"We will make the desert flowers bloom."
—Lyndon Baines Johnson 1964 Phoenix, Arizona
President Johnson LBJ invites Mom
and Dad to Inaurual Ball.jpg
Lyndon Baines Johnson Medicare Truman Humphrey.jpg
Un recuerdo
más viejo trata de cuando Lyndon Baines
Johnson y yo nos dimos la mano cuando yo
tenía trece años. Al contar la historia,
nunca se me olvida mencionar que él tenía
los dedos del tamaño de latas de cerveza.
Ahora que lo pienso, recuerdo
otros tres detalles de ese día.
1. Un policía me pegó con su
cachiporra y por poco me derriba mientras yo
acudía a ver al presidente. Me sorprendió
porque yo solamente era un esquintle.
2. Yo estaba totalmente
asombrado al ver lo limpio y moderno que era
el aeropuerto Sky Harbor de Phoenix. (Yo no
salía mucho aparentemente.)
3. LBJ habló con el público y
dijo, "Haremos florecer las flores del
desierto". Me agrada decir que incluso a esa
tierna edad reconocía tal lenguaje trillado.
¡Oh, no tengo más remedio que escribir eso
otra vez! Es TAN malo: Haremos florecer las
flores del desierto.
As for me, let's see... Oh, I once
had a laugh
out in the desert with Alice
Cooper. That's
something, but the details are
dumb. An earlier
memory is of the time I shook
LBJ's hand when
I was thirteen and in telling the
story, I never
fail to add that he had fingers as
big around as
beer cans.
Come to think of it, I remember
three other
details from that day.
1. A policeman body checked me
with his
billy club and almost knocked me
down while I
was rushing to see the president.
I was
surprised because I was just a
2. I was absolutely astonished at
how clean
and modern Phoenix's Sky Harbor
Airport was.
(I hadn't been out much
3. LBJ spoke to the crowd and
said, "We
will make the desert flowers
I'm proud to say that even at that
tender age
I recognized hackneyed language at
once. Oh, I
just have to write it again. It is
SO bad:
We will make the desert flowers