous-crowned Sparrow 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1110. Turkey Vulture 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1111. White-crowned Sparrow 03/01/2002 Pima Canyon

1112. Abert's Towhee 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1113. Anna's Hummingbird 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1114. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1115. Black-throated Sparrow 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1116. Brewer's Sparrow 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1117. Cactus Wren 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1118. Canyon Wren 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon heard only

1119. Curve-billed Thrasher 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1120. Gambel's Quail 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1121. Green-tailed Towhee 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1122. House Finch 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1123. Loggerhead Shrike 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1124. Phainopepla 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1125. Rock Wren 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1126. Verdin 02/24/2002 Pima Canyon

1127. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon ah!

1128. Black-throated Sparrow 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon

1129. Brewer's Sparrow 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon lots of these

1130. Dark-eyed Junco 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon oregon race

1131. Green-tailed Towhee 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon Excellent views and two at a time.

1132. House Finch 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon

1133. White-throated Sparrow 02/17/2002 Pima Canyon I added this feb 23 '13 because I saw in my journal that I missed him.

1134. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/23/2001 Pima Canyon

1135. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/23/2001 Pima Canyon

1136. Mourning Dove 09/23/2001 Pima Canyon

1137. Rock Wren 09/23/2001 Pima Canyon

1138. Anna's Hummingbird 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1139. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1140. Black-throated Sparrow 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1141. Cactus Wren 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1142. Curve-billed Thrasher 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1143. Gambel's Quail 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1144. House Finch 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1145. Loggerhead Shrike 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1146. Mourning Dove 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1147. Red-tailed Hawk 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1148. Verdin 09/09/2001 Pima Canyon

1149. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 07/21/2001 Pima Canyon

1150. Cactus Wren 07/21/2001 Pima Canyon

1151. Curve-billed Thrasher 07/21/2001 Pima Canyon

1152. Turkey Vulture 07/21/2001 Pima Canyon

1153. White-winged Dove 07/21/2001 Pima Canyon

1154. Abert's Towhee 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1155. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1156. Black-throated Sparrow 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1157. Brewer's Sparrow 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1158. Brown-headed Cowbird 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon These cowbirds male and female would zoom over the desert.

1159. Cactus Wren 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1160. Costa's Hummingbird 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon twice. Gosh what violet.

1161. Curve-billed Thrasher 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1162. Greater Roadrunner 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon giant Roadrunner

1163. Red-tailed Hawk 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1164. Verdin 04/28/2001 Pima Canyon

1165. Anna's Hummingbird 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1166. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1167. Black-throated Sparrow 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon At the stone house with porno.

1168. Brewer's Sparrow 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1169. Costa's Hummingbird 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon Oh the violet!

1170. Curve-billed Thrasher 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1171. Gambel's Quail 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1172. Gila Woodpecker 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1173. Green-tailed Towhee 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon Oh -- what a crested rufous crown!

1174. House Finch 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1175. House Sparrow 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1176. Lesser Goldfinch 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon Bright.

1177. Loggerhead Shrike 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1178. Mourning Dove 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1179. Northern Mockingbird 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1180. Peregrine Falcon 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon Dark sucker -- Flying like crazy.

1181. Rock Wren 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1182. Turkey Vulture 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon

1183. Verdin 04/14/2001 Pima Canyon With mating call. Very conspicuous!

1184. Generic No Bird 03/05/2000 Pima Canyon from the journal

1185. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1186. Black-throated Sparrow 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1187. Cactus Wren 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1188. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1189. Northern Flicker 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1190. Phainopepla 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1191. Verdin 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1192. White-crowned Sparrow 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1193. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11/21/1999 Pima Canyon

1194. Anna's Hummingbird 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1195. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1196. Curve-billed Thrasher 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1197. Gambel's Quail 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1198. Greater Roadrunner 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1199. Green-tailed Towhee 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1200. House Finch 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1201. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1202. Tree Swallow 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1203. Verdin 4/2/1999 Pima Canyon

1204. Black-throated Sparrow 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1205. Cactus Wren 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1206. Canyon Wren 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1207. Costa's Hummingbird 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1208. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1209. Gambel's Quail 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1210. Gila Woodpecker 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1211. House Finch 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1212. Phainopepla 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1213. Red-tailed Hawk 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1214. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1215. White-crowned Sparrow 11/15/1998 Pima Canyon

1216. Black-throated Sparrow 10/04/1998 Pima Canyon saw these

1217. White-crowned Sparrow 10/04/1998 Pima Canyon "Saw white-crowned sparrows which I haven't seen for a while."

1218. Anna's Hummingbird 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1219. Ash-throated Flycatcher 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1220. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1221. Brown-headed Cowbird 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1222. Cactus Wren 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1223. Canyon Wren 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1224. Curve-billed Thrasher 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1225. Gambel's Quail 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1226. Gila Woodpecker 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1227. Loggerhead Shrike 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1228. Red-tailed Hawk 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1229. Turkey Vulture 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1230. White-throated Swift 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1231. White-winged Dove 6/14/1998 Pima Canyon

1232. Anna's Hummingbird 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1233. Ash-throated Flycatcher 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1234. Black-headed Grosbeak 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1235. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1236. Black-throated Sparrow 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1237. Cactus Wren 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1238. Canyon Wren 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1239. Common Raven 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1240. Gambel's Quail 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1241. Gila Woodpecker 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1242. House Finch 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1243. House Sparrow 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1244. Mourning Dove 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1245. Northern Flicker 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1246. Northern Mockingbird 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1247. Phainopepla 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1248. Red-tailed Hawk 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1249. Turkey Vulture 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1250. White-throated Swift 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1251. White-winged Dove 5/17/1998 Pima Canyon

1252. Anna's Hummingbird 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1253. Ash-throated Flycatcher 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon TWICE we saw this. The song helped with the identification. Nice Bird. Very nice.

1254. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1255. Black-throated Sparrow 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Saw these on several occasions.

1256. Cactus Wren 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1257. Canyon Wren 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon We SAW a lot of these rather than just heard them. They were perching on rocks like Meadowlarks on posts and singing. They have one to three buzzes after each song.

1258. Common Raven 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Lots of these. Sonny said they rolled like pigeons. They were flying over the canyons and hills.

1259. Curve-billed Thrasher 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon I also put in Bendire's thrasher because one of the CB thrashers was hanging out with a straight-billed lemon-eyed thrasher. I read later that the immature CB thrasher shares these characteristings with the CB so out he goes! Sonny and Steve and I went . We walked clear up to fat man's pass and we walked there for about five hours. Came back on the Mormon Trail. It started raining and thundering and the rain was quite cold. It stopped and we were warm again.

1260. European Starling 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1261. Gila Woodpecker 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Saw them in Saguaro burrows. Male and female. Saw them maybe three times.

1262. Great-tailed Grackle 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1263. House Finch 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1264. House Sparrow 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1265. Mourning Dove 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1266. Northern Mockingbird 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Lots of these.

1267. Rock Wren 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1268. Rufous-crowned Sparrow 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Saw these more than once.

1269. Turkey Vulture 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1270. Verdin 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Learning its call better now.

1271. White-throated Swift 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon Oh what a sight these were. And they chittered. At least two. Two? I wonder what my notes mean.

1272. White-winged Dove 4/26/1998 Pima Canyon

1273. Anna's Hummingbird 1/11/1998 Pima Canyon

1274. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 1/11/1998 Pima Canyon

1275. Canyon Wren 1/11/1998 Pima Canyon Seen not heard. It darted in and out of rock cracks and bushes.

1276. Curve-billed Thrasher 1/11/1998 Pima Canyon Thrashing towhee-like in twigs on the ground. another seen doing the same. another atop a saguaro.

1277. Phainopepla 1/11/1998 Pima Canyon

1278. Anna's Hummingbird 1/8/1998 Pima Canyon It was chittering a lot.

1279. Canyon Wren 1/8/1998 Pima Canyon Zipping in and out of rocks.

1280. Curve-billed Thrasher 1/8/1998 Pima Canyon Really working on the ground with chunks of peat moss-looking junk. Orange eye. Also on a saguaro. Steve and I.

1281. Phainopepla 1/8/1998 Pima Canyon

1282. Generic No Bird 12/30/1997 Pima Canyon

1283. Generic No Bird 08/24/1997 Pima Canyon Date not exact but with a day or two I think.

1284. Generic No Bird 05/29/1997 Pima Canyon from the journal

1285. Generic No Bird 08/27/1995 Pima Canyon

1286. Generic No Bird 01/29/1990 Pima Canyon Mom and Dad and I went to South Mountain. The road to Pima Canyon was blocked off. I found a scorpion and also found some mistletoe seeds stuck to a mesquite tree. Steve and Sherry met us at El Taquito. We drank a couple of beers.

1287. Generic No Bird 11/22/1987 Pima Canyon

1288. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 9/20/1987 Pima Canyon I call them blue-grays but I'm sure I'm wrong. It's in the yellow journal.

1289. Rock Wren 12/30/1971 Pima Canyon

Camera Make FUJIFILM
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Modified 1347959923
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 1:46pm MST
Camera Make FUJIFILM
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Modified 1347959956
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 1:46pm MST
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Modified 1347957782
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 1:46pm MST
Camera Make FUJIFILM
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Orientation 1
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ISO Speed 64
Focal Length 63/10
Modified 1347961331
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Today I still go to the same place by the stone houses where I tore my pants. A few years ago, a park ranger on a horse showed me Indian petroglyphs there five feet from the pants-tearing ridge. The scene on the stone was carved through the manganese oxide desert varnish as are most such etchings—only this petroglyph depicted a group of dancing stick figures holding hands. It was a rock drawing much more light-hearted than the usual stoic themes one saw on the mountain: man, whorl, bighorn sheep, etc. I didn't tell the ranger that I surely would have remembered the figures if they had been there when I was a child. And I didn't tell him that I doubted that the ancient Native Americans were in the habit of dancing around holding hands because they never carved such scenes into rock as far as I knew. I did know that just below the carvings were a dozen coyote skulls—the remains of some sheepherder's ghastly slaughter—buried in the sand. We found them there decades ago while digging a barbecue pit—and we reinterred them.
The stone houses were the stopping place of many who came to Pima Canyon, and there by the pile of stones and the granite ridge were the signs of these visitors. Most everywhere you looked were the brown shards of broken beer bottles and the ground was scattered thick with spent .22 shells. The whole area glinted Budweiser brown. Even in the 1980s, bottle breaking and shooting were common at the end of the road, but sometime later, there was a drastic change. The park became more carefully managed, and if you found a piece of glass, it was a relic of the past—just as are the now rare, old rusted beer cans with the triangular church key punch holes. When I find one out in the desert, I look upon it with a kind of joy and treat it as an antique to leave in place as part of Arizona's legacy. I find such treasures still—the old miner's bean can with a peeled back top or a sardine can rusted for a hundred years lying under a bush with its lid rolled neatly around the key that has been carefully tucked inside. And occasionally I find a far more ancient item like a Hohokam chipping stone made of basalt.

How the city could have rid the area of all of those bullet shells and broken bottles is a mystery to me. I think of Darwin's study on earthworms and how long it took them to bury the flints in his field. Even without any earthworms in the desert to cover the pieces of broken bottle, the entire park is today surprisingly glass free, and the trails, though walked by people in the hundreds, show almost no sign of litter. In recent years, there has been a change of mindset and culture; the hikers of today simply pack out what they pack in. The only occasional exception is the fault of the dog owners. The city provides bags for dog dew called "Mutt Mitts," and people pack these bags in. Unfortunately, once used for their intended purpose, they are not especially pleasing to pack out, and so you will sometimes see one lying plump on the side of a road or trail where it has been left by an insufficiently principled and less than stalwart walker.

Let me tell you of a littering incident. I was making a cross-country expedition in a remote area of the park when I saw that someone had left a movie ticket on the ground. As most people would, I reflected that the person should have been more careful with such trash. I looked at the ticket and it said, "Fahrenheit 911, June 26, 2004." When I got home, on a hunch I searched Pima Canyon in my bird database. There, I found a page for the same date with a note about the matinee I had gone to just before the hike. It was I who had been the litterer.

It goes to show why I have the database. Consider my visit to the dentist the other day. The technician tried to convince me that I was having my sixth crown. "But I only have two right now," I protested." She got out a mirror and we looked in my mouth and counted five. There is no way for the human mind to track all of these crowns or hikes—or trips even just to one place like Pima Canyon. Yet the human soul (or at least mine) yearns to know how many hikes there have been and when they were. Paper records are good, but they don't compare to the database—as it can be searched in a wink—and as far as the bird list goes, I, myself, can sort any specific finch from all of the flocks of sparrows and finches I have ever seen at Pima Canyon, anywhere else, or everywhere else.

The computer age that I scoffed at as a twenty-year-old has changed life for the better. For me, a large part of life used to be a dreary journey of what I call "unrequited wonder lust." In the past, you might wish to check where and when you went and be stymied by a yard-high stack of moldy notebooks. Coming home from a hike when the wonder lust hit you, you would not perhaps have the energy to leaf through them all to check for what you wanted to know unless your reference system was particularly well thought-out. And with regard to other facts, you may have wished to learn, there was much you would have trouble finding even in a library. Remember those old rocket radios? They were simple crystal radios you could buy for a dollar fifty. You pulled the nose cone up to change channels, and there was an alligator clip to hook to a window screen or other piece of metal as an antennae. In the 80s I could only imagine what they used to look like and wished I could see one again. Today, not only can I see a picture of one, I can buy one in its original box on Ebay. In 1968, the Smothers Brothers read a poem on their show, and for years I wanted to have a copy, but I would have had to ask the librarian if she remembered it—which was unlikely, and they wouldn't have a copy anyway. Now I Google it.

Life is abundant.

But my trips to Pima Canyon are not on the internet; they're on my intranet and I wonder no more about anything that has happened. A few years ago, I was surfing my intranet and found that I had no record for a trip to Pima Canyon in the year 2000. I remembered that I had hurt my leg bird watching on Kentucky Derby Day around the year 2000 at Elliot and Cooper Roads. I knew that it took a year to heal, and so for a while, my reality was that my missed trips to the canyon were because of my leg. In subsequent surfing, I found that I hurt my leg in 2001. Later, when I integrated my journal and bird database, I happened to find a year 2000 trip that was not in the bird database, so I took the opportunity to put it in there where it belonged with no bird sighting associated with it. There seems to be just one trip in 2000. I don't know why that is, but I do know it isn't because of my leg.

In the spring of 2004, I stepped down from my eight-year position as the Associate Director of the program for which I worked at Arizona State University. I had longed for a summer vacation for many years and was able to get six weeks off before I returned to the teaching faculty. I did not waste the vacation. Every day for that time, I would get up and work on a grammar book and software project of mine. And after the morning's work, I would head to South Mountain and hike up the arroyo. A click or two in my database shows that I went twenty-eight times to the canyon in June, July, and August:


1. Pima Canyon,06/05/2004,Birds: 7,Total ever: 471
2. Pima Canyon,06/06/2004,Birds: 10,Total ever: 481
3. Pima Canyon,06/13/2004,Birds: 7,Total ever: 488
4. Pima Canyon,06/19/2004,Birds: 8,Total ever: 496
5. Pima Canyon,06/20/2004,Birds: 16,Total ever: 512
6. Pima Canyon,06/26/2004,Birds: 6,Total ever: 518
7. Pima Canyon,06/27/2004,Birds: 17,Total ever: 535
8. Pima Canyon,07/01/2004,Birds: 9,Total ever: 544
9. Pima Canyon,07/02/2004,Birds: 10,Total ever: 554
10. Pima Canyon,07/03/2004,Birds: 6,Total ever: 560
11. Pima Canyon,07/04/2004,Birds: 7,Total ever: 567
12. Pima Canyon,07/05/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 572
13. Pima Canyon,07/06/2004,Birds: 8,Total ever: 580
14. Pima Canyon,07/08/2004,Birds: 6,Total ever: 586
15. Pima Canyon,07/15/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 591
16. Pima Canyon,07/19/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 596
17. Pima Canyon,07/21/2004,Birds: 6,Total ever: 602
18. Pima Canyon,07/22/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 607
19. Pima Canyon,07/27/2004,Birds: 4,Total ever: 611
20. Pima Canyon,07/28/2004,Birds: 4,Total ever: 615
21. Pima Canyon,07/30/2004,Birds: 3,Total ever: 618
22. Pima Canyon,07/31/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 623
23. Pima Canyon,08/01/2004,Birds: 2,Total ever: 625
24. Pima Canyon,08/02/2004,Birds: 2,Total ever: 627
25. Pima Canyon,08/03/2004,Birds: 3,Total ever: 630
26. Pima Canyon,08/11/2004,Birds: 3,Total ever: 633
27. Pima Canyon,08/13/2004,Birds: 3,Total ever: 636
28. Pima Canyon,08/29/2004,Birds: 5,Total ever: 641

On most of these days, I would walk up to the water tank and back on the stone road. The water tank drained into a small, square cement reservoir that held water for thirsty javelinas, coyotes, and other desert animals. I call the top stone that overlooks the arroyo there "Windy Rock" as there always seems to be a cool, welcome breeze when you climb up and stand on it. Below, the arroyo is wired off, and signs are posted that read "Wildlife Area"—but the real reason I expect is to protect the petroglyphs and corn grinding holes on the rock below. One petroglyph, a humanoid stick figure, is said to be cut across by a ray of sunlight at the winter solstice. The figure seems to be saluting, but my brother gave a better interpretation of the figure. "He's shading his eyes from the winter sun," he said.

Occasionally, a coyote would walk by and look at me bored and unsociable. He would walk out of the wash and up into the desert to avoid me. But there were dangerous animals there too; to be specific: rattlesnakes. In the heat of the summer, they are not likely out and about, unless they are in a cool patch of shade under a bush, but when spring comes and they come out of hibernation, they can be anywhere. Of the four kinds that I have seen there, the most common is especially dangerous: the tiger rattler. It has a mixture of a cobra-like neurotoxin and the standard rattler's flesh-eating enzyme. This cocktail of poisons is something I want no part of.

The weather on these summer hikes was exceedingly hot, but that was the reason I went. In the summer, the park is deserted before noon; it just gets too hot for the average hiker. There are, however, hot hikers, and I am one of them.

My college roommate, some years ago had taken up hiking because he had grown rather overweight and needed to exercise, so I took to joining him on various desert hikes. When the season turned cooler, we both agreed that we missed the hot weather's challenge, the sweaty workout, and the cool, sparkling drinks we brought along. Afterwards, I noticed that when I hiked in the blazing heat of an Arizona summer day, I would find, say, a middle-aged woman sitting on the sand in Pima Arroyo when it was 114° in the shade. Or I would climb into "the tunnel," a natural rock formation three miles in, and find that a happy hiker had beat me there and was already more versed than I in the practice of hot hiking. "Everybody's gone by eleven o'clock in the summer, and you've got the place to yourself." he said.

I had to agree with him. Who wants to go anywhere in nature when there are a lot of people around—especially in a place where you are so grandfathered in that sometimes you can't help but feel that the rest of the world is trespassing?

The idea of hot hiking is not to suffer but to beat the heat. I carry bottles of fizzy, flavored water and a platypus bottle filled with ice water. They say that in times of crisis, one must never waste water by doing anything with it other than drinking it, but on my hikes I have plenty of fizzy water, and if I feel hot, I take the icy platypus water and pour it over my head. When you're super hydrated from the fizzy water and practically freezing to death at the same time, you're in more danger of catching a cold than dying of heatstroke. I admit to having come close to danger when I decided to climb a steep trail in the heat. Working up a sweat and overheating from strenuous exercise is not a good idea, and I'm extra careful today; on February 11, 2006, I took a group of Korean scholars to Old Tucson Studios, and one of them got heat stroke watching the gunfights in the street. It was only 85 degrees, and I thought she would die.

In the heat of the summer, the walk up Pima Arroyo is quiet and still. Mourning doves, seemingly unaffected by the temperature, walk quietly in the shade under the creosote bushes. When you approach too close, they take to flight, but even the usual whistling sound of their wings on takeoff seems to have been almost silenced. I hesitate to say this is because of the superheated air.

Passenger jets pass, but they are still at good altitude and rarely heard. Only birds regularly break the silence of the hot hike. You will occasionally hear the chish! chish! chish! chish! of the giant cactus wren. Around one of the bends in the wash is "Cactus Wren Alley." Whenever I hike with a guest, I tell them what bird we will expect to see there by the turn in the arroyo with the steep cliffs on one side—and we see exactly that. Not just one, but rarely fewer than three at once.

The scolding cry of the black-tailed gnatcatcher, a tiny, intrepid bird of the desert and the bell-like call of the black-throated sparrow are also heard. Because of their names and their presence there, I named one area of the arroyo "the BT Cliffs." I always make a silent approach when I seen the cliffs, as not only the two BTs like the cool, shady, brushy bluffs there but also the gilded flicker and a half dozen other species. And you may see all of them there at once.

The road back to the car is downhill. One doesn't notice the slight uphill climb up the wash, but this combined with the heavy, tiring sand makes the first half of the hike harder. There's more cooling wind on the road too, although there is no shade at all.

A quarter mile from the parking lot is a ring of stones in the middle of the road. Fifty years ago, I would look ahead of the car to see it, and today I do much the same as I walk—only it is barely visible now. The stones are buried, and their tops are flush with the surface of the road. As do all rings of stone, they foster in me a sense of mysticism. Who put the ring of stones there? What was it? A campfire? Just for fun, I have taken to doing a kind of war dance on the stones before I go any farther. Sometimes I stuff a bottle of Boston Lager at the bottom of the pack in an ice-filled ziplock bag, and I drink it on the ring of stones as part of the ritual.

The trip to the water tank doesn't even get you as far as the stone houses, but there are endless miles of trails that lead you away from the more populated, scarred areas near the road: Mormon Trail, National Trail, and others that take you to Fat Man's Pass, Hidden Valley, the Tunnel, and other places. On days when my friends and I plan a miles-long hike, we often skip the trails for the first half of the walk and continue up Pima Arroyo and come back on the trails. Few people do this wash walking, so you've got it to yourself even early in the day. And it is as wild and pristine as you could imagine a place so close to the city. The saguaros are tall and stately there, and there is almost no sign of man. Painted letters on one cliff used to read: Ojo de Awa, misspelled Spanish for "well." An arrow pointed to a depression in the sandy ground below. A few years ago, that part of the cliff fell off, and the words can no longer be read. I'm sure I have a picture somewhere of it—but the picture was not digital, and so I will have to rumble through some old boxes if I ever get the urge to see it again.

When I go up the arroyo, I always climb the dry falls where the granite is fluted as though carved by a sculptor to make way for the occasional rush of a flash flood's water. And then I walk a little farther and find myself in Hidden Valley not far from Fat Man's Pass and the Tunnel. Sometimes I skip the arroyo entirely and take a trail clear to the top and walk along the long ridges on the crest of the mountain with the cheerful view of Phoenix below.

There are other places that I know as well: Estero de Morua, Mexico, for example, or our hacienda at the foot of Mount Humphrey's. Many, too, were the days that I spent on the shores of Minnesota's pristine Lake Itasca, and still green are the memories of my summers there. But more often now I find myself thinking about South Mountain and the sands of Pima Arroyo. I see the mountain when I walk out of my front gate, when I go to the store, and when I drive home from work.

I've paid off my house now, and there is little reason to relocate when I retire; I could hardly expect to find a place to live where I could find anything with the uniqueness of the Sonoran Desert so close at hand or a place that captured my imagination in the way it does. I still travel back to Mexico and Minnesota and even more often drive up to stay at our acres at the foot of Mount Humphrey's. But my everyday life is likely to be forever based in this placid, convenient Valley suburb, and South Mountain is a good thing to always have so close-by.   

Plaque at Pima Canyon.jpg
Picture taken June 23, 2020

I looked up these people on the plaque and they were all brutally murdered in 1997 in D.C. It was horrible.

But zillions missing that weren't recorded from 1958 to December,30,1971

1. 12/30/1971    Pima Canyon
2. 9/29/1985    Pima Canyon
3. 9/20/1987    Pima Canyon
4. 11/22/1987    Pima Canyon
5. 01/29/1990    Pima Canyon
6. 08/27/1995    Pima Canyon
7. 05/29/1997    Pima Canyon
8. 08/24/1997    Pima Canyon
9. 12/30/1997    Pima Canyon
10. 1/8/1998    Pima Canyon
11. 1/11/1998    Pima Canyon
12. 4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
13. 5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
14. 6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
15. 10/04/1998    Pima Canyon
16. 11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
17. 4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
18. 11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
19. 03/05/2000    Pima Canyon
20. 04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
21. 04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
22. 07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
23. 09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
24. 09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
25. 02/17/2002    Pima Canyon
26. 02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
27. 03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
28. 6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
29. 07/21/2002    Pima Canyon
30. 07/22/2002    Pima Canyon
31. 07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
32. 08/09/2002    Pima Canyon
33. 09/08/2002    Pima Canyon
34. 09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
35. 01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
36. 02/01/2003    Pima Canyon
37. 04/13/2003    Pima Canyon
38. 05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
39. 05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
40. 05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
41. 05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
42. 06/01/2003    Pima Canyon
43. 06/15/2003    Pima Canyon
44. 06/28/2003    Pima Canyon
45. 07/11/2003    Pima Canyon
46. 08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
47. 09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
48. 09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
49. 10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
50. 11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
51. 11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
52. 11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
53. 12/07/2003    Pima Canyon
54. 12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
55. 01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
56. 01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
57. 02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
58. 04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
59. 05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
60. 05/31/2004    Pima Canyon
61. 06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
62. 06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
63. 06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
64. 06/19/2004    Pima Canyon
65. 06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
66. 06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
67. 06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
68. 07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
69. 07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
70. 07/03/2004    Pima Canyon
71. 07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
72. 07/05/2004    Pima Canyon
73. 07/06/2004    Pima Canyon
74. 07/08/2004    Pima Canyon
75. 07/15/2004    Pima Canyon
76. 07/19/2004    Pima Canyon
77. 07/21/2004    Pima Canyon
78. 07/22/2004    Pima Canyon
79. 07/27/2004    Pima Canyon
80. 07/28/2004    Pima Canyon
81. 07/30/2004    Pima Canyon
82. 07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
83. 08/01/2004    Pima Canyon
84. 08/02/2004    Pima Canyon
85. 08/03/2004    Pima Canyon
86. 08/11/2004    Pima Canyon
87. 08/13/2004    Pima Canyon
88. 08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
89. 09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
90. 09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
91. 12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
92. 12/28/2004    Pima Canyon
93. 01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
94. 04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
95. 05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
96. 05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
97. 05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
98. 05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
99. 06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
100. 06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
101. 06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
102. 07/03/2005    Pima Canyon
103. 08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
104. 09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
105. 10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
106. 11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
107. 12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
108. 12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
109. 01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
110. 03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
111. 05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
112. 05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
113. 06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
114. 07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
115. 11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
116. 01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
117. 03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
118. 12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
119. 01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
120. 02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
121. 05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
122. 06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
123. 06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
124. 07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
125. 05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
126. 06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
127. 06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
128. 10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
129. 2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
130. 6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
131. 6/7/2010    Pima Canyon
132. 6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
133. 6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
134. 6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
135. 7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
136. 8/26/2010    Pima Canyon
137. 11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
138. 12/28/2010    Pima Canyon
139. 3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
140. 4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
141. 5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
142. 6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
143. 6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
144. 6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
145. 6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
146. 7/2/2011    Pima Canyon
147. 11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
148. 9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
149. 3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
150. 10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
151. 6/5/2016    Pima Canyon
152. 10/22/2018    Pima Canyon
153. 5/18/2019    Pima Canyon
154. 10/28/2019    Pima Canyon
155. 6/23/2020    Pima Canyon
156. 5/5/2021    Pima Canyon
157. 6/15/2021    Pima Canyon
158. 7/11/2021    Pima Canyon
159. 10/10/2021    Pima Canyon
160. 1/6/2022    Pima Canyon
161. 1/13/2022    Pima Canyon
162. 1/20/2022    Pima Canyon
163. 1/21/2022    Pima Canyon
164. 1/25/2022    Pima Canyon
165. 2/1/2022    Pima Canyon
166. 2/3/2022    Pima Canyon
167. 2/10/2022    Pima Canyon
168. 2/11/2022    Pima Canyon
169. 2/15/2022    Pima Canyon
170. 2/23/2022    Pima Canyon
171. 2/28/2022    Pima Canyon
172. 3/3/2022    Pima Canyon
173. 3/11/2022    Pima Canyon
174. 3/16/2022    Pima Canyon
175. 3/18/2022    Pima Canyon
176. 4/7/2022    Pima Canyon
177. 5/10/2022    Pima Canyon
178. 5/12/2022    Pima Canyon
179. 12/6/2022    Pima Canyon

180. 5/9/2023    Pima Canyon

1477 birds seen...

2Rock Wren    12/30/1971    Pima Canyon
Generic No Bird    9/29/1985    Pima Canyon    Went to vino and bolillos hike. Got this from several BUTTONS Steve made.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    9/20/1987    Pima Canyon    I call them blue-grays but I'm sure I'm wrong. It's in the yellow journal.
Generic No Bird    11/22/1987    Pima Canyon
Generic No Bird    01/29/1990    Pima Canyon    Mom and Dad and I went to South Mountain.  The road to Pima Canyon was blocked off.  I found a scorpion and also found some mistletoe seeds stuck to a mesquite tree.  Steve and Sherry met us at El Taquito.  We drank a couple of beers.  
Generic No Bird    08/27/1995    Pima Canyon
Generic No Bird    05/29/1997    Pima Canyon    from the journal
Generic No Bird    08/24/1997    Pima Canyon    Date not exact but with a day or two I think.
Generic No Bird    12/30/1997    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    1/8/1998    Pima Canyon    It was chittering a lot.
Canyon Wren    1/8/1998    Pima Canyon    Zipping in and out of rocks.
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/8/1998    Pima Canyon    Really working on the ground with chunks of peat moss-looking junk. Orange eye. Also on a saguaro. Steve and I.
Phainopepla    1/8/1998    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    1/11/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    1/11/1998    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    1/11/1998    Pima Canyon    Seen not heard. It darted in and out of rock cracks and bushes.
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/11/1998    Pima Canyon    Thrashing towhee-like in twigs on the ground. another seen doing the same. another atop a saguaro.
Phainopepla    1/11/1998    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    TWICE we saw this. The song helped with the identification. Nice Bird. Very nice.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Saw these on several occasions.
Cactus Wren    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    We SAW a lot of these rather than just heard them. They were perching on rocks like Meadowlarks on posts and singing. They have one to three buzzes after each song.
Common Raven    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Lots of these. Sonny said they rolled like pigeons. They were flying over the canyons and hills.
Curve-billed Thrasher    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    I also put in Bendire's thrasher because one of the CB thrashers was hanging out with a straight-billed lemon-eyed thrasher. I read later that the immature CB thrasher shares these characteristings with the CB so out he goes! Sonny and Steve and I went . We walked clear up to fat man's pass and we walked there for about five hours. Came back on the Mormon Trail. It started raining and thundering and the rain was quite cold. It stopped and we were warm again.
European Starling    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Saw them in Saguaro burrows. Male and female. Saw them maybe three times.
Great-tailed Grackle    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
House Finch    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Lots of these.
Rock Wren    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Rufous-crowned Sparrow    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Saw these more than once.
Turkey Vulture    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Verdin    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Learning its call better now.
White-throated Swift    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon    Oh what a sight these were. And they chittered. At least two. Two? I wonder what my notes mean.
White-winged Dove    4/26/1998    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-headed Grosbeak    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Common Raven    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
House Finch    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    5/17/1998    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Brown-headed Cowbird    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/14/1998    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    10/04/1998    Pima Canyon    saw these
White-crowned Sparrow    10/04/1998    Pima Canyon    "Saw white-crowned sparrows which I haven't seen for a while."
Black-throated Sparrow    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Costa's Hummingbird    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
House Finch    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/15/1998    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Greater Roadrunner    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
House Finch    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Tree Swallow    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Verdin    4/2/1999    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Verdin    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/21/1999    Pima Canyon
Generic No Bird    03/05/2000    Pima Canyon    from the journal
Anna's Hummingbird    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    At the stone house with porno.
Brewer's Sparrow    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Costa's Hummingbird    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    Oh the violet!
Curve-billed Thrasher    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    Oh -- what a crested rufous crown!
House Finch    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Lesser Goldfinch    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    Bright.
Loggerhead Shrike    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Peregrine Falcon    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    Dark sucker -- Flying like crazy.
Rock Wren    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon
Verdin    04/14/2001    Pima Canyon    With mating call. Very conspicuous!
Abert's Towhee    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Brown-headed Cowbird    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon    These cowbirds male and female would zoom over the desert.
Cactus Wren    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Costa's Hummingbird    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon    twice. Gosh what violet.
Curve-billed Thrasher    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Greater Roadrunner    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon    giant Roadrunner
Red-tailed Hawk    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Verdin    04/28/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/21/2001    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
House Finch    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Verdin    09/09/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    09/23/2001    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon    ah!
Black-throated Sparrow    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon    lots of these
Dark-eyed Junco    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon    oregon race
Green-tailed Towhee    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon    Excellent views and two at a time.
House Finch    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon
White-throated Sparrow    02/17/2002    Pima Canyon    I added this feb 23 '13 because I saw in my journal that I missed him.
Abert's Towhee    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon    heard only
Curve-billed Thrasher    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
House Finch    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Verdin    02/24/2002    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Dark-eyed Junco    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
House Finch    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Rufous-crowned Sparrow    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    03/01/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-chinned Hummingbird    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon    Purple above white on the neck cinched this bird.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon    Heard Only
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon    Heard only
Gambel's Quail    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon    Gilded Race
Northern Mockingbird    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Verdin    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/29/2002    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/21/2002    Pima Canyon    zillions of these -- zillions and babies too.
Green-tailed Towhee    07/21/2002    Pima Canyon    right when I arrived near the rest place.
Mourning Dove    07/21/2002    Pima Canyon    I would walk in the silent wash and they were always there waiting and they always flew away in the screaming heat.
Turkey Vulture    07/21/2002    Pima Canyon    yes I saw him
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Tame. It was so late in the hot afternoon that there were few birds out.  I was kind of lucky to see this one although I think there was another around that I was chasing but couldn't catch up with.
Black-throated Sparrow    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Finally saw one of these. The day was so hot that the birds had all sought shelter. Also saw one at the base of the horse trough and showed it to some dude.
Cactus Wren    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Over by a cliff. Quiet. Fairly tame.
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    One of them sang like a mockingbird.
Gambel's Quail    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Only zillions again.
Mourning Dove    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Natch. Hot!
Rock Dove    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Strange to see him flying over the arroyo. Hotter than hell. He or another landed on a desert varnished rock and stood there.
Turkey Vulture    07/22/2002    Pima Canyon    Just one.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/28/2002    Pima Canyon
Generic Bird    08/09/2002    Pima Canyon    Actually all we saw were mourning doves -- but why waste a MD record when I can put this in? All the birds were gone. It was SO HOT!
Abert's Towhee    09/08/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/08/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/08/2002    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/08/2002    Pima Canyon    BIG
Northern Flicker    09/08/2002    Pima Canyon    GILDED FLICKER. GILDED RACE! EXCELLENT VIEW.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon    Super rufous under the tail. Plain face. No black mask.
Gambel's Quail    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Generic Flycatcher    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon    Very green all of these and at least three seen.
Northern Flicker    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon    Gilded race!
Phainopepla    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    09/15/2002    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon    very tame this time
Black-throated Sparrow    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon    slightly rufous head and very rufous under tail. no black mask. chest a bit striped.
Curve-billed Thrasher    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Dark-eyed Junco    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon    oregon race
Green-tailed Towhee    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon    very rufous crown -- in fact I thought it was a ruby-crowned kinglet at first although it was big. almost a red crown.
Rock Wren    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    01/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    02/01/2003    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    02/01/2003    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    02/01/2003    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    04/13/2003    Pima Canyon    up in a tree
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon    Saw him up the canyon and later a rattier one nearer the parking lot.
Dusky Flycatcher    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon    GILDED FLICKER
Townsend's Warbler    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon    Oh god he had a swollen EYE. Huge. However he was frisky and active.
Wilson's Warbler    05/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Dusky Flycatcher    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon    just zillions of them
Greater Roadrunner    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
MacGillivray's Warbler    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon    all under the trees everywhere
Northern Mockingbird    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    05/22/2003    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon    These are definitely Canyons. They ain't Abert's.
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Northern Flicker    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon    GILDED FLICKER! I'VE GOT TO SPLIT THESE. IT'S A SEPARATE SPECIES NOW!!!
Turkey Vulture    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/25/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/01/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/01/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/15/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/15/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/15/2003    Pima Canyon    Down CACTUS WREN ALLEY up Pima Arroyo.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/11/2003    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    07/11/2003    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon    He flew in the air with the wind holding him in one place for a long time and then he would zip up or down or left or right.
Anna's Hummingbird    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
MacGillivray's Warbler    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon    female flying over
Red-tailed Hawk    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    08/24/2003    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Inca Dove    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Verdin    09/21/2003    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Generic Blackbird    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon    Huge flock overhead. Perhaps varied species.
Gila Woodpecker    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Rock Dove    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon    Had a blue band that had a 41 as part of it. It was high up the ridge trail on a rock.  A blue bar and nicely groomed. Perhaps a racing homer though smallish.
Rock Wren    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon    Both seen and heard.
Verdin    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    09/28/2003    Pima Canyon    appeared briefly on a high trail.
Black-throated Sparrow    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon    Very tame some of them. Saw several. Sometimes they looked quite rufous below but when you got up close they weren't. I noted that they are the ones that sound like an Ash-throated Flycatcher.
Turkey Vulture    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon    Up above the parking lot when I arrived. Soaring.
Verdin    10/05/2003    Pima Canyon    Very yellow face indeed.
Anna's Hummingbird    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Double-Crested Cormorant    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon    Yes in PIMA CANYON. Just five or six or so flying overhead.
Gambel's Quail    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon    Saw him on the ground. Then he flew up. Also at the end of the Javelina trail he was on a fence or something.
House Finch    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon    Nice examples. Very white. Immatures were there too. At the end of the javelina trail there is a horse trough where they were drinking on the ground.
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/02/2003    Pima Canyon    across Javelina canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Generic Hawk    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon    Coopers immature? At first I thought it was a Harris' hawk but then I thought it was a marsh hawk but a marsh hawk wouldn't like it there.
Gila Woodpecker    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Say's Phoebe    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/16/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon    hovered next to branches. Eye ring. Small.
Verdin    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/23/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/07/2003    Pima Canyon    Two very active in a tree and a verdin messing around with them too.
Canyon Towhee    12/07/2003    Pima Canyon    At first we thought these two birds were green-tailed towhees. But they weren't!
Gambel's Quail    12/07/2003    Pima Canyon    I let Dits look through the binocs and he thought the birds were very impressive indeed. Lots of them down in a canyon. There seemed to be no end to their teeming numbers.
Gila Woodpecker    12/07/2003    Pima Canyon    squeaking
Phainopepla    12/07/2003    Pima Canyon    A male in a tree and it was quite tame for a peppie. I took its picture.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon    pecking around on the ground.
Cactus Wren    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
House Finch    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    12/28/2003    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon    On the road out in a tree at the end of the hike.
Black-throated Sparrow    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon    Over by where Steve and Sonny buried their treasure. I saw its ruby crown.
Verdin    01/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon    Heard only.
Cooper's Hawk    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
European Starling    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
House Finch    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    01/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Cooper's Hawk    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
House Finch    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    02/07/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Cliff Swallow    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Dusky Flycatcher    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
MacGillivray's Warbler    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    04/25/2004    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon    More of these than Abert's by far.
Canyon Wren    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Great-tailed Grackle    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon    No belly band but an awfully red tail.
Turkey Vulture    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon    He appeared suddenly while we were walking back on the dirt road.
Verdin    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/23/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon    Seen and not heard. By the water tank and near the soltice carving but to the right up on a cliff.
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon    Lots of these as usual. Near the stupid golf course there were a couple with a ton of tiny babies. They were totally unafraid of my truck.
Loggerhead Shrike    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon    He flew by looking like a black and white cigar.
Mourning Dove    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon    In the desert heat of the mid afternoon the mourning doves were quiet and mysterious. They were perched often on the ground in the shade of an ironwood tree. Small-looking and dessicated and dry and shrunk.
White-winged Dove    05/31/2004    Pima Canyon    On top of a saguaro by the fruit.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon    At BT cliff where you see BT sparrows and BT gnatcatchers.
Black-throated Sparrow    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon    At BT cliff where you see BT sparrows and BT gnatcatchers.
Cactus Wren    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon    Heard only up the canyon but by the golf course I saw that hen with her brood. They were practicing eating seeds.
Great-tailed Grackle    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon    Not at the BT cliffs. In a tree nearby but elsewhere.
Cactus Wren    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon    Right at BT cliffs. He was very tame.
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/13/2004    Pima Canyon    On a saguaro eating the fruit.
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon    Landed on the back of the gilded flicker.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Cactus Wren    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon    Plenty of 'em.
Gambel's Quail    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Mourning Dove    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    06/19/2004    Pima Canyon    He was in a tree.
Anna's Hummingbird    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon    seen and heard
Canyon Wren    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Generic Swallow    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon    Probably cliff swallows but who knows? I saw these when I was looking up at fat man's pass.
Great Egret    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon    Yes! flying over the desert rocks.
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/20/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Cactus Wren    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Gambel's Quail    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    06/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Generic Swallow    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Dove    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    06/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon    By the stone houses and very tame indeed. In the arroyo there with the verdin. Nice-looking bird.
Gambel's Quail    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon    Two of them making cactus wren-type hisses and digging a hole!
Mourning Dove    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon    Female with red on the breast. Kind of a lot of red.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Black-throated Sparrow    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Canyon Wren    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon    Flying by like a mourning dove.
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon    flying by
Gilded Flicker    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon    big one in a tree.
Cactus Wren    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon    at bt cliffs
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon    as usual
Gambel's Quail    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon
Greater Roadrunner    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon    At the parking lot when I was drinking a bottle of Boston Lager.
Mourning Dove    07/03/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/04/2004    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    07/05/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/05/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/05/2004    Pima Canyon    everywhere
Mourning Dove    07/05/2004    Pima Canyon    everywhere
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    By the BT cliffs!
Black-throated Sparrow    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs!
Cactus Wren    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    By the BT Cliffs!
Canyon Towhee    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    By the solstice petroglyph.
Gambel's Quail    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    By the BT Cliffs!
Gilded Flicker    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon    Steve pointed out this one as it flew by. Good view.
Mourning Dove    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    07/06/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT Cliffs.
Black-throated Sparrow    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs. I also saw an immature at cactus wren alley.
Cactus Wren    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    Two of them at Cactus Wren Alley.
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    Heard only.
Gambel's Quail    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    Everwhere.
Mourning Dove    07/08/2004    Pima Canyon    everywhere
Black-throated Sparrow    07/15/2004    Pima Canyon    Two between the water tank and the stone houses.
Cactus Wren    07/15/2004    Pima Canyon    One made weird noises. He was the one at the BT cliffs.
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/15/2004    Pima Canyon    Heard Only
Gambel's Quail    07/15/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/15/2004    Pima Canyon    One whipped around and fluttered in some bushes kind of in a panic. I was worried he might get hurt. I said "You poor thing."
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/19/2004    Pima Canyon    at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs
Black-throated Sparrow    07/19/2004    Pima Canyon    at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs
Cactus Wren    07/19/2004    Pima Canyon    at cactus wren alley
Gila Woodpecker    07/19/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/19/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    at cactus wren alley and BT cliffs both
Black-throated Sparrow    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    at BT cliffs
Cactus Wren    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    At BT cliffs
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    at CW Alley and BT Cliffs
Gambel's Quail    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    At BT cliffs
Mourning Dove    07/21/2004    Pima Canyon    very nice
Black-throated Sparrow    07/22/2004    Pima Canyon    EXCELLENT view and spectacular as usual. Not at the BT cliffs!
Cactus Wren    07/22/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/22/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT Cliffs and the solstice area.
Gila Woodpecker    07/22/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/22/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/27/2004    Pima Canyon    A female right at the parking lot.
Cactus Wren    07/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/27/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/28/2004    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs.
Cactus Wren    07/28/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/28/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/28/2004    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    07/30/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    07/30/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/30/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/31/2004    Pima Canyon    At first I thought he was a rock wren cause he was out on the rocks.
Gambel's Quail    07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/31/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    08/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    08/01/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    08/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    08/02/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    08/03/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    08/03/2004    Pima Canyon    My gosh the glorious flight that these birds do. One came carreening over the ridge high above the deserts and caught the blowing wind clean out over the rolling hills below. Others did much the same.
White-winged Dove    08/03/2004    Pima Canyon    Saw one.
Canyon Wren    08/11/2004    Pima Canyon    From the very top of the Ridge Line trail he flew.
Gambel's Quail    08/11/2004    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    08/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    08/13/2004    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    08/13/2004    Pima Canyon    Flying in the 30-mile-an-hour wind high above the ridge line trail where I was drinking Boston Lager. An immature.
White-winged Dove    08/13/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    08/29/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon    Lacked the blank look. It had fine streaking on the head. Notched tail. White eye-ring. Small. Must be a Brewer's sparrow.
Canyon Towhee    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon    A male flying by. Looked big!
Green-tailed Towhee    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Peregrine Falcon    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Verdin    09/11/2004    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    09/26/2004    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon    Excellent views of this old saddle shoe.
Mourning Dove    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon    I heard this bird and then we located him. Ditsworth admired him through the binocs.
Say's Phoebe    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon    He was clean up on top.
Verdin    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon
White-throated Sparrow    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon    THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT. I never saw one here!!!!
White-throated Swift    12/11/2004    Pima Canyon    Up on top I looked at some jets and then saw these swifts ripping along up there over the mountain.
Anna's Hummingbird    12/28/2004    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/28/2004    Pima Canyon    Heard Only and sort of saw.
Verdin    12/28/2004    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
House Finch    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    01/02/2005    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    04/02/2005    2125 North Villas Lane    Two flying over Lyle's house or to the left. Ditsworth and I saw these after our hike at Pima Canyon. I had a few unconfirmed glimpses of WW doves that I was unsure of and didn't record.
Anna's Hummingbird    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Chipping Sparrow    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Generic Flycatcher    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
House Finch    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Lesser Goldfinch    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    04/02/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Generic Swallow    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    05/20/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon    Pairs more than once. Rufous tails.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon    Seen and NOT heard.
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon    Very quiet.
Northern Mockingbird    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    05/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/26/2005    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon    Up on a saguaro eating fruit.
Brown-headed Cowbird    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon    HEARD ONLY. Heard often.
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Great Horned Owl    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon    He seemed HUGE. Up on a rock.
House Finch    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/19/2005    Pima Canyon    There were many and they were eating saguaro fruit.
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon    Lots of 'em. Seen several places including the BT cliffs where the bt sparrow was also seen.
Black-throated Sparrow    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon    streaked breast. Seen several places including the BT cliffs where the bt gnatcatcher was also seen.
Cactus Wren    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon    two sightings one of which was very noice indeed.
Mourning Dove    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/25/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon    At the BT cliffs and elsewhere.
Cactus Wren    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
House Finch    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/26/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/03/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/03/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/03/2005    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    08/28/2005    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
European Starling    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Great-tailed Grackle    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon    Very bright rufous head. Saw only one. Ditsworth only saw it with the naked eye. He had binocs but didn't use them for this bird.
House Finch    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Inca Dove    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
MacGillivray's Warbler    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    09/17/2005    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
European Starling    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Great Horned Owl    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
House Finch    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Red-naped Sapsucker    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Western Kingbird    10/15/2005    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Generic Hawk    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon    We thought it might be a peregrine falcon. We saw it from the stone house.
Gila Woodpecker    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
House Finch    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/06/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon    Singing like a CB thrasher.
Mourning Dove    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Dove    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    12/21/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon    tail white underneath. One had a sliver of dark up the middle under the tail.
Brewer's Sparrow    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Verdin    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    12/27/2005    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Peregrine Falcon    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Verdin    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    01/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Brewer's Sparrow    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon    Oh was he RED. Very RUDDY or RED. We both agreed. He was down in the place where the petroglyph shades his eyes.
Cooper's Hawk    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Costa's Hummingbird    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
European Starling    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Golden Eagle    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Green-tailed Towhee    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
House Finch    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Lincoln's Sparrow    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Verdin    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    03/04/2006    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon    Saw him while I was coming up the road.
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon    Yellow and white up middle with sides of breast darker.
Black-throated Sparrow    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Cliff Swallow    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Costa's Hummingbird    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Generic Flycatcher    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Orange-crowned Warbler    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    05/23/2006    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Cliff Swallow    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/03/2006    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
House Finch    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Verdin    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
White-throated Swift    07/29/2006    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/26/2006    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon    We saw it as we drove up. It flew over the road and up in a paloverde tree.
Northern Mockingbird    01/03/2007    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
European Starling    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Gray Flycatcher    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon    Pumped its tail
Great-tailed Grackle    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Verdin    03/14/2007    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Verdin    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    12/30/2007    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon    FIRST ONE SEEN FOR AGES AROUND TOWN.
Northern Cardinal    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Verdin    01/12/2008    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Verdin    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    02/16/2008    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Gray Flycatcher    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon    Yes he pumped his tail down.
Green-tailed Towhee    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
House Finch    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Townsend's Warbler    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Western Tanager    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon    Nice male.
White-winged Dove    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Wilson's Warbler    05/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon    He was very rufous underneath. Chirped.
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/15/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/21/2008    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Canyon Wren    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Great Horned Owl    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
House Finch    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Northern Cardinal    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Verdin    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    07/27/2008    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon    This shrike was on top of a saguaro as we walked back on the road. It was a little skinny but obviously a shrike. A mockingbird was on top of another saguaro.
Mourning Dove    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Verdin    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    05/30/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Loggerhead Shrike    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/07/2009    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon    We threw him calabaza seeds and he ate them. This was at the picnic tables. There were a lot of CB thrashers around.
Gambel's Quail    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon    Steve and I went.
Greater Roadrunner    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon    TWO OF THEM. Very big. Right on the trail.
House Finch    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Lesser Nighthawk    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon    Steve saw this first. He flew up an arroyo and then I went up and there were TWO of them.
Mourning Dove    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Verdin    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    06/14/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon    verdin
Generic Flycatcher    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon    Some epid with a sharp edge to the eye ring in the corner. Green or grayish.
Gila Woodpecker    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
Greater Roadrunner    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    10/15/2009    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Red-tailed Hawk    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Verdin    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    2/28/2010    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    three of them FIGHTING. I saw the ATFC in three places: on the way to the tank at the tank and on the road back.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    At Windy Rock.
Cactus Wren    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    a very nice specimen indeed.
Canyon Towhee    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    Nice one that was intrepid. On the cliff.
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
House Finch    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Turkey Vulture    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon    Oh he was MAGNIF!
Verdin    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/1/2010    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon    Immatures with streaked breasts
Cactus Wren    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon    Right at Cactus Wren Alley and he jumped up on the cliff just to advertise the place!
Canyon Towhee    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon    I trapped him in a cave in the cliff. He flew around in there and then got the nerve to fly out.
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon
Western Flycatcher    6/7/2010    Pima Canyon    Very yellow. Eye ring and wing bars. Flicked tail UP.
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
House Finch    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Verdin    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/19/2010    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon    At cactus wr alley. There were a whole lot of these. Like eight of them. They were intrepid.
Cactus Wren    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon    Just one at cactus w alley and at other places a couple.
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/24/2010    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon    An awful lot of these.
Gambel's Quail    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
House Finch    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/29/2010    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
Verdin    7/27/2010    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon    AT THE BT CLIFFS WITH THE OTHER BT
Black-throated Sparrow    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon    AT THE BT CLIFFS WITH THE OTHER BT
Curve-billed Thrasher    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon
Gilded Flicker    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon    two of them on a saguaro
House Finch    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon    Blood Red
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon    Nice view. Female.
Mourning Dove    8/26/2010    Pima Canyon
Abert's Towhee    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    noisy
Cactus Wren    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    he was up on the hill above the road kind of scolding a rock wren
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    heard only
Gambel's Quail    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
House Finch    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    not the first bird seen. Had to wait.
Rock Wren    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    Nice views. Saw rock wrens at least THREE TIMES.
Verdin    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon    LOTS AND LOTS OF THESE.
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/17/2010    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    heard only
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    heard only
Black-throated Sparrow    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    In a bush. I heard him first.
Cactus Wren    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    out in the parking lot when we came back
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    heard only
House Finch    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    nice red ones
Red-tailed Hawk    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    flying high. Seemed dark.
Rock Wren    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    Steve and I saw him. We had gone up that trail by the saguaro. The dusty white trail that leads to the hyerogliphics. The trailed I used to go with beer and go to the top of the mountain to drink it in 2004. WELL the wren was on a rock up there. NICE VIEW.
Say's Phoebe    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    WAY WAY UP HIGH in the cliffs. He went to the top of a bush way up there.
Verdin    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    seen and heard
White-crowned Sparrow    12/28/2010    Pima Canyon    Still a lot here.
Anna's Hummingbird    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
European Starling    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon
Verdin    3/17/2011    Pima Canyon    MATING CALL and he was making a sound like a Bell's Vireo.
Abert's Towhee    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon    billed thr
Gambel's Quail    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Great-tailed Grackle    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
House Finch    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Townsend's Warbler    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon    Yes. What a surprise. Also to my surprise I found that two years ago in May rather than April I saw this bird in the same site.
Verdin    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon    MATING CALL
White-winged Dove    4/24/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon    On the roat to the houses. INTREPID. You could walk right up to him. He was in a creosote bush on the side of the road.
Cactus Wren    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon    HUGE. Very long.
Curve-billed Thrasher    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
House Finch    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
Sage Thrasher    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon    ONLY HAVE SEEN THIS GUY ONCE BEFORE. He was in the arroyo in a tree. Very streaked breast.
White-winged Dove    5/26/2011    Pima Canyon
American Kestrel    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon    He was a male and stayed perched on a branch as we walked by on the higher trail going back. You know where the trail goes up on the way in and there's a saguaro there the way I used to go when I took time off when I stepped down as associate incompetent.
Anna's Hummingbird    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
House Finch    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Verdin    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/7/2011    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon    In a tree by the parking lot. He went Purrrrr.
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
Verdin    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/9/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-throated Sparrow    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Great-tailed Grackle    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/21/2011    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon    He was getting a drink from that pipe that comes out of the drinking fountain. The pipe is by the covered area but out in the desert a little by the trail they closed off. I saw a BT sparrow drinking there once.
Cactus Wren    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    7/2/2011    Pima Canyon    At Cactus Wren Alley. Two of them with a baby that was begging for food in a cave in the rocks. Also saw one at the BT CLIFFS.
Gambel's Quail    7/2/2011    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    7/2/2011    Pima Canyon
Ash-throated Flycatcher    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Phainopepla    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Verdin    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler    11/23/2011    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Canyon Towhee    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Gila Woodpecker    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
House Finch    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
House Sparrow    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
MacGillivray's Warbler    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Rock Wren    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Verdin    9/18/2012    Pima Canyon
Cactus Wren    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Gambel's Quail    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Mourning Dove    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Verdin    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon    mating call
White-crowned Sparrow    3/16/2013    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
House Finch    10/1/2013    Pima Canyon    HEARD ONLY
Mourning Dove    10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
Northern Mockingbird    10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
Verdin    10/1/2013    Pima Canyon
White-winged Dove    6/5/2016    Pima Canyon
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/5/2016    Pima Canyon
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    Been a while. The Shhhiiiiiii! The Shhhiiiiiii! could be heard a lot and the tail was seen with the white outer tail feathers and dark center. The blue-gray has white outer and a thin black center stripe.
Gambel's Quail    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    one
Verdin    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    
House Finch    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    Red heads and almost white bellies heavily streaked.
Anna's Hummingbird    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    
Black-chinned Hummingbird    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    I'm guessing here.
Hutton's Vireo    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    I GUESS. Spectacles. Wing bars. He seems a little big though.
Gila Woodpecker    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    
Hermit Thrush    10/22/2018    Pima Canyon    washed out but definitely him
Gilded Flicker    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    I forgot to write this one down at first.
Verdin    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    Mating Call
Northern Mockingbird    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    making noise
Cactus Wren    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    cactus wrench
Gambel's Quail    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Mourning Dove    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    Rubbish! You can see them at noon and in the afternoon.
White-winged Dove    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Abert's Towhee    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Ash-throated Flycatcher    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    twice or thrice
Black-chinned Hummingbird    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    at least three times
Loggerhead Shrike    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    there were two of these at least. Lots of sightings of these two.
Green-tailed Towhee    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    Good bird
Townsend's Warbler    5/18/2019    Pima Canyon    I forgot what it was and had to look it up!
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Black-throated Sparrow    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Abert's Towhee    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Canyon Wren    10/28/2019    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    Several sightings
Northern Mockingbird    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    More than one sighting that's for sure
Cactus Wren    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    Saw them several times and we hear a different call that one or more were making.
Mourning Dove    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
House Finch    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
White-winged Dove    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Gila Woodpecker    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Gilded Flicker    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    
Great-tailed Grackle    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    As I was driving out I saw these near the entrance by the golf course there.
Cliff Swallow    6/23/2020    Pima Canyon    As I was driving out I saw these near the entrance by the golf course there.  I thought they were swifts.
Verdin    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    mating call
Northern Mockingbird    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
White-winged Dove    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
House Finch    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Ash-throated  Flycatcher    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Bullock's Oriole    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    We were able to see its bullocks clearly.
Gambel's Quail    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Brewer's Sparrow    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    I think.
Hermit Thrush    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    Haven't seen one in a while.
Mourning Dove    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Gilded Flicker    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Gila Woodpecker    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Generic Bird    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    It was a Rock Wren I think but it could have been a little canyon wren. I don't have "generic wren" in the database.
Green-tailed Towhee    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    Dits took a picture.
Generic Flycatcher    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    5/5/2021    Pima Canyon    Heard one and I went back down in the canyon and saw him. Then they were up by the parking lot with their usual loud call.
Rock Dove    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    Two or three flew over.
Gambel's Quail    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    
White-winged Dove    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    Plenty
Curve-billed Thrasher    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    plenty
Verdin    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon
Anna's Hummingbird    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    
Mourning Dove    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    
Gila Woodpecker    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    
Cactus Wren    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    HEARD ONLY
Ash-throated  Flycatcher    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    I only heard it; Dits saw it
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    6/15/2021    Pima Canyon    Heard it first. Then saw it.
Verdin    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon     Desert Classic Trail
Peach-faced Love Bird    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Curve-billed Thrasher    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
White-winged Dove    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Gambel's Quail    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Gilded Flicker    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Rock Dove    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    
Greater Roadrunner    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Took movies. Desert Classic Trail
European Starling    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Mourning Dove    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
House Finch    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Gila Woodpecker    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Inca Dove    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    He seemed BIG for an Inky Dinky. Desert Classic Trail
Black-throated Sparrow    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Haven't seen them on the last couple of trips.  Desert Classic Trail
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    nice gunnite catcher Desert Classic Trail
Anna's Hummingbird    7/11/2021    Pima Canyon    Desert Classic Trail
Curve-billed Thrasher    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
Verdin    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
Black-throated Sparrow    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
House Finch    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
Anna's Hummingbird    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
Gambel's Quail    10/10/2021    Pima Canyon    Ditsworth and Steve
Gilded Flicker    1/6/2022    Pima Canyon    twice flying over
House Finch    1/6/2022    Pima Canyon    rah
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/6/2022    Pima Canyon    UNBIRDY HERE THIS TIME
Rock Wren    1/13/2022    Pima Canyon    I thought it was an Ash-t flycatcher because he was on a twig! Then I saw others on rocks. I 'm out of practice.
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/13/2022    Pima Canyon    two squawking at each other at the parking area
House Finch    1/13/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    1/20/2022    Pima Canyon    MC twee twee twee
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/20/2022    Pima Canyon    by the bathrooms on the way back
Rock Wren    1/20/2022    Pima Canyon    
House Finch    1/20/2022    Pima Canyon    
Say's Phoebe    1/20/2022    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon    
White-crowned Sparrow    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon
Verdin    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon    Mating call Mc
Northern Mockingbird    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon    
Abert's Towhee    1/21/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    1/25/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    1/25/2022    Pima Canyon    or maybe an aud warb
Curve-billed Thrasher    1/25/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    2/1/2022    Pima Canyon    I think. Not birdy here.
Gambel's Quail    2/3/2022    Pima Canyon    raven
Common Raven    2/3/2022    Pima Canyon    I think they were ravens
Verdin    2/3/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    2/10/2022    Pima Canyon    Always called when I get back to the parking lot and haven't seen diddle for birds. He is teasing me. Does it every time.
Common Raven    2/10/2022    Pima Canyon    Two or more flying up over the hills as we walked.
Verdin    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    throated sp
Black-throated Sparrow    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Cactus Wren    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    On a cactus calling VW style.
House Finch    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    Some guy identified it as..."A sparrow! It's a sparrow!"
White-crowned Sparrow    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    2/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    2/15/2022    Pima Canyon    
Generic No Bird    2/23/2022    Pima Canyon    NO HIKE EITHER! TOO COLD! It was sprinkling and it was TOO COLD TO WALK. JUST TOO DOGGONE COLD.
Verdin    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    two-note mating call
Cactus Wren    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    Heard Only
Curve-billed Thrasher    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    with a mocker
Northern Mockingbird    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    with a citizen's band thrasher cb thrasher
Black-throated Sparrow    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    
Greater Roadrunner    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    way at the end of the trail by the golf course
Cooper's Hawk    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    I think maybe. Soaring above the cliffs by the parking area.
Mourning Dove    2/28/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    3/3/2022    Pima Canyon    heard only
Verdin    3/3/2022    Pima Canyon    with regular call and mating call A Pair
Northern Mockingbird    3/3/2022    Pima Canyon    
Cactus Wren    3/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    3/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    3/11/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    3/11/2022    Pima Canyon    Mating Call
Costa's Hummingbird    3/11/2022    Pima Canyon    I think. He was in a tree.
Black-throated Sparrow    3/16/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    3/16/2022    Pima Canyon    mating call
House Finch    3/16/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    mating call
Yellow-rumped Warbler    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    
Turkey Vulture    3/18/2022    Pima Canyon    
Rock Wren    4/7/2022    Pima Canyon    
Mourning Dove    4/7/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    4/7/2022    Pima Canyon    
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    4/7/2022    Pima Canyon    in the parking lot
Verdin    4/7/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    MC mating call
Cliff Swallow    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    as I drove up and later I think
Yellow-rumped Warbler    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Ash-throated  Flycatcher    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gila Woodpecker    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Mourning Dove    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
White-winged Dove    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    5/10/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gilded Flicker    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Ash-throated  Flycatcher    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Anna's Hummingbird    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Cactus Wren    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Red-tailed Hawk    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Verdin    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    MC mating call
White-winged Dove    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Mourning Dove    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Gambel's Quail    5/12/2022    Pima Canyon    
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    Dits took a picture of him in the wash.
Verdin    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    
Northern Mockingbird    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    
Abert's Towhee    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    12/6/2022    Pima Canyon    I think it was black-t rather than ue-gray

Greater Roadrunner 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon Big one as I drove into the canyon road. A couple of old folk like me were looking at it.

Cactus Wren 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon calling all over HO

Gambel's Quail 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon all over

Northern Mockingbird 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon plenty of 'em

Verdin 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon twee twee

Curve-billed Thrasher 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon

House Sparrow 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon

White-winged Dove 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon

Mourning Dove 5/9/2023 Pima Canyon


Jeff was here and left the other day for Texas. Steve just moved into his new house??? YES THAT WAS ON NEBRASKA STREET. Noodles and I went for a walk down Pima Canyon today. I bought a sun face at Tianguis and spray painted it turquoise to put on my garage because we painted the mailbox and gate turquoise.

Pima Canyon    12/30/1971    Date approximate: "Before the New Year, we went to the zoo and saw many birds. Out at headlight pond I saw many coots and one common galinule.""Also we went to South Mountain and saw a rock wren."
Pima Canyon    9/20/1987    I call them blue-grays, but I'm sure I'm wrong. It's in the yellow journal.
Pima Canyon    11/22/1987    From a yellow journal notebook. It's 12/2010 now and I just discovered this no bird trip. NOTES SAY: Larry and Steve and I went up Pima Canyon. We took a different hike. Real nice. Then we had tacos at El Taquito. NO BIRDS WERE RECORDED IN THE NOTEBOOK.
Pima Canyon    01/29/1990    Mom and Dad and I went to South Mountain.  The road to Pima Canyon was blocked off.  I found a scorpion and also found some mistletoe seeds stuck to a mesquite tree.  Steve and Sherry met us at El Taquito.  We drank a couple of beers. 
Pima Canyon    08/27/1995    Steve and I went to Pima Canyon and Hiked the whole thing.  We talked to some mounted sheriffs who didn't like the mountain bikes at all either.  The scenery is spectacular and there is not a single bottle cap out there.
Pima Canyon    05/29/1997    Yesterday Steven and I went to South Mountain and hiked for a long long time. It was 106° out and I drank my whole gallon of water. We went also two other times out there. The first time down the wash and back before we even reached the stone houses and the second time to the stone houses and back on the road. Yesterday we went WAY up there and it was really hot.
Pima Canyon    08/24/1997    Sally came here with Christopher and Kate. We went to South Mountain and hiked clean up in there. It was hot, but we brought enough water -- barely -- to survive. We went to different places. Mostly to Peter Piper Pizza and like that.
Pima Canyon    12/30/1997    December 30, 1997
Pima Canyon    1/8/1998    Steve and I. YOU KNOW I THINK THIS IS JANUARY 11TH!
Pima Canyon    1/11/1998    jackrabbit
Pima Canyon    4/26/1998    Sonny and Steve and I went. We walked clear up to fat man's pass and we walked there for about five hours. Came back on the Mormon Trail. It started raining and thundering and the rain was quite cold. It stopped and we were warm again. ----- well, it's years later and i wanted to add that this was the time (if I remember correctly) that I had the newist Swift audubons and had to wrap them in plastic of some kind to protect them from the rain.
Pima Canyon    5/17/1998    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    6/14/1998    June 17, 1998 Last weekend Wendy and Lacey came here. We had lunch at Serrano's with dad and everyone. Wendy and steve and I cleaned Dad's house. Lacey likes the xfiles so we surfed the net. We all went on sunday to Pima Canyon, but it was too hot for wendy and lacey. We walked a long way, though and saw some sights and some birds. We ate at tianguis. We ate tacos and goofed off there.
Pima Canyon    10/04/1998    October 4, 1998 Sunday -- Went to Eliud Valdes's funeral today. In the morning Steve and Sonny and I went to Pima Canyon and rode bikes. I bought a new bike yesterday for 99 bucks. Took it to Gallagher's yesterday and the system worked well. I can go to the saloon and not get a DUI, but it's more dangerous riding the bike home. At Pima Canyon, I saw black throated sparrows and also the first white crowned sparrows that I haven't seen for a while.
Pima Canyon    11/15/1998    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    4/2/1999    April 3, 1999 Saturday COULD THIS BE THE 3RD OF APRIL? Sally and Kate came on Thursday. It rained. They went to see Dad. At night we all went over to see him at Lutheran Hospital. On Friday it snowed all over Arizona and here it rained, the wind blew at about 40 miles per hour and it was colder than a witch’s chest! Then it cleared up some and was beautiful. We went to Pima canyon: sonny, kate, sally, and I. We saw some birds. We went up to the houses and then we walked back. It took a long time.
Pima Canyon    11/21/1999    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    03/05/2000    March 5, 2000 Sunday
Pima Canyon    04/14/2001    Fantastic wilderness. Red flowers on ocotillos -- etc.!
Pima Canyon    04/28/2001    Steve and me. I phoned and agreed to meet him at the stone houses at 10:30. I got there at 10:45. Long hike. I'm tough. Smilin' coyote.
Pima Canyon    07/21/2001    Steve and I went.
Pima Canyon    09/09/2001    We went with EMILY COLE.
Pima Canyon    09/23/2001    Steve and I.
Pima Canyon    02/17/2002    Sky overcast.
Pima Canyon    02/24/2002    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    03/01/2002    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    6/29/2002    Steve and I went early in the morning. He overslept and I had to ring the doorbell. We started at the golf course and hiked up and around.
Pima Canyon    07/21/2002    I thought I would die. I climbed all the way to the top of the ridge trail. Started at at least 2:30. No one there -- well maybe one or two hikers somewhere there. Dead quiet. Hot. But there was a breeze. I brought four quarts of gatorade, so I survived. I walked too far. Later: I remember I climbed way up on a mountain all dry and barren and dusty and I got hot and poured water over my head. I remember I started walking down and realized I didn't know where the trail led, so I went back up and had to climb clean back up to go down the trail I knew. (on 6/12/2004 I checked history of temperatures and it was 102 in chandler.)
Pima Canyon    07/22/2002    I tried to repeat yesterday's wonderful trip without the terrible exertion. I brought more than a gallon of water and drank very little this time. I didn't climb much, so I didn't get too tired or too hot. It was VERY deserted. I got there at about three in the heat of the afternoon. There were two other hikers I saw as I walked out and another was walking in. I talked to him about birds. He said that certain herons fly at 30000 feet. Bullcrap thought I but said nothing. Afterwards I toasted my adventure at the Copper Canyon brew pub.
Pima Canyon    07/28/2002    Steve and I went on a marathon hot hike. 10:30 to 1:30  up Pima Canyon. Went clean up past ojo de awa over to the tunnel and then down the arroyo to where it meets the Mormon Trail. Coyote looked at us. Met some guy in the tunnel there who had hiked in Guatemala. Afterwards, we toasted our adventure over a couple of IPA's at the Copper Canyon Brewery.
Pima Canyon    08/09/2002    It was really hot. (Now, 6/11/2004, I checked records and it was 109°.)Steve and I climbed to the top of the mountain right to the right of the parking lot. It was early afternoon. I got tired up there. We left and went back and saw Sonny. I bought my digital camcorder just a few minutes before I went on this hike. We left it at home.
Pima Canyon    09/08/2002    Went with Steve and Sonny and TWO of Sonny's friends. LIGHTLY SPRINKLING AT TIMES. QUITE COOL. We saw a TIGER RATTLESNAKE! He was right at the stone houses. Very small head, big rattle. Weird. We went to the tunnel and that took some time. We had a wonderful hike although it was too long because no one walked quickly. I found what COULD be a meteorite. I hope I make a million.
Pima Canyon    09/15/2002    Went with Steve and his friend. Oh, what a hike. Clean to fat man's pass. We saw a coyote and we hiked for HOURS. Not so hot as we started at 7:30 or so but then it did get hot. Steve and I and Steve's friend.
Pima Canyon    01/05/2003    Steve and I hiked to fat man's pass in the morning. There were kind of a lot of people there. I brought my new digital camera and took pictures. I ate corn nuts. Also, Steve called sally from there and talked about his book. I felt very old as I tried to pull myself up over a huge rock above a cliff and found my arms week and myself clumsy.
Pima Canyon    02/01/2003    The Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry over Texas today. We to Pima Canyon with Tom Ditsworth. Steve and Sonny. I took Noodles and we walked quite a ways but then went back.
Pima Canyon    04/13/2003    There were no bt sparrows or bt gnatcatchers. Verdins with mating call. this has been going on for a week or two at least. This was the day Sonny let the white helmeted pigeon out of the coop. We got tired and against Steve's protests went back to the car. It was a good hike. I walked toward the tunnel, but was called back as Sonny and his friend didn't want to go any farther.
Pima Canyon    05/21/2003    Cactus wrens going ape with curve-billed thrashers. Nice wilse's. gt towhee's tail was slick algae green.
Pima Canyon    05/22/2003    It wasn't as hot as advertised. Took the week off and did nothing! I just walked down to the tank and the little waterhole for wildlife down the wash. It was very nice. I had my camel pack. Some flies. Very nice indeed. Also I brought a margarita in a can. Drank it afterwards and went to Rio Salado Brewery.
Pima Canyon    05/25/2003    Memorial day. Saw the Indy 500. As usual a bore. Worked on the Tascam 224 stuff and Deck a little. Went here at about three o'clock and hiked up to the water tank. Went back on the road and it seemed to take a long time. Almost no one there. Bees in the paloverdes. It's really nice out here. I love it.
Pima Canyon    06/01/2003    Went on a little heat walk. A couple of other people were doing it it seemed. 104 degrees. Nice breeze. Went to Rio Salado Brewery afterwards and they had a blues band in there and then some guy with a weird Goya guitar. He was buddhist.
Pima Canyon    06/15/2003    This was after recording with Carlos and Scott five hours on a Brazilian song.  I went at three thirty or so. Oh,  it was 108 degrees. I went up to the water tank. It took twenty minutes to hoof it back downhill on the road. Went to rio salado brewery afterwards. Called Wendy and we may go to Grand Cayman. Yah.
Pima Canyon    06/28/2003    Went for a short walk up there. Just g. quail and m. doves. 111 degrees.
Pima Canyon    07/11/2003    Walked up at 108 degrees and  it was fine. I walked back and drove to tianguis, but left there and went to rio salado brewery.
Pima Canyon    08/24/2003    Saw two Tiger Rattlers. Jesus we could have stepped on them both. One looked like granite. God we walked a long way. Clean to the highest view and back down the National Trail.
Pima Canyon    09/21/2003    Ditsworth and Steve and I went to Fat Man's Pass. We saw no snakes. I brought too much water. I have my new Walmart white tennis shoes that hurt a little. Drank lots of water because it kind of got hot. We went up Pima Arroyo all the way and took the Mormon Trail back.
Pima Canyon    09/28/2003    Got up and left at six and got to South Mountain at 6:30. Ditsworth and Steve and Me. We saw the Marcos de Niza rock and went up that trail. We found a small trail that led to Pima Canyon and we took the arroyo back. A rattlesnake rattled in the bushes and I saw him under a rock. I believe it was a black-tailed rattler. Ditsworth put his stick in there and the snake bit it, leaving two teeth holes in the soft rubbery end. Also I found some shells from the sea of cortez up there. Perhaps -- just perhaps some Indian left them there a thousand years ago.
Pima Canyon    10/05/2003    I arrived at a quarter to two in the afternoon. I had been working on my Elliot and Cooper report and so I was late. It was over a hundred degrees. I walked down Desert Classic and then took Beverly Canyon to Pima Canyon, which was VERY quiet, and walked to the water tank where I ate my sandwich. Few people there. Only an occasional breeze, but very nice. Afterwards I went to Rio Salado Brewery and there was a guy there singing ribbled British ditties. I sang a couple to the guys myself and got some good laughs. Drank two beers and went home and here I am. Noodles was very happy when I got back. She danced and pranced and barked.
Pima Canyon    11/02/2003    Dits and Steve and I went. We went down the Javelina Trail. Cool out. Only drank a little. Rat turds in the arroyo. Caves. bum at the end of the trail. girl had a bad dog.
Pima Canyon    11/16/2003    Steve and Dits and I. Got up at 5:30 and Dits was here by six. Steve was 15 minutes late. I slept out back with Noodles on the patio. Walked about six miles. Oh, we walked. We went high up on the hills and then to the secret water hole which was very birdy. We hiked up to a mine too and I found some malachite. Excellent hike. Oh, I wore my black Levi "jacket" and I found that I needed it as it was cold and I never had to take if off much to my surprise. I was sure I'd get hot. People, including Ditsworth, were hiking with long pants. It sprinkled just a tiny bit. My white tennis shoes don't hurt anymore by the way. This makes five good long hikes with them.
Pima Canyon    11/23/2003    Steve and I went there at a little after seven in the morning. We took his toyota. We Walked up the road and turned left to beverly? and then onto an animal trail where we found a tortoise shell. Photographed it. Climbed then quite high and made it back down to the stone houses. Good high hike way the hell up there. Excellent.
Pima Canyon    12/07/2003    Dits and Steve and i went. I woke up at three AM and had a sip of beer -- a sam adams -- what was left as I was sleeping outside with Noodles and then I went back to bed to rest and sleep but then I wanted some more Sam Adams and I got up and had one. Noodles was under a blanket and lying on her special down pillow. I uncovered her, picked her up, and came inside. Dits came by at six. I showed him my new piano. Steve was forty minutes late and we went hiking.
Pima Canyon    12/28/2003    Steve and I went there around one o'clock and we just cooked up there near Javelina Canyon. I cooked canned spaghetti and he had roast beef hash. It was pretty cold there.
Pima Canyon    01/04/2004    Dits and Steve and I. Met at my house at 7:00 AM and left for Pima Canyon at 7:30. Pretty cold. Dits had a GPS device. We went up on the Ridge Line Trail high. Then we went up the Mormon trail and went up a wash and cooked lunch. I had ramen and kippered herring. We cooked at the place where Steve and Sonny buried a treasure.
Pima Canyon    01/25/2004    Dits and I went and Steve didn't come. Last night the rover landed on mars. The second in a week or two. Not Spirit, but Opportunity. We walked up the Mormon Trail and then over to the tunnel on National. It RAINED the whole time, but stopped for the way back. Afterwards, we looked at Martian pictures on line and then looked at my palindromes and listened to the cd song byToo Slim and Riders in the Sky on palindromes.
Pima Canyon    02/07/2004    this was the time Steve and his friend Dana went and we yelled at the bikes and the guy argued back and later came back and jumped over the rocks where we were. What an asshole. Kind of ruined the hike for me and it was good hike and I was in a good mood.
Pima Canyon    04/25/2004    Steve and I went up there. This was the time I was depressed because that darned teacher sent an e-mail to a department saying that he had a room conflict and all hell was breaking loose and the buck stops with me and life is hell. I had my new Carson 80 pack and fizzie water. It was hot. We went at 10:30 or so and just went up to the water tank. Lots of birds. Some guys on horseback showed us where they had seen a gila monster but Steve suspected they saw just a chuckwalla. We saw a huge chuckwalla that was almost black sitting up on a rocky crag and with a lighter-colored one on a rock next to him. We went to the Rio Salado brewery afterwards but we didn't have any beer. We just looked at the art on the walls. The guy there said that it was open mike day today. It is the last Sunday of each month.
Pima Canyon    05/23/2004    I got up at 5:15 so i could be ready for Steve to come by and hike at six o'clock, but he never came. later in the day we went. BULL SNAKE! I screamed when I saw him because I almost stepped on him and I thought he was a rattler. We took pictures and he went into a hole. He was lying right on the hot rocks of the arroyo.
Pima Canyon    05/31/2004    I went there at about 2:30. Not too many birds. Hot. Over 100 degrees. Nice cool breeze though. Still some few people out there but darned few. Few birds. I was going to go to work and diddle some stuff that I didn't do, but then I decided to have my own day off and screw work. I'm glad I went. I am envigorated. I walked back down the road. It took about 25 minutes from the water tank.
Pima Canyon    06/05/2004    I went at about 3:30. It was supposed to be 110 degrees, but I don't think it was that hot. Saw three other people out there: two guys and a girl. Nice breeze and what a hike. Just went up to the water tank. When I started, I took that little trail that goes up on top and then goes back down into Pima Canyon. The black-throated sparrow was in a corner in the wash with a cliff and some shade and some trees. I stood also up on the rocks there by the solstice petroglyph. Nice breeze. Lots of nice breezes. Bees in the waterhole. I had Strawberry Kiwis fizzy water and also Tropical fizzy water. The tropical was more like papaya than mango as it had a vomit-like taste. Very tropical. I drank a beer when I got back to the truck. Then I called Wendy in Utah when the phone quit wanting to roam. I got Lacy and she said that Wendy was in Middlebury and that they were both coming down here this week.
Pima Canyon    06/06/2004    I left the Key Lime flavored fizzy water in the freezer and forgot to bring it. I had the camel pak with two liters in it and my favorite the Peach Grapefruit. I only drank the water on the trip. I named one cliff BT Cliff because you always see BT gnatcatchers and BT sparrows there. Only about three people went on by. About 106 degrees or maybe a little more. Very invigorating hiking up there. Went back on the road and it took about twenty minutes from the water tank. I drank a light beer in the parking lot afterwards and that was a lot of fun to top it all off that way.
Pima Canyon    06/13/2004    103 or so degrees. Nice breeze! Went up to some power poles, an easy walk. Then went to the water tank. I had a Stone IPA in the car with frozen squash to keep it cool. I drank it, but people were coming into the parking lot at 4:00. Weird. I went to Rio Salado and the happy crowd welcomed me. I looked at the art. I drank one beer. I left. I named some other places. The gray waterfalls and junk.
Pima Canyon    06/19/2004    A big coyote walked down the wash just behind the picnic tables. He had a long face. I followed him but, of course, did not see him again. Six species at the BT cliffs. Lots of very large Rock Squirrels and small cotton tails. Also, wild lizards. Brownish ruddy big speckled. One like a collared lizard. One with a skull-like head. Supposed to be 106 but it was windy. It didn't seem to hot. I drank less than a liter and a quarter of fizzie water: peach grapefruit and grapefruit tangerine. yesterday i typed up Paul Corrigan's early observation comments. They were not glowing as he has NO idea how to teach an ESL class.
Pima Canyon    06/20/2004    Dits and Steve and I went before six in the morning and went to Fat Man's Pass. We went up the arroyo and then to the water tank and then up the trail and to that arroyo full of javelina poop with orange peels. It was a long hike that way. I slid down Fat Man's Pass and I ate some peanutbutter crackers. Had some corn nuts too and some cheetos jalepeño chedard crackers. Our thermometers read 105 degrees on the way back, but I don't know. A dog left a train of horses running after a jack rabbit. When we got to the stone houses on the way back, we took the road. It took a little over twenty minutes. The tank is closer to the stone houses than I thought.
Pima Canyon    06/26/2004    I went to Fahrenheit 911 and then to pima canyon. The movie wasn't very good. I hiked to the stone houses. 106 degrees and not as much wind as lately but it didn't seem very hot. My camel pack nozzle broke off so I don't have that bite valve. I stopped at Tianguis and bought a table for the back yard -- one of those ones that they used to sell at Home Depot. Then I stopped in to a Home Brew place over by Jupe's bar and bought some hops and some hop syrup that I can dribble into beer.
Elliot and Cooper Roads    06/26/2004    I went to McDonald's first and Noodles barfed up the sausage mcmuffin with egg that I gave her. We met a guy on the canal road with a dog off the leash. Noodles stayed in the car. I'm going the Fahrenheit 911 this morning and then to Pima Canyon. See you later!
Pima Canyon    06/27/2004    I set the alarm for four AM and took Noodles for a walk early. Dits and Steve came at five o'clock. We hiked five hours clean to the top of South Mountain. I brought blue ice substitute. It was overcast -- or at least there always seemed to be a cloud in front of Mr. Yellowface. I had a sandwich with beef and miracle whip and cheese.
Pima Canyon    07/01/2004    Saw little cottontails and ground squirrels. I sprinkled some of Mom's ashes at the BT cliffs and at the stone house canyon there and also on a waterfall coming up. Just one mourning dove at the BT cliffs. Funny; there were almost no cars at 4:30 or so at the place but when I got back at 5:30 or so the place was filling up. People are going there after work apparently. I should start going at 3:30 as before and when I get back there will be no one in the parking lot. I thought the  hot weather scared everyone off by noon. I does on the weekend. I went to work for about five minutes to get a phone number and junk. I'm on vacation for six weeks and today is my first day as the EX ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR.
Pima Canyon    07/02/2004    Stopped at the vets with Noodles' urine sample and got some incontinence medicine. Went to the stone houses and got back to the car at 4:54. Not many cars in the parking lot at that time. I drank two Boston lagers.
Pima Canyon    07/03/2004    Stopped at the Vet for Noodles' anti biotics. She has a bladder infection so they say. Went up that trail out of the wash that goes the high way and then I headed north a bit and made it up a ways and headed back into Pima Arroyo to the BT cliffs and the tank and stone houses. Not too hot. some good breezes. Started at 3:35 and was by bay 4:50.  Over an hour hike. Wore my other tennis shoes and they were mighty dusty when I got back home.
Pima Canyon    07/04/2004    After I went to the Arboretum I went here. I went a little early. 2:35 or so. Temp was supposed to be 106 but it seemed like 98 or so. Not very hot. Tomorrow will be 108 so they say so I will try again. I went up to the  power lines and marveled at the fact that two boards were holding up a hug length of cable a half a mile long. I went back on the road from the stone houses and then I dropped back into Pima Arroyo and went back. There were some parks guys with a blazer or something with cop lights on the top. They had badges but no guns. I wanted to talk to them about the empty water tank -- the animals have no water! They drove off. I snuck two beers int he car and drank them at the almost deserted parking lot. Two Boston Lagers.
Pima Canyon    07/05/2004    I got back to the parking lot at 629 so I guess I started around 5:30. I had come from the office where I had to make sure everyone got their student evaluation folders even though I'm not asc director anymore. Sheesh, people show up at 6:30. There were fourteen cars at least. there were very few when I arrived. It was supposed to be 107, but it wasn't hot. Tomorrow is supposed to be 110 degrees, so that will be a good day to take a hot hike.
Pima Canyon    07/06/2004    Steve drove over and we went late. I got home at a little before six. Supposed to be 106, but it didn't seem hot although it was hotter than yesterday. Went up to the powerlines and down to the BT cliffs and to the stone houses. No water in the tank and the animals must be thirsty.
Pima Canyon    07/08/2004    I WAS hot today. Burning the skin type hot. Nice breeze. I went to the stone houses. Back to the parking lot at 4:20. Saw only two other people on the trail.
Pima Canyon    07/15/2004    There were only two people I saw, and they were on my way back.
Usery Mountain Park    07/18/2004    Went at five AM with steve and sonny and ditsworth. Hot. I drank 3.25 quarts. Hiked seven miles around the mountain and up it. It was 108 degrees today so it was a shame that I didn't go to Pima Canyon, but I was rather beat up and sleepy after the seven-mile hike in the very hot early morning sun and it was of all things humid. Sonny hiked quite well. We marched at a very fast pace even uphill. We were strong and mighty! In our tribe we eat GOAT MEAT and it makes us strong!
Pima Canyon    07/19/2004    Cactus wren alley was very interesting. AMAZING LIZARDS.
Pima Canyon    07/21/2004    111 degrees Fahrenheit. Took photos for Diamond Mine. Got back to the parking lot at 5:00 and drank two beers. MONKS, COTTN TLS.
Pima Canyon    07/22/2004    I went kind of late and for some reason it wasn't hot! it was breezy in the hundreds I guess but not hot. I went down the wash and then turned left for a time and then went to the water tank. No water in the tank or pool. None. I drank a beer on the hike back and I stopped at Copper Canyon on the way home. It wasn't so good.
Pima Canyon    07/27/2004    The Democratic convention was going to be on so I left early. I just hiked up to some place where there was this exit out of the wash and drank a beer at a garbage can very near the ring of stones in the road. Then I walked back. THIS WAS THE DAY I PAINTED PAUL SHRAGE'S WALL-- well, actually mine.
Pima Canyon    07/28/2004    The Democratic Convention is still going on so I left a little early. I walked to the water tank though. No water in it doggone it. I had a beer at the ring of stones and stepped on my glasses in the outhouse at the parking lot. 104 degrees. I can't get enough of this wonderful vacation and this glorious weather.
Pima Canyon    07/30/2004    Before Sally and Kate came, I went hiking. I went up the Ridge Line Trail after I came out of Pima Wash. I went to the top. I wanted to walk back along a ridge but it was closed. I know now how to get to the ridge line trail. Went at 10:10 and got home at noon. I had fizzy water. I put it in the fanny pack and two of them in there is too uncomfortable. I think I'm going back to the pack.
Pima Canyon    07/31/2004    I went up on the ridge trail to the top. I drank two beers up there. it was fun. There was some guy who came by. He was a guitar player. We talked about guitars etc. Very hot but so wonderfully windy that it was nice and cool. Almost like the ocean. I walked back a new way with a nice trail. Very comfy.
Pima Canyon    08/01/2004    Up to the top on the ridge line trail to the flat rock. 108 or so. Very hot going up. Up there I had two beers I enjoyed very much. Then it was cool. No one in sight for a long time. One guy far in the distance onthe trail and then two dumb old bike riders. That's it. Walked back the way I came. Sally and kate will be back from Jeff's at 5:00.
Pima Canyon    08/02/2004    Went up the ridge line trail to the top. Drank a 24-ounce of Natural Light. a guy jogged slowly in over the ridge line trail carrying no water. He was old and red-faced and he kept going by  and down the hill.
Pima Canyon    08/03/2004    No Notes Entered
Pima Canyon    08/11/2004    All the way to the top with a Sam Adams Boston Lager. Very peaceful up there. I saw a girl in a sports bra way down below. She had no water. Hotter than heck. Two fat guys walked down the road below. That old guy with the red face came up as I was walking down.
Pima Canyon    08/13/2004    Up to the top of the Ridge Line Trail
Pima Canyon    08/29/2004    Went to the top of beer hill at around 1:30 or so. Two couples went by. I searched for 2015 sierra vista but couldn't find it.
Pima Canyon    09/11/2004    STEVE AND DITS came by at 6:00 AM and we hiked to FAT MAN'S PASS. Up PIMA ARROYO. I was very fit. Brought grape KOOL-AID. I plowed up the hills and it was like in a dream so fast and effortlessly I could fly up the trail. 90+ degrees. Maybe 98. Slid down fatman's pass.
Pima Canyon    09/26/2004    WENT AT 3:30 or so and went up to the top of the hill. The setting sun made different views in the distance. For example, out by the Santans there were mountains with ocre cliffs and a street below looked wider and more interesting. The McDowells or whatever just north of Phoenix looked huge.
Pima Canyon    12/11/2004    OH WE HIKED A LONG TIME. DITS AND STEVE I GUESS. Clean up to the top clean from Marcos de Nisa rock all the way up. There were Xmas tree bulbs and junk on some bushes way out there. Litterbugs. I would have destroyed them all and packed out the garbage, but the fellows advised against. Still, I left notes reading "666" and "Litterbug" on their trees. Joy should follow my footsteps and I do what I can to make that happen. They ain't comin' back to clean up their mess, friends. Finally, we went down the side o' the moun'un to Desert Classic. From there it was a miles-long hike to Marcos de Nisa rock again. We were surprised how far we had to walk on Desert Classic.  We walked CLEAN up to the top. SOMETHING LIKE 7:45 TO 1:00 to finish the hike.
Pima Canyon    04/02/2005    Ditsworth and I. Steve had a cold. MY SWIFT AUDUBON ORIGINALS BROKE. We went up Pima Arroyo all the way to the tunnel. It took about an hour to walk back but a lot longer to get there.
Pima Canyon    05/20/2005    I COULDN'T GET OUT OF THE SUN and I was SICK and I NEARLY DIED. Oh, this was a TOUGH hike. It was just the same one I have done a million times but God I almost DIED. Yes, I did drink beer up there, but I had a hard time getting up there in the first place. I jumped in the horse trough when I got back. Oh, it was hot. I believe I am not in shape at all. I was dying goiing up that hill. I went and drank beer up there a thousand times last summer, but this time I nearly died even before I got to the beer. There were also BUGS UP THERE AT THE ROCK and they were bugging me. I used the Repel insect repellent but they didn't find it that repellent. BUGS. It was a long long long walk back to the truck. Oh, I was hot. It was only 106 or so -- maybe less. It will be 109 tomorrow.
Pima Canyon    05/21/2005    Steve and I went for a mighty hike, but we only went an eighth of a mile and then come back. Some guy said he saw an owl up there. Then we bought simco hops at the Home Brew Depot so I could try out the Brew Sack deal that Michelle bought me. I mixed it all up. GOD IT'S HOT. 109? 107? Steve's car wouldn't start when he tried to leave so I had to give him a ride and the car is still out front. Lucky it didn't strand us over at Pima Canyon.
Pima Canyon    05/25/2005    I took my chair! Oh, it was comfortable. I drank beer out there beyond the BT cliffs and this time it was easy. Very hot but cool in the shade. That's the secret. In the summer, don't climb and don't sit up there on the mountaintop where there is no way to get out of the sun. I used to go up there and heck that was in August and September (hot) too so maybe I'm getting old.
Pima Canyon    05/26/2005    I BROKE MY CHAIR! I went with a 24-ounce coors and a 21-ounce sam adams and decided just to walk a quarter mile or so and I sat down and the darned chair broke. I sat there on the broken chair for an hour. I lay there. I was peaceful. Birds and other animals came by. No people walked by. 3:07-4:30 more or less.
Pima Canyon    06/19/2005    GREAT HORNED OWL. TIGER RATTLER. BIG HIKE. Present on this excursion was Ditsworth, Thomas; Cole, Thomas; Cole, Stephen; and Cole, Stephen West II. One TIGER RATTLER light granite color. (WHAT? IT'S A SPECKLED RATTLER!!) Very light. Snapped at us and tried to kill us. The Great Horned Owl 'twas very noice. We went all the way to the tunnel via Pima Wash. Lots of loafing. Spent many hours up there. It got to be 105 degrees. I brought my new chair. Wore my white tennies. Went in Ditsworth's new truck.  Went back on the road after National Trail and stopped at the ring of stones.
Pima Canyon    06/25/2005    109 degrees but it didn't seem hot. I went at 3:30 or so. Walked down Pima Arroyo. Breezy. I walked to the water tank. Both BT's at the BT cliffs. I BROKE THE NEW CHAIR! I left it in a garbage can there. Some guy came by when I was at windy rock.
Pima Canyon    06/26/2005    Rather late in the afternoon. Its about 8.5 miles to the place. Walked up to the water tank. Had a beer. No people at first and then a few walked up the road. Hot. Went to the ring of stones. Both BT's at the BT cliffs.
Pima Canyon    07/03/2005    Just walked up a way. 110 degrees. I drank an arrogant bastard beer and went back. Lots of noisy quail.
Pima Canyon    08/28/2005    Just popped in and walked a hundred feet. All but the Gila were seen in the same tree! 107-112. Hurricane heading for New Orleans.
Pima Canyon    09/17/2005    Oh, did we hike. We went up Pima Wash and then took the Mormon Loop Trail all the way to the National Trail until we reached Fat Man's Pass. Then we walked that trail for hikers only to the Tunnel. Finally we walked back on the National Trail. I got back clean to the stone houses before I had finished my first fizzy water. Dits steve and I
Pima Canyon    10/15/2005    Sally, Dits, Steve, and Tom (That's me!) Went in Dits's truck. My air conditioning is out. I wore my white tennis shoes. (See September 21, 2003) Oh, did we hike. Clean up the Mormon trail and then up the wash to National and down to Fat Man's Pass and then to the Tunnel and back on the National Trail and home on the dirt road. We saw a RATTLESNAKE! He was rattling and seemed to be a diamond back or perhaps a black-tailed or mojave. Slid down Fat Man's Pass. Oh, did we have a big time!
Elliot and Cooper Roads    11/06/2005    Christopher, Elena, Sally, Steve, Sonny. SIX HUNDREDTH TRIP 600 600 600. We met out there before we went to Pima Canyon. The gate was open so we walked all the way in and got the OC warbler and junk. Oh, what a BIG TIME we had!!!
Pima Canyon    11/06/2005    SALLY, TOM, CHRIS, ELENA, STEVE. We went to the stone houses. I had a beer at the ring of stones at the end of the hike. We saw squirrels and junk. Oh, What a big time we had. Steve met us on the trail.
Pima Canyon    12/21/2005    I went to the doctor today and then I talked to Sally on the phone as Fema had wired 10,000 bucks into her bank account and then I went to Pima Canyon for a little while. I just walked down a ways. I have a VIVA IDIOT bumper sticker.
Pima Canyon    12/27/2005    I bought a DVD player at the super target or walmart and came over here for a little while. Everyone seemed to be on vacation and so it was very noisy with kids. No one came down the wash, though. Then, I went to see Walk the Line, about Johnny Cash. It stank. Lousy movie.
Pima Canyon    01/04/2006    I dropped in on Steve early in the morning after going to E&C Roads before dawn and we went to Pima Canyon.
Pima Canyon    03/04/2006    DITS AND I WENT. We walked around back and wound up in the arroyo leading to the water tanks. We loafed around the tanks for a time and then went back. Not as long a trip as usual. We fed the squirrels there at the tank. We went up a side trail. We went to that Mexican place where you buy junk on Avenida del Yaqui and I bought a turquoise mask that looked a little like Noodles.  Millie the dog was there. Then we ate at the Yaqui Restaurant which used to be El Taquito. Some hispanic punks were there and made gang signs. What worthless shit they are.
Pima Canyon    05/23/2006    I went with my new toothache as my old root canal seems to be failing. I was tired and a little hot. I went a mile down or so, but not as far as the BT cliffs. Lots of rabbits, antelope ground squirrels, rock squirrels, lizards, bees, and one giant chuckwalla on a rock overlooking the road.
Pima Canyon    05/29/2006    Steve and I went at 2:00 or so. We went to the water tank. There was a guy from New York with two horses. Steve remembered him and told him he remembered the Queens Burro. Get it? I didn't see the ring of stones on the way back. It was hot. We took my truck. Lots of CHUCKWALLAS peering over the tops of cliffs. How they do that in the burning heat I can't say. We went back and I swam for the first time in Steve's new pool. We saw Sonny. I rushed back to watch Judge Judy at 4:00. I made it on time and watched the two half-hours shows.
Pima Canyon    06/03/2006    Dits bailed. Steve bailed. I went alone at 3:00. I went down the arroyo and it was 112 and I stopped by that smiley face 'cause there was shade there. I finally walked out of the arroyo onto the road. I drank two Black Butte porters at the ring of stones. The ring of stones isn't as obvious as it used to be.
Pima Canyon    07/29/2006    Went with Dits at 6:00. His son, stephen, came. Hiked clean up the National Trail and to the tunnel and out the Mormon Trail. I wore my white tennis shoes. WE SAW A SPECKLED RATTLESNAKE! It wasn't very hot. Mostly overcast until the end and in the 80s. Saw the ring of stone. Got hot at the end.
Pima Canyon    11/26/2006    Steve and I went and he hit 1000 miles finally. We went up the Mormon trail and up that wash and then came back.
Pima Canyon    01/03/2007    Steve and I went after we turned in my CD burner at Fry's electronics. Then we went up to the water tank. Then we went to REI and Steve bought a new water filter that pumps. He is very excited. Nice weather.
Pima Canyon    03/14/2007    Steve and I went at around noon. Nice. Not many people around. We went over towards the Javelina Trail and then went up an arroyo and looked at a mine. Then we went up on a ridge and down. There was some guy far below us with a hood and sweatsuit. What a nut.
Pima Canyon    12/30/2007    Steve and I went and we cooked crappy clam chowder. We crossed the golf course. There were so many cars as it was Sunday.
Pima Canyon    01/12/2008    CHOWDER HIKE. Sunday, so there were a lot of people.
Pima Canyon    02/16/2008    Sally and I went. This is the day we went to the place on Avenida del Yaqui and bought statues of animals and decorations of fish and junk for my house.
Pima Canyon    05/21/2008    What a traffic jam at 8:00 on 48th. Terrible. Yesterday I got a ROOT CANAL. I walked up to the water tank and back. BT Cliffs etc.
Pima Canyon    06/15/2008    112 degrees. I went to the water tank. At first it was hard, but then it was okay. I tripped and fell just before the BT cliffs. Messed up the alignment of my ribs and hip. HOTTER THAN HELL. Excellent hike. I photographed the ring of stone. I loved this walk!
Pima Canyon    06/21/2008    Thomas Wood and Steve and I went. Oh, we had a big time. War dance at the Ring of Stones. It was VERY hot. We went at 3:00 or so. We looked at the petroglyphs and corn grinding holes. Cactus Wren Alley lived up to its name beautifully and we got both BT's (black-tailed gnatcatcher AND black-throated sparrow) at the BT Cliffs.  After our hike, we toasted our adventure over a bottle of Negra Modelo beer in my hybrid room.
Pima Canyon    07/27/2008    Went with Steve and Thomas Wood. We went up the arroyo to Fat Man's Pass and back on National. It was a long, hot hike. Afterwards we bubbled around in Thomas's pool.
Pima Canyon    05/30/2009    Steve and I went. It was a nice walk. Hot. Going up the sandy arroyo was harder than going down the road. The ring of stones was clearly seen and we noted that it was near a saguaro with an odd arm, so we can find it again easily.
Pima Canyon    06/07/2009    Steve and I went. That makes two weekends in a row after ten months of not visiting. Ten months! Could that be? It's true. Not too hot although we went. From the Journal: Steve and I went to Pima Canyon. I noticed my tire looked funny. There was a screw in it. It was Sunday and the only place open was Firestone. The guy there showed me that my tires were all at death's door. It had been 2004 when I replaced them all. He couldn't fix the tire anyway because the hole was too close to the edge and the tire was too old to fix according to company rules. He sold me four more and fixed the alignment. The tires I had were HUGE. The new ones are the correct size.
Pima Canyon    06/14/2009    Steve and I went. That makes three weekends in a row. We went
Pima Canyon    10/15/2009    I went up at two o'clock and just was going to walk up a ways but then thought, "What the heck?" and went up to the water tank. No one there up the wash. Nice. Good workout. Walked back on the road and missed the ring of stones. Nice day. Antelope ground squirrels.
Elliot and Cooper Roads    1/31/2010    Nice, sunny day. I didn't need my jacket. I drove to the back and parked in the legal place for me to park. Steve went to Pima Canyon today. I called Jeff. I worked on the song "Everyone says I love you," a Groucho Marx tune.
Pima Canyon    2/28/2010    Not very birdy! Bill Butler and his wife and I went. I met them there at 11:30. It had been raining all morning but radar said it would soon let up, and it did. Bill and I walked to the water tank and the stone houses. We looked at the table-shaped rocks. We saw the BT cliffs, cactus wren alley and all of the other places. Saw the corn holes. Saw the soltice petroglyph and the rainbow people holding hands, the coyote skull place, the place where I used to slide down, AND the RING OF STONES, where I guzzled a WHOLE BOSTON LAGER as I danced around the circle. Actually, Bill spotted the ring of stones first. He was surprised that I slammed down the whole beer in one swig, but that is the Pima Canyon way.
Pima Canyon    6/1/2010    Went for a hot hike at around three having stopped at the guitar center. There was a Nashville tele there. It wasn't very hot. Horsetail clouds blocked a lot of the sun too. One girl hiking out when I went into the arroyo and one guy jogged past me at the BT Cliffs. ROCK SQUIRREL, and a BIG OLE CHUCKWALLA at Windy Rock. Ground squirrels too. Lizaards. I saw a big dragonfly and flame whatever they call 'em. Dance at the Ring of Stones with one Boston Lager. Turned me into a monster.
Pima Canyon    6/7/2010    110 degrees, so I went to do my hot hike. Not as much ice water as I should have brought. Very very hot. Nice, cool breeze. Up to the water tank and back. Beer at the ring of stones. Last of the notebook. Cactus Wren alley a big success.
Pima Canyon    6/19/2010    I brought tons of cold water, beer, and ice, but I didn't really have the ganas to do the hike. I walked up a little past that trail up with the saguaro on the left where there is desert pavement and you're up high. I saw the gnatcatcher there and the canned wren. Then I walked back and drove home.
Pima Canyon    6/24/2010    About 113 degrees out. Maybe 114. Went at 3:30. Very good hike. Some cool breezes. I went to the water tank. Not many people at that temp. I had a Tap Room #21 Pale ale at the ring of stones. Felt invigorated by the hike. Very invigorating. Some slim girl jogged by. I was in the swim too like her still alive and seizing life by its antlers. Excellent hike. You see, Sally just left as I helped her withher book on createspace and she left at around two thirty.
Pima Canyon    6/29/2010    Went over at 3:30 or so, and it was some 110 or 109 degrees. Lots of water, but I forgot to pack a wet T-shirt in a bag of ice. Boston Lager at the ring of stones.
Pima Canyon    7/27/2010    Steve and I went in my truck. We went to the water tank and then back on the road. There was a couple from Baton Rouge that we talked to before we started hiking.
Pima Canyon    8/26/2010    It sure RAINED. I went at around 9:30 or so? I went up and set up my chair at the BT Cliffs. It was cool. Not hot at all. Overcast. No one in the arroyo. I studied Spanish for an hour or so reading the Myths and Legends book aloud at times. Then it started to rain. I had my raincoat and sat in the chair being pelleted by rain for forty-five minutes. I couldn't read well because I was afraid I'd get the book wet. The rain stopped and I stayed reading and studying for quite a long time. It's 2:30 now and I've only just got home. I went shopping afterwards though.
Pima Canyon    11/17/2010    I went over to the Guitar Center and sold them my harmonizer. I only got seventy-five bucks for it, so maybe it was a mistake. I sold that switch for ten bucks. They got an awful good deal, but now I have some cash and I really didn't need those things. I have a gig and so I must practice. Jan Kegelman sent me seventy-five bucks from the "Ducks" who had got together to give me bread for playing and now I've got 75 and 85 and 50 from Erica, whose boy I taught and I done real well. Shoot, that's 2010 bucks. Now the gig is at the DownUnder Wine bar and if they love me, they'll invite me back for a paying gig. I get a couple of free beers. That will be on November 30, a Tuesday. Very exciting. On a sad note, Steve Orlen died yesterday. He had lung cancer I think.
Pima Canyon    12/28/2010    I took a pill. I had fun. Steve and I went, but not quite to the TANK. We ate ham sandwiches and oreos inthe wash. We wore levis. We went back on the road. Short walk really. I went back and talked to Nicaragua. THERE WAS AN ANIMAL TRAIL WHOSE PICTURE I TOOK.
Sabino Canyon    1/13/2011    Sally drove me to Sabino Canyon. You know, Jeff coined that phrase the next day. (See phainopepla) There were mountain lion warnings around. A guy told us about the black-chinned sparrow and so we planned to go back early the next morning. Nicer than Pima Canyon with the the gift shop and flush toilets even out in the desert.
Pima Canyon    3/17/2011    I went and got my emissions test and passed to my surprise. Then I went with a cupon to get a 14.95 oil change and they said I had to have an appointment and I made one for two o'clock and since I was clean down at elliot and the I-10, I popped over to PIMA CANYON. I had left my guitar in the car. I just went down to the arroyo and came back in ten minutes or so. I passed Guitar Center on the way. Later I went and got the oil change and it took an hour, but it was cheap and they washed my car. Their lobby had Fox News on so I waited outside as I don't line up to drink Kool-aid. It's sickening that it's so common to see that filthy slander on and everyone listening to that poison. Makes you want to go and take a shower. Afterwards, I went and got some Grillers Prime for my new diet, and then I went to Whole Foods and had two beers as I attempted to read Billy Budd. Now I'm home watching news about the Nuclear Reactors, Tsunamis, and earthquakes in Japan. Scott and I are going to meet in Sedona and then go to a concert after which I'll go up to Flag for a few days. No Spanish speaking today as Skype seems to be down in Nicaragua.
Pima Canyon    4/24/2011    It's not exactly Pima Canyon, though. Went with the Atheist Meet-up group. It's Easter Sunday. We hiked from forty-sixth street up into the desert on the Javelina and Ridgeway trails. It was a lot of fun. A little hot. Later I had dinner at Steve's and ate too much turkey and taters. Afterwards, I went to THE SANDBAR BAR and hung out with the atheists for a couple of hours. Drank two beers. Al, the organizer of the hike, who has a bad knee and bad fingers had a 167-dollar bill. I happened to see it. He had two bottles of champagne that he shared and beers and after his big bill a new waiter came by and he ordered two margaritas. The atheists began to talk about a member who had left and who is socially quite weird. He's an Iraq war veteran and he grabs woman's wine glasses and drinks them and is weird. They're getting fed up with him although they know him quite well.
Pima Canyon    5/26/2011    Steve and I drove down and walked to the stone houses via the road. We walked back in the arroyo. I took a picture of a huge chuckwalla on a rock. He had an orange tail. Got the sage thrasher. No BT sparrows.
Pima Canyon    6/7/2011    Steve and I walked to the stone houses on the road and came back in the arroyo. We took that little bit of higher trail on the way back. Rather warm. Some people out there as it was still fairly early but plenty of parking. Drove back to my house.
Pima Canyon    6/9/2011    Steve and I went up Desert Classic and over the mountain and down the trail and were soon at the ring of stones. We went to Grouping Hands Bookstore and Trafalgar Joe's. I bought a three-buck sixpack. It was hot. Not so many people there at all. Thought I saw a BT Gnat, but it might have been a verdin. We took my truck. Tonight I will pick Sally up at the airport at 8:14 PM.
Elliot and Cooper Roads    6/12/2011    Worked formatting the E&C book and had a discrepancy I had to figure out. It was that I had the epidonax flycatcher in the old life list and had replaced it with the dusky later on. Fixed it but I had to do a print-out first to compare two lists and see what bird didn't match. Got him. COYOTE WALKED ACROSS POND TEN. It was a female. She had big ears and ignored me as I howled at her. WALKED TO NE END AND BACK. HOT. Steve went tot Pima Canyon today and nearly died. Too hot and he got tired.
Pima Canyon    6/21/2011    Steve and I walked up to the stone houses on the road and came back on the road. It was hot. I poured diet doctor pepper on my shirt. There was an older guy there from Maryland and he was an Audubon Society member but know absolutely nothing about birds. He had some dumb ideas like the black-throated sparrow was a house sparrow on account of the black breast. I went home and wrote in Spanish. There was some car parked in front of my house behind my cesto de basura that was blocking me partially from getting into my garage. He left after I wrote my my stories. I have a pumpkin growing out back. It's small and orange.
Pima Canyon    6/23/2011    Steve and I went in morning and it's now eleven ten and I'm back. It was HOT. Steve thought he saw a roadrunner on top of the BT cliffs but I think it was a cb thrasher. We didn't stop at the bookstore the way we did last time.
Pima Canyon    7/2/2011    Went because it was going to be 117 degrees. I brought tons of ice water and even some beer. It was too hot. Even pouring ice water over my head I was hot and tired. I didn't even make it to the water tank. Then a THUNDER head appeared and you could hear thunder. There were clouds and some wind. I went back. There were two guys who went up the road. One jogged all the way up and back. It was HOT! Only three birds even showed up. I FINISHED THE E & C BOOK TODAY. phurst draught.
Elliot and Cooper Roads    11/23/2011    Today I will meet Scott and go to South Mountain but I don't have to mention that because it will be on the Pima Canyon bird list for today. I went to E&C early today. Talked to the fireman whose name I can't remember. He has the metal leg. He told me that a lady came by asking how to get rid of the coyotes. I want to get a taylor gs mini. Went to the dentist Monday and later near REI at that taco stand I bit my lip even though I was trying to be careful. Steve and I went to Tempe Schools Credit Union and got accounts so we can give Bank of America the bum's rush.
Pima Canyon    11/23/2011    Went with Scott Wagy and Henry. We went to the water tank.
Elliot and Cooper Roads    9/17/2012    I bought sibelius first today. I went to E&C roads at two thirty or so. Tomorrow Jan and I will go to Pima Canyon. I worked on Sibelius and I practiced guitar picking.
Pima Canyon    9/18/2012    Gosh, I clean forgot to enter this one. Well, I'm putting it in now. Jan and I went. I didn't bring quite enough water and Jan wanted to keep hiking so we went clean up the arroyo and back on the National Trail I guess it was. No snakes.
Pima Canyon    3/16/2013    I drove down to Guadalupe to get some Spanish comic books. I went in one place and asked and the woman was that Susana from the Spanish Meet-up Group. This was in Tianguis. Not much happening in there. Then I just drove over to Pima Canyon and walked a while. I took two rusted beer cans which I guess I should return for the sake of aniquities of the desert. I used duct tape, but the damned batteries fell out anyway. I went to Fry's electronics to see if my cable for the Line6 Backtrack was busted. It wasn't. They had products advertised on TV.
Pima Canyon    10/1/2013    I had to take an injured Gila woodpecker to the east valley wildlife folks to take care of, so I went here while I was at it. Afterwards I went to the Huss Brewery which had once been long ago the Rio Saldo Brewery and where I used to go after hikes on Mineral street and since somebody told me it was open I went and I drank two beers. Oh, it was a long time ago when I used to go there.
Pima Canyon    6/5/2016    I entered this nov 26 of 16 as it wasn't in here!
Pima Canyon    10/22/2018    I drove over as I haven't been there in ages. You can check to see how long it's been. Oh, I just did; it's been TWO YEARS! CHRIST: 65/2016   I went to the former Tianguis. Not much happening there on a Monday. Two restaurants were open. Another store two. There was daycare and stuff. A few people hanging around. Then I went to Mineral Street and the Huss Brewery was there! It used to be the Rio Salado Brewery or at least that was the brewery there. It was a true blast from the past. How long ago did I go to the Rio Salado Brewery? Well, A search shows I wen two times in 2004 and six times in 2003. 14 and 15 years ago. Christ. I'm 67 + 14 = 81. Oh gosh and it seems like only yesterday/parece que fuera ayer. Today I worked on some chapters of my new book. The chapters are Of such is made the stuff of nightmares, Dream of Twain, the Albino Ringed Turtledove, The Warbler Tree.

Pima Canyon 5/18/2019 Chuck wallas all over. Joel Floyd, Tom Ditsworth, Steve Cole, and Tom Cole. From 6:30 to 10:30 or so. Saw shrikes for the first time in ages. No snakes. Antelope ground squirrels were very tame. Got movies. Pictures. Fed them nuts. Walked to the stone houses. We went to Rosita's afterwards.

Pima Canyon 10/28/2019 Sally came up to go and Steve and I went too. Climbed up but turned back and didn't make Fat Man's Pass. Climbing the slippery rocks was hairy. I'm not sure I got all the birds noted.

Pima Canyon 6/23/2020 Dits, Steve, and I went. We wore our masks. We walked a long way and went back on the road. I drank nothing until the end and then I chugged a quart of water. Not very birdy as you can see. Lots of people on this TUESDAY HIKE because everyone's out of work because of the virus and have time off. There was a bunny. Ground squirrels, and lizards. OH, LOOK AT THE DATE. SAD DAY.

Pima Canyon 5/5/2021 Steve and Dits and I went. Afterwards we ate at an outdoor Mexican place on the SW corner of Guadalupe Road and Avenida del Yaqui. OH, I wore my NEW WHITE TENNIS SHOES!

Pima Canyon 6/15/2021 Steve and Dits and I went at 6:30 in the morning. We went down to the BT cliffs and back on the road. Saw the ring of stones. I drank two diet colas. Went to the Mexican Restaurant and I ate a taco outside and Steve and Dits ate. Next time I will get back on the freeway to go home. It takes FOREVER the other way. I dropped into Tianguis for the heck of it. A lady came out and talked to me. Not many shops left there but the restaurant, zapetería and an English school are there. Two restaurants actually. I went and turn onto Mineral Street or Drive and saw the HUSS BREWERY. I wish I weren't teetotalling and dieting.

Pima Canyon 7/11/2021 JAVELINA WALKING ALONG. Coyotes too. Went up the Desert Classic Trail. Dits and Steve and I. Stopped at the taquería. This time I was smart enough to head home on I-10 which is WEST of the taquería so you turn right on Elliot Road off of Avenida del Yaqui.

Pima Canyon 5/9/2023 Steve and I met there for the atheist or humanist meet-up with Sharon. Tim Bedient was there and Jack and nemo the dog. Chico wasn't there cause Sharon said it was getting too hot. Nemo actually got hot. Amador was there. Steve couldn't make it so I went back with him over the desert. I had crappy shoes that were all right on the trail but not on the desert.

There are 80 life listers at Pima Canyon out of a total of 1306 birds recorded there.


Gambel's Quail 99 5/18/2019

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 91 5/18/2019

Cactus Wren 89 5/18/2019

Curve-billed Thrasher 89 5/18/2019

Mourning Dove 88 5/18/2019

Black-throated Sparrow 83 6/21/2011

Verdin 64 5/18/2019

Gila Woodpecker 48 10/22/2018

White-winged Dove 47 5/18/2019

Anna's Hummingbird 45 5/18/2019

House Finch 43 10/22/2018

Northern Mockingbird 40 5/18/2019

Ash-throated Flycatcher 33 5/18/2019

Gilded Flicker 32 5/18/2019

Rock Wren 32 5/18/2019

Canyon Towhee 28 9/18/2012

Canyon Wren 28 07/27/2008

Loggerhead Shrike 26 5/18/2019

Turkey Vulture 24 6/1/2010

White-crowned Sparrow 22 3/16/2013

Red-tailed Hawk 21 12/28/2010

Abert's Towhee 18 5/18/2019

Green-tailed Towhee 18 5/18/2019

Phainopepla 15 11/23/2011

Brewer's Sparrow 13 03/04/2006

Northern Flicker 8 05/25/2003

White-throated Swift 8 07/29/2006

Yellow-rumped Warbler 8 11/23/2011

American Kestrel 7 6/7/2011

European Starling 7 3/17/2011

Generic No Bird 7 03/05/2000

Great-tailed Grackle 7 6/21/2011

House Sparrow 7 9/18/2012

Wilson's Warbler 7 05/21/2008

Greater Roadrunner 6 10/15/2009

Costa's Hummingbird 5 05/23/2006

MacGillivray's Warbler 5 9/18/2012

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 01/25/2004

Generic Flycatcher 4 10/15/2009

Ladder-backed Woodpecker 4 8/26/2010

Rock Dove 4 12/21/2005

Townsend's Warbler 4 5/18/2019

Black-chinned Hummingbird 3 5/18/2019

Brown-headed Cowbird 3 06/19/2005

Cliff Swallow 3 05/29/2006

Cooper's Hawk 3 03/04/2006

Dark-eyed Junco 3 01/05/2003

Dusky Flycatcher 3 04/25/2004

Generic Swallow 3 05/20/2005

Great Horned Owl 3 07/27/2008

Peregrine Falcon 3 01/04/2006

Say's Phoebe 3 12/28/2010

Common Raven 2 5/17/1998

Generic Hawk 2 11/06/2005

Gray Flycatcher 2 05/21/2008

Inca Dove 2 09/17/2005

Lesser Goldfinch 2 04/02/2005

Northern Cardinal 2 07/27/2008

Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2 6/9/2011

Rufous-crowned Sparrow 2 03/01/2002

White-throated Sparrow 2 12/11/2004

Black-headed Grosbeak 1 5/17/1998

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 12/27/2005

Chipping Sparrow 1 04/02/2005

Double-Crested Cormorant 1 11/02/2003

Generic Bird 1 08/09/2002

Generic Blackbird 1 09/28/2003

Golden Eagle 1 03/04/2006

Great Egret 1 06/20/2004

Hermit Thrush 1 10/22/2018

Hutton's Vireo 1 10/22/2018

Lesser Nighthawk 1 06/14/2009

Lincoln's Sparrow 1 03/04/2006

Orange-crowned Warbler 1 05/23/2006

Red-naped Sapsucker 1 10/15/2005

Sage Thrasher 1 5/26/2011

Tree Swallow 1 4/2/1999

Western Flycatcher 1 6/7/2010

Western Kingbird 1 10/15/2005

Western Tanager 1 05/21/2008

There are 80 life listers at out of a total of 1306 birds recorded there.


Abert's Towhee 18 5/18/2019

American Kestrel 7 6/7/2011

Anna's Hummingbird 45 5/18/2019

Ash-throated Flycatcher 33 5/18/2019

Black-chinned Hummingbird 3 5/18/2019

Black-headed Grosbeak 1 5/17/1998

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 91 5/18/2019

Black-throated Sparrow 83 6/21/2011

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 12/27/2005

Brewer's Sparrow 13 03/04/2006

Brown-headed Cowbird 3 06/19/2005

Cactus Wren 89 5/18/2019

Canyon Towhee 28 9/18/2012

Canyon Wren 28 07/27/2008

Chipping Sparrow 1 04/02/2005

Cliff Swallow 3 05/29/2006

Common Raven 2 5/17/1998

Cooper's Hawk 3 03/04/2006

Costa's Hummingbird 5 05/23/2006

Curve-billed Thrasher 89 5/18/2019

Dark-eyed Junco 3 01/05/2003

Double-Crested Cormorant 1 11/02/2003

Dusky Flycatcher 3 04/25/2004

European Starling 7 3/17/2011

Gambel's Quail 99 5/18/2019

Generic Bird 1 08/09/2002

Generic Blackbird 1 09/28/2003

Generic Flycatcher 4 10/15/2009

Generic Hawk 2 11/06/2005

Generic No Bird 7 03/05/2000

Generic Swallow 3 05/20/2005

Gila Woodpecker 48 10/22/2018

Gilded Flicker 32 5/18/2019

Golden Eagle 1 03/04/2006

Gray Flycatcher 2 05/21/2008

Great Egret 1 06/20/2004

Great Horned Owl 3 07/27/2008

Great-tailed Grackle 7 6/21/2011

Greater Roadrunner 6 10/15/2009

Green-tailed Towhee 18 5/18/2019

Hermit Thrush 1 10/22/2018

House Finch 43 10/22/2018

House Sparrow 7 9/18/2012

Hutton's Vireo 1 10/22/2018

Inca Dove 2 09/17/2005

Ladder-backed Woodpecker 4 8/26/2010

Lesser Goldfinch 2 04/02/2005

Lesser Nighthawk 1 06/14/2009

Lincoln's Sparrow 1 03/04/2006

Loggerhead Shrike 26 5/18/2019

MacGillivray's Warbler 5 9/18/2012

Mourning Dove 88 5/18/2019

Northern Cardinal 2 07/27/2008

Northern Flicker 8 05/25/2003

Northern Mockingbird 40 5/18/2019

Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2 6/9/2011

Orange-crowned Warbler 1 05/23/2006

Peregrine Falcon 3 01/04/2006

Phainopepla 15 11/23/2011

Red-naped Sapsucker 1 10/15/2005

Red-tailed Hawk 21 12/28/2010

Rock Dove 4 12/21/2005

Rock Wren 32 5/18/2019

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 01/25/2004

Rufous-crowned Sparrow 2 03/01/2002

Sage Thrasher 1 5/26/2011

Say's Phoebe 3 12/28/2010

Townsend's Warbler 4 5/18/2019

Tree Swallow 1 4/2/1999

Turkey Vulture 24 6/1/2010

Verdin 64 5/18/2019

Western Flycatcher 1 6/7/2010

Western Kingbird 1 10/15/2005

Western Tanager 1 05/21/2008

White-crowned Sparrow 22 3/16/2013

White-throated Sparrow 2 12/11/2004

White-throated Swift 8 07/29/2006

White-winged Dove 47 5/18/2019

Wilson's Warbler 7 05/21/2008

Yellow-rumped Warbler 8 11/23/2011