White Tennis Shoes.html
1. Generic No Bird 12/25/1982 Flagstaff House
2. Abert's Towhee 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
3. American Wigeon 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
4. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
5. Gadwall 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
6. Great Blue Heron 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
7. Greater Yellowlegs 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
8. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
9. Northern Pintail 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
10. Northern Shoveler 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
11. Orange-crowned Warbler 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
12. Peregrine Falcon 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
13. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
14. Ruddy Duck 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
15. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
16. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/1998 Elliot and Cooper Roads
17. American Crow 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
18. American Robin 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
19. Belted Kingfisher 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas Pond by her house. Now wasn't this the one she was so proud to have quickly identified? Ja?
20. Blue Jay 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
21. Cedar Waxwing 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
22. Dark-eyed Junco 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
23. House Sparrow 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
24. Lesser Scaup 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
25. Mallard 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
26. Northern Flicker 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
27. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
28. Northern Shoveler 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
29. Pied-billed Grebe 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
30. Red-bellied Woodpecker 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
31. Ring-billed Gull 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
32. Rock Dove 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
33. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
34. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/1999 Wendy's Neighborhood in Dallas
35. Peregrine Falcon 12/25/2001 Elliot and Cooper Roads
36. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2001 Elliot and Cooper Roads
37. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2001 Elliot and Cooper Roads
38. Golden Eagle 12/25/2001 McQueen and Elliot Roads
39. Prairie Falcon 12/25/2001 McQueen and Elliot Roads
40. American Pipit 12/25/2002 Elliot and Cooper Roads on the road and on the mud
41. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
42. American Coot 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
43. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
44. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
45. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads TWO OF THEM ON THE CANAL ROAD.
46. Gadwall 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
47. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
48. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
49. House Finch 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
50. Inca Dove 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
51. Killdeer 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
52. Least Sandpiper 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
53. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
54. Mallard 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
55. Mourning Dove 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
56. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
57. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
58. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
59. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2003 Elliot and Cooper Roads
60. Cactus Wren 12/25/2004 Generic Highway Why Arizona on Christmas morning. The store was closed but we went there and Noodles took a leak.
61. Common Raven 12/25/2004 Generic Highway At Why Arizona.
62. House Sparrow 12/25/2004 Generic Highway AT Why Arizona in the early morning.
63. Mourning Dove 12/25/2004 Generic Highway CLOUDS OF THEM -- CLOUDS! Between Pete's Corner and Maricopa. I had to slow down or I'd kill them all.
64. Turkey Vulture 12/25/2005 Elliot and Cooper Roads Soaring over the site.
65. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2005 Elliot and Cooper Roads
66. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2005 Elliot and Cooper Roads
67. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
68. American Coot 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
69. American Pipit 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads OH WE saw a number of these. I was looking at the grassy dry pond and there they were. Yellowish. Great views. Jeff agreed.
70. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
71. Canada Goose 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
72. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
73. European Starling 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
74. Great Blue Heron 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
75. Great Egret 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
76. Greater Yellowlegs 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
77. Green Heron 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
78. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
79. Harris's Sparrow 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
80. Hooded Merganser 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads In the pond near the restrooms. MALE AND FEMALE. WHAT A VIEW. I TOOK PICTURES. WE THOUGHT BUFFLEHEAD AT FIRST FOR SOME REASON.
81. House Sparrow 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
82. Killdeer 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
83. Loggerhead Shrike 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
84. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
85. Mallard 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
86. Mourning Dove 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
87. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
88. Northern Pintail 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
89. Pied-billed Grebe 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
90. Red-winged Blackbird 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
91. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
92. Rock Dove 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
93. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
94. Semipalmated Plover 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
95. Snowy Egret 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
96. Verdin 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
97. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
98. Yellow-headed Blackbird 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
99. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2006 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
100. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
101. Gadwall 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
102. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
103. House Finch 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
104. Killdeer 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
105. Mourning Dove 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
106. Northern Harrier 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
107. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
108. Northern Pintail 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
109. Verdin 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
110. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
111. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2008 Elliot and Cooper Roads
112. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
113. American Kestrel 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
114. American Wigeon 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
115. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
116. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
117. European Starling 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
118. Gadwall 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
119. Gambel's Quail 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
120. Gila Woodpecker 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
121. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
122. Greater Yellowlegs 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
123. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
124. House Finch 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
125. Inca Dove 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
126. Killdeer 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
127. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
128. Mallard 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
129. Mourning Dove 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
130. Northern Pintail 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
131. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
132. Rock Dove 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
133. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
134. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2009 Elliot and Cooper Roads
135. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
136. American Avocet 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
137. American Coot 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
138. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
139. Black-crowned Night-Heron 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
140. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
141. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
142. Canada Goose 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
143. Chipping Sparrow 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
144. Common Moorhen 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
145. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
146. Double-crested Cormorant 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
147. European Starling 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
148. Great Blue Heron 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
149. Great Egret 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
150. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
151. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
152. House Finch 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
153. House Sparrow 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
154. Inca Dove 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
155. Killdeer 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
156. Lesser Scaup 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
157. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
158. Mallard 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
159. Neotropic Cormorant 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
160. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
161. Northern Pintail 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
162. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
163. Peach-faced Love Bird 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
164. Pied-billed Grebe 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
165. Red-winged Blackbird 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
166. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
167. Snowy Egret 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
168. Verdin 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
169. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
170. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2009 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
171. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
172. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
173. Gadwall 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
174. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
175. House Sparrow 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
176. Mallard 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
177. Mourning Dove 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
178. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
179. Northern Pintail 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
180. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
181. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
182. Verdin 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
183. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2010 Elliot and Cooper Roads
184. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
185. American Coot 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
186. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
187. Black Phoebe 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
188. Canada Goose 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
189. Common Snipe 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
190. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
191. Dunlin 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads Those two were still there.
192. Great Blue Heron 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
193. Great Egret 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
194. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
195. Green Heron 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
196. House Finch 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
197. House Sparrow 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
198. Inca Dove 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
199. Least Sandpiper 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
200. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
201. Mallard 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
202. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
203. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
204. Peach-faced Love Bird 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
205. Pied-billed Grebe 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
206. Red-tailed Hawk 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads very dark phase
207. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
208. Ruddy Ground-Dove 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads Took pictures. There were at least two birds.
209. Snowy Egret 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
210. Song Sparrow 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
211. Turkey Vulture 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
212. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads
213. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
214. American Coot 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
215. American Wigeon 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
216. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
217. Cooper's Hawk 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads immature streaked thing. Flew by the SW Tree in the corner of pond nine. He flew over the pond over ducks and coots and they did nothing.
218. Gadwall 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
219. Gambel's Quail 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
220. Gila Woodpecker 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
221. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
222. House Finch 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
223. House Sparrow 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
224. Mallard 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
225. Mourning Dove 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
226. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
227. Northern Pintail 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
228. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
229. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
230. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
231. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
232. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads
233. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
234. American Coot 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
235. American Wigeon 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
236. Black Phoebe 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
237. European Starling 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
238. Gadwall 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
239. Gambel's Quail 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
240. Generic Bird 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER I THOUGHT However it seemed to have a wing bar thus RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET/hutton's vireo?
241. Gila Woodpecker 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
242. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
243. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
244. House Finch 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
245. Inca Dove 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
246. Killdeer 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
247. Least Sandpiper 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
248. Mallard 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
249. Mourning Dove 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
250. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
251. Northern Pintail 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
252. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
253. Verdin 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
254. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
255. White-winged Dove 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads CHRISTMAS DAY WHITE-WING OUT OF SEASON
256. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2012 Elliot and Cooper Roads
257. Generic No Bird 12/25/2014 Generic Place Anywhere CHRISTMAS DAY Steve's House
258. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2016 Sun Lakes On the way to the bar walking. He peeped. I didn't go to Elliot and Cooper Roads for Xmas Christmas. Should have. Forgot. Anyhow the bar was open although at first it seemed so dark that I didn't think it was.
259. Generic No Bird 12/25/2017 Sun Lakes Christmas Day
260. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes Rez Pond He was ALL alone. No others there and not even a killdeer.
261. American Kestrel 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle
262. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes West Rez
263. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle
264. Red-tailed Hawk 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes Flying over near Player Drive
265. Mourning Dove 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes With other birds Christmas Morning in Wayne's back yard. I think he put out food.
266. Eurasian Collared Dove 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes With other birds Christmas Morning in Wayne's back yard. I think he put out food.
267. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2018 Sun Lakes With other birds Christmas Morning in Wayne's back yard. I think he put out food.
268. Long-billed Dowitcher 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads In pond ten there
269. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
270. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
271. Northern Pintail 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
272. Green-winged Teal 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
273. Gadwall 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
274. Mallard 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
275. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
276. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
277. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
278. Spotted Sandpiper 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
279. Greater Yellowlegs 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
280. Verdin 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
281. American Coot 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
282. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads I think
283. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2019 Elliot and Cooper Roads
284. Eared Grebe 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes Rez Pond He was the only bird in the water.
285. Turkey Vulture 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes On the shore of Rez Pond dining on a fish.
286. Least Sandpiper 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes Two on the shore of Rez Pond
287. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes Between Rez Pond and Mysterious Puddle
288. Verdin 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes Between Rez Pond and Mysterious Puddle
289. Rock Dove 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes cooing two on a room on Player Drive
290. Eurasian Collared Dove 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes
291. Gila Woodpecker 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes
292. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2019 Sun Lakes Two on the shore of Rez Pond
293. Great Egret 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
294. White-crowned Sparrow 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
295. Eurasian Collared Dove 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
296. Canada Goose 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
297. Killdeer 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
298. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
299. Gila Woodpecker 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
300. Northern Mockingbird 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
301. Mallard 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes flying over
302. Say's Phoebe 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
303. Abert's Towhee 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle with Sally, Sonny, and Steve
304. Red-tailed Hawk 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle
305. Great-tailed Grackle 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle
306. Double-Crested Cormorant 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes Rez Pond We looked from the other side of the fence
307. Mourning Dove 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
308. Inca Dove 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes
309. House Sparrow 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes at my house
310. Ruddy Duck 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes My Pond
311. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes My Pond
312. Lesser Scaup 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes My Pond
313. American Coot 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes My Pond
314. Curve-billed Thrasher 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes My Pond
315. Savannah Sparrow 12/25/2020 Sun Lakes Mysterious Puddle
316. Hooded Merganser 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond more than one.
317. Snowy Egret 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond
318. Great Blue Heron 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes BIG ONE NWPond
319. Green Heron 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond
320. Ring-necked Duck 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes I guess they didn't die in that die-off. NWPond
321. American Wigeon 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond
322. Double-Crested Cormorant 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond
323. Generic Duck 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes That huge Indian Runner NWPond
324. Black-necked Stilt 12/25/2021 Sun Lakes NWPond
325. House Finch 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
326. American Wigeon 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
327. Northern Pintail 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
328. Mallard 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
329. Northern Shoveler 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
330. Anna's Hummingbird 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
331. Mourning Dove 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
332. Verdin 12/25/2023 Elliot and Cooper Roads
XMAS 2020 REPEATS OFTEN! Christmas 2020 (5).jpg Christmas 2020 (9).jpg Christmas 2020 (2).jpg Christmas 2020 (10).jpg Christmas 2020.jpg Antlers on My Toyota Dec 20, 2020.jpg Christmas 2020 (11).jpg Christmas 2020 (3).jpg HHH_Dainty Steve Mom 1983 Christmasxmas.jpg Kids eating the poor slaughtered pig Cholula Mexico 1974.jpg zzx. Mom Dad Christmas 1988 I guess mariposa courtxmas.jpg Sonny Christmas 2003.JPG Sonny Christmas 2003a.JPG Sonny Christmas 2003b.JPG Sonny Christmas 2003c.JPG Sonny Christmas 2003d.JPG Sonny with Santaxmas.jpg Bill and Betsy and Leo Ryan Botswana Poster Christmas Card b.jpg Leo Ryan Christmas Post Card from Botswana FRONT COVERxmas.jpg Leo Ryan Christmas Post Card from Botswanaxmas.jpg Lacey's 2016 Christmas Cardxmas.jpg Feliz Navidog Noodlesxmas.jpg J_Christmas at Mottecks' Mom Dad Dancingxmas.jpg CHRISTMAS AT OUR HOUSE IN MEXICO Randall Paul Christmas Time out West letter Oct 12 1995xmas.jpg George C Scott a Christmas Carol.jpg Amy Christopher Sally Don Mike Xmas 1982.jpg December 23..jpg FESTIVUS Steve Davy Tom Xmas 1982.jpg Chris Mooney Xmas Card.jpg zzy. Jeff Dad Mom Tom Christmas 1988 I guess mariposa court.jpg Xmas Card Bill and Tami Butler Bill Butler b.jpg Xmas Card Bill and Tami Butler Bill Butler a.jpg zze. Dad Sherry Steve Mom Jeff Tom Mariposa Ct xmas 1988.jpg Cold
Weather at Sun Lakes white christmas saguaroSMALL.jpg Christmas Hat Buys Tom Dec 23, 2022.jpg antlers
and nose on my
Skull Christmas 2022.jpeg Skull Christmas 2022 No
Note.jpeg TWENTY-FIVE LIKES FOR THE STEER SKULL CAP SO FAR! Christmas Steer Skull Popular Post.jpg Tom Photo by Sonny Taqueria la Casita Dec 24, 2022b.jpeg Tom Photo by Sonny
Taqueria la Casita Dec 24, 2022b.jpeg
BIG coffee cup Steve gave me Christmas 2022b.jpeg BIG coffee cup Steve gave me Christmas 2022c.jpeg I WAS SO EXCITED. UNFORTUNATELY MY GIMPY HANDS CAN'T LIFT IT COMFORTABLY. I ASKED STEVE IF I COULD HAVE THIS SO IT WASN'T A SPECIAL GIFT SO NO HURT FEELINGS. Joe Biden Christmas Greeting 2022.jpg Donald Trump Mad Christmas Greeting 2022.jpg NO, it is I who hate him the most, the depraved, child rpist, cop-killing, can't-read-a-paragraph-of-English, moron, sicko, pervert. Jeff Jan 2019 1554 beer my back yard saguaro.jpg Saguaro Snowman christmas and Lulu.jpg pidge feed xmas near 2023b.jpg Jeff pidge feed xmas 2023.jpg Pidge Feed Page Saguaro Snowman Sun Lakes dec 14, 2019.jpg |
Green Notebook Christmas 1981a.jpg Green Notebook Christmas, 1981.jpg Green Notebook Christmas.jpg Christmas 2016 Cis and Milt Sullivan.jpg xmas coffee cup.jpg December 2020 Mysterious Puddle.jpg Christmas 2020 (1).jpg EIGHT JUDE, DON'T MAKE IT BAD December 2020 (1).jpg Christmas 2020 (6).jpg Christmas 2020 (7).jpg Christmas 2020 (8).jpg December 2020.jpg Christmas 2020 (4).jpg December 2020 (2).jpg Xmas Note From Dadxmas.jpg Arizona Snowman Dec 11, 2020.jpg Christmas at Borderlands Bar Saguaros Dec 22 2019.jpg Saguaros XmasGuitar2000xmas.jpg Pete and Tom Christmas 1973 I thinkxmas.jpg steve and tom christmasxmas.jpg Kate's Christmas Letterxmas.jpg Tom's Christmas Card1xmas.jpg Tom's Christmas Card2xmas.jpg Tom's Christmas Card1.jpg Tom's Christmas Card2.jpg Christmas Mrs. Wells 6th grade class.JPG.jpg 1962 November EE_Christmas 1983 in Flagstaff.jpg THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A CHRISTMAS CARD, BUT IT WAS SENT DURING THE HOLIDAYS! John Dole's Solstice Greeting Card.jpg THE AXIAL TILT IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON baseball cap skoal cap copenhagen cap Christmas steve mom tom don wendy jeff.jpg Sonny Christmas Day 2020.jpg Sonny and Steve Christmas Day 2020.jpg Sally Christmas Day 2020 c.jpg Sally Christmas Day 2020 c.jpg Sally Christmas Day 2020 b.jpg Christmas Day Sally's rental car 8 Jude 2020 a.jpg Sally Christmas Day 2020 a.jpg Christmas Day 2020 a.jpg Sally's old Christmas Card that we looked at xmas 2020 b.jpg Sally's old Christmas Card that we looked at xmas 2020 a.jpg Sonny Dec 24, 2022.jpeg Sonny and Charlie Dec 24 2022.jpeg Sonny Dec 24, 2022b.jpeg Sonny Dec 24, 2022c.jpeg Saguaro Villas Lane Christmas Day 2022.jpeg OMG! They cut down the palm tree we planted 41 years ago! Are they mad?? HERE IT IS JUSRT BACK IN APRIL AND LOTS OF PICTURES ON THE Villas Lane.html site Villas Lane April 2, 2022.jpeg (3).jpeg Villas Lane April 2, 2022.jpeg.jpeg Villas Lane April 2, 2022.jpeg (7).jpeg I THINK I FORGOT TO TAKE A FODOE AT ELLIOT AND COOPER ROADS. I WENT THERE TOO! SHOOT! Tom Christmas hat 2023.jpg CHRISTMAS BIRDS