BIRD NOTEBOOK 1971-1972

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Here are a zillion notebooks (Just covers of Wild Birds I Have Known)
Pictures of the Mazatlan records are at the bottom of this page.

Bird Notebook 1971-72 02.JPG



Lark Bunting    4/14/1971    Generic Place Anywhere    FIRST NOTE BOOK. "Several day s before Day #1 (Which was April 17 1971) I saw lark buntings with Sidney (I think). Mark Gregory read this entry to me out of my notebook the FIRST notebook and it wasn't in my data base. Now it is.
American Coot    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
American Kestrel    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Bald Eagle    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Black-crowned Night-Heron    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Blue-winged Teal    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Brewer's Sparrow    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond    I remember this being a very nondescript thing.
Cassin's Kingbird    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Cliff Swallow    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Gambel's Quail    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Great-tailed Grackle    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Greater Roadrunner    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Green-tailed Towhee    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
House Sparrow    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Inca Dove    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Mourning Dove    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Rock Dove    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Western Meadowlark    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
White-crowned Sparrow    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Yellow-headed Blackbird    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler    4/17/1971    Headlight Pond
Black-necked Stilt    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats    But I couldn't see them very well.
Brewer's Blackbird    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
European Starling    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Great-tailed Grackle    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Lark Sparrow    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Least Sandpiper    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Long-billed Dowitcher    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Northern Mockingbird    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Semipalmated Plover    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Tree Swallow    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Turkey Vulture    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Western Kingbird    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Western Sandpiper    4/25/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Great-tailed Grackle    4/30/1971    2015 Sierra Vista
Verdin    4/30/1971    2015 Sierra Vista    In the cactus garden.
Yellow Warbler    5/11/1971    2015 Sierra Vista    Right out through the window while I was drinking coffee. A real life lister. This was in the tree in the front yard. I remember this as if it were yesterday!  I wrote "Yellow warbler in palo verde of front lawn in the morning." and I drew a picture of a coffee cup.
Common Raven    5/16/1971    Verde River
Cooper's Hawk    5/16/1971    Verde River
Gambel's Quail    5/16/1971    Verde River
Gila Woodpecker    5/16/1971    Verde River
Great Blue Heron    5/16/1971    Verde River
Great-tailed Grackle    5/16/1971    Verde River
Harris's Hawk    5/16/1971    Verde River
House Sparrow    5/16/1971    Verde River
Lucy's Warbler    5/16/1971    Verde River
MacGillivray's Warbler    5/16/1971    Verde River
Phainopepla    5/16/1971    Verde River
Red-winged Blackbird    5/16/1971    Verde River
Rock Dove    5/16/1971    Verde River
Summer Tanager    5/16/1971    Verde River
Turkey Vulture    5/16/1971    Verde River
Verdin    5/16/1971    Verde River
Western Kingbird    5/16/1971    Verde River
Wilson's Warbler    5/16/1971    Verde River
Horned Lark    5/31/1971    Generic Texas
Common Nighthawk    5/31/1971    Oklahoma on 1971 Trip
Eastern Meadowlark    5/31/1971    Oklahoma on 1971 Trip
Mississippi Kite    5/31/1971    Oklahoma on 1971 Trip    I'm entering this late -- actually on feb 16 2003. I think it was in OK that we saw these up on the wires as we drove. Dad said "The more I think of it the more I think those were Mississippi Kites." They surely were by the way.
Swainson's Hawk    5/31/1971    Oklahoma on 1971 Trip
Western Meadowlark    5/31/1971    Oklahoma on 1971 Trip
Horned Lark    5/31/1971    Texas on 1971 Trip
Scarlet Tanager    6/1/1971    Missouri on 1971 Trip
Mallard    6/2/1971    New York on 1971 Trip
Baltimore Oriole    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Barn Swallow    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Belted Kingfisher    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Chimney Swift    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Common Grackle    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Eastern Bluebird    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Red-winged Blackbird    6/3/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Black-capped Chickadee    06/09/1971    Vermont    This is by Grandma Cole's house. Middlebury Vermont
Blue Jay    06/09/1971    Vermont
Bobolink    06/09/1971    Vermont    This is by Grandma Cole's house. Middlebury Vermont.
Common Yellowthroat    06/09/1971    Vermont
Dark-eyed Junco    06/09/1971    Vermont
Eastern Meadowlark    06/09/1971    Vermont
Osprey    06/09/1971    Vermont
Rose-breasted Grosbeak    06/09/1971    Vermont
Whip-poor-will    06/09/1971    Vermont
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker    06/09/1971    Vermont
Belted Kingfisher    6/10/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Green Heron    6/12/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Blue Jay    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Cliff Swallow    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Common Grackle    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Common Tern    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Gray Catbird    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Great Black-backed Gull    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Herring Gull    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Killdeer    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Least Tern    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Red-winged Blackbird    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Song Sparrow    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971    This was the time I saw the baby seal.
Tree Swallow    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Yellow Warbler    6/13/1971    Maine Trip 1971
American Black Duck    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971    With young. I guess they were in the ocean.
American Woodcock    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971    This one came thundering out of the brush and fooled me. I chased it but Dad stayed still and pointed out the young woodcocks that it was leading me away from. They were strange-looking.
Baltimore Oriole    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Belted Kingfisher    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Black-crowned Night-Heron    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Common Yellowthroat    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Field Sparrow    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971    Dad identified this one. It ate a caterpillar. 5/9/2001 remark: It was in the habitat that is described in the book. Old field with scattered saplings. I remember it so clearly. Near Ronnie Ryan's house.
Green Heron    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971    "In the morning father pointed out a nice Green Heron. It was very exciting."
Tree Swallow    6/14/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Common Grackle    6/15/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Green Heron    6/15/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Piping Plover    6/15/1971    Maine Trip 1971    Feigning injury (broken wing act)
Red-winged Blackbird    6/15/1971    Maine Trip 1971    "Which I failed to mention are common throughout this trip"
Yellow Warbler    6/15/1971    Maine Trip 1971
Horned Lark    6/24/1971    Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona
Mourning Dove    6/24/1971    Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona    Babies in the nest in the field too. Saw 'em yesterday too.
Red-winged Blackbird    6/24/1971    Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona
White-winged Dove    6/24/1971    Cotton Fields Unknown Arizona    "scores of them"
Horned Lark    7/12/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Yellow-headed Blackbird    7/12/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    "a score or two" "They're wonderful."
European Starling    7/13/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    A baby one.
Western Kingbird    7/13/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    A baby one. (White outer tail feathers)
Yellow-headed Blackbird    7/13/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    "swell"
Verdin    7/14/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Western Kingbird    7/14/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    "and they didn't like us."
Bullock's Oriole    7/15/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Lesser Nighthawk    7/15/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    It's April 20 2014 now and I have at last changed this. Cornell caught me when I submitted COMMON instead of LESSER.
Verdin    7/15/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Western Tanager    7/15/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Bullock's Oriole    7/20/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Gambel's Quail    7/20/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Gambel's Quail    7/21/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Mourning Dove    7/21/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    Newly hatched
Red-tailed Hawk    7/21/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    Hawk's prey in tree all bloody.
Red-winged Blackbird    7/21/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Gambel's Quail    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Generic Swift    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Horned Lark    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Killdeer    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona    appeared to be a killdeer flying overhead and it screeched.
Lesser Nighthawk    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    7/22/1971    Cotton Fields Salome Arizona
Brewer's Blackbird    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona    "billion member flock"
Gambel's Quail    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Horned Lark    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Turkey Vulture    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Western Meadowlark    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
White-winged Dove    7/28/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Mourning Dove    7/29/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    7/29/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Turkey Vulture    7/29/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
American Kestrel    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona    On top of a telephone pole
Horned Lark    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
House Sparrow    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona    "Baby sparrows in crotch of eucalyptus tree. Clear sparkling water with deep greens" (a small canal)
Mourning Dove    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona    Babies between cotton plant
Tree Swallow    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona    "Flew by with a shiny BLUE BACK." That's what I wrote but it should be green if it's a tree swallow. Perhaps it was a barn swallow. But wait. They are kind of blue. So this is a good sighting.
Turkey Vulture    7/30/1971    Cotton Fields Wickenburg Arizona
Burrowing Owl    8/2/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson
Greater Roadrunner    8/2/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson
White-winged Dove    8/3/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson    Tuesday "I caught a white wing dove. They have a long beak. And blue azure (redundant) eyelids.
American Kestrel    8/4/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson
Burrowing Owl    8/4/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson    Wednesday Owls in cotton fields.
Greater Roadrunner    8/4/1971    Cotton Fields Tucson
Abert's Towhee    8/8/1971    Cotton Fields Safford Arizona
Blue Grosbeak    8/8/1971    Cotton Fields Safford Arizona
Rufous Hummingbird    8/8/1971    Cotton Fields Safford Arizona    I also remember seeing the rufous many times elsewhere like to the west in Arizona during my job as a cotton rouger. I recall them so very well and have often commented that they looked like flaming flourescent orange puffs of yarn as they raced by. Th Their screaming red throats accented their bright rufous feathers.
Swainson's Hawk    8/8/1971    Cotton Fields Safford Arizona
American Avocet    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Black-necked Stilt    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Least Sandpiper    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Long-billed Dowitcher    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Spotted Sandpiper    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Wilson's Phalarope    8/15/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
American Avocet    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Black-necked Stilt    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Least Sandpiper    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Long-billed Dowitcher    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Wilson's Phalarope    8/16/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
American Crow    08/17/1971    Grand Canyon
White-throated Swift    08/17/1971    Grand Canyon
Black-necked Stilt    8/27/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats    "27th of August Birthday  Black neck stilts. Steve got hot and thirsty remember? Mesa Sewer flats I'm 20 years old."
Lesser Nighthawk    09/09/1971    Flagstaff Area
Yellow-rumped Warbler    09/09/1971    Flagstaff Area
American Crow    9/9/1971    Lake Mary
Mountain Bluebird    09/17/1971    Flagstaff Area    This is oustside of flagstaff actually.
Red-tailed Hawk    09/17/1971    Flagstaff Area
Sharp-shinned Hawk    09/17/1971    Flagstaff Area    This is oustside of flagstaff actually.  poles they flew each to each  Not any snow on the mountain.
Mountain Bluebird    09/26/1971    Flagstaff Area    Sunday   That's all except we went to the Northern Arizona Museum and saw lots of STUFFED Birds. The next sunday we went to Oak Creek and found a dead Redtail eaten except for feathers and one foot. P.S. it turned out to be a turkey!!
Red-tailed Hawk    10/03/1971    Oak Creek Canyon
Wild Turkey    10/03/1971    Oak Creek Canyon    Only his foot!
Cedar Waxwing    10/09/1971    Flagstaff Area    Saturday  We looked out the window of Saga Foods cafeteria and beheld some CEDAR WAXWINGS. They ate from a berry tree (bush) round blue-black berries (big ones). Then they ate some red berries from a neighboring bush. Some of these waxwings were immatur e and I think thee were only 3 or 4 of them in all. they allowed us to get within inches of them.
Northern Harrier    10/09/1971    Flagstaff Area    Out of town. After we saw the waxwings
Red-tailed Hawk    10/09/1971    Flagstaff Area    Later after we saw the waxwings.  Out of town.
Steller's Jay    10/09/1971    Flagstaff Area    Out of town after we saw the waxwings.
Pygmy Nuthatch    10/14/1971    Flagstaff Area    Place: snow bowl road outside of Flagstaff.
White-breasted Nuthatch    10/14/1971    Flagstaff Area    Place: snow bowl road outside of Flagstaff.
American Crow    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area    Out in front of Old Main
American Robin    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area
Dark-eyed Junco    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area    Oregon type
Rock Dove    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area
Swainson's Thrush    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area    Monday
Townsend's Solitaire    10/18/1971    Flagstaff Area    Out in front of Old Main.
American Crow    10/18/1971    Old Main
Dark-eyed Junco    10/18/1971    Old Main
Townsend's Solitaire    10/18/1971    Old Main
Northern Flicker    10/23/1971    2015 Sierra Vista    All day we saw mourning doves and at breakfast this morning I saw a red shafted flicker who flew up into the palm tree.
Abert's Towhee    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
American Coot    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
Great-tailed Grackle    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
Loggerhead Shrike    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
Red-tailed Hawk    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
White-crowned Sparrow    10/23/1971    Headlight Pond
American Coot    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
American Kestrel    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
American Pipit    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats    This must be the time Dad pointed out my first water pipit? It was on a fence which is rather unusual for them.
American Wigeon    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Black-necked Stilt    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Burrowing Owl    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Cinnamon Teal    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Eared Grebe    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Great Egret    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
House Finch    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Killdeer    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Long-billed Dowitcher    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Northern Shoveler    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Red-tailed Hawk    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Ring-billed Gull    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Ruddy Duck    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Spotted Sandpiper    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Western Meadowlark    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Western Sandpiper    10/23/1971    Phoenix Sewer Flats
Gila Woodpecker    10/24/1971    2015 Sierra Vista
Northern Flicker    10/24/1971    2015 Sierra Vista
American Pipit    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Great Blue Heron    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Great-tailed Grackle    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
House Finch    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Long-billed Dowitcher    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Mourning Dove    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Northern Shoveler    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Red-winged Blackbird    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Western Sandpiper    10/24/1971    Mesa Sewer Flats
Hairy Woodpecker    11/07/1971    Flagstaff Area    N.A.U. A lone hairy woodpecker.
American Crow    11/20/1971    Lake Mary
Mountain Bluebird    11/20/1971    Marshall Lake
Northern Flicker    11/20/1971    Marshall Lake
Pygmy Nuthatch    11/20/1971    Marshall Lake
Dark-eyed Junco    11/21/1971    Oak Creek Canyon    Saw both gray-headed and oregon races
Mourning Dove    11/21/1971    Oak Creek Canyon
Spotted Towhee    11/21/1971    Oak Creek Canyon
Abert's Towhee    11/27/1971    Verde River
Common Snipe    11/27/1971    Verde River
Gambel's Quail    11/27/1971    Verde River
Gila Woodpecker    11/27/1971    Verde River
House Finch    11/27/1971    Verde River
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    11/27/1971    Verde River
Lincoln's Sparrow    11/27/1971    Verde River
Phainopepla    11/27/1971    Verde River
Rock Dove    11/27/1971    Verde River
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    11/27/1971    Verde River
Verdin    11/27/1971    Verde River
Western Bluebird    11/27/1971    Verde River
White-crowned Sparrow    11/27/1971    Verde River
American Robin    12/15/1971    2015 Sierra Vista
Cedar Waxwing    12/15/1971    2015 Sierra Vista    (amazing huh?)
Northern Flicker    12/15/1971    2015 Sierra Vista
American Coot    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
American Wigeon    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Canada Goose    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo    Was this the goose that bit me?
Common Moorhen    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Green-winged Teal    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Lesser Scaup    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Mallard    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Pintail    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Shoveler    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Redhead    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Ring-necked Duck    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Ruddy Duck    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Wood Duck    12/18/1971    Phoenix Zoo
American Kestrel    12/24/1971    Verde River
Bald Eagle    12/24/1971    Verde River
Belted Kingfisher    12/24/1971    Verde River
Black Phoebe    12/24/1971    Verde River
Common Raven    12/24/1971    Verde River
Common Snipe    12/24/1971    Verde River
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/24/1971    Verde River
Gila Woodpecker    12/24/1971    Verde River
Great Blue Heron    12/24/1971    Verde River
Harris's Hawk    12/24/1971    Verde River
Ladder-backed Woodpecker    12/24/1971    Verde River
Northern Cardinal    12/24/1971    Verde River    on the way home from the river
Northern Flicker    12/24/1971    Verde River
Phainopepla    12/24/1971    Verde River
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    12/24/1971    Verde River
White-crowned Sparrow    12/24/1971    Verde River
American Coot    12/30/1971    Headlight Pond
Common Moorhen    12/30/1971    Headlight Pond
Curve-billed Thrasher    12/30/1971    Phoenix Zoo
Rock Wren    12/30/1971    Pima Canyon
Cedar Waxwing    01/03/1972    Flagstaff Area    "What appeared to be cedar waxwings but Jeff claims they were Bohemian waxwings. they of course were not."
Cedar Waxwing    01/11/1972    Flagstaff Area    "Many very handsome cedar waxwings by the flagpole. They ate little blue-white berries and pecked away at the big big berries in the trees. One had almost fluorescent red wing wax.
Bald Eagle    1/20/1972    Lake Mary    Perry Albertson and I saw a BALD EAGLE over Lake Mary Flagstaff. He was mature very high up. going about 60mph.
American Coot    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Green Heron    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Loggerhead Shrike    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Northern Pintail    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Brewer's Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
House Finch    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Red-winged Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Western Meadowlark    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Yellow-headed Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Yellow-rumped Warbler    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
American Kestrel    1/22/1972    Verde River
American Robin    1/22/1972    Verde River
Common Raven    1/22/1972    Verde River
Greater Roadrunner    1/22/1972    Verde River
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    1/22/1972    Verde River
Say's Phoebe    1/22/1972    Verde River
Song Sparrow    1/22/1972    Verde River
Western Bluebird    1/22/1972    Verde River
Yellow-rumped Warbler    1/22/1972    Verde River
American Crow    02/08/1972    Flagstaff Area    "In front of Old Main"
Cedar Waxwing    02/08/1972    Flagstaff Area    "In front of Old Main"
Dark-eyed Junco    02/08/1972    Flagstaff Area    "In front of Old Main" This was the gray-headed race.
Rock Dove    02/08/1972    Flagstaff Area    "In front of Old Main"
Steller's Jay    02/08/1972    Flagstaff Area    "In front of Old Main"
Cedar Waxwing    2/11/1972    Flagstaff Area    at the flagpole
Rock Dove    2/11/1972    Flagstaff Area    On Old Main's roof
Dark-eyed Junco    2/12/1972    Flagstaff Area    Says Oregon Junco
Hairy Woodpecker    2/12/1972    Flagstaff Area    It says downy or hairy but I'll bet it was a hairy.
Mountain Chickadee    2/12/1972    Flagstaff Area    "Saturday Feb 12 Woody Mountain Flagstaff (outside of)"
Pygmy Nuthatch    2/12/1972    Flagstaff Area
White-breasted Nuthatch    2/12/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Crow    2/15/1972    Flagstaff Area
Cedar Waxwing    2/15/1972    Flagstaff Area    Called them "cedar snackwings"
Rock Dove    2/15/1972    Flagstaff Area
House Sparrow    2/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Dark-eyed Junco    2/21/1972    Flagstaff Area    "Gray-headed Junco"
American Crow    3/2/1972    Flagstaff Area
Rock Dove    3/2/1972    Flagstaff Area
Steller's Jay    3/2/1972    Flagstaff Area
Great-tailed Grackle    03/03/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Inca Dove    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Mourning Dove    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Northern Mockingbird    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Red-winged Blackbird    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Yellow-headed Blackbird    03/04/1972    2015 Sierra Vista
Brewer's Blackbird    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Common Snipe    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
House Finch    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Lesser Yellowlegs    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Red-winged Blackbird    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
White-crowned Sparrow    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Hermit Thrush    3/25/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Steller's Jay    3/25/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
American Kestrel    03/30/1972    Generic Highway    On the way home for Easter vacation we saw (Jeff and I) saw a sparrow hawk. At home we went to the zoo and saw many wild ducks.
Common Ground-Dove    04/03/1972    Generic Highway    Date Approximate I now kind of doubt this identification but I've seen the bird in Dad's back yard. Jeff said he saw a snowy egret this was that Mazatlan trip we took. I saw this bird from the train window down.  Remember I wore the short hair wig?
Crested Caracara    04/03/1972    Generic Highway    We go lots of good views of this bird from the train window on the way down.
Magnificent Frigatebird    04/03/1972    Generic Highway    Actually this was in Mazatlán México but I didn't want to make a place card for one bird.
White-faced Ibis    04/03/1972    Generic Highway    Date Approximate  Easter vacation before nogales: Audubon's warbler+coots+grebe. On the train down: Parrots a flock..glossy ibis
American Kestrel    04/07/1972    Generic Highway    Friday  On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western)
Western Bluebird    04/07/1972    Generic Highway    Friday  On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western)
American Kestrel    4/7/1972    Generic Highway    On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western)
Western Bluebird    4/7/1972    Generic Highway    On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western)
American Robin    4/13/1972    Flagstaff Area
White-throated Sparrow    4/13/1972    Flagstaff Area    (life lister)
American Crow    4/14/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mourning Dove    4/14/1972    Flagstaff Area
Steller's Jay    4/14/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Crow    4/18/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Robin    4/18/1972    Flagstaff Area
Northern Flicker    4/18/1972    Flagstaff Area    Tuesday Called it a red-shafted flicker.
Northern Mockingbird    4/18/1972    Flagstaff Area
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    4/18/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Robin    4/28/1972    Flagstaff Area
Pine Siskin    4/28/1972    Flagstaff Area
Brown-headed Cowbird    4/30/1972    2015 Sierra Vista    wire over alley
MacGillivray's Warbler    4/30/1972    2015 Sierra Vista    Palo Verde Tree
White-throated Sparrow    5/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Robin    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area
Black-headed Grosbeak    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area
California Towhee    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area    Called it a Brown Towhee.
Chipping Sparrow    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area
Pine Siskin    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area
Wilson's Warbler    5/4/1972    Flagstaff Area
Green-tailed Towhee    5/8/1972    Flagstaff Area    Old Main
Western Bluebird    5/8/1972    Flagstaff Area
Brewer's Blackbird    5/11/1972    Flagstaff Area
Chipping Sparrow    5/11/1972    Flagstaff Area    South Campus
Rock Dove    5/11/1972    Flagstaff Area
Western Kingbird    5/11/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Kestrel    5/16/1972    Flagstaff Area
Brewer's Blackbird    5/16/1972    Flagstaff Area
Chipping Sparrow    5/16/1972    Flagstaff Area
Red Crossbill    5/16/1972    Flagstaff Area    Dead
Wilson's Warbler    5/16/1972    Flagstaff Area
Brewer's Blackbird    5/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Green-tailed Towhee    5/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Wilson's Warbler    5/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Western Kingbird    5/31/1972    2015 Sierra Vista    wed Ate bee (?)s and flies from a wire over Cockran's farm.
White-winged Dove    5/31/1972    2015 Sierra Vista    flew by
Horned Lark    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
Mourning Dove    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley    and eggs and babies between cotton planets
Red-winged Blackbird    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
White-winged Dove    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
Mourning Dove    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona    Or nearby parker  called them "snackbirds"
Yellow-headed Blackbird    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona    on the way
Burrowing Owl    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Long-billed Curlew    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Mourning Dove    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona    Caught a baby red-winged blackbird.
Western Kingbird    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
White-winged Dove    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Burrowing Owl    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Greater Roadrunner    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Horned Lark    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
House Sparrow    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    "Baby English Sparrow."
Killdeer    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Lesser Nighthawk    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Loggerhead Shrike    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Mourning Dove    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    "Red Winged Snackbird"
Turkey Vulture    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Western Kingbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
White-winged Dove    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Yellow-headed Blackbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    Actually Boyer saw these. We also found a mummified frog.
Black-necked Stilt    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Greater Yellowlegs    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Black-headed Grosbeak    8/27/1972    Flagstaff Area
Lesser Goldfinch    8/27/1972    Flagstaff Area
Rock Dove    8/28/1972    Flagstaff Area    "White pigeon on Old Main roof."
Rufous Hummingbird    8/28/1972    Flagstaff Area
Hairy Woodpecker    9/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Lesser Goldfinch    9/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Steller's Jay    9/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Lesser Goldfinch    9/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Rock Dove    9/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Rufous Hummingbird    9/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Steller's Jay    9/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
White-breasted Nuthatch    9/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Brewer's Blackbird    9/11/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    9/11/1972    Flagstaff Area    Old Main
Brewer's Blackbird    9/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    9/17/1972    Flagstaff Area
Red-breasted Nuthatch    9/18/1972    Flagstaff Area    "Caught him inside of Old Main"
Northern Harrier    9/22/1972    Flagstaff Area    "Past Snow Bowl in a field."
Willow Flycatcher    9/22/1972    Flagstaff Area    I have this marked down as Thrail's Flycatcher in front of Old Main. Looks like they've split Traill's (correct spelling) to Alder and Willow. Willow's range is slightly closer so I'm marking him down.
Black-headed Grosbeak    9/25/1972    Flagstaff Area    Monday Flagstaff behind women's gym on baseball diamond I saw
Mountain Chickadee    9/27/1972    Flagstaff Area
Wilson's Warbler    9/27/1972    Flagstaff Area
Evening Grosbeak    9/28/1972    Flagstaff Area
Northern Flicker    9/30/1972    Flagstaff Area    red-shafted flicker
Dark-eyed Junco    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Evening Grosbeak    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Pygmy Nuthatch    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Red-naped Sapsucker    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area    Mom and Dad came up.  I've written "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker" here but since they've split these babies I get another life lister here.
Steller's Jay    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Western Bluebird    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
White-throated Sparrow    10/1/1972    Flagstaff Area
Dark-eyed Junco    11/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Hermit Thrush    11/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    11/6/1972    Flagstaff Area
American Crow    11/07/1972    Generic Highway
Common Raven    11/07/1972    Generic Highway
American Crow    11/21/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    11/21/1972    Flagstaff Area
Rock Dove    11/21/1972    Flagstaff Area
Greater Roadrunner    11/23/1972    Daley Park
Lewis's Woodpecker    11/23/1972    Daley Park    May 2000 I write now: Dad and I saw this bird. He said now that's a Lewis's woodpecker. I believe it was up on a palm tree.
Western Scrub-Jay    11/23/1972    Daley Park
Dark-eyed Junco    11/23/1972    Flagstaff Area
Mountain Chickadee    11/23/1972    Flagstaff Area
Red Crossbill    11/23/1972    Flagstaff Area    "A whole shit-load of them." Males and females
American Coot    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
American Wigeon    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Canada Goose    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Great-tailed Grackle    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Green Heron    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Green-winged Teal    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Mallard    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Pintail    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Shoveler    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Red-winged Blackbird    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Redhead    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Ring-necked Duck    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Ringed Turtle-Dove    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Wood Duck    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Dark-eyed Junco    12/09/1972    Old Main    Both Oregon and gray-headed races. At window sill eating snack crackers I left for them.
Dark-eyed Junco    12/16/1972    Old Main    Oregon Race
Mountain Chickadee    12/16/1972    Old Main    the Mountain Chickadee grabs the snack and runs.
Red-breasted Nuthatch    12/16/1972    Old Main    at the window. he acted a bit like the mountain chickadee in his feeding but waited longer at the station before he flew off.
American Kestrel    04/07/1972    Generic Highway    Friday  On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western)
Western Bluebird    04/07/1972    Generic Highway    Friday  On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Cooliage) and some bluebirds (western)
American Kestrel    4/7/1972    Generic Highway    On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western)
Western Bluebird    4/7/1972    Generic Highway    On the way home on a bus from Tucson I saw sparrow hawks hovering (outside of Coolidge and some bluebirds (western)
American Crow    11/07/1972    Generic Highway
Common Raven    11/07/1972    Generic Highway
American Coot    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Green Heron    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Loggerhead Shrike    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Northern Pintail    1/22/1972    Headlight Pond
Bald Eagle    1/20/1972    Lake Mary    Perry Albertson and I saw a BALD EAGLE over Lake Mary Flagstaff. He was mature very high up. going about 60mph.
Brewer's Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
House Finch    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Red-winged Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Western Meadowlark    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Yellow-headed Blackbird    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Yellow-rumped Warbler    1/22/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Brewer's Blackbird    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Common Snipe    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
House Finch    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Lesser Yellowlegs    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Loggerhead Shrike    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Red-winged Blackbird    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
White-crowned Sparrow    3/5/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Hermit Thrush    3/25/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Steller's Jay    3/25/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Black-necked Stilt    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Greater Yellowlegs    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Killdeer    6/28/1972    Mesa Sewer Flats
Dark-eyed Junco    12/09/1972    Old Main    Both Oregon and gray-headed races. At window sill eating snack crackers I left for them.
Dark-eyed Junco    12/16/1972    Old Main    Oregon Race
Mountain Chickadee    12/16/1972    Old Main    the Mountain Chickadee grabs the snack and runs.
Red-breasted Nuthatch    12/16/1972    Old Main    at the window. he acted a bit like the mountain chickadee in his feeding but waited longer at the station before he flew off.
Mourning Dove    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona    Or nearby parker  called them "snackbirds"
Yellow-headed Blackbird    6/19/1972    Parker Arizona    on the way
Burrowing Owl    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Long-billed Curlew    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Mourning Dove    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona    Caught a baby red-winged blackbird.
Western Kingbird    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
White-winged Dove    6/20/1972    Parker Arizona
Burrowing Owl    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Greater Roadrunner    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Horned Lark    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
House Sparrow    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    "Baby English Sparrow."
Killdeer    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Lesser Nighthawk    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Loggerhead Shrike    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Mourning Dove    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Red-winged Blackbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    "Red Winged Snackbird"
Turkey Vulture    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Western Kingbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
White-winged Dove    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona
Yellow-headed Blackbird    6/21/1972    Parker Arizona    Actually Boyer saw these. We also found a mummified frog.
American Coot    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
American Wigeon    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Canada Goose    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Curve-billed Thrasher    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Great-tailed Grackle    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Green Heron    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Green-winged Teal    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Mallard    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Pintail    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Northern Shoveler    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Red-winged Blackbird    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Redhead    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Ring-necked Duck    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Ringed Turtle-Dove    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Wood Duck    11/23/1972    Phoenix Zoo
Horned Lark    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
Mourning Dove    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley    and eggs and babies between cotton planets
Red-winged Blackbird    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
White-winged Dove    06/06/1972    Rainbow Valley
American Kestrel    1/22/1972    Verde River
American Robin    1/22/1972    Verde River
Common Raven    1/22/1972    Verde River
Greater Roadrunner    1/22/1972    Verde River
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    1/22/1972    Verde River
Say's Phoebe    1/22/1972    Verde River
Song Sparrow    1/22/1972    Verde River
Western Bluebird    1/22/1972    Verde River
Yellow-rumped Warbler    1/22/1972    Verde River


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Jeff and Steve Mazatlan 1972.jpg

Jeff and Tom Matzatlan Mexico 1972.jpg

Tom and Jeff Mazatlan 1972 b.jpg