When I was nineteen I wrote a letter to Asimov's friend, John W. Campbell, Editor of Analog Magazine. Campbell wrote an angry letter back to me. Years after Campbell's death I thought of the letter and mailed it to Asimov, who responded with this card.
asimovletterfromme.jpg Asimov Obit Found in The Relativity of Wrong.jpg
Here's the editorial I responded to.
Here's what I
wrote to Campbell
19, 1989 Monday
I really felt hung over on Monday-- but I had to work. I put the postcard from Asimov on Wendy Vicen's typewriter, and said don't damage that. I walked into the other room and in a few minutes she screamed "Hey, this is from Isaac Asimov!" I was bloated with well-deserved pride. We called Jeff in the evening and talked for about an hour. |
When I was nineteen I wrote a letter to Asimov's friend, John W. Campbell, Editor of Analog Magazine. Campbell wrote an angry letter back to me. Years after Campbell's death I thought of the letter and mailed it to Asimov, who responded with this card.
Here's the editorial I responded to.
It was unfortunate that CAMPBELL wrote me such a letter as I really enjoyed his novels.
Read Campbell's truculent reply.
Read what I wrote to Campbell. (scanned letter page 1)Read what I wrote to Campbell. (scanned letter page 2)Read what I wrote to Campbell. (scanned letter page 3)
Read what I Asimov wrote to me. (scanned postcard)
15. La tarjeta postal
Me siento muy orgulloso de tener en casa una tarjeta postal escrita por uno de los escritores de ciencia y ciencia ficción más famosos del mundo, Isaac Asimov. Él escribió más de 500 libros y por lo menos una tarjeta postal (la que escribió y que me envió a mí).
Cuando yo tenía diecinueve años leí un editorial por John W. Campbell, un escritor y editor de una bien conocida revista de ciencia/ciencia ficción que se llama Analog. Yo no estaba de acuerdo con lo que decía y le escribí una carta en la que le expliqué por qué. Creía que posiblemente publicaría lo que había escrito en la sección de cartas en la revista. Para sorpresa mía, me envió una carta brusca y enojada de cuatro páginas. Entonces se murió de un ataque de corazón a la edad de sesenta y uno.
Mis amigos se burlaban de mí, diciendo que yo lo había asesinado, pero sabía muy bien que mi carta no tenía que ver nada con su muerte; él fumaba como una chimenea.
De todos modos, pasaron veinte años y me enteré de que Asimov era un gran amigo de Campbell y le envié las copias de la correspondencia. Felizmente, Asimov estaba de acuerdo conmigo y me escribió:
13 de junio de 1989
Querido Señor Cole,
No me extraña que Campbell le irritara. Me irritaba constantemente. Creo que intentaba desempeñar el papel de Sócrates como provocador y yo nunca estaba seguro de que hablara en serio de sus creencias ridículas. Sé que en muchas ocasiones locamente quisiera haber tenido una taza de cicuta a la mano, para él, por supuesto.
Isaac Asimov
15. The Postcard
I feel very proud to have at home a postcard written by one of the most famous writers of science and science fiction, Isaac Asimov. He wrote over 500 books and at least one postcard—the one he wrote and sent to me.
When I was nineteen, I read an editorial by John W. Campbell, a writer and editor of a well-known science/science fiction magazine called Analog. I didn't agree with what he had said and I wrote him a letter in which I told him why. I thought that he might possibly publish what I had written in the letters section of the magazine. To my surprise, he sent me a four-page, blunt and angry letter. Then he died of a heart attack at the age of sixty-one.
My friends teased me saying that I had murdered him, but I knew very well that my letter had nothing to do with his death; he smoked like a chimney.
At any rate, twenty years passed by and I learned that Asimov was a great friend of
Campbell and I sent him copies of the correspondence. Happily, Asimov agreed with me and wrote:
13 June 1989
Dear Mr. Cole,
I don’t blame you for being irritated with Campbell; he irritated me constantly. I think he saw himself as fulfilling Socrates’ function as gadfly and could never figure out how serious he was in some of his ridiculous notions. I do know that there were times when I feverishly wished I had a cup of hemlock handy -- for him, of course.
Isaac Asimov
INTRODUCTION TO MY TENTH BILINGUAL MEMOIR UNNAMED FOR NOWAl empezar ésta, mi décimo autobiografía bilingüe, me dije que muy probablemente sería la última. Creía que me quedaría satisfecho ya que diez es un número par y también el mismo número de dedos que tengo. Hoy, sin embargo, me vino a la mente las palabras que dijo Isaac Asimov en la introducción de uno de sus libros de ensayos sobre la ciencia. Si no mal me acuerdo escribió lo siguiente:Introducción
Sé que no voy a vivir para siempre y que algún día el último ensayo habrá sido escrito, pero al pasar a mejor vida, salvo a mi esposa e hija, no habrá nada que voy a echar de menos más que la oportunidad de escribir estos ensayos para siempre.
Así que creo que he cambiado de idea.
También he escrito sobre esta citación en el capítulo once, "Su alegría de escribir" en mi libro Todavía verdes están mis recuerdos.
When I started this, my tenth bilingual autobiography, I told myself that it very well could be my last. I thought I just might be satisfied since ten is an even number and also the same number of fingers that I have. Today, however, the words that Isaac Asimov said in the introduction to one of his books of essays on science came to mind. If I remember correctly he wrote the following:
I know that I won't live forever and one day the last essay will have been written, but when I leave this world, except for my wife and daughter, there will be nothing that I'll miss more than the opportunity to write these essays forever!
Una de las enormes autobiografías de Isaac Asimov lleva el nombre de un poema que escribió: In Memory Yet Green. Pensé que el título era tan bueno que casi no podía resistir la tentación de robárselo y usarlo yo mismo. No se puede registrar un título con derechos de autor, pero todavía creía que servirme del suyo se desviaría de la bondad y, por lo tanto, a regañadientes le presento, querido lector, mi sustituto, el título actual que, aunque no es del todo original, no es un plagio al por mayor. De alguna manera, rinde homenaje a Asimov. En mi opinión, el título de otra de mis memorias The Grass on the Hill Grows Green casi se acerca al de Asimov y esto me consuela.
So I believe I've changed my mind.
I 've also written about this citation in Chapter Eleven, "His Joy of Writing" in my book Still Green Are My Memories.
One of Isaac Asimov’s enormous autobiographies bears the name of a poem he wrote: In Memory Yet Green. I thought the title was so good that it was all I could do to keep from stealing it and using it myself. You can’t copyright a title, but I still felt that helping myself to his would stray from goodness and so it is with reluctance that I present you, dear reader, with my substitution, the current title, which while not entirely original is nonetheless not a wholesale plagiarism. It also pays tribute in a way to Asimov. It is my opinion that the title of another of my memoirs The Grass on the Hill Grows Green almost closes in on Asimov’s and I find solace in that.