1. Ash-throated Flycatcher    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
2. Barn Swallow    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
3. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
4. Blue Grosbeak    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
5. Brown-headed Cowbird    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
6. Cassin's Kingbird    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
7. Chipping Sparrow    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
8. Common Ground-Dove    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
9. Curve-billed Thrasher    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
10. Gila Woodpecker    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
11. Great Blue Heron    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
12. House Finch    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
13. House Sparrow    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
14. Lark Sparrow    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
15. Lazuli Bunting    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
16. Lesser Goldfinch    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
17. Loggerhead Shrike    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
18. Mourning Dove    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
19. Rufous Hummingbird    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
20. Swainson's Hawk    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
21. Verdin    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
22. Western Wood-Pewee    08/08/2007    San Pedro River
23. White-winged Dove    08/08/2007    San Pedro River

San Pedro River 08/08/2007 I drove in from Bisbee and it was an easy drive here. Where was that wonderful bed and breakfast that I stayed at? I can't remember the name. It had a pretty name, a family name plus house or something. Ah, Oliver House. The nuts played loud music and I wound up storming around with my temper and slamming the door until they turned it off. At night, there were gunshots right in the yard out my window. At least they sounded like that. They woke me up twice. Otherwise it was a nice place. I got up and split before anyone was up. I didn't need the continental breakfast and I was a little ashamed at slamming my door, but they should have known better -- especially after I had warned the guy that I didn't want to heard any of that music. I wanted to sleep. Puto. At the SAN PEDRO RIVER, I walked a long way. No green kingfisher, however. Beautiful cottonwoods. The river is 140 miles long and is the only undammed river in the state that flows free and wild. Very muddy. I had been in Bisbie and I stayed in the Hampton House or what was it?

I was also bitchy at the Mexican restaurant in Bisbie 'cause they messed up my order. As I recall and it's March 3, 2022 now.

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