HERE ARE THE FIRST THREE BIRD NOTEBOOKS Wild Birds I Have Known Search Site by Topic.html HOME Bird Links GO TO WULLY PAGE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BIRD NOTEBOOKS.JPG.jpeg Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads 10/9/2022 Steve, Dits, and I. I had just written down the turkey vulture as the 38th bird seen at the water ranch on my 220th trip there when unbeknownst to me the notebook as usual fell out of my dead, gimpy hand. I went all the way to Dits's house before I knew. I went back and could not find it. I had given up when I looked across the parking lot. There was my notebook big as life. What a relief. I had birds from England in there that I hadn't put in the database. At Dits's we had a beer. HERE'S WHERE I FOUND IT! Notebook Lost Oct 9, 2022 at the Water
Ranch.jpeg Notebook Lost Oct 9, 2022 at the
Water RanchB.jpeg ![]() ![]() Lost Notebook Found.jpg Lost Notebook Found2.jpg GO TO First Bird Notebook GO TO ALL Wild Birds I Have Known Notebooks CHILDHOOD DINOSAUR NOTEBOOK I DID IN A CAMPGROUND AND A 1990s FOSSIL NOTEBOOK TOO COTTON FIELD PAGE FOR THESE YEARS TO MATCH RECORDS HERE HOME TOM Search Site by Topic ![]() ![]() |
First Bird Notebook
First Bird NotebookIMG_5812.JPG
![]() Second Bird Notebook 5909.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5910.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5911.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5912.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5913.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5914.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5915.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5916.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5917.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5918.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5919.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5920.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5921.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5922.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5923.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5924.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5925.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5926.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5927.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5928.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5929.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5930.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5931.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5932.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5933.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5934.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5935.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5936.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5937.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5938.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5939.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5940.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5942.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5943.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5944.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5945.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5946.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5947.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5948.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5949.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5950.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5951.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5952.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5953.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5954.jpg ![]() Second Bird Notebook 5955.jpg |
Third Bird Notebook
Look! I labeled it VOLUME II instead of III so I thought I was missing a notebook! What a relief! Click here to see the notebook when it was mislabeled Third Bird Notebook Third Bird Notebook_5880.JPG ![]() Third Bird Notebook COVER with scratch instead of correct number III.jpeg Third Bird Notebook_5881.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5882.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5883.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5884.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5885.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5886.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5887.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5888.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5889.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5890.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5891.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5892.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5893.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5894.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5895.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5896.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5897.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5898.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5899.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5900.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5901.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5902.JPG Third Bird Notebook_5903.JPG Look at the BOTTOM of this webpage for all 628 birds in these three notebooks. BELOW IS JUST 71
AND 72
ALL BIRDS IN 1971 AND 1972
![]() HERE'S THE
ALL BIRDS IN THESE THREE NOTEBOOKS 1. American Coot 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 2. Bufflehead 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 3. Canvasback 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 4. Common Moorhen 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 5. Great-tailed Grackle 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 6. Green-winged Teal 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 7. Lesser Scaup 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 8. Northern Pintail 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 9. Pied-billed Grebe 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 10. Red-tailed Hawk 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 11. White-crowned Sparrow 1/6/1975 Headlight Pond 12. Brown Pelican 11/16/1974 Estero Morua 13. Great Blue Heron 11/16/1974 Estero Morua 14. Loggerhead Shrike 11/16/1974 Organ Pipe National Monument At organ pipe a big bull kangaroo rat jumped on us while we slept. Phainopeplas and loggerhead shrike. 15. Long-billed Curlew 11/16/1974 Estero Morua 16. Osprey 11/16/1974 Estero Morua 17. Phainopepla 11/16/1974 Organ Pipe National Monument At organ pipe a big bull kangaroo rat jumped on us while we slept. Phainopeplas and loggerhead shrike. 18. Ruddy Turnstone 11/16/1974 Estero Morua 19. American Crow 12/29/1973 Roosevelt Lake 20. Northern Cardinal 12/29/1973 Roosevelt Lake 21. Phainopepla 12/29/1973 Roosevelt Lake 22. Rock Wren 12/29/1973 Roosevelt Lake 23. American Coot 12/2/1973 Lake Mary 24. Bald Eagle 12/2/1973 Lake Mary 25. Osprey 12/2/1973 Lake Mary 26. Black-throated Sparrow 11/18/1973 Verde River 27. Cactus Wren 11/18/1973 Verde River 28. Great Blue Heron 11/18/1973 Verde River 29. Phainopepla 11/18/1973 Verde River 30. Rough-legged Hawk 11/18/1973 Headlight Pond 31. Sharp-shinned Hawk 11/17/1973 Flagstaff Area date just an approximate: It says a day earlier than 11/18 so maybe it's right. For the place here my nots say "at home a day earlier.." so maybe one was flying by. 32. Northern Flicker 11/05/1973 Old Main 33. Western Bluebird 11/05/1973 Old Main 34. Steller's Jay 09/23/1973 Walnut Canyon 35. Turkey Vulture 09/23/1973 Walnut Canyon 36. Red-tailed Hawk 09/02/1973 Generic Highway 37. Turkey Vulture 09/02/1973 Generic Highway 38. American Crow 08/29/1973 Flagstaff Area On south campus squawking on a street light. 39. Pine Siskin 08/29/1973 Old Main 40. American Dipper 08/27/1973 Logan Canyon 41. Band-tailed Pigeon 07/29/1973 Oak Creek Canyon Down Oak Creek at a later date than July 21 so I put in july 29. 42. American Avocet 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 43. American White Pelican 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 44. Black-billed Magpie 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 45. Black-crowned Night-Heron 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 46. Black-necked Stilt 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 47. Forster's Tern 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 48. Great Blue Heron 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 49. Snowy Egret 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 50. Western Grebe 07/21/1973 Utah Bird Refuge 51. American Robin 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 52. Black-chinned Hummingbird 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 53. Black-headed Grosbeak 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 54. Blue-throated Hummingbird 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 55. Brown Creeper 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 56. Cassin's Vireo 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 28 29? Called solitary vireo back then 57. Common Raven 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 58. Dark-eyed Junco 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 Mexican Junco 28 29? 59. Eastern Bluebird 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 60. Eastern Meadowlark 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 61. Elegant Trogon 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 Called coppery tailed then. 62. Golden Eagle 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 28 and 29 possibly 63. Grace's Warbler 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 64. Hairy Woodpecker 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 65. Hepatic Tanager 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 66. Horned Lark 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 67. Loggerhead Shrike 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 68. Mexican Jay 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 69. Mourning Dove 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 70. Northern Flicker 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 71. Northern Mockingbird 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 72. Olive Warbler 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 73. Painted Redstart 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 74. Purple Martin 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 75. Pygmy Nuthatch 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 76. Red-tailed Hawk 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 77. Steller's Jay 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 78. Strickland's Woodpecker 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 79. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 28 29? I recall that this bird was very bright. This was that trip with Dad and Mom where we got two flat tires. Drove by Douglas Arizona. What a summer was coming up. 80. Turkey Vulture 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 81. Violet-green Swallow 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 82. Western Kingbird 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 83. Western Tanager 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 84. Western Wood-Pewee 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 85. White-breasted Nuthatch 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 86. White-throated Swift 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 87. White-winged Dove 5/27/1973 Southern Arizona Trip 1973 88. Evening Grosbeak 05/01/1973 Old Main 89. Common Snipe 4/21/1973 Lake Mary 90. Killdeer 4/21/1973 Lake Mary 91. Dark-eyed Junco 04/14/1973 Old Main gray-headed 92. Evening Grosbeak 04/14/1973 Old Main Evening Grosbeaks outside my window 93. Purple Finch 04/14/1973 Old Main at an earlier date 94. Dark-eyed Junco 04/01/1973 Old Main 95. Evening Grosbeak 04/01/1973 Old Main 96. Osprey 4/1/1973 Ashurst Lake Well on the way to Ashurst Lake 97. Bald Eagle 3/30/1973 Ashurst Lake 98. American Wigeon 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 99. Brewer's Blackbird 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 100. Greater Roadrunner 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 101. House Finch 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 102. Loggerhead Shrike 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 103. Mourning Dove 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 104. Northern Harrier 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 105. Spotted Sandpiper 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 106. Western Meadowlark 1/3/1973 Mesa Sewer Flats 107. American Coot 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 108. American Wigeon 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 109. Canada Goose 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 110. Curve-billed Thrasher 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 111. Gambel's Quail 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 112. Great-tailed Grackle 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 113. Green-winged Teal 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 114. Killdeer 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 115. Northern Pintail 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 116. Northern Shoveler 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 117. Pied-billed Grebe 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 118. Red-winged Blackbird 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 119. Redhead 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 120. Ring-necked Duck 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 121. Rock Dove 1/1/1973 Phoenix Zoo 122. Dark-eyed Junco 12/16/1972 Old Main Oregon Race 123. Mountain Chickadee 12/16/1972 Old Main the Mountain Chickadee grabs the snack and runs. 124. Red-breasted Nuthatch 12/16/1972 Old Main at the window. he acted a bit like the mountain chickadee in his feeding but waited longer at the station before he flew off. 125. Dark-eyed Junco 12/09/1972 Old Main Both Oregon and gray-headed races. At window sill eating snack crackers I left for them. 126. American Coot 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 127. American Wigeon 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 128. Canada Goose 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 129. Curve-billed Thrasher 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 130. Dark-eyed Junco 11/23/1972 Flagstaff Area 131. Great-tailed Grackle 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 132. Greater Roadrunner 11/23/1972 Daley Park 133. Green Heron 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 134. Green-winged Teal 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 135. Lewis's Woodpecker 11/23/1972 Daley Park May 2000 I write now: Dad and I saw this bird. He said now that's a Lewis's woodpecker. I believe it was up on a palm tree. 136. Mallard 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 137. Mountain Chickadee 11/23/1972 Flagstaff Area 138. Northern Pintail 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 139. Northern Shoveler 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 140. Red Crossbill 11/23/1972 Flagstaff Area "A whole shit-load of them." Males and females 141. Red-winged Blackbird 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 142. Redhead 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 143. Ring-necked Duck 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 144. Ringed Turtle-Dove 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 145. Western Scrub-Jay 11/23/1972 Daley Park 146. Wood Duck 11/23/1972 Phoenix Zoo 147. American Crow 11/21/1972 Flagstaff Area 148. Mountain Chickadee 11/21/1972 Flagstaff Area 149. Rock Dove 11/21/1972 Flagstaff Area 150. American Crow 11/07/1972 Generic Highway 151. Common Raven 11/07/1972 Generic Highway 152. Dark-eyed Junco 11/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 153. Hermit Thrush 11/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 154. Mountain Chickadee 11/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 155. Dark-eyed Junco 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 156. Evening Grosbeak 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 157. Mountain Chickadee 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 158. Pygmy Nuthatch 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 159. Red-naped Sapsucker 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area Mom and Dad came up. I've written "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker" here but since they've split these babies I get another life lister here. 160. Steller's Jay 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 161. Western Bluebird 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 162. White-throated Sparrow 10/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 163. Northern Flicker 9/30/1972 Flagstaff Area red-shafted flicker 164. Evening Grosbeak 9/28/1972 Flagstaff Area 165. Mountain Chickadee 9/27/1972 Flagstaff Area 166. Wilson's Warbler 9/27/1972 Flagstaff Area 167. Black-headed Grosbeak 9/25/1972 Flagstaff Area Monday Flagstaff behind women's gym on baseball diamond I saw 168. Northern Harrier 9/22/1972 Flagstaff Area "Past Snow Bowl in a field." 169. Willow Flycatcher 9/22/1972 Flagstaff Area I have this marked down as Thrail's Flycatcher in front of Old Main. Looks like they've split Traill's (correct spelling) to Alder and Willow. Willow's range is slightly closer so I'm marking him down. 170. Red-breasted Nuthatch 9/18/1972 Flagstaff Area "Caught him inside of Old Main" 171. Brewer's Blackbird 9/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 172. Mountain Chickadee 9/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 173. Brewer's Blackbird 9/11/1972 Flagstaff Area 174. Mountain Chickadee 9/11/1972 Flagstaff Area Old Main 175. Lesser Goldfinch 9/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 176. Rock Dove 9/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 177. Rufous Hummingbird 9/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 178. Steller's Jay 9/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 179. White-breasted Nuthatch 9/6/1972 Flagstaff Area 180. Hairy Woodpecker 9/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 181. Lesser Goldfinch 9/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 182. Steller's Jay 9/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 183. Rock Dove 8/28/1972 Flagstaff Area "White pigeon on Old Main roof." 184. Rufous Hummingbird 8/28/1972 Flagstaff Area 185. Black-headed Grosbeak 8/27/1972 Flagstaff Area 186. Lesser Goldfinch 8/27/1972 Flagstaff Area 187. Black-necked Stilt 6/28/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 188. Greater Yellowlegs 6/28/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 189. Killdeer 6/28/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 190. Burrowing Owl 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 191. Greater Roadrunner 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 192. Horned Lark 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 193. House Sparrow 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona "Baby English Sparrow." 194. Killdeer 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 195. Lesser Nighthawk 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 196. Loggerhead Shrike 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 197. Mourning Dove 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 198. Red-winged Blackbird 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona "Red Winged Snackbird" 199. Turkey Vulture 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 200. Western Kingbird 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 201. White-winged Dove 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona 202. Yellow-headed Blackbird 6/21/1972 Parker Arizona Actually Boyer saw these. We also found a mummified frog. 203. Burrowing Owl 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona 204. Long-billed Curlew 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona 205. Mourning Dove 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona 206. Red-winged Blackbird 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona Caught a baby red-winged blackbird. 207. Western Kingbird 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona 208. White-winged Dove 6/20/1972 Parker Arizona 209. Mourning Dove 6/19/1972 Parker Arizona 210. Red-winged Blackbird 6/19/1972 Parker Arizona Or nearby parker called them "snackbirds" 211. Yellow-headed Blackbird 6/19/1972 Parker Arizona on the way 212. Horned Lark 06/06/1972 Rainbow Valley 213. Mourning Dove 06/06/1972 Rainbow Valley and eggs and babies between cotton planets 214. Red-winged Blackbird 06/06/1972 Rainbow Valley 215. White-winged Dove 06/06/1972 Rainbow Valley 216. Western Kingbird 5/31/1972 2015 Sierra Vista wed Ate bee (?)s and flies from a wire over Cockran's farm. 217. White-winged Dove 5/31/1972 2015 Sierra Vista flew by 218. Brewer's Blackbird 5/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 219. Green-tailed Towhee 5/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 220. Wilson's Warbler 5/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 221. American Kestrel 5/16/1972 Flagstaff Area 222. Brewer's Blackbird 5/16/1972 Flagstaff Area 223. Chipping Sparrow 5/16/1972 Flagstaff Area 224. Red Crossbill 5/16/1972 Flagstaff Area Dead 225. Wilson's Warbler 5/16/1972 Flagstaff Area 226. Brewer's Blackbird 5/11/1972 Flagstaff Area 227. Chipping Sparrow 5/11/1972 Flagstaff Area South Campus 228. Rock Dove 5/11/1972 Flagstaff Area 229. Western Kingbird 5/11/1972 Flagstaff Area 230. Green-tailed Towhee 5/8/1972 Flagstaff Area Old Main 231. Western Bluebird 5/8/1972 Flagstaff Area 232. American Robin 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area 233. Black-headed Grosbeak 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area 234. California Towhee 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area Called it a Brown Towhee. 235. Chipping Sparrow 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area 236. Pine Siskin 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area 237. Wilson's Warbler 5/4/1972 Flagstaff Area 238. White-throated Sparrow 5/1/1972 Flagstaff Area 239. Brown-headed Cowbird 4/30/1972 2015 Sierra Vista wire over alley 240. MacGillivray's Warbler 4/30/1972 2015 Sierra Vista Palo Verde Tree 241. American Robin 4/28/1972 Flagstaff Area 242. Pine Siskin 4/28/1972 Flagstaff Area 243. American Crow 4/18/1972 Flagstaff Area 244. American Robin 4/18/1972 Flagstaff Area 245. Northern Flicker 4/18/1972 Flagstaff Area Tuesday Called it a red-shafted flicker. 246. Northern Mockingbird 4/18/1972 Flagstaff Area 247. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4/18/1972 Flagstaff Area 248. American Crow 4/14/1972 Flagstaff Area 249. Mourning Dove 4/14/1972 Flagstaff Area 250. Steller's Jay 4/14/1972 Flagstaff Area 251. American Robin 4/13/1972 Flagstaff Area 252. White-throated Sparrow 4/13/1972 Flagstaff Area (life lister) 253. American Kestrel 04/07/1972 Generic Highway Friday On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western) 254. Western Bluebird 04/07/1972 Generic Highway Friday On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western) 255. American Kestrel 4/7/1972 Generic Highway On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western) 256. Western Bluebird 4/7/1972 Generic Highway On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western) 257. Common Ground-Dove 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Date Approximate I now kind of doubt this identification but I've seen the bird in Dad's back yard. Jeff said he saw a snowy egret this was that Mazatlan trip we took. I saw this bird from the train window down. Remember I wore the short hair wig? 258. Crested Caracara 04/03/1972 Generic Highway We go lots of good views of this bird from the train window on the way down. 259. Magnificent Frigatebird 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Actually this was in Mazatlán México but I didn't want to make a place card for one bird. 260. White-faced Ibis 04/03/1972 Generic Highway Date Approximate Easter vacation before nogales: Audubon's warbler+coots+grebe. On the train down: Parrots a flock..glossy ibis 261. American Kestrel 03/30/1972 Generic Highway On the way home for Easter vacation we saw (Jeff and I) saw a sparrow hawk. At home we went to the zoo and saw many wild ducks. 262. Hermit Thrush 3/25/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 263. Steller's Jay 3/25/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 264. Brewer's Blackbird 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 265. Common Snipe 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 266. House Finch 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 267. Killdeer 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 268. Lesser Yellowlegs 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 269. Loggerhead Shrike 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 270. Red-winged Blackbird 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 271. White-crowned Sparrow 3/5/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 272. Inca Dove 03/04/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 273. Mourning Dove 03/04/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 274. Northern Mockingbird 03/04/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 275. Red-winged Blackbird 03/04/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 276. Yellow-headed Blackbird 03/04/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 277. Great-tailed Grackle 03/03/1972 2015 Sierra Vista 278. American Crow 3/2/1972 Flagstaff Area 279. Rock Dove 3/2/1972 Flagstaff Area 280. Steller's Jay 3/2/1972 Flagstaff Area 281. Dark-eyed Junco 2/21/1972 Flagstaff Area "Gray-headed Junco" 282. House Sparrow 2/17/1972 Flagstaff Area 283. American Crow 2/15/1972 Flagstaff Area 284. Cedar Waxwing 2/15/1972 Flagstaff Area Called them "cedar snackwings" 285. Rock Dove 2/15/1972 Flagstaff Area 286. Dark-eyed Junco 2/12/1972 Flagstaff Area Says Oregon Junco 287. Hairy Woodpecker 2/12/1972 Flagstaff Area It says downy or hairy but I'll bet it was a hairy. 288. Mountain Chickadee 2/12/1972 Flagstaff Area "Saturday Feb 12 Woody Mountain Flagstaff (outside of)" 289. Pygmy Nuthatch 2/12/1972 Flagstaff Area 290. White-breasted Nuthatch 2/12/1972 Flagstaff Area 291. Cedar Waxwing 2/11/1972 Flagstaff Area at the flagpole 292. Rock Dove 2/11/1972 Flagstaff Area On Old Main's roof 293. American Crow 02/08/1972 Flagstaff Area "In front of Old Main" 294. Cedar Waxwing 02/08/1972 Flagstaff Area "In front of Old Main" 295. Dark-eyed Junco 02/08/1972 Flagstaff Area "In front of Old Main" This was the gray-headed race. 296. Rock Dove 02/08/1972 Flagstaff Area "In front of Old Main" 297. Steller's Jay 02/08/1972 Flagstaff Area "In front of Old Main" 298. American Coot 1/22/1972 Headlight Pond 299. American Kestrel 1/22/1972 Verde River 300. American Robin 1/22/1972 Verde River 301. Brewer's Blackbird 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 302. Common Raven 1/22/1972 Verde River 303. Greater Roadrunner 1/22/1972 Verde River 304. Green Heron 1/22/1972 Headlight Pond 305. House Finch 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 306. Killdeer 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 307. Loggerhead Shrike 1/22/1972 Headlight Pond 308. Loggerhead Shrike 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 309. Northern Pintail 1/22/1972 Headlight Pond 310. Red-winged Blackbird 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 311. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1/22/1972 Verde River 312. Say's Phoebe 1/22/1972 Verde River 313. Song Sparrow 1/22/1972 Verde River 314. Western Bluebird 1/22/1972 Verde River 315. Western Meadowlark 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 316. Yellow-headed Blackbird 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 317. Yellow-rumped Warbler 1/22/1972 Mesa Sewer Flats 318. Yellow-rumped Warbler 1/22/1972 Verde River 319. Bald Eagle 1/20/1972 Lake Mary Perry Albertson and I saw a BALD EAGLE over Lake Mary Flagstaff. He was mature very high up. going about 60mph. 320. Cedar Waxwing 01/11/1972 Flagstaff Area "Many very handsome cedar waxwings by the flagpole. They ate little blue-white berries and pecked away at the big big berries in the trees. One had almost fluorescent red wing wax. 321. Cedar Waxwing 01/03/1972 Flagstaff Area "What appeared to be cedar waxwings but Jeff claims they were Bohemian waxwings. they of course were not." 322. American Coot 12/30/1971 Headlight Pond 323. Common Moorhen 12/30/1971 Headlight Pond 324. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/30/1971 Phoenix Zoo 325. Rock Wren 12/30/1971 Pima Canyon 326. American Kestrel 12/24/1971 Verde River 327. Bald Eagle 12/24/1971 Verde River 328. Belted Kingfisher 12/24/1971 Verde River 329. Black Phoebe 12/24/1971 Verde River 330. Common Raven 12/24/1971 Verde River 331. Common Snipe 12/24/1971 Verde River 332. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/24/1971 Verde River 333. Gila Woodpecker 12/24/1971 Verde River 334. Great Blue Heron 12/24/1971 Verde River 335. Harris's Hawk 12/24/1971 Verde River 336. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 12/24/1971 Verde River 337. Northern Cardinal 12/24/1971 Verde River on the way home from the river 338. Northern Flicker 12/24/1971 Verde River 339. Phainopepla 12/24/1971 Verde River 340. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 12/24/1971 Verde River 341. White-crowned Sparrow 12/24/1971 Verde River 342. American Coot 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 343. American Wigeon 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 344. Canada Goose 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo Was this the goose that bit me? 345. Common Moorhen 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 346. Green-winged Teal 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 347. Lesser Scaup 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 348. Mallard 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 349. Northern Pintail 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 350. Northern Shoveler 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 351. Redhead 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 352. Ring-necked Duck 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 353. Ruddy Duck 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 354. Wood Duck 12/18/1971 Phoenix Zoo 355. American Robin 12/15/1971 2015 Sierra Vista 356. Cedar Waxwing 12/15/1971 2015 Sierra Vista (amazing huh?) 357. Northern Flicker 12/15/1971 2015 Sierra Vista 358. Abert's Towhee 11/27/1971 Verde River 359. Common Snipe 11/27/1971 Verde River 360. Gambel's Quail 11/27/1971 Verde River 361. Gila Woodpecker 11/27/1971 Verde River 362. House Finch 11/27/1971 Verde River 363. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 11/27/1971 Verde River 364. Lincoln's Sparrow 11/27/1971 Verde River 365. Phainopepla 11/27/1971 Verde River 366. Rock Dove 11/27/1971 Verde River 367. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 11/27/1971 Verde River 368. Verdin 11/27/1971 Verde River 369. Western Bluebird 11/27/1971 Verde River 370. White-crowned Sparrow 11/27/1971 Verde River 371. Dark-eyed Junco 11/21/1971 Oak Creek Canyon Saw both gray-headed and oregon races 372. Mourning Dove 11/21/1971 Oak Creek Canyon 373. Spotted Towhee 11/21/1971 Oak Creek Canyon 374. American Crow 11/20/1971 Lake Mary 375. Mountain Bluebird 11/20/1971 Marshall Lake 376. Northern Flicker 11/20/1971 Marshall Lake 377. Pygmy Nuthatch 11/20/1971 Marshall Lake 378. Hairy Woodpecker 11/07/1971 Flagstaff Area N.A.U. A lone hairy woodpecker. 379. American Pipit 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 380. Gila Woodpecker 10/24/1971 2015 Sierra Vista 381. Great Blue Heron 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 382. Great-tailed Grackle 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 383. House Finch 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 384. Loggerhead Shrike 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 385. Long-billed Dowitcher 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 386. Mourning Dove 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 387. Northern Flicker 10/24/1971 2015 Sierra Vista 388. Northern Shoveler 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 389. Red-winged Blackbird 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 390. Western Sandpiper 10/24/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 391. Abert's Towhee 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 392. American Coot 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 393. American Coot 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 394. American Kestrel 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 395. American Pipit 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats This must be the time Dad pointed out my first water pipit? It was on a fence which is rather unusual for them. 396. American Wigeon 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 397. Black-necked Stilt 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 398. Burrowing Owl 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 399. Cinnamon Teal 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 400. Eared Grebe 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 401. Great Egret 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 402. Great-tailed Grackle 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 403. House Finch 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 404. Killdeer 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 405. Loggerhead Shrike 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 406. Loggerhead Shrike 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 407. Long-billed Dowitcher 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 408. Northern Flicker 10/23/1971 2015 Sierra Vista All day we saw mourning doves and at breakfast this morning I saw a red shafted flicker who flew up into the palm tree. 409. Northern Shoveler 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 410. Red-tailed Hawk 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 411. Red-tailed Hawk 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 412. Ring-billed Gull 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 413. Ruddy Duck 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 414. Spotted Sandpiper 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 415. Western Meadowlark 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 416. Western Sandpiper 10/23/1971 Phoenix Sewer Flats 417. White-crowned Sparrow 10/23/1971 Headlight Pond 418. American Crow 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area Out in front of Old Main 419. American Crow 10/18/1971 Old Main 420. American Robin 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area 421. Dark-eyed Junco 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area Oregon type 422. Dark-eyed Junco 10/18/1971 Old Main 423. Rock Dove 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area 424. Swainson's Thrush 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area Monday 425. Townsend's Solitaire 10/18/1971 Flagstaff Area Out in front of Old Main. 426. Townsend's Solitaire 10/18/1971 Old Main 427. Pygmy Nuthatch 10/14/1971 Flagstaff Area Place: snow bowl road outside of Flagstaff. 428. White-breasted Nuthatch 10/14/1971 Flagstaff Area Place: snow bowl road outside of Flagstaff. 429. Cedar Waxwing 10/09/1971 Flagstaff Area Saturday We looked out the window of Saga Foods cafeteria and beheld some CEDAR WAXWINGS. They ate from a berry tree (bush) round blue-black berries (big ones). Then they ate some red berries from a neighboring bush. Some of these waxwings were immatur e and I think thee were only 3 or 4 of them in all. they allowed us to get within inches of them. 430. Northern Harrier 10/09/1971 Flagstaff Area Out of town. After we saw the waxwings 431. Red-tailed Hawk 10/09/1971 Flagstaff Area Later after we saw the waxwings. Out of town. 432. Steller's Jay 10/09/1971 Flagstaff Area Out of town after we saw the waxwings. 433. Red-tailed Hawk 10/03/1971 Oak Creek Canyon 434. Wild Turkey 10/03/1971 Oak Creek Canyon Only his foot! 435. Mountain Bluebird 09/26/1971 Flagstaff Area Sunday That's all except we went to the Northern Arizona Museum and saw lots of STUFFED Birds. The next sunday we went to Oak Creek and found a dead Redtail eaten except for feathers and one foot. P.S. it turned out to be a turkey!! 436. Mountain Bluebird 09/17/1971 Flagstaff Area This is oustside of flagstaff actually. 437. Red-tailed Hawk 09/17/1971 Flagstaff Area 438. Sharp-shinned Hawk 09/17/1971 Flagstaff Area This is oustside of flagstaff actually. poles they flew each to each Not any snow on the mountain. 439. American Crow 9/9/1971 Lake Mary 440. Lesser Nighthawk 09/09/1971 Flagstaff Area 441. Yellow-rumped Warbler 09/09/1971 Flagstaff Area 442. Black-necked Stilt 8/27/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats "27th of August Birthday Black neck stilts. Steve got hot and thirsty remember? Mesa Sewer flats I'm 20 years old." 443. American Crow 08/17/1971 Grand Canyon 444. White-throated Swift 08/17/1971 Grand Canyon 445. American Avocet 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 446. Black-necked Stilt 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 447. Killdeer 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 448. Least Sandpiper 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 449. Long-billed Dowitcher 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 450. Wilson's Phalarope 8/16/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 451. American Avocet 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 452. Black-necked Stilt 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 453. Killdeer 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 454. Least Sandpiper 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 455. Loggerhead Shrike 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 456. Long-billed Dowitcher 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 457. Spotted Sandpiper 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 458. Wilson's Phalarope 8/15/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 459. Abert's Towhee 8/8/1971 Cotton Fields Safford Arizona 460. Blue Grosbeak 8/8/1971 Cotton Fields Safford Arizona 461. Rufous Hummingbird 8/8/1971 Cotton Fields Safford Arizona I also remember seeing the rufous many times elsewhere like to the west in Arizona during my job as a cotton rouger. I recall them so very well and have often commented that they looked like flaming flourescent orange puffs of yarn as they raced by. Th Their screaming red throats accented their bright rufous feathers. 462. Swainson's Hawk 8/8/1971 Cotton Fields Safford Arizona 463. Greater Roadrunner 8/8/1971 Cotton Fields Safford Arizona 464. American Kestrel 8/4/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson 465. Burrowing Owl 8/4/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson Wednesday Owls in cotton fields. 466. Greater Roadrunner 8/4/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson 467. White-winged Dove 8/3/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson Tuesday "I caught a white wing dove. They have a long beak. And blue azure (redundant) eyelids. 468. Burrowing Owl 8/2/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson 469. Greater Roadrunner 8/2/1971 Cotton Fields Tucson 470. American Kestrel 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona On top of a telephone pole 471. Horned Lark 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 472. House Sparrow 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona "Baby sparrows in crotch of eucalyptus tree. Clear sparkling water with deep greens" (a small canal) 473. Mourning Dove 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona Babies between cotton plant 474. Tree Swallow 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona "Flew by with a shiny BLUE BACK." That's what I wrote but it should be green if it's a tree swallow. Perhaps it was a barn swallow. But wait. They are kind of blue. So this is a good sighting. 475. Turkey Vulture 7/30/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 476. Mourning Dove 7/29/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 477. Red-winged Blackbird 7/29/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 478. Turkey Vulture 7/29/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 479. Brewer's Blackbird 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona "billion member flock" 480. Gambel's Quail 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 481. Horned Lark 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 482. Red-winged Blackbird 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 483. Turkey Vulture 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 484. Western Meadowlark 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 485. White-winged Dove 7/28/1971 Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona 486. Gambel's Quail 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 487. Generic Swift 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 488. Horned Lark 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 489. Killdeer 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona appeared to be a killdeer flying overhead and it screeched. 490. Lesser Nighthawk 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 491. Red-winged Blackbird 7/22/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 492. Gambel's Quail 7/21/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 493. Mourning Dove 7/21/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona Newly hatched 494. Red-tailed Hawk 7/21/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona Hawk's prey in tree all bloody. 495. Red-winged Blackbird 7/21/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 496. Bullock's Oriole 7/20/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 497. Gambel's Quail 7/20/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 498. Bullock's Oriole 7/15/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 499. Lesser Nighthawk 7/15/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona It's April 20 2014 now and I have at last changed this. Cornell caught me when I submitted COMMON instead of LESSER. 500. Verdin 7/15/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 501. Western Tanager 7/15/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 502. Verdin 7/14/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 503. Western Kingbird 7/14/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona "and they didn't like us." 504. European Starling 7/13/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona A baby one. 505. Western Kingbird 7/13/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona A baby one. (White outer tail feathers) 506. Yellow-headed Blackbird 7/13/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona "swell" 507. Horned Lark 7/12/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona 508. Yellow-headed Blackbird 7/12/1971 Cotton Fields Salome Arizona "a score or two" "They're wonderful." 509. Horned Lark 6/24/1971 Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona 510. Mourning Dove 6/24/1971 Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona Babies in the nest in the field too. Saw 'em yesterday too. 511. Red-winged Blackbird 6/24/1971 Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona 512. White-winged Dove 6/24/1971 Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona "scores of them" 513. Common Grackle 6/15/1971 Maine Trip 1971 514. Green Heron 6/15/1971 Maine Trip 1971 515. Piping Plover 6/15/1971 Maine Trip 1971 Feigning injury (broken wing act) 516. Red-winged Blackbird 6/15/1971 Maine Trip 1971 "Which I failed to mention are common throughout this trip" 517. Yellow Warbler 6/15/1971 Maine Trip 1971 518. American Black Duck 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 With young. I guess they were in the ocean. 519. American Woodcock 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 This one came thundering out of the brush and fooled me. I chased it but Dad stayed still and pointed out the young woodcocks that it was leading me away from. They were strange-looking. 520. Baltimore Oriole 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 521. Belted Kingfisher 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 522. Black-crowned Night-Heron 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 523. Common Yellowthroat 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 524. Field Sparrow 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 Dad identified this one. It ate a caterpillar. 5/9/2001 remark: It was in the habitat that is described in the book. Old field with scattered saplings. I remember it so clearly. Near Ronnie Ryan's house. 525. Green Heron 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 "In the morning father pointed out a nice Green Heron. It was very exciting." 526. Tree Swallow 6/14/1971 Maine Trip 1971 527. Blue Jay 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 528. Cliff Swallow 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 529. Common Grackle 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 530. Common Tern 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 531. Gray Catbird 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 532. Great Black-backed Gull 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 533. Herring Gull 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 534. Killdeer 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 535. Least Tern 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 536. Piping Plover 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 I DIDN'T WRITE IT DOWN BUT I REMEMBER DAD SHOWING ME THIS BIRD AND SAYING "THAT'S A PIPING PLOVER." IT WAS OUT ON THE SANDY FLATS AS I RECALL. 537. Red-winged Blackbird 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 538. Song Sparrow 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 This was the time I saw the baby seal. 539. Tree Swallow 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 540. Yellow Warbler 6/13/1971 Maine Trip 1971 541. Green Heron 6/12/1971 Maine Trip 1971 542. Belted Kingfisher 6/10/1971 Maine Trip 1971 543. Black-capped Chickadee 06/09/1971 Vermont This is by Grandma Cole's house. Middlebury Vermont 544. Blue Jay 06/09/1971 Vermont 545. Bobolink 06/09/1971 Vermont This is by Grandma Cole's house. Middlebury Vermont. 546. Common Yellowthroat 06/09/1971 Vermont 547. Dark-eyed Junco 06/09/1971 Vermont 548. Eastern Meadowlark 06/09/1971 Vermont 549. Osprey 06/09/1971 Vermont 550. Rose-breasted Grosbeak 06/09/1971 Vermont 551. Whip-poor-will 06/09/1971 Vermont 552. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 06/09/1971 Vermont 553. Baltimore Oriole 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 554. Barn Swallow 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 555. Belted Kingfisher 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 556. Chimney Swift 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 557. Common Grackle 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 558. Eastern Bluebird 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 559. Red-winged Blackbird 6/3/1971 Maine Trip 1971 560. Mallard 6/2/1971 New York on 1971 Trip 561. Scarlet Tanager 6/1/1971 Missouri on 1971 Trip 562. Common Nighthawk 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip 563. Eastern Meadowlark 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip 564. Horned Lark 5/31/1971 Generic Texas 565. Horned Lark 5/31/1971 Texas on 1971 Trip 566. Mississippi Kite 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip I'm entering this late -- actually on feb 16 2003. I think it was in OK that we saw these up on the wires as we drove. Dad said "The more I think of it the more I think those were Mississippi Kites." They surely were by the way. It's now Aug 26, 2020 and I see why I entered this date. The notebook has scissor-tails and other birds in Texas and Oklahoma and that's when and where the Miss Kite was seen. It wasn't written down though. 567. Swainson's Hawk 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip 568. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip Adding this from the notebook Sept 30, 2020. Seems to be OKlahoma. 569. Western Meadowlark 5/31/1971 Oklahoma on 1971 Trip 570. Common Raven 5/16/1971 Verde River 571. Cooper's Hawk 5/16/1971 Verde River 572. Gambel's Quail 5/16/1971 Verde River 573. Gila Woodpecker 5/16/1971 Verde River 574. Great Blue Heron 5/16/1971 Verde River 575. Great-tailed Grackle 5/16/1971 Verde River 576. Harris's Hawk 5/16/1971 Verde River 577. House Sparrow 5/16/1971 Verde River 578. Lucy's Warbler 5/16/1971 Verde River 579. MacGillivray's Warbler 5/16/1971 Verde River 580. Phainopepla 5/16/1971 Verde River 581. Red-winged Blackbird 5/16/1971 Verde River 582. Rock Dove 5/16/1971 Verde River 583. Summer Tanager 5/16/1971 Verde River 584. Turkey Vulture 5/16/1971 Verde River 585. Verdin 5/16/1971 Verde River 586. Western Kingbird 5/16/1971 Verde River 587. Wilson's Warbler 5/16/1971 Verde River 588. Yellow Warbler 5/11/1971 2015 Sierra Vista Right out through the window while I was drinking coffee. A real life lister. This was in the tree in the front yard. I remember this as if it were yesterday! I wrote "Yellow warbler in palo verde of front lawn in the morning." and I drew a picture of a coffee cup. 589. Great-tailed Grackle 4/30/1971 2015 Sierra Vista 590. Verdin 4/30/1971 2015 Sierra Vista In the cactus garden. 591. Black-necked Stilt 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats But I couldn't see them very well. 592. Brewer's Blackbird 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 593. European Starling 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 594. Great-tailed Grackle 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 595. Killdeer 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 596. Lark Sparrow 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 597. Least Sandpiper 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 598. Long-billed Dowitcher 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 599. Northern Mockingbird 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 600. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 601. Semipalmated Plover 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 602. Tree Swallow 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 603. Turkey Vulture 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 604. Western Kingbird 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 605. Western Sandpiper 4/25/1971 Mesa Sewer Flats 606. American Coot 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 607. American Kestrel 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 608. Bald Eagle 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 609. Black-crowned Night-Heron 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 610. Blue-winged Teal 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 611. Brewer's Sparrow 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond I remember this being a very nondescript thing. 612. Cassin's Kingbird 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 613. Cliff Swallow 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 614. Gambel's Quail 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 615. Great-tailed Grackle 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 616. Greater Roadrunner 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 617. Green-tailed Towhee 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 618. House Sparrow 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 619. Inca Dove 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 620. Mourning Dove 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 621. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 622. Rock Dove 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 623. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 624. Western Meadowlark 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 625. White-crowned Sparrow 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 626. Yellow-headed Blackbird 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 627. Yellow-rumped Warbler 4/17/1971 Headlight Pond 628. Lark Bunting 4/14/1971 Generic Place Anywhere FIRST NOTE BOOK. "Several day s before Day #1 (Which was April 17 1971) I saw lark buntings with Sidney (I think). Mark Gregory read this entry to me out of my notebook the FIRST notebook and it wasn't in my data base. Now it is. 629. Black Vulture 08/14/1963 Generic Highway Mom wrote: " .. we drove three hours before pulling into Acapulco. Shortly before we got there we hit a large buzzard luckily not through the windshield but it knocked off our windshield wiper." How well I remember this. Steve and I went out and found t he poor creature still alive. It hissed at us. It was very sad. |