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Meetups.html GOOGLE SEARCH MY SITE! Search Site by Topic If 2020 had background music, THIS would be it. ALL THINGS MYSTERIOUS... ![]() ![]() January 6th.jpg TIM MINCHIN SIDNEY ORCHESTRA FUCK THE MOTHERFUCKING POPE |
The Kalam cosmological argument from idiocy
1 Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
(And a Natural cause too?) (Name one thing and its cause.) You can't. There's no abracadabra moment when something begins to exist. Its parts existed and the parts slowly reorganized into, say, and apple. When did the apple begin to exist? IT DIDN'T. There's no begin to exist; there's only continuous examples of rearrangement. AND A CAUSE? Christ! d There are endless causes for every bit of continuing change.
2 The universe began to exist.
Did it? Support this silly bald and baseless assertion.
3 Therefore, the universe has a cause.
What was the cause of the cause?
Near death experiences are not even experiences--they're DREAMS. Anecdotal evidence is USELESS as evidence for extraordinary claims. I met my college roommate last week. OK. I met the ghost of Elvis last week. NO. But outta body experiences though anecdotal aren't even evidence; they're DREAMS and dreams are dictionary defined as UNREAL. At least my friend didn't say he DREAMED he met the ghost of Elvis.
What he MOSTLY said (70 times) was the threat of his fiery eternal torture chamber. He never shuts his unbrushed gob about it EVER. I don't know why atheists do this No True Scotsman fallacy and pretend to love the wuddle baby Jesus who doesn't come to argue with a jot or tittle of the ghastly old law with all its slavery and sanctioned murder and who also comes with a sword and waving a flaming tree limb. There's no torment of the dead in scripture before the arrival of firebrand-wielding Jesus Meek and Mild and inventor of Hell. If I thought torture boy Jesus were so lovely, I'd join a Christian page.
Please come by as I am preparing your favorite dish--cow flops on a bed of ranch dressing. I know you're going to want SECONDS along with the contents of every cat litter box in town, so I'm preparing THAT for your personal culinary delight as well. Desert will be your usual dog dew pellets on crispy pork scrotal bags with a side of delicious monkey snot. Oh, when I see your reply in notifications I'll block you with it UNREAD. How's that's my dog dew dinner guest? I can hear the joyful lip smacking already. ¡Buen provecho!
Please come by as I am preparing a special dish--cow flops on a bed of ranch dressing. I know you’ll appreciate that I’ll be serving SECONDS along with the contents of every cat litter box in town for everyone's personal culinary delight as well. Dessert will be the usual dog dew pellets on crispy pork scrotal bags with a side of delicious monkey snot. ¡Buen Provechito!
You got faith too is a tu quoque fallacy and a lie. Faith and faith are HOMOPHONES like lie and lie and left and left and right and right and son and sun. You love Jesus because you moved to Arizona because you love the Son. Street use of faith means confidence because of evidence. Religious faith is believing with no evidence. It's also a terrible argument. You ain't got nothing better than I do: worthless faith.
According to the new set of data, 28% of Americans classify themselves as "nones," 17% of whom identify as atheist, 20% as agnostic and 63% as "nothing in particular." Most "nones" said they were raised to be religious, and the majority were raised in Christian households.Jan 24, 2024
More than 1 in 4 U.S. adults identify as religious "nones," new ...
CBS News › U.S.
I personally hate the word agnostic as it causes nothing but confusion. It was coined by Thomas Huxley, Darwin's Bulldog as his bolt hole. Basic logic demands that one be either A or Not A. You can only be a theist or an atheist; you either believe or you don't. Period. But the word agnostic makes people think there is a middle ground. There isn't. You can't be a non-dog owner who sort of kind of actually HAS a dog. A or Not A. All agnostics are atheists; in fact, most atheists are agnostic atheists. Some atheists contend that god doesn't exist and they have acquired a burden of proof for something that may not be falsifiable. Agnostics don't believe, and if you don't believe, you match the very definition of an atheist. Agnostics are NOT theists and the only other thing they can be is not A: atheist.
In the history of the human race there has never been a shred of credible evidence for anything supernatural: ghosts, magic, gods and goddesses, fairies, sprites, pixies, water walkin', levitation, mind reading, fortune telling. Only ANECDOTAL evidence which is utterly worthless for extraordinary claims: "I met the ghost of Elvis yesterday." Where's his autograph? Where's your selfie with him? Never any evidence only a useless claim. The most worthless of ALL anecdotal evidence is DREAMS—mislabeled as "experiences." They are dictionary-defined as imaginary, unreal. And dreams when people are at death's door, oxygen deprived, and stuffed full of hallucinogenic pain drugs?
Boyd's Bear Carvings The problem is that magic is not even a CANDIDATE explanation. In the history of mankind there has never been a shred of credible evidence showing that anything supernatural even MIGHT exist. Ghosts, magic, gods and goddesses, fairies, pixies, water walking, mind reading... We'd know the date in history that that happened. Have a shred of credible evidence for ANY of those things? Go get your Nobel prize. Evolution is as established a fact as the earth's orbiting the sun and saying it isn't is just stubborn ignorance and saying it was magic gives thinking people the chills. It's shocking to hear otherwise normal people present a MAGIC-wielding DUDE who creates stuff (apparently including himself) outta nothing as a possible explanation. Even magic-believing Catholics accept evolution. They'd look silly if they didn't. Creation implies a thinking, magical, SUPERNATURAL agent-dude who can't even possibly be a candidate explanation. No scientist claims to know how abiogenesis took place. That's not evolution; it's the origin of life. No one knows except those who say it was a magic DUDE done it, and it's a conversation so shockingly silly and creepy it's not worth having.
The usual IGNORANT lie. The ONLY people dumb enough to say something can come outta nothing are THEISTS. The ONLY ones and they somehow weirdly also argue tht something CAN'T come out of nothing which rules God right out of existence because if ANYTHING came out of nothing, it's HIM. And the first thing HE does is start creating stuff outta nothin'. He creates light and the earth outta nothing and on the FOURTH day creates the sun and stars. The sun? Sounds like the FIRST day to me, but what do I and the neighbor's CAT know? Well, that CAT could have better luck guessing the correct order of events.
The "god done it" deal is not an hypothesis so much as it is the classic logical fallacy the Argument from Personal Incredulity. I can't explain this. Therefore, Zeus done it, Odin done it, Johovah Ho Ho one it, a magical flying purple porcupine done it, universe creating pixies done it. All of those hold equal weight in the non-argument. No weight at all. They all are supported by the same credible evidence. None at ALL. If you use fallacy, what you've said would better not to have been said at all. You can't make an argument using fallacy and no one can gain anything from it. USELESS. AND lame brained. xx
Why won't a real MD EVER send a patient to a chiropractor? Easy. The inventor of chiropractic, Daniel Palmer, was a nineteenth-century loon who went around "healing" sick people using magnets. For years he tried to cure diseases by manipulating an imaginary magnetic field that surrounded the patients' bodies. Palmer rejected vaccination as well as even the germ theory of disease. This crackpot and crank extraordinaire came to believe that ALL disease was the result of misalignments of the spine. You see, Palmer believed in a spirit, a being called "Innate," that lived all through the universe and was a part of God himself. Mr. Innate, according to Palmer, could cure any old disease.
You will say "If Innate is everywhere and can cure diseases, why are there sick people?" That's a good question, but the poor little sprite, you see, is very often stuck in people's spines and simply can't get out to offer his help. So Chiroquacks mess with your spine to let 'im out!
Palmer got the pseudoscience from one Dr. Atkins who happened to be long dead at the time. Never fear, he got the whole thing during a SEANCE with the deceased doctor.
A couple of pertinent quotes.
On December 1924, H.L. Mencken described chiropractic this way.
This preposterous quackery flourishes lushly in the back reaches of the Republic, and begins to conquer the less civilized folk of the big cities. As the old-time family doctor dies out in the country towns, with no competent successor willing to take over his dismal business, he is followed by some hearty blacksmith or ice-wagon driver, turned into a chiropractor in six months, often by correspondence.
Of sublimations, Menken said,
"This, plainly enough, is buncombe. The chiropractic therapeutics rest upon the doctrine that the way to get rid of such "pinches" is to climb upon a table and submit to a heroic pummeling by a retired piano-mover."xx
Ademola Emmanuel
Tom Cole you can't even fight a lion or bear, how can you fight God????...No one can fight with God, he created not just human but also the universe.... Well, you will come to a reality when he's ready to get you.... You may not believe but, God is real
12m12 minutes ago
Tom Cole
God is a ridiculous superstition for gullible simpletons. He's not any more real than a flying magical purple porcupine. If he IS real, however, he'd better look out when he runs into ME. I plan to throw his his useless, brainless, smelly hind end into the fires of his own HELL along with his hideous, unwashed idiot of a son, Jeezus the Dope. How the two will scream and BEG FOR MERCY. "Mercy?" I'll say. "You two scumbags are just getting a dose of your own nasty medicine! How do those two flaming tree limbs feel shoved up there into your nether regions, you two creeps? They must feel REAL GOOD. You just messed with the wrong guy!"
Ademola Emmanuel
Tom Cole well, Jesus came to save lives and told us what will befall people who are not saved. Hell is for Satan, his angels and people who don't believe in God.... God gave us law to follow, failure to do that leads to punishment. Every country has a law that guilds them, failure to do so lead to punishment which can be prison or death in some cases....
5m5 minutes ago
Ademola Emmanuel Jesus runs a torture chamber for not joining his team. I don't join the team of an utterly immortal torturing PIG like Jesus. Why don't you make a nice torture chamber in your basement for YOUR kids, Ademola, if they don't obey? Be like Jesus, torture boy. The UN would send TANKS to stop Jesus the Depraved from burning people ALIVE. But religion makes people take the side of torturing PERVERTS. What kind of a pervert SIDES with torturing perverts? Some people need only look in the mirror for the answer. Thank goodness he's is only an idiot's delusion. And as I say, If Jesus shows up, he'd better stay away from ME cause I'll do to him what he threatens to do to me and everyone else in the world who doesn't have ADEMOLA's religion. You don't have ADEMOLA's religion? It's hell for you. NICE MORAL FOUNDATION. You no got ADEMOLA's religion? You bad. No smart like ADEMOLA. You go helly welly.
I ridicule the beliefs of the KKKlan the SAME way. Yet, if you ridicule MY supernatural beliefs, you've crossed the line. Wah! Blasphemy. I can ridicule ANY stinking belief that I freaking WANT to. The religious have been murdering each other and each other's children for endless centuries over WHO CROSSED THE LINE and still we DASSN'T ridicule such idiocy? Religion has long got a PASS that they don't deserve and that NO ONE ELSE enjoys. Those who don't get this pass must grant it the them at gunpoint or traditionally at the point of a sword. The poster started this by poking everyone in the eye on purpose with idiotic belief in a giant, irritable, murderous pixie.
Luckies Smoke Mild like and Innocent Child.jpg Jesus Smoked Four Packs of Luckies a Day.jpg
Alfred E. Christ.jpg
Talk Heathen remark of mine citing fallacies/fallacy:
All the same worthless fallacies from theists. Argument from Personal Incredulity. Useless. Shifting of the burden of truth. Useless. Russell's Teapot. Useless. Appeal to Probability. Useless. The preposterous circular reasoning of begging the question. Never ANY argument. Just fallacy. Never a shred of credible evidence. Just wish thinking and meandering woo woo talk leading nowhere. Fallacy isn't an argument.
FOR STROKE RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUPA chill zone for stroke recovery people to share stories and talk with people who share the same experience. Admins are Daron Molder and Kim Troughton. |
Stroke Group Evangelizing as
Our Dark Epiphany of 2016. We discovered our own naiveté, our foolish trusting assumption that those who walked among us were good people when they weren't. Trump told them, "Just look at ME! See? You can TOO express your secret inner pig!" And they were thrilled and seduced and outed themselves forever. They've taken off their MAGA hats in a vain effort to crawl back into hiding what they are. But we now know, and their self-inflicted wound is that they know we know and they can never change that.
Leviticus 20:13 states, "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads".
Deuteronomy 22:28–29 reads like this:
If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
Exodus 21:20-21
New International Version
20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
Leviticus 25:45 46
45You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.
New International Version
“’Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.
46You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Deuteronomy 21:18-22:30
New King James Version
The Rebellious Son
18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not heed them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city, to the gate of his city. 20 And they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall put away the evil from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear.
Jesus spoke of hell as “eternal fire” (Matt. 25:41) and “eternal punishment” (Matt. 25:46). In Matthew 25:46, the same word—eternal—is used to describe eternal life for the righteous and the eternal punishment of hell for the unrighteous. According to Jesus, hell will be eternal.
This right-wing crackpot garbage is bad enough. Post that lunacy on Spracale's page? No manners even. What would you expect from the fan of a oft-accused child rpst and convicted sexual assaulter and depraved pervert, cop-killing pathological liar, life-time loser, criminal, and moron who can'read a page of English and understand it?
The law of noncontradiction: |
![]() THC 1951.jpg CHT??
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![]() ![]() WILL BE ON MY ARM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.Hemingway I'll Tell Everyone Abour Jesus.jpeg Tattoo.jpg THIS BIG SLOPPY STAR Shannon Q proves she's Canadian--twice! ![]() Right-wing Nut.jpg TOTALLY WEIRD PEOPLE, QUACKS, CRACKPOTS, AND LOONS!
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DEPRAVED PERVERT INDICTED: ![]() Trump Indicted.jpeg ![]() Vijay Sethupathi Numbskull.jpg ![]() Jesus Stroke Buddies Post I had removed.jpg ![]() Concussion Group Evangelizing.jpg ![]() Stroke Recovery Evangelizing.jpg June 19, 2024 ![]() Stroke Evangelizing July 19, 2024.jpeg ![]() Concussion Group Evangelizing comments.jpg ![]() Stroke Group Post Removed.jpg June 19, 2024 ![]() Stroke Recovery God Post Deleted.jpg I didn't even report this obscene post and it was deleted pretty fast. Wordle GO TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE .html#top |
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Phil King Orfeo M. Angelucci Cedric Allingham Weird but Lovable Street Person Tucson Harold Sherman James Hampton Plaster Man Victoria British Columbia 2017.jpg Painted Man in Ireland Clay man suit.JPG (1).jpg (2012) ![]() General Hershey Bar.jpg I met him, and I LIKED him! And I agreed with him! "Kiss, don't kill," he said, "You'll make more friends that way!" ![]() Tucson Lunatic 2005.jpg